Detectors in Daily Life

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Detectors in Daily Life dimensions from the fall 2014 issue of particle physics symmetryA joint Fermilab/SLAC publication Photos: Reidar Hahn, Fermilab By Calla Cofield Detectors in daily life Not only are particle detectors essential to making discoveries in particle physics, they play important roles in industry, science and medicine. sk someone what our world would look A particle detector is a device built to observe A like if there were no cars or no telephones and identify particles. Some measure photons, and they’ll probably have an immediate answer. particles of light such as the visible light from It’s easy to imagine how our lives would be stars or the invisible X-rays we use to examine different without these things. But what if there broken bones. Other particle detectors identify were no particle detectors? Most people aren’t protons, neutrons and electrons—the particles that symmetry | from the fall 2014 issue sure what would change if these devices disap- make up atoms—or even entire atoms. Some peared—even though particle detectors are at detectors are designed to detect antimatter. By work all around us. sensing the electric charge and interactions of Particle detectors play a role in undertakings particles, the detectors can determine their pres- from drug development to medical imaging, ence, their energy and their motion. from protecting astronauts to dating ancient arti- It may seem like an esoteric task, but particle facts, from testing materials to understanding detection is a part of our everyday lives. the universe. Particle detectors are used every day, making us safer, healthier and more knowledgeable, and helping us get things done. Patients undergoing a PET scan receive an detector: It turns black where it is exposed injection of molecules designed to accumulate to X-rays and remains translucent where the in the hardest-working parts of the body, including X-rays are blocked by bones and teeth. More the heart, the brain and organs such as the advanced X-ray detectors used today can image liver—as well as trouble spots, such as tumors. tissue as well. Shortly after they arrive, a chemical element In addition, various types of particle detectors bound to each molecule will decay and emit a are used in radiation therapy for cancer, which lightweight particle called a positron, which col- bombards cancer cells with high-energy photons, lides with a nearby electron and creates a gamma protons or whole atoms. These particles are ray. Despite this long chain of events, the forms of ionizing radiation, meaning they can gamma ray carries information about the body damage the molecules in cancer cells, including part being studied. It exits the body, is picked the cells’ DNA, making it more difficult for the up by a particle detector, and the information is cells to divide and, ideally, halting the growth of translated into images. the tumor. MRI machines surround the body with strong magnetic fields. Manipulating those fields can At the corner of physics and cause hydrogen atoms inside the body to emit pharmaceuticals faint radio signals. Different body tissues emit Particle detectors help scientists shine a light on slightly different signals, and a highly specialized viruses and develop drugs to fight them. RF detector measures those subtleties, reveal- Intense, focused beams of light created by ing tissue structure. machines known as synchrotrons provide a Even X-ray film is a simple type of particle window to the microscopic world. Shining such complex motions using X-rays and other tech- niques that rely on particle detectors. Work done in the lab feeds into a growing understanding of A chance of rain our planet’s complex climate. Without particle detectors, climate models and At the research center CERN, the Cosmics weather forecasts would be a bit cloudy. Leaving Outdoor Droplets, or CLOUD, experi- One of the most common tools used in mod- ment is investigating the link between energetic ern weather forecasting is radar: Radio waves particles from space, known as cosmic rays, sent through the air, bounced off of objects (such and the formation of clouds in our atmosphere. as rain drops), and collected by radio frequency The experiment suggests that the rays create ( RF) detectors. Using radar, scientists can aerosols, which act as seeds for new clouds. gather information about the location, size and CLOUD scientists try to recreate atmospheric distribution of raindrops or other precipitation, conditions inside a sealed chamber, and use as well as wind speed and direction and other detectors to carefully monitor changes taking variables. Some more advanced instruments place. CLOUD’s findings should help scientists apply the same technique using microwaves or better understand the effect of clouds and aero- symmetry | from the fall 2014 issue lasers instead of radio waves. Radar is also a sols on Earth’s climate. primary tool in the study of tornadoes and other severe storms, often with the goal of improving Time for your checkup safety measures for people on the ground. Particle detectors continue to change the way The Earth’s climate—the long-term behavior of medical personnel see the human body—or the atmosphere—is largely created by the inter- more specifically, how they see into it. Many play between two fluids: water and air. Fluids can types of medical scanners, including PET (Positron be studied in detail in the laboratory using Emission Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic experimental devices that carefully track their Resonance Imaging) rely on particle detectors. astronauts safe from radiation. NASA scientists and medical equipment for consumer safety—and use radiation detectors to carefully monitor each they use particle detectors. Muons—particles astronaut’s exposure to radiation. Satellite raining down from outer space—have been used detectors look out for intense bursts of radia- to probe geophysical phenomena, like the tion from the sun, and provide a warning to internal structure of volcanoes and mountains. astronauts when excess amounts are headed More recently, scientists have been working on their way. devices that use muons to search for radioactive materials in waste containers or cargo ships. The list goes on And of course, physicists use particle detectors Particle detectors help test the structural integrity to learn more about the universe, from finding of industrial equipment, such as steam turbines subatomic particles like the Higgs boson, to and airplane engines. Smart phones and other searching for new particles that would explain dark computing devices contain semiconductors that matter and other unsolved phenomena, to are engineered using particle detectors in a pro- looking back in time at the first few seconds after cess called ion implantation. In geology, neutrons the big bang. and neutron detectors are used to identify oil Particle detectors are used every day, making reserves and rare minerals deep underground. us safer, healthier and more knowledgeable, and Electron beams sterilize food, food packaging helping us get things done. light on certain viruses—like those that cause By sea and by air strains of influenza, or the virus that causes Take a trip to the airport and you’ll be asked to HIV—reveals their unique, detailed structure. Par- place your bag on an X-ray scanner before ticle detectors capture information about the you step through a metal detector or millimeter interaction between the photons and the viruses scanner—all of which use particle detectors. and feed it back to the scientists. Armed with Cargo containers shipped by air or by sea this information, researchers have engineered undergo similar scanning processes. Hundreds to drugs that specifically target those viruses. thousands of containers may pass through a major airport or seaport every day, and must be Art and history scanned quickly and efficiently to ensure dan- Head to your local museum, and you may see gerous materials aren’t inside. Cargo scanners evidence of particle detectors at work. primarily use X-rays, but in recent years deve- Synchrotrons and other material analysis opments have been made using neutrons. Within instruments can reveal the chemical make-up of this busy industry, scientists and engineers are art, artifacts and fossils. For anthropologists, being challenged to build better scanners and this information can help determine the age and improved particle detectors. origin of objects. Art historians use X-ray, infrared, UV and visible light, and even beams The final frontier of electrons, to gather detailed information In the hostile environment of space, astronauts symmetry | from the fall 2014 issue about great works. This information is particu- require protection from solar radiation. larly important when deciding how best to High-energy photons and other particles ejected restore and preserve paintings, sculptures and by the sun threaten to seriously harm humans more. And in some cases, as with a painting by who venture above the clouds. Down on the Vincent van Gogh, studies with particle detectors ground, earthlings are protected from most have revealed hidden treasures below the surface: of these particles by the atmosphere. In space, earlier works of art painted over by the artist. particle detectors play a vital role in keeping explain it in 60 seconds (often referred to as “atom smashers”) use strong Particle accelerators electric fields to push streams of subatomic particles— usually protons or electrons—to tremendous speeds. More than 30,000 accelerators are at work worldwide. The particle beams they generate are used to zap tumors, aid in medical diagnosis, and study and control manufacturing processes in industry. In specialized accelerators known as lightsources, the particles race around a ring to generate bright X-rays that illuminate complex biological structures and other phenomena. The most powerful accelerators are dedicated to basic research, advancing our knowledge of the structure of matter and the nature of our universe.
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