Congratulations on electing to take AP Studio Art next year! This will be a fun class where you will learn a lot and where your creativity and original ideas will take center stage. Expectations for this class are high however as it is treated like a college art course. To help you best prepare for the busy school year, please complete the three homework assignments outlined in this packet. If you have any questions between now and the start of school please email me at
[email protected]. Thank you in advance for your commitment to this course! Lori Woodcock AP Studio Art Teacher AP Studio 2D & Drawing Summer Homework‐ As part of the AP Studio course you will be required to submit twelve images created in a variety of mediums and showcasing a variety of subject matter. To help you complete the required work you will be expected to complete three works of art over the summer. These include a perspective, shadow, and still life drawing. Each drawing is worth 80 points for a combined total of 240 points. The three completed drawings will be due for a grade on August 6th. Work submitted late may earn no more than half of the total possible points. Your summer work may be no smaller than 8x8 inches in size. You may use any media at your disposal to complete your three drawings. Media includes materials such as graphite pencil, colored pencil, ink, chalk pastel, acrylic paint, etc. If all you have to use is a graphite pencil and an ink pen that is perfectly acceptable.