VOL. 56 No. 3 SEPTEMBER 2015 Marilyn and Myles take a bow

When Marilyn and Myles Maddox started playing dupli- cate bridge at the Knicker- bocker Club on Grand Blvd. in Detroit in the mid-1950s, they would sit East-West, and all the North-Souths were top players: Russell Roosen, Cliff Bishop, Sylvia Stein, Helen Shanbrom, Van Brooks, Vince & Joan Remey, Grant Mar- see, Dorsey Brooks, Marie VerLinden, Bud Smith, Marty Cohn (“the great psycher”), Photo by Marilyn Nathanson Phil Leon, a very young came to Detroit in 1958, “We Chuck Burger and many were too afraid to play.” more. Well, that was then. Over “We were in awe,” Marilyn the years, Marilyn and Myles recalls. “My knees used to accumulated a combined total shake.” of almost 30,000 master- When the ACBL nationals (Continued on page 24)


The annual election for MBA of Directors will be held dur- ing the last four days of the October regional. If you cannot be there on one of those days, you can still vote by completing and sending in an absentee ballot. See page 5. Candidates’ pictures and statements appear on pages 6-7. Michigan Bridge Association’s Vince & Joan Remey Motor City Regional October 12-18, 2015 William Costick Center, 28600 Eleven Mile Road, Farmington Hills MI

Monday, October 12 Handicapped Bracketed KO Teams ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. (Continues Tuesday at 1:30 & 7:30 p.m.) Stratified Charity Pairs (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. Stratified Charity Pairs (single sessions) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m.

Tuesday, October 13 Horizontal Stratified Swiss Teams (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 9:30 a.m. (Continues Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.) Stratified Open Swiss Teams (0-1500, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. GOLD RUSH Stratified Swiss Teams (0-100, 0-300, 0-750) .. 1:30 & 7 p.m.

Wednesday, October 14 Handicapped Bracketed KO Teams ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. (Continues Thursday at 1:30 & 7 p.m.) Sylvia Stein Stratified Open Pairs (0-1500, 0-3000, unlimited) . 1:30 & 7 p.m. GOLD RUSH Stratified Pairs (0-100, 0-300, 0-750) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. Stratified Swiss Teams (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 7 p.m.

Thursday, October 15 Horizontal Stratified Swiss Teams (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 9:30 a.m. (Continues Friday at 9:30 a.m.) Stratified Open Swiss Teams (0-1500, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. GOLD RUSH Stratified Swiss Teams (0-100, 0-300, 0-750) .. 1:30 & 7 p.m.

Friday, October 16 Handicapped Bracketed KO Teams ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. (Continues Saturday at 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.) Stratified Open Pairs (0-1500, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. GOLD RUSH Stratified Pairs (0-100, 0-300, 0-750) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. Stratified Swiss Teams (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 7 p.m.

Saturday, October 17 (light lunch served after 1st session) Handicapped Bracketed Compact KO Teams ...... 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. Stratified Open Pairs (0-1500, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. GOLD RUSH Stratified Pairs (0-100, 0-300, 0-750) ...... 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. Stratified Swiss Teams (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited) ...... 2:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 18 (light lunch will be provided) Marilyn & Myles Maddox Stratiflighted Swiss Teams ...... 11 a.m. playthru (Flight A: 0-5000, unlimited; Flight B: 0-750, 0-1500, 0-3000)

PAGE 2 TABLE TALK SIDE PAIR GAMES (0-750, 0-3000, unlimited): Side Series #1: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 1:30 & 7 p.m. Side Series #2: Friday 1:30 & 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. You must play two sessions of the same series to win gold points.

INTERMEDIATE/NEWCOMER SCHEDULE (limited to players with fewer than 300 MPs) Strats: 0-20, 0- 50, 0-100, 0-200, 0-300, as attendance allows Tuesday, October 13, through Friday, October 16 Stratified I/N Pairs (single sessions) ...... 1:30 & 7 p.m. Saturday, October 17 (light lunch served after 1st session) Stratified I/N Pairs (single sessions) ...... 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. Sunday, October 18 (light lunch served after 1st session) Stratified I/N Swiss Teams (single sessions) .... 11 a.m. & 3 p.m.

Average MPs will be used to determine strats in all events. All players in Gold Rush events must have fewer than 750 MPs. KO Handicapping: Teams that average more than 7500 MPs will be handicapped at 7500 MPs.

Co-chairs: Jonathan Fleischmann, [email protected], 734-255-6104 Julie Arbit, [email protected], 301-512-5679

Partnerships: Marilyn Crane, [email protected], 734-591-3431 Rosanne Winokur, [email protected], 248-661-3567

Hotel: Comfort Inn, 37015 W. 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills MI, 248-471-9220 or 866-539-0036 Ask for Bridge rate ($65, includes continental breakfast)

TABLE TALK PAGE 3 TABLE TALK MBA Officers Official publication Kurt Dasher ...... president of the Michigan Bridge Association Richard Temkin ..... president-elect 30660 Woodgate Dr., Martin Hirschman ...... chairman Southfield MI 48076 Stacey Tessler ... recording secretary 248-646-3967 Bob Webber ...... treasurer e-mail: [email protected] Board of Directors MARTIN HIRSCHMAN, Editor Julie Arbit, Shelley Boschan, Mari- Production editor: Marcia Abram- lyn Crane, Kurt Dasher, Jonathan son Fleischmann, Martin Hirschman MBA Corresponding & Mem- (non-voting), Robert Katz, Grant bership Secretary: Paul Pome- Petersen, Paul Pomeroy, Patti roy, 34069 Hathaway St., Livonia Stoner, Richard Temkin, Stacey MI 48150, [email protected], Tessler, Rosanne Winokur, Willie 734-421-0193 Winokur

MBA CLUB DIRECTORY ■Ann Arbor BC, Walden Hills 248-887-9283. Thursday, 6 p.m. Clubhouse, 2114 Pauline, Ann ■Neighborhood Club, St. Paul Arbor. Ray Gentz, 734-769- Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3994. Wednesday 7 p.m. 375 Lothrop, Grosse Pointe Farms. ■Burns Center Bridge, 1320 Bald- James Schmidt, 586-463-9835. win, Ann Arbor. Dick Fortune, Thursday 12 p.m., Sunday 1 p.m. 5674. Wednesday 12 p.m. ■Plymouth Community DBC, Cul- ■Burns Park Bridge, 1320 Baldwin, tural Center, 525 Farmer, Plym- Ann Arbor. Stacey Tessler, 734- outh. Jim & Cheryl Perna, 248- 623-8050. Thursday 12 p.m. 887-9283. Tuesday 11:30 a.m., ■Downriver BC, Southgate Civic Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Center, 14700 Reaume Pkwy., ■Thursday Evening Bridge, Ann Southgate. , 519-969- Arbor City Club,1830 Washtenaw, 4441. Tuesday 10:30 a.m. Ann Arbor. Dorothy Kuhn, 734-761- ■Ford DBC, Ford Motor Company 6691. Thursday 7 p.m. World Headquarters, 1 American ■Trenton DBC, 2700 Westfield, Rd., Dearborn. Ellen Silverest, Trenton. Charles May, 734-301- 810-225-2278. Tuesday 7 p.m. 3872. Thursday 7 p.m. ■Friendly Friday BC, St. Paul ■War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore, Evangelical Lutheran Church, 375 Grosse Pointe. Judith Thomas, Lothrop, Grosse Pointe Farms. 313-372-4218. Monday 12 p.m. Ed Anthony, 248-648-0989. Fri- ■Young Center BC, R.A. Young day 12 p.m. Recreation Center, 5400 McKin- ■Huron Valley Bridge Club, Hart- ley, Dearborn Heights. Joyce land Senior Center, 9525 E. Highland Kozma, 313-274-5587. Wednes- Rd., Howell. Jim & Cheryl Perna, day 11 a.m.


The annual election for the MBA Board of Directors will take place on the last four days of the V.O. Remey Motor City Regional, Oct. 15-18, 2015, in Farmington Hills. Voting ends at the start of the Sunday event. If you cannot attend the tournament, please fill out and mail an absentee ballot according to the directions below. One ballot per MBA member, please. A second ballot is provided for use by households with two MBA members. Statements of the candidates appear on the following two pages. —————————————————————————————————— MBA ABSENTEE BALLOT Please vote for NOT MORE THAN FIVE (5) nominees for the MBA Board of Directors. For your absentee ballot to be valid, it must be MAILED, with the name of the voter on the outer envelope. There must be no more than two ballots per envelope. If two ballots are sent in one envelope, the names of both voters must be written on the outer envelope. This ballot may not be reproduced, and a facsimile will not be accepted. If you need additional ballots, please contact Martin Hirschman at 248-646- 3967 or [email protected]. Please vote for NOT MORE THANV FIVE (5) candidates. An asterisk(*) indicates incumbent. Please put an X after your choices.

1. Jonathan Fleischmann* _____ 5. Marcy Toon _____ 2. Marilyn Nathanson _____ 6. Marilyn Crane* _____ 3. Bob Ondo _____ 7. Stacey Tessler* _____ 4. Zachary Wasserman _____

Mail to Martin Hirschman, MBA election chair, 30660 Woodgate Dr., Southfield MI 48076 no later thanO Oct. 12. —————————————————————————————————— MBA ABSENTEE BALLOT Please vote for NOT MORE THAN FIVE (5) nominees for the MBA Board of Directors. For your absentee ballot to be valid, it must be MAILED, with the name of the voter on the outer envelope. There must be no more than two ballots per envelope. If two ballots are sent in one envelope, the names of both voters must be written on the outerI envelope. This ballot may not be reproduced, and a facsimile will not be accepted. If you need additional ballots, please contact Martin Hirschman at 248-646- 3967 or [email protected]. Please vote for NOT MORE THAN FIVE (5) candidates. An asterisk(*) indicates incumbent. Please put an X after your choices.

1. Jonathan Fleischmann* _____ 5. Marcy Toon _____ 2. Marilyn Nathanson _____D 6. Marilyn Crane* _____ 3. Bob Ondo _____ 7. Stacey Tessler* _____ 4. Zachary Wasserman _____

Mail to Martin Hirschman, MBA election chair, 30660 Woodgate Dr., Southfield MI 48076 no later than Oct. 12.

TABLE TALK PAGE 5 JONATHAN FLEISCHMANN I have enjoyed my last four years on the MBA board, including participation in newcomer education pro- grams and the opportunity to chair our annual region- al. I look forward to the chance to contribute further as a board member in the coming term.

MARILYN NATHANSON I am running for the board because, after a hiatus of 40 years, I find bridge enjoyable and challenging! Since joining the MBA I have created and “run” the MBA Facebook page, take pictures at tournaments, and assisted Bill Landrum and Shelley Boschan in cre- ating the MBA-SOMBA Directory. I enjoy the many people who share my passion for the game and would like to give back to those who continue to help me as well as be an active participant in our bridge communi- ty.

BOB ONDO I have only been playing bridge for a short time, but have been active at the bridge table and value the friendships I have developed. I am willing to serve the unit in a variety of ways. I feel the top priority is to in- troduce our game to new players; I feel that I am espe- cially positioned as a newer player to know how to do so. I am enthusiastic about our game, and would ap- preciate your vote.

ZACHARY WASSERMAN It's my pleasure to announce that I am running for the MBA board. I am excited for the opportunity to contrib- ute to the game I have enjoyed growing up.

PAGE 6 TABLE TALK MARCY TOON Having enjoyed playing bridge since I was a teenager, I welcome the opportunity to support the activities of our ACBL unit and to promote the game among new- comers.

MARILYN CRANE I have been an MBA member for many years and a board member for eight years. I enjoy being on the board and working on the Partnership Desk. Tourna- ments are important not only because of the competi- tion but also bringing friends together. I would appreci- ate your vote.

STACEY TESSLER As a member of MBA for the past 20+ years, I am running for a fourth term for the MBA board. As the recording sec- retary I am responsible for taking minutes at the MBA board meetings. I enjoy working to promote active partici- pation at club games, as well as tournaments. I continue to direct games in Ann Arbor and encourage young players and beginners to give a try. During the past year I initiated two beginner games in Ann Arbor. I look forward to serving on the board for another term and would appreciate your vote.

How to access the Joint MBA-SOMBA directory

You can reach the Joint MBA-SOMBA member directory by going to the District 12 website at district12bridge.org. Click on Member Directories, then on MBA/SOMBA. You will have to put in your ACBL number, and click on the box in front of the statement that you will not use the information for commercial purposes other than contacting members you already know. Next, you must punch in at least the first three letters of the last name of the player you are trying to look up. There is no way to look at all the listings at one time.


Exclamation points were flying this issue, as tricky questions of whether to bid games or slams drove our expert panelists to the brink. Congratulations to Jonathan Fleischmann for his perfect 500 and to Kerry Lafer, who was best among readers. You, too, can go to the brink – and perhaps win someone’s congratulations – by submitting your answers to next issue’s problems, found at the end of this article.

1. MTPTs. Both vul. As play Leb followed by 3♠ to SOUTH, you hold: mean the same thing, and ♠QJ74 ♥AQ92 ♦9842 ♣J don’t all share the same fol- WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH low-up plan. 2♥ Dbl Pass ? Don Rumelhart (2NT): Le- Action Score Votes bensohl followed by 3♠, show- Pass 100 6 ing invitational values and 2NT 100 6 four spades. I play an immedi- 2♠ 80 4 ate jump to 3♠ would show 3♠ 60 2 five spades. Who knows, 3NT 60 2 passing the double or bidding 4♠ 60 2 3NT could be right.

I thought I had the ideal It’s Bob Brent (2NT): Leben- Your Bid problem here: One sohlish. If partner puppets to with six plausible answers. 3♣ and it is not doubled, I will However, it turns out there is shoot out 3NT. If partner over- a conventional treatment for rules me with diamonds, I can this hand…sort of: invite with 3♠.

Howard Perlman (2NT): Le- Bob Cappelli (2NT): I will bensohl [relay to 3♣, usually follow up with 3NT to show weak] followed by 3♠. Invita- stopper(s) in hearts. 9 should tional but with ability to play be easier than 10. The key to 3NT. the hand is the J of clubs.

That sounds great, but the Bob Katz (2NT): For my sys- commentary by the other 2NT tem, this is easy. I don’t want bidders reveals they don’t all to commit the hand to 4♠

PAGE 8 TABLE TALK SCORES Experts: James Walter ...... 390 Jonathan Fleischmann ... 500 Jim Reed ...... 380 Don Rumelhart…………..490 David Graff ...... 340 Bob Webber ...... 480 Doris Jefferies ...... 330 Gene Benedict ...... 470 Patty Becker ...... 310 Suzy Burger ...... 460 Sarah Lampert ...... 310 Marilyn Maddox ...... 460 George Pope ...... 310 Myles Maddox ...... 460 Jerry Viedrah ...... 300 Brenda Bryant ...... 450 Margaret Carden ...... 280 Readers: Irv Hershman...... 280 Kerry Lafer ...... 470 Seymour Mandell ...... 270 J. Morris Swiger ...... 440 Barb Reed ...... 270 Val Enache ...... 400 Bob Ondo ...... 240 Marlene Mandell ...... 400 Jerry Jefferies...... 220

HOW THE PANEL VOTED 1 2 3 4 5 Julie Arbit Pass 4♣ 3NT 5♦ Dbl Gene Benedict 2♠ 4♥ 3NT 6♥ 5♠ Norm Bolton 3NT 5♣ Dbl 5♦ 5♠ Bob Brent 2NT 3♠ 3NT 4♠ 5♠ Brenda Bryant 4♠ 4♥ 3NT 6♥ 5♠ Chuck Burger 3♠ 4♥ 3NT 4♥ 5♠ Suzy Burger 2♠ 4♥ 3NT 4♥ 5♠ Bob Cappelli 2NT Dbl Pass 4♥ Dbl Joe Chiesa Pass 4♥ Pass 4♥ 6♠ Jonathan Fleischmann 2NT 4♥ 3NT 5♦ 5♠ Sam Hirschman 4♠ 4♥ Pass 4♥ 5♥ Bob Katz 2NT 4♥ Pass 5♦ 5♠ Sheldon Kirsch Pass 4♥ 3NT 4♥ 6♠ Morrie Kleinplatz 2♠ 4♥ Pass 6♥ 6♠ Marilyn Maddox 3NT 4♥ 3NT 5♦ 5♠ Myles Maddox 3♠ 4♥ 3NT 5♦ 5♠ Howard Perlman 2NT 4♥ Pass 6♥ 6♠ Irv Rosenstein Pass 4♥ 3NT 6♥ 5NT Don Rumelhart 2NT 4♥ Pass 5♦ 5♠ Dick Temkin Pass 4♥ Pass 5♦ 5NT Bob Webber Pass 4♥ Pass 6♥ 5♠ Willie Winokur 2♠ Dbl 4NT 6♥ 6♦

TABLE TALK PAGE 9 when 3NT may be the right Partner may not have four spot. I hear people say all the spades. It looks right to be time that double has to have conservative. four spades, which is non- sense. 2NT will force 3♣ and Suzy Burger (2♠): Soft values then 3♥ by me will show four with wastage in hearts. If part- spades and a heart stopper. I ner makes any move, will try 3NT. expect partner to bid 4♥ with four spades to right-side this, Chuck Burger (3♠): Kaplan or with only three spades to said doubles are for takeout bid 3NT. and I believe him. Value bid but tempting to pass. Jonathan Fleischmann (2NT): . I plan to grab Norm Bolton (3NT): Could notrump and spades to pro- be right, but who else can bid tect my heart holding. I’m un- it? willing to defend only 2♥ when under the opener. Marilyn Maddox (3NT): Dou- ble stopper in hearts. I asked Jonathan how he was going to show both Sam Hirschman (4♠): There notrumps and spades at his are lots of more complicat- next turn. He wrote back: “My ed auctions I could try, and initial bid takes care of me- maybe 3NT is right some siding notrump, and I plan to of the time. I don’t care. bid 3♠ over 3♣ to take care of Partner showed spades. I that strain. I confess that the have spades, we’re playing exact nature of the Lebensohl in spades. followups depends largely on Brenda Bryant (4♠): 3NT my specific agreements, so I'd might be right but risky with have to take a different ap- singleton. A high cross proach with different people.” might work if spades are bad. With or without Lebensohl, the panel is all over the map Six of 22 panelists chose to about how much to bid and in avoid guessing about level what strain. and strain by going for the gusto against 2♥x. Gene Benedict (2♠): The queen of hearts and jack of Julie Arbit (Pass): I’d rather clubs could be worthless. take a good shot at going plus Spades might break badly. on this board than attempting

PAGE 10 TABLE TALK to land in the exact right num- four trumps under the bidder. Re ber of spades. notrump, we have stoppers but

Irv Rosenstein (Pass): Try few tricks. That leaves me inviting for 500. in spades, either directly or via Le- bensohl. Dick Temkin (Pass): There When this hand came up at the is no assurance that we have table, partner held ♠109xx ♥x a game, and if we do, we may ♦AK10x ♣A98x and opener had be able to hold this to five ♠Kxx ♥KJ107xx ♦xx ♣Q10. It tricks. looks like 2♥x is down 1 while

Bob Webber (Pass): Don’t spades makes about 8 or maybe like anything. 9 tricks. NT is booked for 7 or 8 tricks. Sheldon Kirsch (Pass): Since 2NT is Lebensohl, I Morrie Kleinplatz (2♠): I’ll win can’t bid that as being invita- the event on a different board. tional. I could take a chance I like the sound of that comment, that partner has four or more projecting as it does a sense of spades and that they don’t calm in very rough seas. But I’m split badly. Pass seems like not sure it embodies the right the most logical choice. mental approach to matchpoints. Joe Chiesa (Pass): If I ad- judged game as better than 2. IMPs. Both vul. As SOUTH, you 50 percent, should go there hold: as I do not expect 800. BUT: ♠AKJ54 ♥ ♦A ♣Q1096542 1) I do not know which game, WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH as spades and NT need not -- -- 3♥ ? both make, and 2) I have but invitational values. In spades Her Action Score Votes Majesty is a tramp and I am only 4♥ 100 17 worth 3♠. In NT I am worth 2.4 NT, Dbl 50 2 and 2NT may be precluded by 3♠ 40 1 Lebensohl. If no game, I hope to 4♣ 40 1 win. If others are in the wrong 5♣ 40 1 game I win. This one seems obvious to I basically agree with Fleisch- me and most of the panelists: mann, C. Burger and the other Cuebid 4♥, showing five bidders that the two-level is too spades and a long minor, a la low to play for penalty with only Michaels.

TABLE TALK PAGE 11 Gene Benedict (4♥): Michaels- Other ideas: type cuebid showing a two- suited hand. Bob Brent (3♠): I doubt the bidding will stop there, and I Brenda Bryant (4♥): Tough still may have a chance to hand. I want to bid 5♣, but if show my clubs later. partner has spades, I am an idiot. Julie Arbit (4♣): Non-. It’s rare but when it Suzy Burger (4♥): Doesn’t comes up it’s wonderful. I will quite describe this powerful likely cuebid or bid 5♣ over player, but it’s a start. partner’s action.

Howard Perlman (4♥): The Fleischmann also men- real problem is what to bid if tioned that convention, but partner bids 4♠. I would bid 5♣ opted for 4♥ in the context of over 4♠, allowing partner to this bidding contest. evaluate his possible mini- Norm Bolton (5♣): Difficult. mum (e.g., ♠Qxxx ♥xxx ♦Jxxx Guess what partner has. Part- ♣Ax). ner should look at his A or AK Joe Chiesa (4♥): The real of clubs and he’ll know what problem emerges on the next to do. round as length in a black suit and club king is sufficient for Bad karma, I guess, but my slam. partner probably wouldn’t be looking at any clubs at all. Sheldon Kirsch (4♥): If part- Thanks to Bob Cappelli for ner bids 4NT, I’ll bid 6♣. suggesting this problem. He

Morrie Kleinplatz (4♥): reports that partner actually Michaels and Grand Slam held: ♠xx ♥K109xx ♦K9xxx Force (just kidding). Will pass ♣K, which means double ap- 4♠, bid 6♣ if partner bids 4NT parently was the big winner at the table. and hope for one of the two top honors. Bob Cappelli (Dbl): Plan to

Funny, I hadn’t considered correct 4♦ to 4♠, showing bidding a slam by myself on spades and clubs and game- going values. this hand. In 6♣ we’ll not only need at least Kx of clubs, but I’m not buyng that plan. we also will have to set up the Whatever double followed by spades for no losers, and 4♠ is supposed to show, I spades rate to break badly. doubt partner will guess we

PAGE 12 TABLE TALK have much longer clubs than If doubled, I will pull to a mi- spades, so it seems unlikely nor. that he or she will correct spades to clubs with say two Brenda Bryant (3NT): Some- body has to bid it. spades and three clubs. In 4♠, then, we usually will get Chuck Burger (3NT): Pass tapped out, taking perhaps too timid for me. At least I can five or six fewer tricks than we in spades if needed. would have gotten in clubs. Suzy Burger (3NT): Too 3. MTPTs. Both vul. As much to pass, double not SOUTH, you hold: right, 4NT too committed to minors and the 5-level. ♠K96 ♥A ♦KJ1096 ♣A1043 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Irv Rosenstein (3NT): Last -- Pass 3♠ ? chance to bid the NT game.

Action Score Votes Gene Benedict (3NT): Ham- 3NT 100 11 man’s Rule: If you have a Pass 90 9 choice of bids choose 3NT. Dbl 50 1 You might be able to hold up 4NT 50 1 the king of spades and knock

East out of the defense. The panel is bitterly divided on this one. I’m betting my Bob Brent (3NT): Hamman’s money, er, matchpoints on Law...It’s only one board! 3NT. We are just a small heart short of 3NT being the Joe Chiesa (Pass): One normal bid over 3♠, and pass- stopper, one heart. No tricks. ing with 15 points is losing Sadly, the majority will say bridge. “Hamman’s Rule. I have a stopper. If partner produces Jonathan Fleischmann seven tricks, it’s cold.” (3NT): I will not pass with this much, especially since I can Don Rumelhart (Pass): I hold up once in spades. hate to pass, but nothing seems right. I’ll hope for a Julie Arbit (3NT): Partner plus score. didn’t open 2♥, which is good. It means he may have more Dick Temkin (Pass): Oppo- minor cards fitting with me. site a passed hand, I don’t Putting the heart king and dia- think this is enough for 3NT. mond ace in his hand gives The stiff heart ace is not pull- me a good shot at nine tricks. ing full weight.

TABLE TALK PAGE 13 Bob Cappelli (Pass): This Norm Bolton (Dbl): Not per- may be the last plus score. No fect, but what is! guarantee that we have a I emailed Norman and game after partner has asked what he planned to do passed. if partner responded 4♥. He Sam Hirschman (Pass): I wrote back: “5♦. So sue me!” like going plus on this hand. I’ll lose to the people who just 4. MTPTs. None vul. As bid 3NT when it makes. I don’t SOUTH, you hold: really have a great spade ♠AKJ6432 ♥KJ96 ♦void ♣87 stopper or nine tricks without WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH serious help from a passed- -- 3♥ 4♦ ? hand partner. Action Score Votes Howard Perlman (Pass): 5♦ 100 8 Chances of game slim oppo- 6♥ 90 7 site passed partner. Better 4♥ 80 6 placed if partner reopens after 4♠ 50 1 LHO passes. We are going to make 12 Bob Katz (Pass): If it is our tricks in hearts most of the hand, partner may balance. time that partner has the ace

Morrie Kleinplatz (Pass): of hearts and a singleton or Hope that partner reopens the king of clubs. And if part- with a double. Then I’ll have a ner does not have the ace of new problem. hearts, the opponents may be able to make game in a minor. At the table, partner held So it makes sense to at least ♠Q7 ♥KQJ10 ♦Q83 ♣J952. I go to the five-level to look for doubt many players would re- slam. open with a double on that hand. 3NT makes about 10 Don Rumelhart (5♦): It could tricks; you put up the queen of be our hand or the opponents’ hand. I’ll see what this brings. spades at trick one, forcing East to win the trick. Later Julie Arbit (5♦): Hopefully West wins the ace diamonds partner will catch on with a and has no more spades to club control. play. I was puzzled by this an- Dick Temkin (5♦): If partner is swer: looking at the heart ace and

PAGE 14 TABLE TALK club king (or ace), he should and it may well take a club be accepting my slam try as lead to beat us. If they bid 7♦, he cannot have more. It’s un- I will have to decide what to likely that partner is opening do, though if I choose to de- 3♥ on a suit headed by the fend and they have both Q10 in first seat, so we should spade and heart voids I will be be safe at the five level. sorry for not taking out insur- ance. Bob Katz (5♦): We may have a grand slam. If partner bids Going slow… 6♣, then I will bid 7♥. Sheldon Kirsch (4♥): I’m on Jonathan Fleischmann (5♦): lead against diamonds, so I I suppose I’ll respect partner’s don’t need to do anything 5♥ signoff. 4♠ isn’t forcing, clever. and 4NT won’t help clarify the club situation. Chuck Burger (4♥): And bid again. Poker bid of 6♥ too Or should we just bid it? likely to get club lead, and I Brenda Bryant (6♥): …and don’t believe we have a club pray. I would not cue because control. I might alert them to a non- diamond lead. Sam Hirschman (4♥): My style (light but out- Gene Benedict (6♥): Match- side controls allowed) makes point gamble. I’ve always this more difficult, but we wanted to do this. This gives could easily have a heart and the opponents a problem: club loser or two club losers. What am I doing? The auction isn’t totally over

Morrie Kleinplatz (6♥): Let yet either. I just don’t think it’s them guess whether to sacri- likely we’ll make 6, and 5 isn’t fice or not and what to lead if even 100 percent (Spade they don’t. ruff? Heart and two club los- ers?) Irv Rosenstein (6♥): It may make if they lead a diamond. Suzy Burger (4♥): Probably Or they may make 5+ dia- won’t end the auction. Will monds. Let them guess at the compete to 5♥. 7-level! Bob Cappelli (4♥) Walking Howard Perlman (6♥): Who the dog! I want to get doubled knows what they can make… in 5♥. If they bid 5♣ over 4♥ I

TABLE TALK PAGE 15 will bid 5♥ over that. If they 5. IMPs. N-S vul. As South, raise 4♦ to 5♦ and then also you hold: bid the 6th diamond ahead of ♠1098432 ♥AK6 ♦4 ♣AJ10 me, I plan to pass and try to WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH cash two spades to defeat it 3♦ Dbl 4♠ Dbl Pass Pass 5♦ ? rather than try to make 6♥ off two cashing clubs. Action Score Votes 5♠ 100 12 Joe Chiesa (4♥): Both strate- 6♠ 60 4 gic and tactical problem. How Dbl 50 2 high to go and how fast to get 5NT 50 2 there. I do not know the an- 5♥ 40 1 swer. Therefore I will walk the 6♦ 40 1 dog and decide whether to let them play 6♦. 5♦ is ill con- Assuming partner has at ceived as partner will not bid 6 least three spades, East’s 4♠ with losing spades, the heart bid was either a lead director ace and club king, and it of- or, more likely, an out-and-out fers LHO a chance to double. psychic. It is tempting to just 5♥ is only right if I know what bid 6♠. to do over 6♦. Joe Chiesa (6♠): What I

A different idea: thought I could make when partner doubled. East thinks Bob Brent (4♠): Ostensibly so, too. Cannot find 7♠ if lead directing for later (maybe there. much later), followed by hearts at the 5-level. We may Sheldon Kirsch (6♠): So need to sac at the 6-level. righty has a spade void… Time to bid what I can make. Easier at IMPs. And if dia- monds are led, we will make Morrie Kleinplatz (6♠): Again, 7! let them guess. I thought peo- ple had stopped psyching Or you could go down in 4♠. these days. Nice to see that This hand came up on there’s a little of that still Bridge Base. Partner held: ♠Q around. ♥Q1087543 ♦85 ♣AQ10, so 6♥ was cold and was worth Howard Perlman (6♠): Prob- 89.77 percent of the match- ably too aggressive, but if I points. bid 5, how can partner bid a slam off AK and A in the

PAGE 16 TABLE TALK rounded suits? Opponents been a lead director with might save when we can’t something like AQx, I won’t make a slam. bid a slam just yet.

But we could be off a dia- Other ideas: mond and a spade. Bob Cappelli (Dbl): I already Norm Bolton (5♠): Gotta play showed spades and cards. that 4♠ bid as a psych. This shows defense as well.

Brenda Bryant (5♠): I don’t Julie Arbit (Dbl): Again. I am believe the opponent. And happy to defend if East has surely partner has some shown a lead-direct in spades spades???? and presumably both partner and I are looking at a dia- Bob Brent (5♠): Nice try, Mr. mond. We may not get East. May be asking for a lead enough out of 5♦x, but without with a void or just messing much hope for a fit, I’m fine with us. We may miss a slam, defending. but if pard has AKxx or better in spades, he should trust me The problem is you rate to and bid 6. I can pick up QJx collect +300 against 5♦x and thanks to my opponent. If lose 8 IMPs to the +650 in 5♠ pard has ♠AKJx ♥Qxxx ♦Ax at the other table.. ♣KQx (unlikely), he should bid These answers scare me a little: 7!

Gene Benedict (5♠): Bidding Irv Rosenstein (5NT): Pick a this shows a good hand, and slam. I have already exposed gives partner an out with a the spade psych, so let part- minimum . ner choose a long suit if he has one. If he is mostly bal- Chuck Burger (5♠): Despite anced, then as little as ♠AKxx the likely psych, I can’t bid a ♥Qxxx ♦xx ♣Qxx and we are slam but I can show values to on a for 6♠. And part- the 5-level. ner rates to have better than that. Jonathan Fleischmann (5♠): East’s 4♠ looks to have been Dick Temkin (5NT): Partner a psych, and I mean to ex- knows I have spades. It’s like- pose it. Meanwhile, I don’t ex- ly he has them, too, in which pect to set 5♦ enough to offset case he can bid the spade our vulnerable game or slam. slam. If he doesn’t, I’m pre- Since the 4♠ bid might have pared to play in 6♥ or 6♣. Un-

TABLE TALK PAGE 17 likely that we’re off two aces, play much better than any but will have to pay off if we other strain. Partner isn’t go- are -- unless partner has a ing to play us for six spades, diamond void. so he will make the wrong choice when he has as many Sam Hirschman (5♥): We as four spades and another may end up in our 4-3 heart fit four-card suit. instead of our 6-3 spade fit. I And East will be laughing all think 4♠ is a psych, but I’m not the way to the bank. sure what to do about it. If vul------nerability were different, I’d Thanks to Dr. Kevin Fay for just defend. suggesting Problem 5. He did I’m not seeing the upside of not provide the companion introducing hearts – or hearts hand. Send all inquiries re- and clubs – as possible plac- garding this problem to the es to play. Whether East has Internal Medicine Dept. at or does not have any spades, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit spades will almost always or your local medical provider.

NEXT ISSUE’S HANDS 4. MTPTs. Both vul. As SOUTH, you hold: 1. MTPTs. Both vul. As ♠AKJ4 ♥AKJ75 ♦K8 ♣52 SOUTH, you hold: WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH ♠Q3 ♥AKQJ42 ♦K10 ♣K72 -- 1♦ Pass 1♥ WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Pass 1NT 2♣ 2♠ -- -- Pass 1♥ Pass 3♥ Pass ? Pass 1♠ Pass ? 5. MTPTs. Both vul. As SOUTH, 2. MTPTs. None vul. As SOUTH, you hold: you hold: ♠AJ7 ♥K982 ♦AK6 ♣A54 ♠AQ10765 ♥A32 ♦A1085 ♣void WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH -- 1♦ Pass 1♥ ------1♠ Pass 1NT Pass ? Dbl 1NT Pass ? Mail your answers to: 3. MTPTs. E-W vul. As SOUTH, Table Talk Magazine you hold: 30660 Woodgate Dr. ♠AKQ63 ♥9 ♦KQJ5 ♣Q63 Southfield MI 48076 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Or email to: Pass Pass Pass 1♠ [email protected] Pass 2♦ Pass ?

PAGE 18 TABLE TALK MOVING UP... CONGRATULATIONS, JUNIOR MASTER NEW LIFE MASTERS John Aoun Barbaranne Branca Nita Brunett Catherine Bolton Patricia Carson Mary Fisher Paul Chirgwin Gary Glenn Deborah Jackson Helen Klar NABC MASTER Anne McBrien Inderpal Bhatia Michael Mullin Chris Brewer Nancy Mullin Brad Dracka Katherine Petersen Susan Smith Daniel Rose Marvin Zucker Prudence Rosenthal BRONZE LIFE MASTER Ashok Singhal Anne Birgbauer Stuart Tapper Edward Klarman CLUB MASTER Barb Marti Cheryl Fitzpatrick Dana McWilliams Margaret Gerometta Martha Henkel Douglas Kahn SILVER LIFE MASTER Steven Miller Lynda Thal M.H. Newman Steven Shumer Beverly Poffenberger James Walter Mary Ann Riedel GOLD LIFE MASTER Laurence Schiff Rose Burke SECTIONAL MASTER Jonathan Fleischmann Robert Anderle deSylor David Graff Bill Burns Neil Manley Maria Conti Joe Monro James Egan DIAMOND LIFE MASTER Earl Lundy Lynne Cook Bob Ondo Ed Herstein Carrie Osborne EMERALD LIFE MASTER Henry Zhang Brenda Jaffe Yanping Zhang Robert Brent REGIONAL MASTER PLATINUM LIFE MASTER Barb Ferrera Kathy Newman Jean Hull

TABLE TALK PAGE 19 Excerpts from the District Director’s Spring Report Congratulations to District holding pattern until the new 12 members Don Rumelhart CIO is hired. and Jonathan Fleischmann ACBL membership is down who were on the winning six- slightly this year, basically due man team of the 0-10,000 KO to the failure to retain mem- at the Spring NABC in New bers. We have averaged Orleans. Also, congratulations 1,000 new members a month to Dennis Kasle who finished this year, but can’t keep even second in the Lebhar IMP with retention (and death) Pairs event. rates. The ACBL had a long winter A number of Convention with the flood that engulfed Chart modifications became headquarters at Horn Lake, effective May 1, 2015. See MS and with the death of Jeff http://www.acbl.org/changes-to- Johnson, who died suddenly the-general-convention-chart/ and is believed to be irre- Two which are of interest to placeable. One of the last pro- me include: jects that Jeff worked on was Over 1NT, double and 2♣ securing a NABC for Colum- were the only allowable bids bus, Ohio in July 2020. Jeff was to show an unspecified one- the ACBL’s Chief Operating suiter. Now 2♦ can be used to Officer (COO) and was instru- show one (unknown) major. mental in running all the Transfers after an NABCs. are allowed by both the open- ACBL Score+ continues to er’s partner and the overcall- be a topic of interest and con- er’s partner to show length in troversy. In addition to replac- the transferred suit. ing our COO, the CEO is busy Effective January 1, 2016, in hiring a Chief Information Of- sectional and regional KO ficer (CIO) who will oversee events, players who sit out ½ this project. of each segment will lose 5% Our Technology Committee of the total masterpoint has had three meetings this awards for each segment year and is hoping to use they don’t play. some pieces of the recently Dennis Carman , failed Score project to be- District 12 Director come part of the newest May 18, 2015 ACBL Score+. We are in a

PAGE 20 TABLE TALK Fleischmann roasts field at Joint MBA-SOMBA sectional


IMPs. Neither vul.

NORTH ♠87 ♥54 ♦87653 ♣K1054 WEST ♠65 ♥K876 ♦AQ4 ♣9732

WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Pass Pass 2♠ Dbl Pass 2NT* Pass 3♥** All Pass *Weak relay to 3♣ (but not showing clubs) **Natural, extra strength

Opening lead: 6 of spades Partner (East), wins the ace of spades, declarer playing the jack. Partner switches to the J of diamonds to declarer’s king and your ace. You try to cash the queen of diamonds, but declarer ruffs with the 3. Next declarer plays the jack of clubs to dummy’s king, partner following with the 8. Then a heart is played from dummy to partner’s 2, de- clarer’s 9 and your king. Now what? Solution, page 27

TABLE TALK PAGE 23 MADDOXES 11 or 12, she and her friends (Continued from page 1) learned bridge from the moth- points. They won countless er of one of the friends. They regional and sectional events, played “Culbertson” bidding and were co-winners of the methods. At the time she lived Stein Trophy, MBA’s player of in Birmingham, but her family the year award, in 1998. soon moved back to Detroit, This year the MBA board and Marilyn didn’t play bridge decided to honor “their life- again until she and Myles took times of achievement at the up the game together. bridge table and exemplary They met at the home of a service as teachers and am- mutual friend shortly after bassadors of the game” by Myles got out of the Navy. naming the Sunday event at They were married three the Motor City Regional the years later. Marilyn and Myles Maddox Myles got his bachelor’s de- Stratiflighted Swiss Teams. gree at Eastern Michigan Uni- That called for a party, which versity. While there, he and was held July 22 at the Bridge Marilyn would play in the Fri- Connection in Southfield. day night duplicate bridge Here are some facts about game at EMU. He later got a the Maddoxes: masters in political science at Myles was born in Vin- Wayne State University and cennes IN in 1925, and his went on to teach social stud- family later moved to Detroit. ies and driver ed in the Detroit His father was in the trucking public schools. business. He served in the Marilyn had one year of col- Navy from 1944-1946, sailing lege – at Central Michigan. on ships based at Guantana- She taught bridge for about mo in Cuba. The ships escort- 35 years, at the Village Club ed merchant vessels that sup- in Birmingham, the Bloomfield plied the Allies in Europe. He Hills Country Club, and at pri- played pinochle while in the vate homes service, but not bridge. The Maddoxes had three Marilyn was born in 1929 in sons (one now deceased). Detroit. Her dad was a man- They have three grandchil- ager of orders and billing for dren and one great- Socony Vacuum, which even- granddaughter. One of their tually merged into what is now sons is the manager of a Exxon. When she was about health food store in Sarasota

PAGE 24 TABLE TALK FL. The other just retired as with Myles often taking the psychologist at a state hospi- lead. “You need to learn this,” tal in Columbia MO. Marilyn recalls him saying. While their children were “Max Lipin used a Negative still young, Marilyn and Myles Double against us and it killed were able to get a sitter and us,” Marilyn remembers. play at the Highland Park Shortly thereafter they added Bridge Club. As they got more Negative Doubles to their rep- serious about the game, they ertoire. graduated to the Knicker- They have a lot of memories bocker and to Tom Weeks’ of bridge back in the day. game at Schoolcraft and “There was no Zero Tolerance Greenfield. back then,” says Marilyn. They kept playing against One time Phil Leon passed better players, studied the his partner Marie VerLinden in game, and got a lot of advice a . She didn’t say from some of the top competi- anything. But the next week, tors, the Remeys in particular. when he passed her in anoth- Marilyn would play in the er forcing bid, Marie called Women’s Pairs with Joan, across the room to Bud Smith, while Myles played the Men’s “The [S.O.B.] did it again!” with Vincent or with Jim Another time, Myles was White. playing with the great but Myles made Life Master in sometimes caustic Sylvia 1962, Marilyn a year later. Stein. He had overbid his Myles still has a masterpoint hand, and when it hit the table edge of about 800 points over as dummy, Sylvia remarked: Marilyn. They are 4th and 5th “I’m good, but I’m not that on the list of living top master- good.” point winners in MBA, 6th and Although the Maddoxes 7th on the unit’s all-time list. mostly get along swimmingly Back when they started at the table, the game has oc- playing, there were very few casionally tested their civility conventions: just Stayman, toward each other. “One time Blackwood. No Weak Two we didn’t speak to each other Bids, no Negative Doubles, while riding home after play- and certainly no artificial rais- ing the Mixed Pairs at a re- es or support doubles. Over gional in Lansing,” Marilyn re- the years bidding evolved and members. “Then we got a call they changed with the times, that we had won!”

TABLE TALK PAGE 25 Asked what advice she would give to couples who Are you an MBA member? play bridge together, she said, If you want to transfer your “You have to have one part- membership to the Michigan ner that doesn’t get too excit- Bridge Association (ACBL unit ed or angry. Don’t treat your 137), you need to send an partner like an enemy. And be email to Cindy Wages at the flexible.” ACBL. Her email address When the Maddoxes were is [email protected] getting started, “Vince and You should indicate your Joan helped us a lot,” Marilyn name, address, ACBL num- remembers. “We were the ber, your current unit mem- new kids on the block.” bership (I presume unit 203), We now call our big yearly and include a statement re- tournament the Vince & Joan questing your membership Remey Motor City Regional. transfer to unit 137, Michigan No doubt Vince, who passed Bridge Association. This re- away in 1988, and Joan, who quest must come directly from died a decade later, would be you. pleased to share the annual —Paul Pomeroy, spotlight with their good Membership Chair, unit 137 friends and frequent team- mates, our beloved Marilyn and Myles. – M.H. WELCOME , CADDIES WANTED NEW MEMBERS Mary Begg MBA needs caddies for up- Xingjian Ma coming tournaments. The pay Deb Mexicotte rate is $35 per session, plus Janice Skadsen $10 for lunch when the caddy works two consecutive ses- WELCOME, sions in one day and lunch is TRANSFERS not otherwise provided. Herbert Eder If you or someone you know Debora Roberts wishes to caddy, contact cad- dy co-chair Marilyn Crane at [email protected] or 734- 591-3431.

PAGE 26 TABLE TALK SOLUTION TO and one club. DEFENSE You could play your last dia- From page 23 mond, taping declarer down to one fewer than you. He will ruff, pull trump and play NORTH winners until you ruff in. That ♠87 will be your last trick, for a to- ♥54 tal of just four defensive tricks. ♦87653 Much better: Play a club giv- ♣K1054 ing partner his ruff. Then he

can tap declarer with a dia- WEST EAST mond and you will still get ♠65 ♠A109432 your long trump: Down 1. ♥K876 ♥Q2 ♦AQ4 ♦J1092 Thanks to Howard Perlman ♣9732 ♣8 and Bob Webber who have been keeping me out of trou- SOUTH ble recently by vetting my ♠KQJ problems and proposed solu- ♥AJ1093 tions. ♦K ♣AQJ6 LIKE US ON

Partner started with six FACEBOOK!!! spades, four diamonds and at MBA has a new page on least one card each in hearts Facebook, with lots of in- and clubs. If partner started teresting features, results with just one heart, then de- and links. clarer had six and the hand is To view the page, go to over. Say you return another Facebook.com, then type diamond. Declarer will just “Michigan Bridge Associa- ruff, pull all your trump and tion” into the field at the top take the rest of the tricks with and hit enter. Be sure to the KQ of spades, his ace of “Like” the page. clubs and his other club. The administrator of the (Whatever second club part- page is Marilyn Nathanson. ner started with will fall under You can contact her at: declarer’s ace.) [email protected] So you should assume that partner started with two hearts


Oct. 2-4: Midland sectional Oct. 10: Lansing NLM sectional Oct. 12-18: MOTOR CITY REGIONAL, Farmington Hills (MBA) Oct. 23-25: Toledo sectional Oct. 29-31: Grand Haven sectional Oct. 30-31: SOMBA I/N sectional Nov. 12-15: Farmington Hills sectional

2016 Jan. 9-10: Jackson sectional Jan. 30-31: Ann Arbor sectional (MBA) Feb. 11-14: Farmington Hills sectional Mar. 4-6: Toledo sectional Mar. 31-Apr. 3: Southfield sectional (MBA) April 8-9: Bloomfield Hills I/N sectional Apr. 28-30: Grand Rapids sectional May 9-15: FARMINGTON HILLS REGIONAL May 20-22: Kalamazoo sectional