Cot SPA TANR DA I LY Vol. 98, No. 51 Published for San lose State University since 1934 Monday, April 6, 1992 Layering wins in A.S. runoff

By Marcia Lepkr in the run-off election. Maly staff saner Throughout the campaign, Layering has been confi- Executive committee results dent about his ability to be president and has been espe- Todd Layering, 21, a senior electrical engineering cially certain of election victory since the general election major, will be at the helm of Associated Students for the last week. He had come within 27 votes of winning. 1992-93 academic year. "I know what the results will be," he said several days Earning 1,255 votes in the Associated Students' run- before the run-off election. "You can go ahead and write off election against Don Cecil Wednesday and Thursday, the story now?' Layering was declared the winner after earning the And although Layering planned to go home at 8:45 majority of the 2,142 total votes cast. The list of winners p.m. Thursday evening to "take a nap," he ended up was posted by the AS. Election Board at 12:20 a.m. Fri- hanging around the Student Union until 11 p.m. waiting day. for election results. Cecil received 695 votes. Friday morning he called into the A.S. office from On the A.S. executive committee with Layering will home at 8:30 am. and learned of his victory. be Dianne Avelar, vice president-elect and Shannon When asked Friday afternoon about his victory, Dianne Avelar Shannon Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts, controller-elect Current A.S. President Layering, with a hint of a smile, said the polls reflected Nicole Launder will be next year's director of California his wider appeal and broader student base. Vice president Controller state affairs. "I expected the votes to be closer," he said. "I tried to None of the five candidates running on the Students bring out 300-400 new votes to make up for fewer people For a complete list of runoff results, see Page 4 United for Accessible Education platform was elected to Nathan D. Souu Daily staff photographer office. Five out of the 10 declared SUAE candidates were See RESULTS, Page 4 Layering votes in the runoff Wednesday Student Union ID cards board may get DAY OF THE IGUANA not available more student for Monterey Satellite campus representation shortchanged By Monika Jung By Vibha Bansal Daily staff writer Daily staff writer Some SJSU students on the Mon- Blair Whitney wants more student terey County campus have been representation in the Student Union denied entrance to university events as Board of Directors. well as access to library facilities at In an open meeting Tuesday at the San Jose main campus. This is 3:30 pm., he will propose his newest because of SJSU's failure to issue stu- idea: adding a new student to the dent body cards to students who board. attend the satellite campus. Currently, the Student Union Ed Chambers, assnriate executive board, which makes decisions regard- vice president in Admissions and ing things like student access to Stu- Records, says because in the past only dent Union rooms, the Event Center two or three people would show up and Aquatics Facility, consists 01 10 for ID photos on the Monterey cam- students and eight representatives pus, an alternative to the ID card was from faculty and administration. implemented. But "considering the students pay Students were told to place their 100 percent of the fees and costs, they semester stickers on their driver's deserve more control and representa- license and use this as their SJSU stu- tion," said Whitney, chairman of the dent body card, but these cards have board. not been readily accepted on the San Terry McCarthy, the president of Jose campus. the Student Union board four years ago, made a similar proposition three Same fees, no cards years before this one, but failed to get Students pay the same fee for the it passed, according to Whitney. ID card and in return should receive After the Student Union fees were the same services, according to increased to pay for the Aquatics Miguel Avila, Associated Students Facility, Whitney said, McCarthy director of intercultural affairs, off- wanted to add three more students to campus. the Student Union board. But the pro- Avila said that when registering for posal, passed by the board, was SJSU, every student is charged $3 for vetoed by then-university president, the bright -pink card and SI for the Gail Fullerton. sticker to place on the card. "This campus is a dictatorship," "It's not fair," Avila said. "The stu- Whitney said, referring to the presi- dents in Monterey are still paying S3 dent's absolute veto power over the but they are not receiving a card." board's decisions. Liz Schneider, vice president of the During the last board meeting, Marcus J. Sanclwr Daily staff photographer Associated Students on the Monterey members rejected a proposal to For broadcast journalism student Marc Norland and his pet give Binky a friendly kiss in front of the Event Center, says campus, said not many students in the restrict the position of chairman to iguana "Binky," a sunny day means getting the chance to his cold-blooded lizard doesn't take rainy days too well. past have shown up to take pictures students. As of now, students or facul- for the ID cards because not many ty can occupy the spot. walk around campus together. Norland, who stopped to Iguanas are typically found in arid regions. people knew about it. She says more James Bryant, chairman of the students would have their pictures department of human performance taken for cards if Admissions and and a member of the board, said he Records would advertise more. voted against the measure because "In the three years I have been "when you have a choice making here. I have never seen any kind of policies, you want to be as flexible as Nuclear power in future energy plans advertising about when and where to possible." go to get an ID card issued with a pic- If the position is restricted to a stu- ture," Schneider said. dent, the board is likely to eventually end up cornering itself in a difficult Energy specialist topics of the talk. ly compressed, scaled in banels and buried at moni- Photos needed position, he said. Mozzor discussed the proposed high-level nucle- tored sites, he said. According to Schneider, 58 percent Besides, he said, for the six years ar disposal sites in the Southwest desert. Because it When asked if it was economical to monitor the of the students who attend the Mon- that he has served on the board, only favors resource mix is remote, geologically stable and has no ground waste for hundreds of years. M071011* said yes. He terey campus are women ranging students have taken the position, "and water leakage, it can be used to store the waste said the tests were easy to make and required little from 35 to 55 years old. She said with one exception, all student chairs By Christal Niederer indefinitely, he said. equipment or labor. because most of these students are have been excellent." Daily staff writer Because the high-level waste, made of spent fuel He admitted there is a risk of radiation contami- working mothers, they take classes at Bryant declined to name the rods, is a glass-like substance, it should not leak. nation, but the industry's degree of confidence is so night, not in the day. exception. Nuclear energy needs to be a part of our energy Mozzor said. much higher than their perception of risk that they "There needs to be a time at night With all the committee work that mix, according to health physicist Matty Mozzor, The amount of high-level waste [mm all electric- will continue the program. when the photographer comes to this faculty members are required to do, who was on campus Thursday to discuss future ity-producing nuclear reactors in the country for the Ile described the redundant safety features in a campus to take the pictures," Schnei- they usually aren't eager to take up energy options. last 30 years is only enough to fill a football field nuclear power plant. The engineers design them with der said. additional burdens anyway, he said. M012.0f is a member of Energy America, a pro- three-feet high, Mozzor said. a worst-case scenario in mind, and about three sepa- Chambers said the temporary cards But writing the restriction into the gram composed of electrical utility industry experts Low-level waste, which is generally protective rate safety systems are designed to automatically were implemented because hardly bylaws may eventually cause unnec- who tour the country discussing energy needs with clothing or other equipment that has been contami- shut down the plant if anything goes wrong. anyone was taking advantage of the local citizens. nated with radiation, is easier to dispose of because it photographer being on the Monterey See BOARD, Page 4 Nuclear safety and waste disposal were the hot contains less radioactivity, Mozzor said. It's general- See ENERGY, Page 4 campus. Ile did agree however, that the Monterey campus has expanded in population in the past year and it might be beneficial to everyone if Panelists search for teaching options amid budget crisis another program was implemented. INSIDE Gerald Brody, interim vice presi- By Moos. Savarnejad There are three ways that quality dent for student affairs, said if it is Daily staff writer teaching can go on in this university, decided to implement the student 'The only good thing about this said Dan Walker, associate dean in the SPORTS: body card again in Monterey, it vould Friday's Institute for Teaching and biology department. This includes the Broncos run over depend on why the program was can- Learning Day gave the overworked university is that there are so few lecture lecture format laboratory format and celed and how the program could he and often under-appreciated SJSU fac- halls.' small-group discussion. SJSU women's tennis more effective in the future ulty members a chance to hear four The lecture format, although not Page 6 panelists' opinion of what constitutes without its benefits, doesn't help much Ways to get a card. quality teaching in these times of bud- Dan Walker in terms of effective long-term learn- According to Chambers, there are get constraints. Associate dean, biology department ing, said Kay Schwartz, associate pro- a few things off-campus students can The four panelists, which consisted lessor in the occupational therapy do if they really want a card. He said of faculty members within various department. COMPUTERS: that students can send a photo to deparUr._nts at SJSU, didn't actually nition of quality education," said pan- The cultural diversity on this cam- "Lectures can be very effective for Admissions and Records, and in come tip with a solution to the elist Kathleen 1)ensmore, an assistant pus signifies the importance of the immediate recall hut they are not Nerd shares trials return will receive a student body card that the budget has imposed, but professor in the division of teacher inclusion of multicultural works in the effective in problem -solving," and tribulations like other Spartan students. Students did agree on the elements that lead to education. classroom, Densmore said. Schwartz said. Page 5 can also come to the SJSU campus quality teaching. Quality education, in her opinion, "Quality teaching would teach stu- "The only good thing about this and get a photo taken for an ID card 'The definition of quality teaching includes more emphasis on multicul- dents to read various works" by vari- depends, to a large extent, on the defi- tural affairs. ous multicultural authors, she said. See HACH, Page 4 See CARD, Page 4 2 Monday, April 6, 1992 III San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY FORUM OPINIONS EDITORIAL Good clean fun becomes a money-hungry game all things. NHL strikes over What began as a hobby for kids is now at the heart of the NHL strike. revenue fi-orn Athletes and owners are battling for the right to control a $2 billion-a-year business. Before the strike, NHL teams trading cards got $5 million a year from trading card revenues and players pocketed a cool $11 bad the National million. TooHockey League Owners now want the players to strike that began relinquish their rights to any revenue for Wednesday wasn't their own cards. It's ludicrous. Why can't they share the profits? After all, the just a bad April Fool's joke. players are the reason the cards sell in the Instead, the Cow Palace in Daly City, first place. But because the trading card normally filled to capacity during San market has literally exploded in the last Jose Shark's games, was empty. four years, the issue of trading cards has No beer-swilling, raucous fans, no become a paramount concern for the Shark mascot shooting unsuspecting league. people with a water gun, no pre-game Just like children arguing in a stretching by the players just an playground over who's got the best cards ominous, foreboding, silence. to bargain with, owners and players are Where were all the players? Probably sitting around boardrooms regressing is car rgs on a jet, headed to wherever home is for back to their childhood. The dialogue cwicir eiNa4'4 tobi, 06131! them, taking an early summer vacation probably going bark and forth, because talks between NHL owners and accomplishing nothing and meeting no players have come to an awkward objectives. stalemate. However, the strike has accomplished Fred Limpert - Spartan Daily With only a few regular-season games one thing: It's ruined the end of an left to play, the 75-year-old NHL is exciting hockey season for the whole mired in its first strike ever. country and made the NHL look like a leeches in the Instead of checking opposing players bunch of greed-hungry LETTERS TO THE EDITOR against walls and sitting in the penalty process. box for fighting, players, union Too bad trading cards are a source of representatives and owners are fighting income for the NHL and not just a source A.S. is self-interested National Institutes of Health to do research stage, no one was doing any child molesting for control of trading card revenues, of of fun and enjoyment for kids anymore. on monkeys and cats that involves having in the back. Editor, stereotaxic devices screwed and bolted into It is very interesting that the only real act I wonder if the members of the Associat- their heads, portions of their skulls removed, which should have shocked you was never ed Students running for office, in the nine and electrodes inserted into their brains for mentioned. Two men kissed each other. I'm days of campaigning to get themselves elect- up to 44 hours at a time after they've been the actor who played the man dressed as the ed, had spent the same amount of energy, rendered paralyzed and placed in barbaric woman, and I must say that I'm flattered that WORLD ON MY resources, time, effort and planning in the restraining devices. All this to study "how do you didn't notice that two men were kissing. weeks before the Feb. 19 Board of Trustees humans perceive color?" This is just one of Actually you did mention adultery. I wonder meeting approving the 40 percent fee hike, the countless unnecessary studies being done if that's what you meant It's a tricky ques- the outcome could have been different. every year. tion isn't it? SHOULDER PADS It is clear that they had self-interest and The fact is a lot of people are making The morality you want to impose is NOT the student interest as a motive. It is money off of animal research from the per- exactly the same type of restraints that were Angela Hill easy to understand why SUAE did so well son who drives through neighboitxxxis steal- placed on the characters in the first act. WITHOUT campaigning (50 percent of its ing pets to sell to middlemen who supply the Under these restraints people lose control members running for office were in runoff laboratories right on up to the "prestigious" and, many times, have difficulty living up to elections). It was votes of merit, courage and researchers themselves. They have a vested them. Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart are a evolution has firm understanding of the issues, votes of interest in protecting the status quo to main- few good examples. I suppose some people. Women's students who voted for leadership, represent- tain their livelihoods. like yourself, are above this, but most of us mg firmly, with commitment and experience, The animal rights movement is one of the have a sinful nature. the issues that concern the student body. fastest growing movements in the world, and If you had stayed for the second act you thus far been cosmetic Todd Layering, the next A.S. President, the research community is desperately trying would have found characters that were trying has showed that he can work with different to fight back by using blatant emotional to come to grips with all these desires. True, live in a two-dimensional be happy. Life will be good." interest and bring about agreement. His manipulations that distort the facts and insult they do not look to God, but I hope you are culture with one-track involvement with A.S. as been one of setting intelligent, informed people. aware enough to know that most of us now- We No way. We're basing something minds. The flat priority we mental happiness on something goals, reaching out to others, acting on Don't fall for it. Get informed. a-days look to ourselves and not to God for give to appearances with physical, and one has no connection with behalf of individuals; he is the clear choice. Rhonda Hilts answers. Cover ( iirl ideals, fanatical diet kicks and the other. Gabriel Miramontes Senior, Graphic design We must be allowed to follow our path. fashion-conscious motivations has Senior, Accounting President, SJSU Students for the We should not have morality forced upon us. Self-esteem, confidence, happiness taken us over so wholly that we are even Ethical Treatment of Animals To quote Jesus, "Let him who is without sin are internal. They can't be founded on willing to surgically manipulate our cast the first stone." external, transient characteristics. They bodies for popularity and a facade of Say 'no' to animal testing Jesus is a perfect example of what we also can't be precariously dependent on self-esteem. Editor, should strive toward. I think you would external opinions and criticisms from 'The theater is not I am writing to respond to the three-quar- agree. Jesus shared his teachings. He did not Women are particularly prone to this others. Those will let you down every ter page ad on the back of Tuesday's issue, force them upon people. He never asked for trap. And I find it interesting timing that, time. God's house. Don't surrounding and during Women's History whose headline read, "How many more will the synagogues to be torn down. He merely If there is any connection at all, it's in ask us to do our 'art' Month, so much has bobbed to the have to die before we say 'No' to the animal presented his new law. He practiced his the reverse. If we see the good in life, surface about the silicone implant issue. rights movement?" elsewhere.' morality while letting others live their own make a conscious decision to be happy, The fact that this group even had to run lives. The only time he infringed upon others Here, in this time to savor inspiring then people will probably like us and we the ad in the first place is a credit to the ani- was in the temple. He threw the money- words from Gloria Steinem and dare to may even look good. mal rights movement and shows how des- Brandon Hawes changers out because they were not respect- push aside the customary descriptions of Senior, Creative arts is right to be focusing perate they are to stop people from finding ing the Lord's house. He didn't tell them women, the fact emerges that so many Gloria women, and men as well, on out the real truth and horrors behind animal never to do business again. He wanted them women have been trained by society to the issue of self-esteem these research. to do it elsewhere. worry about beauty and the outward days. So many things rest on it. Only a tiny fraction of animal testing Fundamental differences The theater is not God's house. Don't ask physical shell, that they alter their goes And once it's achieved we can quit toward finding cures for serious dis- us to do our "art" elsewhere. Allow us to physiques and run health risks. ease. Even the medical community itself has worrying about our bodies and holding Editor, find our own way. Many people were This cosmetic issue is just a metaphor formed them up to the rushing eddies of society's an organization. Physicians Commit- In response to Lisa Janzen's letter of touched by the play and its message. We for what's really going on. tee for Responsible Medicine, March 18 whims and start to hack at the real roots that strongly ("Play glorifies smut"), first of all, cannot live up to your morality by hiding speaks out against the use of animals stating let me say that you are an incredible audi- from Surface ideals are attained with of discrimination. Maybe then we can the problems that are present in our implants and other surgeries while each one of us, a little at a time work that there are "safer, more economical, more ence member. It is a compliment to all of us culture. us face them. If we find them underneath, the silicone slowly wreaks for the tangibles like equal compensation effective and more humane alternatives" that involved in the play that you were so moved. sinful and come to God, great. If we cane to already mist and even more being developed You fully brought into the havoc with a woman's entire system. and well-deserved respect. world the play find peace in our own way without God, everyday that will eliminate the use of ani- created; however, I must clarify a few things. great. The "freedom" this country provides Just as this deeper problem lies within All this history month I've been mals altogether thanks to modem technology Your idea of "pornographic portrayals" is a "freedom" for people to express them- the physical frame, so is one festering in feeling pretty good about women, our and the computer. does not apply to the actions being per- selves. No nude bodies were ever shown. the mental realm. Women have been achievements and progress. Suddenly Animal rights activists are NOT against formed on stage. In your letter you imply 'Mere was no actual sex on the stage. I'm assessed on the basis of looks for so long I've realized I've been so superficial. research, we are against using animals in that they were actual acts. "Oral sex on sorry to say, but the only "pornography" that in this materialistic culture that their own Yeah, things are better on the research, and we vehemently oppose the stage, a man touching another man's geni- happened was all in your mind. selves, their very identities, are bruised surface. But not deep down. We can't just color "curiosity" research that plagues the medical tals, child molestation," etc. Certainly when In closing I must say that you should be and damaged, underdeveloped and weak. those roots and move on with closed community and costs taxpayers millions of a man goes underneath a woman's skirt it careful when you talk about the "Godly" This can't be blindly blamed only on eyes. dollars in government grants. does imply oral sex is going on, but I can principles this country was based on. At the men. Women buy into the whole thing Professor DeVakUs of UC-Berkeley is the assure you that nothing ever happened. A same time that these The real issues need to be uncovered "Christian" men were too, judging each other and themselves perfect example of how a perverted sense of man rubbing the inside of another man's leg founding a we need to find another dimension. "Christian" country, slavery was on superficial merits and values. curiosity is cleverly veiled by the noble does not mean that he is touching the other being written into the Constitution sounding phrase, 'Ibis bears such a mistaken premise Angela Hill is the Daily executive editor. "biomedical research". Dr. man's genitals. Child molestation was talked Brandon Hawes DeValois received $1.5 "Ill look good, people will like me. I'll Her column appears every Monday. million from the about on stage, and at least when I was off Senior, Creative arts

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DEPARTMENT OF SJSU WING CHUN CAREER PLANNING AND RTNDA: Rigo Chacon, Channel 7 7-09,6W JOURNALISM AND MASS ASSOCIATION: Meeting, 7 pm to rat:CDM 7 PLACEMENT: Co-op Orientation, Reporter, 6 p.m , DEM 133, call 924- COMMUNICATIONS: Donald L 9 p.m., Women's Gym Patio Area. call 1:30 p.m., S.U. Almaden Room, call 3289. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: AISEC: Meeting. 5:30 p.m., BC 208, Guirnary, "Maoris and the Media in 249-8573. 924-6033. SAN ,JOSE STATE Spartan Serenity Big Book Meeting, New Zealand: An Examination of call 924-3453. 12:30 p.m., ADM 222B, call 924-5945. SOCIETY OF COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: UNIVERSITY SKI CLUB: Racism in the Media," 11:30 a.m., MANUFACTURING ASIAN AMERICAN Graduate College Preparation Seminar Meeting. 7:30 p.m., Upstairs Student ASSOCIATED STUDENTS DBH 107, call 924-3266. ENGINEERS: Meeting. 11:30 am, CIIRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Talk and Club Meeting, 5 p.m., Student Union, call 778-9250. PROGRAM BOARD: Rock Band Meeting, 7: p.m., S.U. Costanoan LAMBDA SIGMA GAMMA: IS 241, call 246-1064. Council Chambers, call 247-0642. SPARTAN CLUB: "DADA," Noon, Amphitheater, call, Photo Session and Meeting, 6 p.m., Room, call 286-6427. 924-6226. MARKETING CLUB: Retail Schedule Next Game; Fees Due, 7 S.U. Costanoan Room, call 973-9258. BAPTIST STUDENT Marketing with Valley Fair, 3:30 p.m.. p.m., FIGH 118, call 275-0959. CATHOLIC NEWMAN SJS GREENS: Meeting, 5 p.m. to 6 MINISTRIES: Bible Study, 4 p.m. to A.S. Council Chambers, Student COMMUNITY: Lent Daily Mass, p.m., S.U. Almaden Room, call 293- 5 p.m., S.U. Montalvo Room, call, Union, call 243-1444. Noon, Campus Christian Center, call 9561. 723-0500. 298-0204. PREVENTION EDUCATION PROGRAM: Spring Fling Talent Show, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Roost Stage, call 924-5945.

$1 paperbacks thought to be a '50s memory are now a '90s reality NEW YORK (AP) What this sales and moderate prices. ninth floor of an industrial building in Even Blanche, who's vice presi- the top seller among Thrifts. Emily "A lot of merchants say, 'I can't country needs is a good dollar paper- The company started out by selling Manhattan's West Village. dent, admits to trying to talk him out Dickinson's Selected Poems is No. 1, deal with a $1 item, it's not worth it.' back, the president of Dover Publica- literature that was as arcane as it was This is the place to go if you're of the low price tag. But surprise and Shakespeare's sonnets and poetry " Cirker said. "But there are also a lot tions decided in 1951. high-quality. looking for a copy of Herbert the books for a buck have made by Walt Whitman and Rudyard of booksellers who say, 'I think it's Funny thing is, he made the same Hoover's translation of De Re Metalli- money, claims Cirker, who expects to Kipling also are doing well. wonderful that you sell books for a Cirker established the company at sell I million of them this year. dollar. I'm going to have them in my move four decades later. But this time, age 23 to sell scholarly remainders by ca, a 1556 classic in Latin on metal- But if budget-conscious readers of course, the price is deemed shock- lurgy, or perhaps for a book of paper Dover ships the books to book- like the books, not all bookstore own- store and I'm going to push them, mail. His wife, Blanche, joined him because this is what this country ingly low instead of sky-high. shortly thereafter and a half-century dolls of Shirley Temple in the '30s. stores around the world foreign ers do. Hayward Cirker says his Dover later, the company boasts 175 employ- You also can find books on topics sales account for 15 percent to 20 per- Thrift Editions are not a promotional ees and an estimated $25 million-plus ranging from antiques, architecture cent of all company sales. Its no- gimmick. There's not a Harold Rob- in annual sales. and art instruction to chess, folklore, return policy has run into resistance, but it helps keep the price of the Thrill bins or Stephen King book to be Dover's very first book was a Ger- history and nature. the Border for Lunch 1 found among the approximately six book, Cirker was a pioneer of quality books low. Normally, publishers have ;Cross man mathematical reference dozen titles out so far, sold through paperbacks, introducing the first trade to account for costly returns of unsold and the publisher still claims the books. -- bookstores and mail-order catalogs. world's most extensive line of scientif- paperbacks 41 years ago. Two years These are quick reads for serious ic paperbacks in its collection of liter- ago, he reached back to the past in Poetry has surprised the Cirkers as I readers literary classics by the likes ary oddities and esoterica. introducing the Thrift books _ sturdily of Twain, Shakespeare, Chekhov, titles bound, creatively designed editions of La Most of Dover's 5,000-odd literary classics. Huasteca Taqueria Plato, Dickinson, 0. Henry and Jack are for sale in a small bookstore on the shorter London. WE KNOW Receive 20% off any food item w/coupon I Cirker, who founded Dover in exp. 4-14-92 1941, says the series represents both a commercial opportunity and an effort 1.330 S. Third St. (across from McDonald's) 287-7473.1 to bring quality literature to readers at ok to filLi Ovierf off, -Net Systems, Equipment, Balls. a budget price. ro Nolley wear, Hats, Bags. "You look at the racks today and Japanese Cuisine dinner Indoor/Outdoor Shoes. LINCOLN they're all glitzy mystery stories or Tempura Teriyaki W/Coupon UNIVERSITY sex stories or best sellers," the 75- off Sushi Bar 'Net & Ball Rentals. 15% 4-30PIVI-9:00PM year-old Cirker said in an interview in lunch Parties Catering Every day LAW SCHOOL his unpretentious office cluttered ;Image price 9!41f4 111 with books and piled with papers W/Coupon $595 without 11130AM2:30PM discount OSPALreela 1114 in the Long Island suburb of Mineola. Mon-Th r)-e FUJI "You have to look through a lot of Average price between wit OPEN HOUSE $4 50-$6 45 without 56W Santa Clara Street(between 1st &Market) 298-fuji(3854) racks to find quality literature." doscount As much as quality and budget- Good throa 4/9/92 minded describe Dover's books, pub- lic domain may be more of a key to its ports low prices. ISN'T IT TIME More than half the company's OM.. SATURDAY, APRIL 11TH books are public domain material 10:00 a.m.-1:00 from 75 years or more ago; that is, =10 \ p.m. their copyrights have expired. No roy- ji11643 2160 Lundy Ave. alties are paid and editorial costs are :_1.11 Between oil changers Please call for further information. and Creslytew motet virtually nonexistent. r 3 E El Camino Mtn view. Ca 41 5) 968 4650 (408) 434-0727 Most of Dover's hocks go for $3 to -MIP;P $8; Dover has been called "the L.L. 00 Of Bean of books" for its heavy catalog ,Y . THERE ARE TINO SIDES TO ’151191111e4.44i-i BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. (_)IJ TRIED And they're both repre- sented by the insignia you wear A. / Tr- cz rt, s as a member of the Army Nurse PrShort With over 22 bus lines stopping within a 5 minute walk to Corps. The caduceus on the left Term campus, there is a good chance that you could get to school means you're part of a health care Commitments without the hassles of driving. We can show you the Way. system in which educational and Why not give it a try? career advancement are the rule, Long Term 'lb get started call 924-6467, or visit us in WSQ 115 not the exception. The gold bar You'll be glad you did. tilt the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're earn- Gains ing a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 3219, Warminster, Altrans PA 18974-9845. Or call toll free: I-800-USA-ARMY, ext. 4 Need extra money for school ' Your alternative transportation solution Western Temporary g3Su2 011ie. ccffio Services. We're experts at gL of ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALLYOU CAN BE. 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(Price excludes tax, options, doe, and license) 4 Monday, April 6, 1992 II San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY RESULTS: Layering wins A.S. presidency, SUAE loses all From Front Page involved or active." campaigned and recruit people for voting. I believe with my past experi- Huerta said she was also shocked "over 100 committee positions to be Runoff results ence I was the person the students that none of the SUAE members won. 'I'm happy with the results. Todd has filled in the A.S. and Academic Sen- for Directorships were looking for.' After looking over the list of names of ate." On campus, reaction to the election the winners and losers, she said, "I cotnnutted himself to being president. "I want representation in the A.S. Director of Academ- results were mixed. don't think we have representation of He is putting off graduation.' from all groups on campus and I want ic Affairs "I'm happy with the results," said Chicano/Latinos or other minorities." to know what the students want," he Jennifer Rigberg Sovandy Yoeung, a sophomore in Juan liar, president of SUAE, was said. "I want to see a foot-high stack accounting. "Todd has committed not upset his group won no positions. Sovandy Yoeung of resumes." Director of CSA himself to being president. He is Ile said the organization's goals were Sophomore, accounting Lavering's goals include: Nicole Launder putting off graduation." not to win but "to use the election as a Class guarantees: He wants the Diane Nong, a sophomore in com- tactic" to bring SUAE's message to university to guarantee that freshmen Director of Commu- puter engineering, agreed with Yoe- the campus and to keep the momen- Don Cecil, who spent much of Fri- role pushing group and club mem- get the classes they need to graduate in nity Affairs ung, saying that Lavering's platform tum going and he feels his group day evening with friends at the Spar- bers for support and making promises 4-5 years for most majors. was clear and well-thought-out. She was successful. tan Pub, said that while he appreciates which can't be guaranteed," Cecil Club survival and representation: Tim Danziger said she likes his goal of increasing "I never thought SUAE had a the caring his friends and supporters said. He supports the proposal in which Director of Ethnic the quality of education. chance to win," he said. Many candi- are giving, he wants people to know Layering will begin collecting his clubs that participate in Club Day get Affairs But Stephen Moore, a junior in dates were threatened about SUAE that he is not going to disappear from $470 stipend in July and will collect it $100 from the AS. budget. He favors political science, was surprised at the being elected and changing the struc- the scene. for eleven months in total. rewarding clubs who raise funds on Mel Brown large number of votes between layer- ture of A.S." "I'm not going to stop living," he In the interim, he will be meeting their own and would support alloca- Director of Intercul- ing and Cecil. /faro said the election results will said. "I'll still be a student leader." with Launder and other newly elected tion of matching A.S. funds. "I voted for him (Cecil) and among not change SUAE's plans in the future Cecil, who has two months left as members. Safety: Would review safety pro- tural Affairs all the people I knew, he was the to fight the proposed 40 percent fee current A.S. director of communica- Over the past few weeks, Layering visions and would have a committee Manuel Alexandre favorite," he said. increase, ROTC's gay exclusion policy tions, said he hopes to be involved on has said the key to his victory has that would include the University Director of Non-Tra- Although Moore said he was not and discrimination on campus. A.S. committees next year and said if been campaigning to many different Police Department and the escort ser- that familiar with Cecil's ideas, all his And he is hoping the new A.S. a director vacancy came up be would cultural groups, residence halls. vice. ditional Minority friends encouraged hint to vote for president will assist SUAE in its goals. be interested in serving. Greeks and night students and encour- Communication: Ile supports the Affairs Cecil. "Todd has expressed an interest in Meanwhile, he said, he would aging these students to get out and A.S. newsletter, survey and increased Vanessa Walling Moore added that be was surprised working with us," Haro said. "When attend to schoolwork next year and vote. communication between clubs and that SUAE candidates didn't win any we took over the A.S. meeting last "maybe even get a 4.0." He added that his successful fight A.S. Director of Spon- of the five positions in the run-off month, he questioned why the A.S. When asked about the election against the $20 add/drop fee in 1990 Public Transportation: Commit- sored Programs election. failed to see what value SUAE had in results, he said, "Todd won the flyer convinced students that he is able to ted to alternative methods of trans- Michael Andrade But SJSU students Cruz Montero informing and mobilizing the stu- war. He had strong support from the unify the campus faculty, adminis- portation. He said he has used public and Hilda Mena were more than sur- dents." humanities and arts." tration, staff and students in the transit for two years. Director of Student prised. They were angry. Hato said he believes now is the He added that maybe in this elec- pursuit of quality education at SJSU. Recycling: Supports A.S. com- Rights and Responsi- "SUAE has done a lot for the cam- time for the newly elected A.S. mem- tion he was a little naive. First thing be will do when takes mitment, possibly including the pur- bilities pus," Montero said. "I haven't seen bers to work with SUAE and give "I didn't realize that even on a col- office, he said, is to go out to the same chase of equipment for the recycling Rosy Kamboj any of these (winners) getting them a helping hand. lege campus politics plays a definite groups and organizations where he center. Dutch rappers accuse Hammer ENERGY: Nuclear an option TEACH SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Rap pean tour last April 3 was filed in U.S. Prom Front Page star Hammer was accused in a lawsuit District Court. Because it's difficult to sell the idea of nuclear power, From Front Page of hitting a Dutch rap singer with Roger Marsh and Frans Merlot are While promoting the use of nuclear energy, Mozzor it's important to educate people as to whether it's actually a university is that there are so brass knuckles, but a lawyer for Ham- seeking more than $100,000 for lost urged students to dig up more information on their own. feasible energy source, said Andy Ramos, SJSU's director few lecture halls," Walker said. mer denied the charges. earnings and medical and punitive Only about a dozen students were on hand, and they of environmental health and safety. "This case has no merits, it's full of damages. asked questions sparingly. Most offered little resistance to Although Manor's talk focused on a defense of nuclear The laboratory format is the lies," said Los Angeles lawyer A separate suit against Hammer Mozzor's ideas. energy, Mozzor brought up the fact that this country needs most effective way of learning, Lawrence Blake, noting that Dutch last week accuses the Fremont resi- "Don't take my word for it," Mozzor said. Before mak- a diverse mix of energy sources. He called for using solar especially for those majoring police declined to prosecute. dent of failing to honor a contract that ing up their minds on where they stood on the issue, he energy wherever practical, and for a personal commitment in science, Walker said. The suit by two Dutch singers required him to pay 2.7 percent of his asked students to go to the library and find out both sides of to conservation by everyone. Small-group discussion is charging Hammer and his employees lifetime earnings to a former Army the story. He said he felt strongly that the facts would sup- But "you can't plug your toaster into conservation," he of assault and battery during a Euro- pal. port his own position. said. also beneficial but has some Phillip Yee, a junior engineering major, said he came to "1 was hoping for more dissonance and excited dia- serious drawbacks. the presentation to learn more about the issue. He said he logue," said Norm McElroy, radiation safety officer for For a small-group discus- has mixed feelings about nuclear energy that the presenta- SJSU's nuclear science facility "I thoroughly enjoy a good sion class to really work, there tion did not resolve. debate," he said. need to be eight or fewer stu- 10 % Off W/Student I.D. dents in the class. (except backpacks on sale) With the budget cuts the Lucas technology CARD BOARD way they are, small-group dis- TRAVEU'ACKS BACKPACKS cussion classes are not a viable used for airport From Front Page From Front Page 'Lowe Ai alternative, according to Walk- Outdoorwear ..Vgt disaster drill where there is always a photographer Cf. ilargat on hand. essary problems down the line, he SuniaLSCS Eagle Creek SAN FRANCISCO (AP) "I encourage students to do that," said. But the budget constraints Pyrotechnical wizardy devel- Chambers said. The student-only chairman propos- make it virtually impossible to C & M BACKPACKING oped by George Lucas' special According to Avila, a lot of stu- al, made by Associated Student Pro- teach classes using anything effects company gave a sense of dents do not come to the main cam- gram Board Director Rob Kolar, but the lecture format. 481 E. San Carlos St. (Next to Subway) 297-9777 realism to a simulated crash at pus and it's not fair to make each stu- received eight votes in its favor, and dent drive to San Jose to get a card eight against. It needed four more "I think we share a concep- San Francisco International Air- tion of good teaching and port. issued. votes in order to pass. "It's the university's and adminis- The Student Union Board of learning. We haven't solved LSAT Strategy Lecture how that could go on with the "What we played out ... was tration's job not to forget about the Directors will meet in the Guadalupe other and not to treat those Room to discuss adding another stu- constraints. We pretty much FREE! by I he founder of probably the worst type of agreed that it can't," said FREE! inferno you'd ever see in any students like second-class students," dent to the board as well as ideas such Avila said. as requiring Spartan Shops to provide forum moderator Rita Man- Testing for the Public crash," airport spokesman Ron ning. Wilson said on Friday. "We Avila said off-campus students are students with microwave ovens in the David M. White can't get any closer to realism." hassled with the pseudo-identification union. cards when they try to use them at Thursday, April 9, 7-9 PM Effects by Lucas' Industrial various campus facilities. Room L23 Light and Magic company set "If any of the off campus students off a series of explosions and were on campus during elections, ,fficgr, 12345 El Motile [toad, l.ii. ..111,),-, I ilk created a spectacular solid they wouldn't have been able to vote 151()I 026-34:55 Mr more infbrni i, orange flame that shot 50 feet without an SJSU ID card with photo," into the air during the rescue Avila said. drill on Thursday. About 100 high school stu- ?dee iA/Itu's dents acted as the wounded. April 7, 1992 CHINESE CUISINE- FOOD TO CO IFt IIE 6:00 - 8:00 p.m -Mandarin & Szcchuan Cuisine Lucas donated the technolo- SJSU Roost 564A 'Box Lunches To Co gy, but the company filmed the IL- Sivr OPEN DAILY drill and has the rights to the SOnlesto 7...6* Sega Lunch & Dinner footage, Wilson said. It was nac 11:30-9:00 P.M. *Catering Available unclear if ILM would help with Sign up at the Prevention Education Program PEP Center future drills. AT" Administration Building 222A 9:00 5 00. Monday Friday 294-3303 or 998-9427 11%/11 Medlin* to sign-up: April 3, 1992, 3:00 p.m. 131 E. Jackson Street Previous drills were far less TOTAL TEST PREP For more information, call 924-5945 6 blocks North of Santa Clara Between 3rd & 4th Streets extensive, with smoke bombs TIE Sponsored IN Thevention Education Roo.. used to simulate a fire, he said. CdSponsoled by Student Actrones & Snores Spokesmen for ILM, based in San Rafael, Calif., did not immediately return calls to the Associated Press. EDUCATIONAL GROUP MEXICO.imItrir 1072 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road Suite A-103 Call (408) 252-4300 COPIES ell T;letx PeSerdWek;r 42# //arisl * includes: Roundtrip cruise NOW for two adults aboard the ION Olds luxury ocean liner, PLY. Pad& Star front San lEconamic Security? Diego, Calif. to Mexico, along with 4 days and 3 PER PERSON Are you curious about how your nights ocean view hotel accommodations at the Hold Paraiso Las economic security and God are related? Palmas while In Ensenada, Mexico. midnight to 6 a.m. self-serve copies Convenient port departure 6 times weekly, every week of year. Tickets valid for I year from dale of puichase, transferable. $529 retail value * oRreurol AG F 18 IN MEXICO You are invited to a free lecture discussing this topic. ORDER NOW! Where: Almaden Room, in the Student Union kinkois Qt1)(12 Tkkett AletteA Per College, Make, 51 Weekend Trip, When: April 8th at 12:30 p.m. the copy center 1-800-444-5364 For more information, call 247-4409 GRAND ISLAND VACATIONS

Mit 1115 riallomelde 0,5,1 no,onlo OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK Sors4ice. Tickets rd trilhn Itnel Neloon 14 rio IsdnulrliKeig 295-4336 e3Liotila Authorlted ( 0 0 Set vIr e Lecture sponsored by the Christian Sciency 93 E. San Carlos St. at Third St. 'Morn &Awn Al Ann en &Ann 0Avalabblo Spnup Sfoolk tsyd 0..rirtiryd fe, onw So,pipoo Wm, Organization at San Jose State University Sans No canned y *ono) coOf by no voratro Al dams desuptore 0con.. tow as selrellied las olter ACROSS FROM McDONALD'S Anninatons Pily muttons. Apply 7 do, ,non pobcy hortipecNnedele kkIttonalthereeloosserresentool09(19114). on Op meals (00001. pat doom. chaos Mee lam 00 (ley (dance tesinston notice toped 51* Owe prc4.410 SPARTAN DAILY SI San lose State University Monday, April 6, 1992 5 Nerd shares computer tips, gripes VOLLEY OF THE DOLLS

The Computer Information reliably. Apple, you might call in some of System says that there are about Apple has found a fix but Steve those friendship points and ask him 2,000 engineering students every Wozniak, Apple's co-founder and or her to let you buy a PowerBook. semester who need to get onto the owner of several PowerBooks, tells Each Apple employee can buy four mainframe to complete projects, not me to just keep trying different disks PowerBook 100's for $950 and two to mention the brave few souls who until you find some that work. PowerBook 140's for about $1,500 try to call into the library and use (there are three different versions of Internet. We need better Apple's engineers used some of the 140). accessibility to our computer Wozniak's PowerBooks to find the problem but he says he still has Those prices are about $1,000 If you don't read this column, services. problems from time to time. lower than the bookstore's prices. your portable computer may The only catch: You aren't supposed catch on fire. System 7 users' Too hot to handle He went through several copies to resell the computer for a year and may disappear or you I'm a computer masochist so I'll of Claris' Works before he found a you have to know the Apple may spend $1,000 too much on an spend some time this week trying to set that loaded properly. A employee. Apple PowerBook. All this and a get into the system. However, while workaround - or alternate solution free "Nerditorial" to boot! tooling around on Prodigy trying to to the problem - that Wozniak 'lime-Up tuned up Now I know why computer nerds get information on how to use suggested was to buy the SCSI are paid so well in this valley. I tried adapter and load software off of a For all Macintosh users using Internet I found some disturbing System 7 there was another Tune- to sign onto Internet this past week news: Apple's new PowerBook is friend's hard drive. to write my column and failed. This Up released last week. Version 1.1 quite hot. But I just loaded up a 170 for a fixes a bug with the print drivers that is my official excuse for not friend and the SCSI connection was finishing my Internet column. The quick-selling PowerBooks, used to cause crashes with the or at least their batteries, are hot problematic. (I changed the SCSI LaserWriter Plus. There were two reasons that I number on the hard drive and it enough to cause fires in briefcases. It also fixes a bizarre problem couldn't get into Internet: 1) SJSU worked long enough for me to put Now, before you call 91101 with System 7 that caused some doesn't have enough modems to Consumer Reports, just chill out some things on it). I don't know if allow a reasonable chance for others are having problems but if users' folders to disappear. The because it isn't really Apple's fault. bookstore and most on-line services students to get in, and 2) the Internet you are, you're not alone. The problem came up when an the was designed by a sadist who loves should have a copy by the end of Apple employee threw a couple of If you buy a PowerBook and find week. to watch users writhe in pain while the Nicad batteries for the 170 and five or more pixels that don't work The only way to tell if you have using their computers. 140 models into a briefcase where on your screen, bring it back to is to open up something metallic shorted the two Apple for a replacement screen. If the newest version your extensions folder, find the file "Nerditorial" contacts of one battery causing it to you have fewer than five, try that is called "tuner," click on it SJSU's computer implementation explode. begging, but Apple says that it will only replace screens with five once and "get info" under the file makes me hurl - to put it bluntly. Apple is now passing out plastic menu. The newest version is 1.1. For a campus that has more than sleeves for the batteries to fit inside defects. (Your case is stronger if the If you don't have either version 35,000 people using it every week it of. Batteries that are loaded defects are in one part of the inside of Tune-Up, and are using System 7 is ridiculous that SJSU can only screen.) the PowerBook are OK and aren't in or 7.0.1, the Tune-Up speeds up the afford to buy six 24C10-baud any danger of shorting. copying of files and fixes several modems and no Polish an Apple (employee) 9600's. Just be sure to keep the loose bugs and speeds up several other I know several people in the batteries - including other types of By the way, don't let any of the functions, too. valley negative news keep you from buying who have four 9600-baud batteries, for that matter - away So there it is: a column that will modems a PowerBook. coming into their homes! from any metal objects that could save you $1,000, keep you from It's really ironic that SJSU is located complete the circuit and short them They are the best thing that catching on fire and helps you keep in the middle of Silicon Valley but it out. Apple has designed since coming up the squirrels in your Macintosh from doesn't even attempt to get industry PowerBooks, especially the 170, with the original Macintosh. It's the eating your folders. to support it with a few hundred have a few other quirks that Apple perfect thing for people who get dollars per modem. creative thoughts while resting on Bet ya didn't know there were has been working on trying to fix. squirrels in there! Last week I tried to get on at 3 Some users have complained that the toilet. Scoff Sady - Daily staff photographer a.m, and all the phone lines were the internal floppy on the If you are one of the lucky few Robert W. &obit: is the president Brian Wheatley sets a volleyball in front of Hoover Hall busy. PowerBooks doesn't read all disks who have a friend who works at of the SJSU Mac Users Club.

FAX: 924-3282 CLASSIFIEDS PHONE: 924-3277

The SPARTAN DAILY AUTO INSURANCE AC - TIV - ISM HI RISE BLDG. BRIGHT, AIRY FREE COLOR ANALYSIS, STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRAUA THE TYPESMITH of fers word QUALITY WORD PROCESSING makes no claim for product. or Campus Insurance Service The taking of action to achieve a 1 Br. Apts with A.E.K., makeover & skin care analysis. Information on semester, year, processing on a Macintosh lit with Fast & dependable earvicsa sdvirtisod blow nor Is Special Student Programs political or social change. gated covered parking, intercom Professional image consultant graduate, summer and a Laser printer. I do term papers. Ramble hours. WP 5.1 thare any quarant Implied. The Serving S)SU for 20 years CALIFORNIA CITIZEN ACTION entry, laundry. OK for 2. Quality products at 40-75% less internship programs in Perth. reports, resumes, letters Noel - 732-8612 clauthed columns 04 0,. Sponse 'Great Rates for Good Dryers" is now hiring articulate energetic Rent from $695. Quiet, nice for than retail. 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Call Richard or Denise at 288-9157 Cell Lauren 2881533. or leave message for manager Consecuthre publications dales only MI No refunds on cancelled ads Copyright 0 CA29K.C. Questions? Cell (409) 924-3277 6 Monday, April 6, 1992 San lose State University SPARTAN DAILY SPORTS Former employee files sexual harassment lawsuit against Patriots PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) Another sexual harassment charge involving the New England Patriots 'Carolyn brought was filed Friday in a $6 million suit very lawsuit brought by a former this employee of the NFL team. reluctantly after Carolyn Palla, 28, of Provi- efforts to reach a dence, alleges she was harassed by Patriots vice president of adminis- compromise and tration Patrick Forte and the Patriots didn't do anything about it. a settlement Her claims were made in the with the Patriots lawsuit in U.S. District Court. was I3uring the 1990 season, Boston Herald sports writer Lisa Olson unsuccessful.' filed a lawsuit charging that she was sexually harassed by several players Kevin Gavin while attempting to do interviews in Carolyn Palla's attorney the locker room. The lawsuit was settled out of harassing conduct against her or court after a lengthy investigation within the KMS Patriots organiza- by the NFL and Olson no longer works for the Herald. Palla also alleges she was dis- "I have no comment" concern- missed from the company because ing possible similarities with she refused to submit to further Olson's case, said Kevin Gavin, harassment or to "engage in sexual Palla's attorney. conduct" with Forte. "The Patriots and Patrick Forte "Carolyn brought this suit very firmly deny Miss Palla's claims of reluctantly after efforts to reach a harassment," Robert C. Weber, the compromise and a settlement with Patriots' legal counsel, said in a the Patriots were unsuccessful:' said Marc-Ink Sanchez - Daily staft p.101,.gr.iphtI statement Palla's attorney Kevin Gavin. "Miss Palla was employed by Julie Williams, the Spartans No. 4 seed, blew by her Santa Clara opponent in straight sets, Clare Badaracco 6-0, 6-0, on the South Cam- The suit charges the defendants overall fell to 5-12 with the loss Santa Clara improved to 12-9 overall.A the Patriots for only a few months with violation of Massachusetts pus tennis courts Thursday. The Spartans record to the Broncos. and she was discharged for poor anti-discrimination laws, breach of performance of her duties. employment contract, intentional The Patriots will contest these infliction of emotional distress, and allegations vigorously. assault and battery. Broncos stampede Spartans No further comment will be Gavin said he believed the suit made at this time," Weber said. could have been filed in either the Daily staff report 12-9 overall with the victory, and the the day was earned by fifth-seeded Sixth-seeded Jennifer Taylor tried, A telephone message left Friday federal courts in Rhode Island or in Spartans overall record fell 10 5-12. Tisha Hiraishi. but was unable to bring the Spartans at Forte's office wasn't immediately Boston, and it had been filed in Broncos galloped three close SJSU women's tennis team All of SJSU's three victories came She battled Santa Clara's Sara another win. She played returned. Rhode Island because that was past the matches against the Broncos' Kathleen where Palla's attorneys lived. for the second time this season on in singles matches. Rogers for three sets, but eventually The suit charges Forte harassed 6-4,0-6, Curry, but fell short 5-7, 7-5, 4-6. Thursday at the South Campus tennis Second-seeded Janell Nickell overcame her opponent 7-5. matches Palla, who worked with the Patriots "She lives in Rhode Island, her SJSU lost all of its doubles from June through October 1991, lawyers are in Rhode Island, and courts. brought the Spartans a victory by beat- No. 1 seed Noi Meksavanh took against the Broncos. ing Santa Clara's Molly 1)avenport 6- her opponent, Kinunie Ouchi to three by "physical touching and verbal there's jurisdiction over the Patriots Last time these two teams squared The team of Williams/Hiraishi fell propositions and comments." in Rhode Island," he said. off. SJSU almost pulled off a victory 1,6-2. sets but dropped the match to Ouchi 6- rival, but lost a 4, 2-6, 3-6. to Badaracco/Rogers in straight sets 6- The suit alleges KMS Patriots, The suit names two Delaware from its cross-town At the No. 4 seed, Julie Williams 2,6-2. The Spartans'Meksavanh/Cadi- the limited partnership that owns corporations as defendants, besides close match 4-5. followed suit and shut down the Bron- Lyn Cadigal, the Spartans' No. 3 gal couldn't outplay CurryNalcayama and operates the franchise, "con- KMS Patriots and Forte. On Thursday, the Spartans posed cos' Clare Badaracco 6-0, 6-0 in seed who had a great match Tuesday and lost the match 6-4,6-0. doned and ratified this misconduct threat to the Broncos and only straight sets. The match was Williams' against Lewis and Clark State College, VICK Corp. and FWM Corp. are less of The Spartans meet UC-Santa Cruz and took no action to stop it or to general partners of KMS Patriots, took three games from Santa Clara. best of the season. couldn't overcome Santa Clara's discourage discriminatory sexually Darien Ching and lost 1-6,0-6. on Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the South the suit claims. Santa Clara improved its record to The Spartans only other victory of Campus tennis courts.

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