WILKINS, EXPLORER, VISITS NAUGATUCK PLANT Senate Over-Rode Hie Veto Of Gov. Cross Patients on Pan-American Orders Roosevelts Do Hartford, Conn, April 14—(UP) L. Cross. Special Bearing Up Bravely—As —The state senate today passed a The .roll call vote was 19 to 13, Danger List Observed Here bill taking away a power held by republicans voting solidly in favoi governors for 14 years of nominat- of the measure, which the governoi Rubber Outfits ing the New Haven city court judges had declared was raised because he No Change In Condition of Appropriate Exercises Held over the veto of Governor Wilbur Is a democrat. For His Crew Mrs Innes and at Wilby High School Carl Fries According to a proclamation is- sued by President Hoover, to-day Market Unsettled As Mrs Elizabeth Innes, 70, of Thom- has been set aside as Pan-American Sir Hubert, Who Will Attempt Underwater Trip to North aston, who was painfully burned day. At the regular weekly assemb- last Saturday noon at her home, ly at Wilby high school the pupils remained on the list of Miss session room Pole in Nautilus, Pays Trip to U. S. Rub= danger today Magoon's pre- Several *Issues Had at the Waterbury hospital. Owing sented a program In keeping with ber Company’s Borough Plant Yesterday to her age the chances of her re- the day. covering are not considered very The meeting was opened with the promising. singing of “America". The program to the Democrat.) , was Some Breaks (Special recently christened Carl Fries, 52, of 596 South Main which was presented included. "The Sharp Naugatuck, Conn, April 14.—Sir by the descendant of Jules Verne, street was also reported on the dan- Purpose of the Day” by Miss Helen Hubert Wilkins, noted Arctic ex- the famous author of “Twenty Thou- ger list at St Marys hospital He Coskle, President Hoover's message who will attempt an sand plorer shortly Leagues Under the Sea" and was badly Injured last Saturday by Miss Beatrice Corcoran. “The underwater trip under the North other tales that the predicted won- evening when struck by a car driven Three Americas" by Miss Carmella New Lows Were Made Some of the Pole in a submarine visited the local ders of this modern By age years ago. by Howord E. Hoskins, 22, of 47 Coscla. George Carter acted as of the U. S. Rubber The plant company Nautilus is now in the vicinity Albion street. The latter Is being chairman for the meeting which yesterday. Sir Hubert was in Nauga- of New York final awaiting prepara- held under bonds of $500 pending a closed with the singing of the Star Issues—Even Auburn Auto tuck for the purpose of making ar- tions for the Special northward trip. coroner’s Inquiry. Spangled Banner which was made rangements to equip his crew with the national anthem by the 71st rubber outfits. congress. Had When Commander Richard E. Big Drop Byrd was preparing #for his South at Pale exploration trip the local rub- the opening. There wai active School Orchestra’s Pitctures Were short covering. ber made the heavy rubber Moving plants BRUSH FIRES IN feature was afforded in Principal by arctics that the party used while Hard Hit—Late in the Auburn Auto, which advanced 2*4 the wastes. It was with points to 294%. Other high priced this in mind that Sir Hubert Wilkins Concert Business Became So shares such as J. I. Case and Ameri- 8 THREE OF Day can STATES were came to Naugatuck. The parapher- May Telephone buoyant, the lat- nalia will be prepared on special or- ter opening 2% points higher. That the Tickers was active. General der. Quiet Trading Motors opened % up at 44, and later crossed The Nautilus, the undersea boat Evans NEW Floyd Directing Program in Which Talented Scarcely Moved the 45-level. Radio opened at 23%, will be used for the dive under the up % point. United States Steel furnished Musicians Appear By ELMER C. WALZER More Than a Dozen Com* strong leadership. It rose to a new (United Press Financial Editors) high on the current movement a* New Tin; Kith annual concert of the Harp: T>tty Mink. munities Were Affected York, April 14—(UP)— A 138% after opening % point higher break in several is- at Other as Waterbury high school symphony Bassoon—Virgil Scuillo. sharp special 138%. leaders such CLUBS OF < sues unsettled the American Westinghouse Electric. GLEE l-chestra will be held in Bucking- Violas: Chatlield stock market in Can, Cole, Thaddeus —More Than 30 Build* General Electric and Bethlehem ham hall on May the afternoon trading today. Steel Friday evening, Bartles. Armond Frlgon, Otis Catfu- made similar advances. 8th. The affair is Film A broke to a new low being presented ette, Alfred Korkin, Louis Man- Were Dam* shares continued ings Badly. for the at 23 1-8 off and Copper Improve- THE HIGH SCHOOLS during National Music Week and is paniello, Malcolm Palmer, Franklin year 3-3-8, ment, advancing fractionally. Util- under new lows also were the direction of Floyd C. Donahue, Maurice Kaufman, made by Good- ities were stimulated by the sharp Evelyn aged rich at 13 1-2 off 2 1-2 and Armour Evans, instrumental music director Alexander, Gerard Caron, Richard Initial advance In American Tele- Annual Concert To-morrow ;n the high schools. Taylor. of Delaware preferred at 40 oft 4. phone. NEA Cincinnati Bureau. Boston, April 14.—(UP)—The Oils were featured a renewal of The program will consist of Lucille Auburn Auto hit a new 1931 high by Violoncellos: Messer, Eve- pool In General the schaikowsky’s Overture, 1812; lyn Bearing up bravely under the shock of her husband’s sudden death, first brush fire epidemic of the year at 295 1-2 and then broke 10 1-2 activity Asphalt. Evening at Wilby Cole, Domenic Pinto, Morris Which ran 2 to 30 i eetlioven’s First and Mrs Nicliolus Longworth, right, the former “Princess Alice” Roosevelt, Is broke out in more than a dozen com- points to 285 off 7 1-2 net. up nearly points Symphony; Tyler, Adolph Abbenante, Romeo points before the end of the first half hour works of von shown here with Mrs Theodore Roosevelt, widow of the late as munities in three New Picture High Auditorium Weber, Sibelius. Miss Delflno, Clayton Fears. president, England states Moving Company stocks of trading. Paulette a entered Christ church nt Cincinnati, where funeral services or with Fox. Wolozin, former member Double basses: Joseph they Episcopal yesterday, destroying damaging reacted Paramount was Some realizing sales were attracted el the Stollar, is shown behind her In the rear orchestra, will be the soprano John Stollar, David Smith. were held. Mrs Roosevelt just daughter. more than 30 buildings, blackening heavily sold, dipping nearly 3 by the substantial character of the s'loist. Miss Mink will render Is Mrs Richard Derby, the former Ethel Jlooscvolt, and sister of Mrs Long- thousands of acres of points to 4 0 7-8. Radlo-Kelth- Initial advances but leading stocks MISS GRIFFIN' DIRECTOR Betty Flutes: Beatrice Etigler, Richard w woodland, and selections on the harp and Mrs Cotter. worth. killing 21 hea’d of cattle. Orpheum was about steady. Loew’s met strong support around their best levels of the movement. Vanadium, clubs ot tho Kobin Ogden will be at the organ. Oboe: Daddona. Sudbury was confronted with the lost 3 1-8 to 61. The combined glee Angelo on the other hand, continued Its de- The names of the members in- most serious Chemicals were down local schools will present their English horn: Stuart Willaims. situation, and scattered generally cline of the session. high clude: first violins: Totie weakness previous mutual concert at 8:15 to-morrow Thomas, Clarinets: \Valter Beck, Julius fires in that town levelled two dwell- with centering in Allied concert evening at the Willty high school master, Amedeo Fagano, Vilciauskas, T,ee Partiss, Theodore Leaders ings and 10 summer camps before Chemical air Air Reduction, both of Walter auditoriutn. Miss Elizabeth GriHln. Voros. Bertha Kirschbaum, De Corso, Joseph Do Corso. Dry Firing being brought under control at mid- which lost more than 3 points. Elec- Carl vocal Instructor at tho high schools Copeland, George Komanuk. Trumpets: Joseph An- night by nearly 1,000 professional trical equipments also were de- Arthur Damiano, will direct the concert. Miss Emilene Westwood, Domenie Mecca, gelo Damiano, Salvatore Fred and volunteer firefighters. These in- pressed. General Electric losing OAKVILLE Andrew Calvo, Kanuudo will be the accompanist for Sandore, Urico Itossi, Emerson, Alfred Pagano, Paul Ken- cluded 50 youths attending Henry more than a point to 45 1-4. Gen- | Claude Link, Louis Frusieno, Dom- Before The the school clubs and Miss nedy, Stanley Ford’s Inn and 125 eral Motors crept ahead to within high citic Milinawsky, Vincent Barrage Wayside school, Semeraro, Nathan Dorothy Guilfoile will accompany Luchnick, ftocco, John Platt. employes of Ford’s Sudbury farm. a shade of the General Electric The perfect attendance list of the Edmund Sciullo, dean the alumni club. The program is as Northrop, French horns: William The cattle perished in a fire that price. church school for the Alice Mair, Lester Keidel, Congregational follows: Greenberg. Lawrence Shanney. destroyed farm in West- Oils, utilities and rails followed month of March: Second violins: Mario buildings Beginners depart- Prayer of Thanksgiving Vigezzi and Tubas: Bernard N. H. Prisoners from the the industrials lower. The petroleum Robert Louis Pasquerilla, Aug- Wednesday moreland, ment, Mary Ellene Lock, Shaker, Robert ust Meeting principals; The Stars Are Shining In Heaven Braun. House of Correction in that town group lost only fractionally and the Decker, George Treclokas, Margaret Berman, Lawrence Brandolini, Unfold Yc Portals Trombones: Marion Berger, Ed- (By Democrat Staff Man) five others to write to the legisla- were released to assist in fighting the utility section also made some sem- Rudd and Shirley Wilson, teachers; ATichael Kosinski, John Mullen, Carl ward The Glee Clubs Adams, Edwin Braun, Buell Hartford, April, 14th—Proponents tive committee opposing the bills up blaze. blance of resistance. In the rails, Olivia Nielson, Effle Ostrander, Ma- i Loether, William Kinney, Rita Louis Song of he Armorer Webster, Santoro. of the various bills tending towards for hearing. "Not less than 10,000 At Rochester. N. H., a dormitory however. Union Pacific lost 2 points rioh Hubbell, Caroline Shaw, George O’Rourke, Sylvia Ryack, Robert Piano: Cne. Two. Three. Four Alfred Cipriano, Robecca the repeal of the 18th amendment, letters should be written,’’ Mr of Austin Gate Academy was de- and Atchison a point. Gilchrist and Nancy Beardslee. Bovs’ Glee Club Ford, Willard Atwater, Edward Kos- Levinson. which are scheduled for hearing to- Prettyman warns. stroyed with loss of $35,000. Steel common held around 137 off Intermediate department, Dorothy Sands akowsky, Pasquale Petti, Jeannette C ome Unto These Yellow Tympani, drums, traps: Burdon morrow afternoon before the letter starts as follows: “A Two sheds of the New 1 1-4 from the previous close. Angvall. Barbara Pope, Ruth Clin- Wolozin, Blanch Glad- legis- His Southern points “The Tempest” Greenwood, Lowe, Andrew Monagan, Edmund wet bills Late in the ton, Mildred Candace Os- vs Jentoch. lative committee on federal rela- hearing on the aimed at England Ice company and a barn on day dealings quieted Erlcson, jt a Lover and His Lass Joseph Firendi, Robert Robert Was Pagano, Stone. tions, will be faced with formidable destroying the 18 th amendment the tobacco of A. W. Miller were down so that tickers moved. trander, John Ande, Francis Davis, Smith, Anthony Ziminsky, Concetta field barely "A* You Like It” Xylophone- John Sawyer. federal re- Evelyn Laraway, Ellen Anderson, Gentile, Dante opposition, it was clearly apparent will be held before the lost in a fire on the shore of Conga- In the early trading when there was Where the Bee Sucks Fabiani, Joseph Chimes: Burdon Lowe. Freda Ruth Florian, Made- Grosso, Herbert here today. Waterbury’s legislators lations committee, April 15th, at 2 mond Lake in Southwick. some semblance of support the deal- Jacobs, "The Tempest” Lukowsky Organ: Robin Ogden. line Dubrieul, Irene Mclean, Rus- as well as a great majority of the o’clock.” Two garages, a barn, a shed, and ings were fairly active. I Know a Bank sell Wilson. Harry Huil, Donald members of the legislature today Mr Prettyman urges that letters an ice house were destroyed by Wall street was interested in the Midsummer Nights’ Dream” Hartwell, Karl Krantz and Irving received a circular letter asking of protest be mailed to the federal flames that over acres of Spanish government impasse only in- Girls' Glee Club swept 2,000 Mrs. Oscar Locke them to oppose any change in the relations committee, of which Sena- farm and timberland in sofar as it concerned the peseta Decker; teachers, Hunting property and Carl Miller. present laws. tor Don Cambria of Middletown is which came near its new low record how Can X Leave Thee? Summer Home Tyngsboro. Of None the Water- Mrs. Rev Dr John M. Phillips, chair- the chairman. of word the had re- Comedy Play communities where menac- So«jg of the Jolly Uoger Other following king man of the “Council of an is on the commit- The Pythian Sisters presented the Male Twelve,” bury legislators ing fires raged included Quincy, Lex- signed. Quartet working with the Con- tee. comedy play “When the Minister Along organization ington, Concord. Bedford. Woburn. Swing necticut Temperance and Anti- Many from Waterbury are expect- EARLY TRAING. Comes to Tea’’ at the Congregational Little Duck in the Meadow' D. Lincoln, Newburyport, Gloucester, W. New a Of This Saloon league, is the author of the ed to attend the hearings, which arc York, April 14.—(UP)—Stocks church last evening to large audi- Me. Wi’ a Hundred Pipers Driggs Portland, Me, and Kennebunk, advanced to their in circular letters. The legislators are to be held in the hall of the house. highest prices ence. The Dixie club opened the pro- Glee Clubs more than a week on an ac- asked to vote the several Mrs Mabel Preusser and others of to-day gram with two banjo selections: Obstipation against cumulation of overnight buying or- bills for the W. T. “The Senator" and “Just You.” Song Chanson de '.’Adieu up hearing. Waterbury, representing the arms of anybody possessing a ders. Another letter, signed by E. C. C. U., will be on hand to oppose duet by Mrs. Leitch and Mrs. Carl Si vous l’aviez compris City ticket w'orth ten cents or a Rather large blocks changed hands Badly branch Miller, piano solo by Miss Olaf An- Damaged Prettyman, superintendent of the the bills and the Waterbury a Marcel Doucette single thin dime. There’s keen in of the derson, "Sing Song Girl” and "Would Watch'Hill, R. I., April Anti-Saloon league, is also circu- Crusaders, anti-prohibition love interest which revolves around Lullaby 14.—(UP) and Watch Hill, was with It the addresses will be You Like To Take a, Walk” were well The —An underbrush fire destroyed lation today. urges organization, represented, Barbara Stanwyck, whose portrayal that defies anticipation. And its de- Sleigh swept through an estimated loss of presented by Ralph Florian, Jr., Vir- the $60,000. to act as a committee of one to get also. is worth far to see. velopment brings out not only thrill- Liebestraum exclusive summer colony here The other I going Nielson and Walter summer home de- ing suspense but rich humor and gil Cummings Alumnae Chorus to-day destroying two summer resi- The cast includes Ricardo Cortez, on their stroyed was owned by F. K. Curtis particularly strong characterization. rendered a pleasing duet Choral Fantasia from Lohengrin dances, causing heavy damage to an- Sally Blane, Monroe Owsley. Fruit and cake were of Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Loss was set guitars. punch Glee Clubs other, and threatening destruction to WHAT THE PRESS AGENTS SAY served later and the Dixie club ren- At $40,000. GREAT SHOW AT NEW Soloists: Anne Egan, Marcel Dou- a dozen more. SPLENDID STAGE AND SCREEN GARDEN dered selections the The summer home of Mrs D. W. many during cette. Damage was estimated at $150,- SHOW AT WARNER BROTH- lunch period. This club is making Driggs of Waterbury, Conn, was bad- RICHARD BARTHELMESS ner Bros Strand theater starting to- Edward G. Robinson will shortly 000. I ERS* STRAND TO CHOSE EN- great progress and have been heard ly damaged before firemen con- IX NEW HIT “THE FINGER morrow. known as one of the most versa- The summer residence of Dr W. P. GAGEMENT THIS EVENING. .lie in church trolled the blaze there. POINTS” TO CLOSE AT The companion feature on this tile character actors of the lately assisting plays. Dangworthy of Daytona Beach, Fla, Performances this afternoon and screen, The fire started in underbrush on WARNER’S STATE TONIGHT program presents that popular com- as well as of the His first First American evening mark the Anal showings of stage. big FLOYD C. EVANS JUDGE Watch Hill road. A edian. Edward Everett Horton in hit was in “The on strong wind the brilliant stage and screen show Kibitzer,’’ AT PLAINVILLE CONCERT gave it and > his latest "Once a to headway it marched Richard Barthelmess has made mirthquake, that has been attracting large au- Broadway. Now, however, thanks swiftly on the summer Gentleman”. his wonderful work in the stage Woman to Make FAMILIESUSING colony. Soon the most of his role in diences to Warner Brothers’ Str'alid Floyd C. Evans, director of Instru- the soul-stirring of “The and Langworthy estate was in flames theater these past three days. production Racket” in mental music at the local high and aid was summoned “The Finger Points,” which closes First National s new fea- from Wes- IN Six great acts of vaudeville in- Vitaphone schools, will be a Judge at the glee New terly, its local this at ture at tha New Garden theater, Up Opera Pawcatuck, Conn, and Ston- engagement evening "STRANGERS MAY KISS” AT cluding Phil Emetron’s Original Di- club contest which Is being con- ROWBOATS TO GET ington, Conn. “The Widow from Chicago,” with Warner Brothers’ State theater. FOX-POLI PALACE TO-DAY amonds, Winifred & Mills, Coogan ducted this afternoon at the Plain- Philadelphia. April 14—(UP) — Other summer Neil Hamilton and Alice White, hp's homes were im- He plays the part of a big town & Casey, Paul Nolan & Company, vllle high school auditorium. The first American woman to com- periled as the most celebrated for gangster por- flames ate their way reporter who in order to get money The greatest hit to come out of The Stanley Revue and Waterbury’s pose an opera is Mrs Noel Dalton, TO THEIR HOMES over a 100-acre trayals. stretch. to spend on the “sob sister” he loves, the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios in own Lillian her McCoy presenting “Rain or for Philadelphia pianist, according to Firemen — Shine,” which two battled to save "El covers crime in exchange for bribes Hollywood this year Norma 1931 Revuette, comprised of all-Wa- musical authorities here. Reposo,” summer estate of is seasons broke all records for attend- Hartford, Conn, April 14—(UP) George he extorts from gangdom. [Shearer in "Strangers May Kiss,” terbury talent make up a stage show THE PLUME & ATWOOD Her is woven about L. Babcock ance on Brpadway, has been made story the —Home families on of Newark. N. J., Wall “The Points” is the thrill- star attraction at the Fox-Poli not be living the low- Finger ,the that could Improved upon. into a film Columbia Pictures and mystical folklore of Ireland and the street financier. It was result of the collaboration of Palace theater and to-mor- by lands the Connecticut river directly io ing to-day Every form of vaudeville enter- is the MANUFACTURING CO. on along the co-feaiture. score is based ancient Gaelic and path of the fire but it was John Monk Saunders who wrote row only. Adapted from the best tainment, singing, dancing, comedy, Celtic music. The still were using rowboats around it The usual shorts are also shown. manuscript will thought could be saved. “The Dawn Patrol” and W. R. Bur- selling novel by Ursula Parrot, pantomime, acrobatics, magic and be to William C. their homes The The change of program tO-morrow presented Ham- today as the annual Curtis estate followed the fire nett who wrote “Little Caesar". The Kiss” is a daring are on Brass Manufacturers "Strangers May juggling included the bill. ’■"ill present Gloria Swanson in mer of the Philadelphia Grand Op- at the house the sin- spring freshet slowly subsided from Langworthy by scant story is based on the recent notor- and surprising treatment of The feature picture is "Subway “What A Widow” and “Fast era it and WAl'KItHI'liV company and it is believed a crest of 18 feet above minutes. The flames raced ious case of a who sold the standard. As the and THOMAN'ION normal. through reporter gle "Lisbeth,” girl Express”, the cleverest most 1 oose,” a Paramount picture and will present it next season. the structure and a Flood waters inundated a portion in short time it honor of his paper to enrich himself who would kiss and ride on—Norma thrilling murder mystery drama that ail-ladies who attend either matinee of Brainard field, was reduced to a ruin. All the Shearer her isolating hangars by gang graft. hair-raising surpasses magnificent has been brought to the talking or evening and purchase full price TATTOO HALTS CHICKEN and won preventing flying from the low adventure which marked the orig- work in "The Divorcee” which screen this year. Jack Holt plays adult admission wilt receive the sec- THIEVES. sections o fthe airport. Several inal has been caught by these two her the Motion Picture Academy the leading role and duplicates his ond article of the 60-piece china Salem, Ore, April 14 (UP)—Since boats cradled for the winter on the masters of melodrama. prize for 1930, and when the awards marvelous success In “The Gang- dinner set. poultry tattoo branding has been in banks of the stream were floated Barthelmess portrays with rare are made for 1931, there is no ques- ster’s Last Parade” which recently vogue here, not a thief has been re- away. Damage, however, was slight. WATERTOWN understanding the changing charac- tion but what her "Lisbeth” in played at the State. SEI TU L'AMORE OPENS Connecticut | comes ported. tobacco | of the man who her valley plan- ter young “Strangers May Kiss” will put The picture shows a crowded New TO-DAY AT THE LYRIC ters the regard freshet as a boon, from the south with high ideals as right up among the contenders for York subway in which a fight starts. Worn silk are sent in for as it ■ stockings recedes it deposits a fertile The list of high school seniors who to the duty of the press to the pub- first place again. And what a sup- A shot rings out and a murdered By popular request the great Ital- bulk to to be unravelled and silt on Japan layer of the lowlands used have been fortunate in finishing in lic, and gradually falls under the porting cast! Robert Montgomery man is discovered sitting rigidly in ian 100 per cent all talking picture made for tobacco up again. planting. power of greed which finally brings wins stardom in his own right in this his seat. There are 30 people to sus- Sei Tu L’Amore (Is It You tiie first five of their class was pub- Love) The rnar\ that identifies good its retribution—with the added trag- picture. In fact, many people be- pect and Inspector Killian finds opens a two day engagement r.t this! lished by the school and department yes- edy that the public never finds out lieve he even surpasses Miss Shear- strong motives in a number of cases. theater. The cast are Luisa Case- Brass Copper products terday. that he is not the honorable man er’s "Lisbeth” with his remarkable One man is in love with the dead lottl, Alberto Rabagliati, Enrico he be. ‘Steve.” in cast It is odd to note that the person pretends to Others the great man’s wife—another is actuated by Armetta, Mario De Domenicis. Fay Wray as the “sob sister” of include Marjorie Rambeau, Irene so on. A medical ex- Augusto Galli, Ines Palange. and with the highest average cannot revenge—and the newspaper who loves the unfor- Rich, Neil Hamilton as “Alan,” and aminer finds out the murdered man Luigi Colombo. This is the first time be as she has valedictorian attend- tunate youth and keeps his secret Hale Hamilton. Every player is a was not shot. The denouement is such a picture has been shown in ed Watertown nigh only one year. to the last, gives a performance of star in Miss Parrot’s astonishing startling and unexpected and one Waterbury. The speakers at graduation will rare beauty. Regis Toomey, as the story. But when it is all over. Norma be as follows: Frances Whittlesey tippling reports who also loves the Shearer's place as the greatest wo- U 3.0 4; Wilbert PronoVtost 92.05; girl, and who, unwittingly, brings man's star in pictures is secure. Mattoon Henry 91.40; Doris Hallock down the vengeance of the gang on “Strangers May Kiss" is unreeled on 90:53; Willard Norton 89.68. The his friend, does admirable work. the giant Granduscope screen ex- THE WATERBURY sixth position was very closely con- An interesting surrounding pro- tending completely across the Palace tested with Stanley Volukas 88.17; gram accompanies the feature pic- stage, starting at 2:18, 4:39, 7:00 and BRASS GOODS CORP, Zelma Letsky 88.10 and Margaret ture which is shown at 2:20, 4:45, 9:21 p. m. The surrounding pro- Parker 88. 7:00 and 0:30 p. m. gram includes Chester Conklin in a The local high school baseball Paramount comedy, “Taxi”: Eddie team will play the Clerks to-day in BIT.Ij BOYD IN “BEYOND VIC- Buzzell, king of comedians, in a BRASS practice game. TORY” AND EDW. EVERETT "Check and Rubber Check”: Johnny GOODS The annual party for the Seniors HORTON IN “ONCE A GENTLE- Farrell, the golf expert, and Billy given them by the Juniors will be MAN"' ON IlILL AT STRAND Burke of Naugatuck in Golf Lesson held Friday night. Games, dancing TO-.MORROW. No. 2, "Getting on the Green,” and and refreshments are the items of the latest issue of Fox Movietone interest which should go to make it AVilliam Thatcher, familiarly Newsreel. an of /COVILL evening fun. known as “Bill”, an attache of the On Thursday comes a new double MANbfACTUI)IN6 CONPANV Mrs William Branch entertained United States’ military intelligence feature bill headed by "Ten Nights at a bridge party last evening at office in Washington, D. C., and well In a Bar Room.” a new all talking her home on Warren Way. Three known in this city, was shot and version of the famous play, with tables were in play. High scores killed in mysterious circumstances William Farnum as "Joe Morgan’’ scores were made by Miss Ruth by an unidentified assassin last and Thomas Santschl heading the Strockbine and Miss Frances Grif- night. The body disappeared soon supporting cast; and on the same fin. Consolation prize was award- after the shooting from the apart- bill. "Three Girls Lost," a Movietone ed to Miss SCOVIUJ Mary Donahue. ment of a woman known as Sonia drama, with Loretta Young, Lew Those present were: Miss Ruth and who, it is believed, is a German Cody, John Wayne, and Joyce Comp- Miss Strooekbine, Catherine Scanlon, spy. Every effort of Mrs Betty ton. Miss Anne Scanlon. Miss Frances Thatcher, the widow, to locate it Griffin, Miss Mary Donahue, Miss proved futile. The woman Sonia,.to BARBARA STANWYCK, STAR OF Florence Ryan. Miss Eleanor Wal- whom the evidence in the hands of "ILLICIT” SCORES ANOTHER lace, Miss Mabel Casey, Miss Lois the intelligence officials point as HIT IN “TEN CENTS A DANCE” Doolittle, Mrs Harold Bassette and Thatcher’s murderer, likewise has AT STATE TO-MORROW. Mrs William Branch. vanished and is now being sought "Ten Cents a Dance”, which opens The Watertown Hunt club will by the police. a three day engagement at Warner hold a schooling show at it9 arena Mrs Thatcher says she last saw Brothers’ State theater to-morrow, on the Northfield road Saturday her husband alive a few hours be- is the kind of picture that makes evening. fore the tragedy, at a ball at the audiences glad the movies were in- Owners have entered their mounts French embassy, which both at- vented. This entertainment is easy in competition with some of the best tended in company with Mrs to take. One of the chief reasons Is horses in the state to groom them Thatcher’s father. Thatcher re- Barbara Stanwyck, who flashed to for the shows in Connecticut and ceived a message and hurriedly left Broadway fame In "Burlesque” and New York. the ball, followed by Mrs Thatcher who attained stardom in "Ladies of 98c If Ordered Mall add 18c extra for Miss Mary Shipman of Hartford and her father. her hus- Leisure”, her first picture, followed by postage Finding and is in charge of the arrangement band in the apartment of a strange by another brilliant success, “Illicit". packing. * GKT YOURS TO-DAY committee. woman. Mrs Thatcher, after a Because her warm personality Mrs The many features of this book cannot be ap-' Truman Currie Jr, is spend- heated argument, left him there, and charm radiates from the screen until It is seen. ing some time 'in Washington, D. vowing her intention of obtaining a her acting is always enjoyed by predated C., as the guest of Lieut Commander divorce. 8he then learned of the Waterbury audiences. They will AT DEMOCRAT OFFICE and Mrs Joseph Paige. tragedy, but this far she has been doubly enjoy her magnificent work A & P FOOD ST OH ES Mrs P. B. Randall, State historian unable to discover any trace of her In "Ten Cents a Dance”. of the Conn D. A. R. was the speak- husband’s body. Many of the Interesting sequences Brass—Bronze—Copper The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. er at the meeting of the I-ady Fen- This is one of the thrilling Inci- take place In a dance hall, decorated wick chapter D. A. R. held yester- dents outlined In "Beyond Victory” and animated by dancing hostesses. Nickel Silver day in Cheshire. which will be on view at the War- Young ladies who are whirl** ntt In I