DOUBLE Green Stainps Gfucah Ar- - a Cuy O F Vluago Chmrm Rohonnol Unw Nftor Tho Boudnya
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.\ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12. 19S0 A vm it Dally Nat Praia Ron Tht Wtathtr ;fiRatulf»at»r Ett^nbts IfproUi fkr Urn Weak Ba«as FMMari of P . a. Waadwe 9 m m a, 1959 ’Taday, parhy olMiy. moIi tvu young sons, Gerald and UgtMot acar IS. ^~1Mglrt, fair Tha Mnacbootor Oiom l Soctoty Duane, aepompanted him to J^ ian 10,175 wID nbonroo na uounl tbU ovonlng Honor Award aad aaoti lewaat 96. i t J K b o a t T d w n 2 Local Marines Wounded and are now living In Redlands, •( (fee Aadtt a t 7:40 nt tho Sooood Congrogn- calif. He also leavea two sisters, tlonal eburch’. Thin will bo the Inst Mrs. Alice Oaudlsin of New Brit-, DOUBLE Green Stainps gfUcAH ar- - A CUy o f VlUago Chmrm rohonnol unW nftor tho boUdnya. For Gallantry aln and Miss Dorothy Steinberg, • t l» , tiM a •dTBBiitago mM t)M In Big Battle in Korea an em^oyee of H m Heral«V H dungo ten Hnnebontor Gmngo nnnouncoa n Captain Steinberg was bom in GIVEN WITH CASH SALES ALL (ClaaoUled Advartlriag aa Paga I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1950 THIRTY.TWO PAGES->(IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CENTS ~ Chrtatnina party for the children VOL. LXX, NO. «2 (3roup A. OMter Silver Star to Go to Manchester oiL,A|>gust 6, 1012, - ■ - - «a ____I chuieh. In tlm Fnd- of Omngo membera, Wedneaday Two local Marinea have notified f the(_ a.1.. Korean a..aa.^_ fighting, nm..^ Albertn#»l#4aaa»ai aaid was educated ~ui local schools and . room lUrUnc nt S:80 to> evening, December 20, nt 0:30 their parents by mall that they in his letter. The three Bolducs Widow of Capt. Stein- was employed as a route salesman DAY WEDNESDAY o'clock. Pnrenta nro aa|ced to call have been in Korea since August. m m a m aftmooa. WbMlitr rac* have been , wounded in the recent bCrgf Killed in Korea by Arthur R. Wilkie, local milk C^ts Hot Letter I M aN tsrpad or hniidwrttton Mm. WUUnm BelmoroT 46 Lyneaa Albert and William have see dealer, until he entered aervloo la Marshall Plan ‘Waan’t Me’ Rummel Death GOP Backs S lM an a fewnco, uiyom taUr- atroat or Mra. Bnrl Hutchlna, 88 heavy fighting in Korea, it was action at Beoul, Hamhung and the The Department of Defense In 1938 and was with the 84th Infan «Ud In lavtUd to bring them I Broad atreet. aa aoon aa poaalble, learned today. Chongjin Rsaervolr. Donald has try in Korea. In 1944 he was 60,000 Allied Troops : erltb I giving the age of the children and participated in the fighting at D i For alone aad nnehnngo thorn The wounded are Pfc. Albert H. Washington, C., has announced moted to the rank of lieutenant Practical Electrical Aid to Britain Launches Wide ' Plan to Build iHeode while enjoying tea and their namea ao that arrangemenU Bolduc, aon of Mr. and Mra. Alfred Wonson, Seoul, Chongjin and Ham that the Silver Star for gallantry while stationed a t Fort McClellan, by the hoapltality I may be made for the program. hung, and was wounded on the J. Bolduc of 30 Ford street and in action has been awarded post Alabama, and to captain when •ommittea. FYc. Donald N. Bolduc, son of Mr. move to take tho Chongjin Dam, Christmas Gifts Armed Might Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary will humously to Captain Ernest W. transferred overseas. After World Is Terminated! Gaming Probe and Mra. Florian J. Bolduc of 31H according to his letter. Donald was War II he was stationed with the taken off the field once before be Steinberg who was killed in ac Rnomit Oino Bchiavetti, aon of|*i^ f w Charter Oak street. The men, tion in Korea on September 3. Occupational Forces in Germany Speed Evacuation as Aihji ifff«. KmiUo Bchlsvsttl of I n ln j oi30 ot tho V. K. W. hoiri6 who are cousins, wrote from hos cause of fro u n hands, he said. ? » recenUv w it with a Chriatmaa Captain Steinberg was the son of and his family joined him there,' We Suggest Move Baaed on English Two Sheriff’s Officers Assttre Truman of Sup 8075 HUjiyd ati^ w^uy Department Preaident Mra. pitals In Japan. Although there have been report later going to Japan. edly 10 Red casualties for every Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Steinberg Albert was wounded In the back of 70 Benton street. He was the Reeovery; Officialaj Suspended as Grand port; He Will Speak omgtfovember 27 and Donald was American one in the bitter Korean ji- ia nraMntly on mBinh^r® of h^r stnff oo fighting, a news report yesterday first Manchester man to meet Clerks a t the F . W. Woolworth Into Alle- To U. S. by Radio-TV hit'In the back and hand by shrap death in the present conflict. store on Main atreet will have Stress U. S. to Extend Jury Digs t o ^ c taSntog gueot* Ch'W Welfare Chairmen nel from a bursting mortar shell stated that Marine casualties in GI’s Hurl Back Reds Renlacement Captain Steinberg's wife, the their annual Christmas party this Friday at 1 0 :3 0 p. ni. Mra. Margaret Brown remlnda the on November 28. "The local men the northeast "trap” will be among G. E. More Aid If Needed ' ’gations of Protection v S : tnember.^^^ bring fifty-cent toy. former Juanita Taylor, and her evening at Murphy’s restaurant. are serving with the First and tho heaviest of any battle in 2?^ “f 5 SSSeatM to be aent to children at the Tol- Marine Corps history. Los Angeles, Dec. 18—OP)— The Washington, Dec. IS—)/P) — Re •n'^lland County home in Vernon and Seventh Marine Divisions, respec Waahlngton, Dec. 13— (/P)—^Tha Ounce of Prevention Hnngnam Docks Scene tively, and participated in the For the benefit of any friends United Statea today cut off all shotgun blast that killed Attor publican Oongresslonal leaders Yugo Aid Bill fighting through the bloody “trap” who wish to writs to him, Albert’s ney Sam Rummel, “mouthpiece” gave President Truman their full Worth Pound of Bulbs Of Feverish Bustle; in northeast Korea, address la: Pfc. Albert H. Bolduc, MarohaU Plan Aid to Great Electrical Housewares for "underworld characters, today support today for a swift build up Highlands, N. J.. Dec. 13.— Men and Equipment Both men enlisted in the Marinas 1D74262 U. 8. M. C., Osaka Army Britain, effective January 1 Through error in the church promises to blow the lid off pro of armed strength anu said they Hits Surprise (47 Who said adults never r The Lucy Spencer group of the news Saturday, the annual Broth on August 8, 1048, along with Hospital, A. P. O. 1007, care of William C. Footer, the Marahall Rushed Onto Trans Second Congregational Women'a Albert’s brother, Pfc. William F. P. M„ San Francieco, Calif. tected gambling In Loe Angeles.\ agree "a dangerous emergency learn? erhood supper tonight at Emanual DOUBLE Flan Adminlatrator, aaid Britain’a Last year kids stripped the Donald's address was not avail ports to Beat Pos League will have an all-day work Lutheran church was glwn aa Bolduc. William is also wdUi the economic comeback in the paat Two aherlff’e officers. Vice exists." Snag ill House First Division and has been fight able today but will bo published G. E. TOASTERS Squad Sgt. Lawrence Schaffer borough's three CThrlstmas aaaalon toifiorrow a t the church, eight o’clock. It should have read Their views were set out In a when two qullta will be tied. A ing with his brother throughout when received. year ia the reaaon. and Capt. Carl H. Pearson, former trees of all their bulbs within sible Break • Through 8:!10. It wdll be the annual ladles’ statement after a White House Sot meal will be aerved ’at npon. night, and the guest speaker will GREEN STAMPS Since the recovery program head of the squad, are under sus two d) ys. By Foe at Defense atartad in April of 1048, Britain pension. conference of CJongresslonal lead- Congresfiineii Label It This year there'll be one tree be Rev. Erich O. Brandt, the new Pariahioners of Emanuel Luth The Infant Jesus of Prague ITio regular meeting of the pastor of Concordia Lutheran $22.95 baa been allotted a total of $2,- The County Grand Jury is. dig era of both parties. — on top of the two-atory Bor Perimeter; Planes Aid eran church who were bom in Mothers’ Circle will meet tomor Given With Cash Safes AU Day “A|i|iea»einevl’’ ; Ail- ough hall. Ladiea Aid of the Emanuel Luth church. 604,300,000. ging again into the case of the The meeting followed an an Sweden, or of Swedish decent, fill row evening at eight o’clock with With G. E. excluHive feature of nouncement that i r. Tr\iman will eran church wilt be held Thuraday First Nation to Step Out Guarantee Finance O)., an alleg Rep. F . Edward Hebert (above) ministratioil l^eaders Tokyo, Dec. 13.— — afternoon at twb o’clock at the Malcolm T. Segar, aon of Mr. ed the vestry of the church last Mrs. Kathleen Rivard of Bremen WEDNESDAY either 'pop-up o r keep warm. The program, named for Gen. edly protected 36,000,000 a year (D . La.), a state’s tighter and make a radio address to the church. Following a abort buaineaa and Mrs. Stuart G. Segar of 110 night and were delighted with the Road.