LEV KREV 2009-2011

Sing Up (a consortium of national agencies inc Youth Music, publisher, marketing) set up SU awards, area leaders & training programmes inc Vocal Force. Aims ‘Help kids find their voice’ Vocal Force (approx 60 nationally- areas & types) Aims : deep impact – networking/peer support/ share repetoire/vocal & leadership skills Vocal Force in : Lev Krev ‘A strong voice for Cornwall’ Aims: i) Stimulate network of 50 vocal leaders for Primary aged children ii) Community musicians (Cornish Male Voice Choir tradition and Cornish folk song tradition) & class room teachers and other primary school staff iii) Provide training and support, share skills and repertoire in leading singing and working with primary age children iv) To identify facilitators to deliver core sessions on vocal health, healthy singing, classroom skills, whole class and school singing, developing repertoire etc. v) For the network to share its learning with other colleagues, etc, and leave a legacy after Vocal Force project has ended.

Outline of Project: 1.Leaders : Hilary Coleman, Frances Bennett (from Cumpas) & Kath Matthews (AST teacher). Admin: Carmen Hunt, Sally Burley . Advisors: F.Watt & A.Renshaw

2.Structure: • Twilights in schools: Getting to know eachother, building supportive atmosphere Introducing core repetoire Planning projects – choirs & schools • Focus days in village halls: Special training sessions to fill skill gaps with 10 visiting tutors introducing a wide range of topics, chosen by the participants e.g. within Cornwall : placed based learning, singing by ear, conducting, boys singing, working with children improvising, sol fa, choir warm ups outside of Cornwall : Lyn Marsh, including vocal health Helen Porter 1 to 1 tuition own skills within group: rhythm games, vocal health, singing for dancing, composition, French & Cornish language songs, music medals & singing schools, • Cross-sector visits: between choirs/practitioners and class teachers/school staff. to develop the material from the first year in the classroom • Celebration/Sharing Event: a special ‘day’ at the end of each year to share the material created with others • Attendance of Facilitators at National and Regional Sing Up Gatherings: training opportunities and Sing Up information sharing sessions

3.Participants : • The project had 92 participants but over the two years settled to a commited core group of 23 regular attenders. However several of the participants who left have continued their links with schools or are now leading their own community choirs. Geographically Nth coast (/St Agnes) & South coast (/Meva)

• The mix was: 5 teachers, 1 deputy, 5 TA's, 6 practitioners, 6 community choir members. We had hoped to bring more members from male voice choirs on board but this proved difficult. However good links with Mousehole and choirs. Members of and Imerys choirs have attended some sessions and all these MV choirs have visited their local schools. o Primary schools: Perranporth, St Agnes, , Treverbyn, Biscovey, Mevagissey, Trenance Infants, Blackwater, St Hilary, , Boskenwyn (also, Baptist toddler group) o Choirs: Perraners, Kescana, Proper job singers, and associated Male Voice Choirs– Mousehole, Newquay, Imerys, Mevagissey. o Freelance practitioners – Various

• Feedback from participations: o Achieved most of what we wanted o Co-operation/Friendship with others; Exchange of support; Working with a broader group of people; Gained self confidence o Sense of place (knowledge about our culture) o Warm-ups and importance of warm-ups; Learning about vocal cords/breathing; Singing quality (pitch, rhythm,harmony/parts) o FUN Materials and resources; Happiness with leaders – positive approach Exploring/experimenting (drips now a puddle!)

Outcomes/ongoing • supportive group – still in touch • increased confidence - quotes fom partipants : 'Lev Krev has given me the confidence to go and teach songs and inspire others too' 'we go away inspired - brilliant!' 'I look forward to every Lev Krev session, getting to know more 'Cornish singers' and becoming a 'Cornish singer' myself, having come 'home' after 20 years away. I cannot tell you how proud I felt when I saw myself teaching on the facebook site' • Support and acceptance by National Advisor for Cornish core. • Self-development & increased confidence: leading to running my own singing grp at Heartlands • Raising awareness in schools & music service (The Hub) We produced 2 songbooks Lev Krev: 24 songs (funded by Feast)at the end of year 1 and Hoolybus: 30 songs with additional notes & activities. (as well as our participating schools a further 17 schools using LK by end of project) . We also have close contacts with the The Hub, Sing To Success & KEAP who are keen to promote the books. Also the practitioners and choir members are continuing going into schools not and delivering singing sessions using the books.

Future MVC project: The Federation of Male Voice Choirs are meeting in November 2012 to discuss how they can link in with secondary schools and encourage more boys to sing.