IN THIS ISSUE Symposium on Empirical Methods Gary Solon, Steven J. Haider, What Are We Weighting For? ...... 301 and Jeff rey M. Wooldridge

A. Colin Cameron A Practitioner’s Guide to Cluster-Robust Inference ...... 317 and Douglas L. Miller

Guido W. Imbens Matching Methods in Practice: Th ree Examples...... 374

Jeff rey M. Wooldridge Control Function Methods in Applied Econometrics ...... 420 Articles Norbert Schady, Jere Behrman, Wealth Gradients in Early Childhood Cognitive Maria Caridad Araujo, Development in Five Latin American Countries ...... 446 Rodrigo Azuero, Raquel Bernal, David Bravo, Florencia Lopez-Boo, Karen Macours, Daniela Marshall, Christina Paxson, and Renos Vakis

Marta Rubio-Codina, Th e Socioeconomic Gradient of Child Development: Orazio Attanasio, Cross-Sectional Evidence from Children 6–42 Months Costas Meghir, Natalia Varela, in Bogota ...... 464 and Sally Grantham-McGregor

Lisa Cameron Risk-Taking Behavior in the Wake of Natural Disasters ...... 484 and Manisha Shah

Ariel BenYishay All-Cause Mortality Reductions from Measles Catch-up and Keith Kranker Campaigns in Africa ...... 516 GetGet JHRJHR OnlineOnline

The Journal of Human Resources is available on our website, on Project MUSE, and the complete back run is on JSTOR. See for details.

THE JOURNAL OF Permission to Reprint, HUMAN RESOURCES Subscription, and Advertising Offi ce Journals Division Editor Editorial Offi ce The University of Wisconsin Press Sandra E. Black Social Science Building 1930 Monroe Street, 3rd Floor University of Wisconsin Madison, WI 53711-2059 Coeditors 1180 Observatory Drive (608) 263-0668 Elizabeth U. Cascio Madison, WI 53706 FAX (608)263-1173 Kerwin Kofi Charles (608) 262-4867 Julie Berry Cullen FAX (608) 262-6290 Rajeev Dehejia email: [email protected] Authorization to reproduce material from this jour- Thomas DeLeire nal, beyond one copy for personal use or that per- Paul Devereux mitted by Sections 107 and 108 of U.S. Copyright Joseph Doyle © 2015 by the Board Law, is granted for a fee. For fee schedule and pay- David Figlio of Regents of the ment information, contact: Donna B. Gilleskie University of The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, phone 978 750 8400, Judith K. Hellerstein Wisconsin System fax 978 750 4470 Seema Jayachandran Stephen J. Trejo Subscription Rates Associate Editors $94.00 a year for individuals—includes print and Brian Cadena electronic (must prepay); $82.00 includes Scott E. Carrell electronic only Damon Clark $320.00 a year for institution and libraries— includes print and electronic Carlos Dobkin $280.00 a year for institution and libraries— Todd Elder includes electronic only. C. Kirabo Jackson add $35.00 for foreign subscriptions Jeanne Lafortune Stephan Litschig Journal of Human Resources (ISSN Katrine Vellesen Løken 0022-166X E-ISSN 1548-8004) is Steve G. Rivkin published quarterly by the University of Heather N. Royer Wisconsin Press, 1930 Monroe St., Diane W. Schanzenbach 3rd Floor, Madison, WI 53711-2059. Alessandro Tarozzi Periodicals postage paid at Madison, Tom S. Vogl WI and at additional mailing offi ces. Managing Editor POSTMASTER: Send address changes Jan Levine Thal to Journal of Human Resources, 1930 Monroe St., 3rd Floor, Madison, WI Advisory Board 53711-2059. William N. Evans Barry Gerhart Timothy M. Smeeding Christopher R. Taber IN THE NEXT ISSUE

Nicole Fortin, Leaving Boys Behind: Gender Philip Oreopoulos, Disparities in High Academic and Shelley Phipps Achievement

Andrew Barr From the Battlefi eld to the Schoolyard: Th e Short-term Impact of the Post-9/11 GI Bill

Prashant Bharadwaj Impact of Changes in Marriage Law: Implications for Fertility and School Enrollment

Carlo Fiorio, What Happens to the Careers of Cristina Cattaneo, European Workers when Immigrants and Giovanni Peri “Take their Jobs”?

William Olney Remittances and the Wage Impact of Immigration

George Borjas Prizes and Productivity: and Kirk Doran How Winning the Fields Medal Aff ects Scientifi c Outcomes

Arndt Reichert Obesity, Weight Loss, and Employment Prospects: Evidence from a Randomized Trial

Stephen Shore Changes in the Distribution of Earnings and Shane Jensen Volatility

PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PRESS JHR Editorial Board Heather Royer of the University of California, The editors of the Journal of Human Santa Barbara; Diane Schanzenbach of Resources intend to add to the JHR’s ; Alessandro Tarozzi decades of accomplishment by offering of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Tom Vogl of rigorous and policy-relevant articles. The . Editor is Sandra E. Black of the University of Texas, Austin; The Board of Editors On the Web includes: Elizabeth U. Cascio of Dartmouth University; Kerwin Kofi Charles of the University of ; Julie Berry Cullen of Submission Requirements the University of California, San Diego; Rajeev Dehejia of New York University; The JHR requires that all authors submit all Thomas DeLeire of the University of manuscripts online. Please submit online at: Wisconsin-Madison; Paul J. Devereux of University College Dublin; Joseph Doyle of Do not send submissions directly to the MIT Sloan School of Management; David Editor, Coeditors, Managing Editor or Figlio of Northwestern University; Donna B. Editorial Offi ce. Failure to submit online Gilleskie of the University of North Carolina will only delay consideration. Please submit at Chapel Hill; Judith K. Hellerstein of the here: University of Maryland; Seema Jayachandran The JHR has no submission fee. of Stanford University; Stephen J. Trejo of the University of Texas, Austin; and Miguel Please note that the JHR rarely considers Urquiola of Columbia University. The submissions that have more than 35 pages of Associate Editors include: Brian Cadena of text, excluding tables, fi gures, and references. the University of Colorado; Scott Carrell of the Appendixes with additional material may be University of California, Davis; Damon Clark submitted for consideration by editors and of the University of California, Irvine; Carlos reviewers. An informational website with Dobkin of the University of California, Santa tables of contents, abstracts, and appendixes: Cruz; Todd Elder of Michigan State University; C. Kirabo Jackson of Northwestern University; Jeanne LaFortune of Pontifi cia Universidad Católica de Chile; Stephan Litschig of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Katrine Loken If you have diffi culty submitting online, of the University of Bergen; Steve Rivkin of please contact JHR Managing Editor, the , Chicago Circle; Jan Levine Thal

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1. Manuscripts submitted to the JHR will be judged in part by whether they have reconciled their empirical results with already published work on the same topic. 2. Authors of accepted manuscripts will be asked to make their data available to other analysts from a date six months after JHR publication for a period of three years thereafter. Exemption from this requirement may be requested. 3. The JHR will consider replication, fragility, and sensitivity studies of empirical work that has appeared in the JHR in the last fi ve years or empirical work judged by the editors to be important to the fi elds covered by the JHR. 4. A more detailed statement is available from the Managing Editor, Social Science Building, University of Wisconsin, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706 or through electronic mail at [email protected]