The Lord’s is often recited in churches or at religious events, but there’s so much more to this prayer. provided this model as an outline to teach us how to pray in Matthew 6. Christian

Our Father who art Our Father who art in Heaven - connect with relationally. the way to begin prayer is with Prayer in Heaven, hallowed a relationship, not a rulebook.

be Thy Name. Thy Hallowed be Thy Name - Hallowed means "holy" or set apart, not like this world. The Name of Kingdom come. Thy God refers to the essence of who God is. will be done on earth Acknowledge God is holy and perfect. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. as it is in Heaven - pray God's above your own. Much of our time in prayer is spent Give us this day our consenting to God's will rather than claiming our own. Allow yourself to be an instrument of daily bread. And God's will. forgive us our debts, Give us this day our daily bread - Reflect on your total dependence upon God's goodness in as we forgive our each moment. debtors. And lead us Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors - not into temptation, There is an intrinsic link between how we love God and how we love those who cannot do but deliver us from anything for us. Look to your relationship with others as a reflection of your relationship with evil. For Thine is the God. Kingdom and the Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil - Allow your to lead you. Prayer is power and the glory meant to inform the rest of your life. forever. Amen. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever - Acknowledge that all good things come from God. God is the Source of every good thing. Thank God for the opportunity to take part in His will.

Amen - Literally "yes" from the deepest parts of your heart. The Purpose of Prayer Types of Prayer Structure of Spoken Prayer

Prayer is the opening of our hearts and SPOKEN PRAYER ACTS is a helpful method for praying. minds to God. It is the opportunity to re- ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, center ourselves on who God is and who we Spoken prayers, both private and public, are Thanksgiving, and Supplication. are called to be. More than anything else, our ways of deliberately engaging our the purpose of prayer is to cultivate your relationship with God given through Jesus A: Adoration. Enter into prayer by relationship with God given through Jesus . These prayers are a gift that we can acknowledging who God is. Privately Christ. take part in. They consist of us speaking to worship and praise God as a first and listening for God. priority in prayer. Get a sense of God's Some Tips for Praying: glory, power, righteous justice, and Find a regular time - use an alarm or and REFLECTIVE PRAYER selfless love. make a routine of prayer within your schedule. This form of prayer seeks to discern God's C: Confession. Acknowledge who you ongoing presence in our lives and gain are in contrast to who God is. Confess Find a private place to pray - go somewhere insight into God's direction for us. Enter sins you have committed and sins by free from distractions and where you can into a time of prayer and then slowly follow way of omission. Seek forgiveness pray out loud if you feel so led. these steps: from God. Then, make a mental note of people to ask forgiveness from and Practice - prayer is a spiritual discipline. It 1.Become aware of God’s presence. changes to be made in order to live is a relationship formed over time. Continue 2.Review the day with gratitude. more in line with God's will. to pray even through times when you feel 3.Pay attention to your emotions. disconnected. 4.Choose one feature of the day and pray T: Thanksgiving. Look over your life from it. since the last time you prayed. Thank 5.Look toward tomorrow. God for your , for the good news of God's love and mercy towards St Francis Prayer of Peace: you, for peace and comfort in the Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: midst of trials, and for all of the where there is hatred, let me sow love; This form of prayer seeks to not only have everyday graces God places in all our where there is injury, pardon; conversation with God but also to commune lives. where there is doubt, faith; in God's presence. where there is despair, hope; S: Supplication. Pray specific requests where there is darkness, light; 1.Focus your mind on something sacred and hopes for God's continued work in where there is sadness, joy. such as Jesus, , a scripture, or the your life and in the lives of others. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much present within you. Share with God where you need help, seek to be consoled as to console, 2.Remain attentive. If you sense a healing, and guidance. Open yourself to be understood as to understand, distraction, let it go and return to your to however God will respond to your to be loved as to love. focus. requests, knowing God's will is good For it is in giving that we receive, 3.Afterwards, remain in silence with your and true. it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, eyes closed for a few moments. and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.