Portland Daily Press: September 20, 1900
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BM PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ES -■ ■ ■■■■■ JUNE ■ ■■■ ■ ESTABLISHED 23, 1862—YOL * pnrrn ami-. * 1 =--— hj' J HLUSDA V MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20. 1900. RSS?SiitVA1SSSi PRICE THREE GENTS. Markle told the men that the company to arbitrate the invitation to ®*?.od /eady any differences ltorlal’y commending voted its third session to the dis- with the men and tne puollo to subscribe for the relief of days’ 70 I’ll CENT IDLE proposed that the cussion of tne i'i> .. i 'ine.ro is decided company seleot one the Galveston arbitrator and the sufferers, says: contest for ihe next men FULLY meeting place. ohooso one. If the “The present occasion does not call for two fall to agree 12,000. B ffalo and San Francisco are candi- these a two men could invite a Mansion house fund, inasmuch as there third man dates. This morning there was a grand to them in Is no of the readiness and will- join considering the matters question parade of uniformed bodies reviewed beiore of the American by them. Mr. Markle concluded his ingness people to minis- Gov and his ter Tyer staff. address by calling the United Mine adequately to the needs of the suffer- but the Workers officials agitators ana charging ers; British public will be glad The them with of an of HIGH DEGREE MASONS. Anthracite Coal Strike being responsible for all the opportunltyto give proor friend- for the reelon Mr Mitchell said Loss of Life ou Texas ly feeling the United States thut the x1? More United Mine Workers would not FROM BERLIN Filipino Insurgents EMBASSY. Proceedings of Supreme Council Scot- accept arbitration on that basis. It must be the 19.—The Growing. whole region and not a part Coast. Berlin, September United Hull Kite. of it, Mr. Markle again addressed the States embassy in Berlin has sent SHOO to Active. men the and reiterated what ho said last Galveston relief fund, Pror. Darth, the Boston, September 19.—The second bunday,that he would ao cept Archbishop piaxo instructor being the only Ger- man who of the Hyan of Philadelphia as to contributed. day's proceedings supreme coun which arbitrator, Mr. Mitchell replied thut he would cil, ancient and accepted Scottish rite, the accept Archbishop on the basis the BItYAN this with No United TALKING. opened morning Sovereign Disorders to Mina Workers proposed—arbitra- Speak tion for By Storm "Which Grand Commander L, the whole region at one and the Swept Distinct Increase of Henry Palmer, same time. He Naively Asks For Big Popular 33d, in the chair. of Have Occurred. At this point,Father Phillips, who was Galveston. After the opening ceremonies and the In the Majority. crowd, was oalled and he Aggressions. upon transaction of routine business, the su- delivered a speech favoring arbitration. I St. preme council went into executive ses- he meeting lasted two hours, breaking Joseph, Mo., September 19.—An up at twilight. The strike leaders claim immense orowd greeted William J.Bryan sion and elected Henry L. Palmer of Mil- that as a result of the meeting, the at Baseball He was intro- waukee, soveraign grand commander. Markle mines park today will be closed tomorrow, Other officers while duced by Congressman Cochran, and In were: Grand Lieu- No Negotiations for Settlement Yet the Arm claim that the meeting Gov. wa3 a Sayers Situation is referred tenant Gen. Samuel C. packed one and that their mines Says opening briefly to the possibili- iXinety Americans Engage Thousand Commander, in Sight, will operate tomorrow as usual. t les of the approaching election. In Lawrence of Milford, Mass.; grand min- improving. speaking of the trusts, Mr. Bryan said: Insurgents, ister of state, Gen. John C Smith of ATTEMPT A T~SETTLEMENT. “Even the newspaper editors are com- Illinois; supreme delegates. Maine, Mar- pelled to write their editorials defending quis F. King, Portland; New Hamp- Example Setln Sliamoldn U hltli May Syrup. Mgs the trusts on the of which shire, Geo. W. Currier, Nashua; Ver- paper price Become General. M. O. has been laised by the trust. It is a mont, Perkins, Windsor; Massa- Remarkable of to see au editor chusetts, Charles C Hutchinson, ktsPleasantly and/hompt/y Meeting Shamokin, Pa September 19.—The With Cool Weather Will pitiful thing writing Lowell; such an editorial and American Losses In- Khode H. Prov- most important development of the coal at the same time Island, George Kenyon, Cl( ises the Markle Miners. miners’ being plundered by the trust.” idence; Connecticut, Charles W Carter, r? System 6trlke which has occurred since Continue to Do So. clude and r Mr, declared that the Oapt. Lieut. Norwich; grand keeper of archives, Gen o and Effectually Its inception is the effort made today by Bryan Republi- cans were to make a Charles C. Hutchinson, Lowell; grand wh< E? bilious or costive. a committee of the miners employed at disposed great deal over a rise in farm and to captain of the fund, Geo. O. Tyler, Bur the Natalie colliery, Mount Carmel, who products give little attention to the increase of liugton.Vt ; trustee of permanent fund, Presto in the most acceptableft?rm are in close touch with the operators who very control in what the farmer had to seven years, Charles C. Dame, Newbury- the'Z *tlve principles ofplajifs Owners Offer to Arbitrate De- that mine—all New York capital- prices buy. ists—to secure a Tliauks Extended to Contribu- knc »o to act most beneficially: settlement. “But,” he said, “while every man has Village of Rosario Burned port. From the consultation with mine offio by been compelled to pay a tax on his tele- AW clined Strike Officials. inis It is believed can effect tors to by they their ob- Relief Fund. grams and his bank checks, the and that other will Republi- Insurgents. TO 2 ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ject operators follow can party has reduced the tax on nation- in the same line. al bank circulation one-half. This has BUY THE GENUINE — MANFD. BY been done while the taxes of the masses and Bond’s A CLASH AVOIDED. luuroastiu mswau ui ueurtassu. xle asserted that th9 Bible did not CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. September 19 —The justify Harrisburg, Pa., our taking the Filipinos, and said that SAN rRANCISCO, CAL. Halzeton, Pa., September 19.—The expected clash between the union and Houston, Texas, September 19.—Gov- if there were a special dispensation, he Manila, September 19.—During the last LOUISVILLE KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. hlrd day of the strike passed off as non-union miners in the Lykens valley ernor Sayers tonight wires the BLmGKSIOWE following would like to know to whom God re- seven days tnere has been a distinct in- — was averted the officers. stones For sste by druggists price 50<t per bott/e. quietly as the two preceding days. Be- by Many signed statement to the Associated Press: vealed his plans. A voice answered: were thrown and one Greek was struck crease of insurgent aggression, particu yond the occasional a mine “The situation “Mark Hanna.’’ stoning in a tonight In all parts of the head. Thomas Bridges, strike Mr larly near Manila, along the railroad, CIGAR. worker or from the strioken “My friend,'’ replied Bryan, “that going to his work, sympathizer, was arrested on the charge district so far as known to is undue familiarity with a great name and in the provinces of Laguna. Morong, Our sales on No firm I now, there has been no disorder. It was es- of throwing a stone. me Is improved and should | If it’s a will,I believe, Concluding, Mr Bryan made an ap- Buiucan, JSiueva anl A young man named Patriok Lcija, Bampanga, t. , or in the past I timated tonight that about 70 per oent Gallager, we have fair oont inue to peal for a large popular Blackst one T weather, im- majority. in an L \ §< was assaulted on Dumrner street tonight, Mr concluded his culminating Monday engagement ten has of the mine workers of this were prove. The metnod of Bryan present tour years, region presumably by Greeks. John Pappas was distribution the of near at the east end of Y Question with his speech here, departing for his SInlloan, Laguna Cigars the come within idle today, which is an increase arrested on of commit- benefactions of the has become equal quite suspicion having people sys- home in Lincoln, from which he has been de Bay, in which detaenments of the 15th j ted the assault. flve millions of of over yesterday's President tematized and das been reduced to the absent since the 29th of sales of having figures. August. and d<th United States infantry regi- any other j* Mitchell did not issue a formal state- COAL GOES UP lowest and in our sales I |2. expenses possible this I BKYAN AT HOME. all met a thous- yearly A ments, ninet} men, told, tlnee firms in S New ment tonight because of his absence have had the hearty and voluntary assist- on Blackstones. 1 Boston, September 19 —The coal mer- Lincoln, Neb., September 19.—Hon. and insurgents, armed with rifles and en- H from He chants of this have decided ance of the Silk headquarters. said, however, city that the railway, express, telegraph W. J Bryan arrived at his home here to- trenched. Boston or New Hat that from he had he price of stove coal from today will be $7 and from St. Mo. WflITf&BOND, s reports received, telephone companies, all of whom night Joseph, The American loss was twelve killed in- I a ton.