Wild Geese in Captivity by Bob Elgas Big Timber, Montana

Man has always been fascinated by, Wild geese were frequently depicted exists, and wild geese have become and has had a close association with, on ancient structures. Indeed, the increasingly popular with avicul­ wild geese. As a result of their ten- of , and the Greylag turists. dency to vocalize an objection to of Europe were domesticated eons Throughout the world there are nocturnal disturbances, the early ago, long before the dawn of written some 15 of wild geese, with Romans utilized them as watchdogs.. history. Even today the fascination numerous sub-species, all of which are native to the northern hemi­ sphere. Interestingly, there are no true geese in the southern hemisphere. South America is represented by a specialized group known as sheld­ geese, while Africa and Australia are represented by a number of with goose-like characteristics. Sheld­ geese are actually modified ducks which, through the evolutionary process, have assumed goose-like similarities. One of the more obvious differences is the dimorphism of sexes characterized by sheldgeese ­ males being of completely different plumage than females. In true geese, both sexes are alike. Although the birds from the southern hemisphere are interesting in their own right, the differences are so great that they can­ not be classified with the true geese. The geese of the northern hemi­ sphere are divided into two groups ­ the Anset; which is representa­ tive of the true geese, and the genus A representative ofthe genus is thispair ofEmperorgeese (Anser canagicus). ~ which represents a group known as Brent geese. The two forms are very closely allied. True geese differ from Brent geese in that they have colored feet and bills, with yellow, pink and orange being the norms, whereas feet and bills of Brent geese are always black. Although, as previously mentioned, the two forms are closely allied, they are non-the­ less sufficiently different that on the rare occasions when they hybridize the resulting offspring are sterile. Perhaps the best known of North American geese is the , Branta canadensis. As the scientific name indicates, it is a member of the family of Brent geese, and is repre­ sented by at least a dozen well defined sub-species. The European Greylag, Anser anser anser, a mem­ ber of the clan of true geese, is one of the most familiar of the Eurasian area. It was domesticated thousands of years ago, and such forms as the Toulouse, Embden, Sebastopol and The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) shows offthe darkfeet and typical ofthe others have resulted. The name Grey­ Branta genus. lag is interesting. The first part of the 28 June / July 1990 DISTRIBUTED BY: U.S.A.: ROLF C. HAGEN (U.S.A.) CORP. MANSFIELD, MA. 02048 name is an obvious reference to example, the price for a pair of rare are territorial and their chosen areas plumage coloration. The latter part geese can be a pleasant surprise. are defended against intruders ­ refers to the fact that they are late Aviculturists are frequently un­ especially other geese. To prevent migrants and lag behind other geese aware of the requirements for the conflict in small enclosures, it is best in migration - thus Greylag, a grey proper maintenance of geese. Our to place but one breeding pair per goose which is a laggard! They are facility in Montana encompasses pen. All geese breed in the water and, fine birds, and fortunately still exist in approximately 50 acres, and features if fertile are to be produced, reasonable numbers throughout a number of lakes and ponds. Inter­ swimming water is essential. Fre­ much ofthe old world. spersed are areas for grazing and loaf­ quently there is confusion as to what Wild geese have been kept for cen­ ing, all of which combine to make constitutes swimming water. An turies in Europe and Asia, and have rather an ideal situation. Inasmuch as expanse of water need be but suffi­ more recently become popular in our flock contains several hundred ciently large to allow both birds to . Many excellent col­ birds, a fairly spacious area is indi­ float themselves in close proximity to lections now exist in both Canada cated. Having made that description, one another. A child's plastic wading and the United States. Wild geese it should be added that such a condi­ pool as little as four feet in diameter adjust well to captivity and, indeed, tion is far from a necessity. Geese can and six inches in depth will provide geese and humans appear to have an be maintained in a much smaller area, adequate water. It is important that affinity one for the other. Given and actually adapt well to what might the geese can enter the water easily, proper care, they thrive in captivity, be described as a "back yard" situa­ and it is especially important that the and appear perfectly comfortable in a tion. Given proper care, a pair of water be changed frequently and kept confined environment. geese can be maintained perfectly clean. Breeding birds should be pro­ There is much to recommend geese well in a pen structure as small as ten vided adequate nesting material in the to the aviculturist. All are handsome, feet by ten feet, and will, in fact, with form of dried vegetation - grasses, and some spectacularly so. They tend good care, breed and rear young in leaves, etc. The female will normally to be both peaceful and gentle ­ such surroundings. scrape a small depression into which much more so than their domestic As is true with cattle and sheep, the eggs are deposited. Eggs are counterparts. They breed well in cap­ geese are grazing . Their usually produced on alternate days, tivity, their needs are not difficult, primary sustenance is grass. Their and, although variable, a common and they enjoy rather lengthy life­ digestive systems are geared to the clutch size is five. As eggs are laid, spans. Availability of most species of ingestion of quantities of high fiber, they are covered with nest material geese is good, and prices are reason­ low protein food. Nothing could be until the clutch is completed, at able. As compared to macaws, for more descriptive of the needs of wild which time the female lines the nest geese than the old nursery rhyme, with down plucked from her breast, "Three gray geese in a field full of and incubation begins. All incubation grazing, gray were the geese and is done by the female, and the male green was the graZing". Certainly to a remains near, guarding the female and goose, a field of green grazing is the nest. When necessary, both male and ultimate in luxury. Green grass of female defend the nest with vigor. spring and summer is the perfect Incubation varies according to spe­ food. However, geese will feed with cies, and ranges from about 22 to 28 equal gusto on the cured and brown days. As one might expect, the Computer fun... for little ones grasses of fall and winter. In captivity, smaller species usually have a shorter even when an abundance ofgrazing is incubation time than their larger Unique available, supplementary food should cousins. Frequently, geese are equated Business Opportunity be provided. All geese enjoy whole sizewise to the familiar Canada goose. grains such as corn and wheat. Pre­ Indeed, the Canada is one of the Don't miss this exciting educational pared feeds, such as turkey or chicken larger geese, and many varieties are franchise opportunity to own supplements, are excellent. Many substantially smaller. Surprisingly, your own home-based business. commercial feeds are medicated, and some are but slightly larger than feeds with such additives should be mallard ducks. WE PROVIDE -YOU PROVIDE avoided. Non-medicated feeds, and Goslings are precocious and, soon • training • dedication those of approximately 16% protein after hatching, leave the nest and fol­ • materials • desire to are best. Geese which do not have low their parents. Their feeding • methods succeed natural grazing should be provided requirements are much like adults, Total investment - under $20,000 with supplemental green food. with tender grass a basic. They, too, Greens such as lettuce and celery are should be provided with supplemen­ For information, contact: very palatable, and provide the bulk tal food - chicken or turkey crum­ their systems require. It is wise to bles of a non-medicated variety. COMPUTERTOTS® wash such food to remove any pos­ Initially they can be given a high Great Falls, Virginia sible residue of agricultural chemicals protein starter ration. Once the (703) 759-2556 that might exist. youngsters are well started (a week to Once paired, geese mate for life. ten days), the protein count ofsupple­ Keep aviculture as your avocation They are highly sociable and, in flock mental food should not exceed 16%. but make Computertots your vocation! structures, individuals co-exist peace­ Goslings have digestive systems fully with one another. However, geared to the same low protein, high during the breeding season, breeders fiber diets as adults. As one might

30 June !July 1990 imagine, waterfowl drink large quan­ tities of water. Geese are no exception THERMOCARE, INC. TEN/CARE UNITS and pure, fresh water must be con­ offers Water Heated Warmers For treatment of stantly available. Goslings do not Hypothermia in New­ for Portable Intensive Care require swimming water and, in fact, borns, Shock, Con­ are better off being watered from a valescing and Post­ for Aviary, Cattery or Kennel operative Patients. commercial device from which they can drink without actually getting , into the water. Frequently, persons who breed geese do not allow the With clear plastiC DOME cover. SAFE HEAT· IS prOVided, parents to rear the young. Hand rear­ and the means to add HUMIDITY and OXYGEN to the ing usually results in a higher rate of Internal atmosphere - an Ideal enVironment for NEW­ survival than with parent-reared BORNS, or for treatment of respiratory stress, young. Wild geese grow rapidly. Within six to seven weeks, they are New MEDICATION NEBULIZER included nearly grown, fully feathered, and with all TEN /CARE units capable of flight. ative migratory birds, which includes waterfowl, are regulated at both state and federal levels. To 25"x17" legally possess native waterfowl, one x15"H must be properly licensed. Fortun­ ately, licensing is not difficult. Economical 90W Heater Information is obtainable from CONTROLLED UNIFORM ,- Departments of Fish and at 0 " HEAT (75 - 100°F) state capitols, and from the U.S. Fish Conducted thru Water and and Wildlife Service in the Interior Circulated by Convection • • 33"x27"x25" H or 42"x27"x25" H Building, Washington, D.C. at the Also Available: federal level. Exotic waterfowl, those Send for free BrOChure New SAFE HEAT not native to orth America, are not BROODER INCUBATOR Thermocare SAVES LIVES regulated and require no permits. for young chicks P. O. Drawer YY Regarding weather conditions, Incline Village, NV 89450 (702) 831-1201 geese are hardy. With the possible exception of the Hawaiian, or , goose which does not tolerate extreme cold, other varieties are virtually unaffected by low tempera­ tures. Given reasonable care, all geese Candling without handling. are relatively free from diseases and are easily maintained. What has been written here is but a basic outline of their captive requirements. For those who might be interested in more ~------_._--_ detailed information, a number of .; -. good books are available. There are Candler comes with also organizations, such as the a protective cover that International Wild Waterfowl Associ­ may be used as a ation and the American Pheasant and handle extension Waterfowl Society, which have a (Maximum length Z7r~ membership comprised of persons involved in the husbandry of water­ Now with the new recessed Candler Lamp! fowl. • Better Illumination • Less light loss • Longer life To summarize - wild geese adapt well to captivity. There is a natural bond between geese and humans, The MDS Candling Light which makes them an excellent features a high intensity, choice for the aviculturist. Too often prefocused lamp on the end of a we fail to recognize how elegantly 10" flexible shaft. The new style candler lamp is recessed in a beautiful waterfowl can be. To those metal sleeve to fit the con­ who may have admired wild geese, (L.!;MDS Incorporated tour. All new Candling Lights 1-800-537-2790 but feared they might be difficult to come with the new-style lamp­ maintain, be assured that such is not or order replacement lamps for 1640 Central Ave. true. Indeed, they are one of the most your existing Candlers. St. Petersburg, FL 33712 easily kept birds, and certainly one of the most rewarding. Don't be afraid to give them a try.•

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