UT Votes wheel trivia

Who Said It? • “You see, the essence of America, what really unites us, is not nationality or ethnicity or religion. It is an idea. And what an idea is. That you can come from humble circumstances and you can do great things, that it does not matter where you came from, it matters where you are going.” o Condoleezza Rice o John Kerry o o Bobby Jindal o Answer: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said this during her speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention. • “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before” o Chris Christie o Rahm Emanuel o Valerie Jarrett o Dan Pfeiffer . Answer: Former Chief-of-Staff for President Obama and current Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel said this in 2008. • “I can’t prove it, but I can say it.” o Stephen Colbert o Ann Coulter o Bill O’Reilly o Chris Matthews . Answer: Stephen Colbert. • “At what point must a female senator raise her voice to be recognized over her male colleagues?” o o Leticia Van de Putte o Judith Zaffirini o . Answer: Leticia Van de Putte said this during ’ filibuster of SB 5 this past summer. • All of the following celebrities endorsed President Obama during the 2012 election EXCEPT: . J.J. Abrams . Dave Matthews . Adam Sandler . Hilary Duff

Citizenship • Name one responsibility that is only for U.S. citizens o Vote, serve on a jury. By the way, this is a question from the naturalization test. • Name one right or freedom from the first amendment (can you name them all?) o Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press, right to petition the government. By the way, this is a question from the naturalization test. • Name two rights that are only for U.S. citizens o The right to apply for a federal job, the right to vote, the right to run for office, the right to carry a U.S. passport. By the way, this is a question from the naturalization test. • How many amendments does the constitution have? o 27. By the way, this is a question from the naturalization test. • Which of the following Constitutional Amendments was eventually repealed? BONUS: what was the amendment about? 9th o th o 16 17th o th o 18 . Answer: The Prohibition Amendment, which was the 18th Amendment, was repealed in 1933 by the 21st Amendment.

Political Participation / Civic Involvement • Name three requirements for voter registration o 18 years of age or older, U.S. citizen, resident of the county you will be voting in • What is the most common reason that Texans give for not voting? o Too busy or conflicting with work (27.4% of nonvoters gave this reason) • Name two of the top three reasons why Texans chose not to vote in the 2010 election o Too busy or conflicting with work (27.4%), not interested or felt vote didn’t matter (16.9%), illness or disability (11.7%) • In which of these political participation categories are 18-29 year olds in ahead of the 30 and up crowd: registering to vote, contacting or visiting a public official, or expressing political opinions on the Internet? o Expressing political opinions (9.2% of 18-29 year olds compared to 6.6% of 30+) • What was the voter turnout rate in Texas in 2010? (allow a win if its within 10% points of the answer) o 36.4% • In terms of voter turnout rate in 2010, where did Texas place among the rest of the nation? o Dead last. • Is voter registration higher in rural areas or urban areas of Texas? o Rural areas (65.5%). Urban areas had a registration rate of 58.6% • Which one of these is a form of political participation: staying informed about what’s happening in the legislature, sharing a political article on Facebook or Twitter, or using art to make a political statement? o All of the above • What was Travis County’s voter turnout in the 2012 presidential election? o 61.6% (source)

Texas Government • Who is the mayor of Austin? o Lee Leffingwell • Who is the mayor of ? o Annise Parker • Who is the mayor of ? o Julian Castro • Who is the mayor of ? o Mike Rawlings • Where is Austin City Hall located? nd o On 2 Street between Lavaca and Guadalupe • Who are the two Texas Senators o John Cornyn and • Six national flags have flown over Texas since the first European exploration of the region by Cortez in 1519. All the following flags have flown over Texas EXCEPT: o Republic of Texas o France o Great Britain o Spain o Confederate States . Answer: Great Britain. • Governor , Texas’ longest-serving governor, took office in December 2000. Before he was elected governor, Perry served in what statewide office? . Lieutenant . Texas Railroad Commissioner . Attorney General . Comptroller of Public Accounts a. Answer: Lt. Governor

Social Connectedness • Which of these activities is a way to stay socially connected: eat meals with my family, talk on the phone with your best friend, tweet, help a neighbor o All of the above • Do Texans eat dinner with their families more or less than the average U.S. rate? th o Less. Texas ranks 40 in the rate of people who say they ate dinner with their family a few times a week or more, at a rate of 88.5%