Three Women, Three Ministries
Visit the Conference website at VOL. 14, No. 4 BAtoN RoUge, LA JULY 26, 2013 Three women, three ministries CNN Hero / 2 Haiti Response / 4-5 Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Episcopal leader for the Louisiana Annual Conference, ordains Rev. Betsy Eaves as an elder in full connection on June 4, 2013 at First United Methodist Church in Shreveport, La. Rev. Carole Cotton Winn, Betsy’s mentor, lays hands on the ordinand’s shoulder during the liturgical act. They are joined by Rev. William Peeples. Photo by Brian Lewis Photography. Three United Methodist women clergy share ‘firsts’ Mexico LAVIM / 6 BY BETTY BACKSTROM “Before I even knew Carole Cotton Joyner had stepped through a door in Winn, she was my mentor,” said Bishop 1939 that closed behind her to any other 7 B 5 Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, 0 2 a Harvey, who was, in part, endorsed for women seeking ordination. 8 7 Episcopal leader for the Louisiana t o 0 the episcopacy by the South Central It was not until the vote of The N n 2 Annual Conference, ordained Rev. Betsy o - Jurisdictional Women’s Leadership Team. Methodist Church at General Conference R 5 r Eaves as an elder in full connection on t o 7 h “Carole’s long standing leadership in the in 1956 that women were allowed to be u 0 June 4, 2013. Rev. Carole Cotton Winn, B g 0 jurisdiction was significant and I had fol - accepted as candidates for ordained min - e l Betsy’s mentor, laid hands on the ordi - v , d lowed her career with interest.” istry in The Methodist Church, clearing L nand’s shoulder as a blessing during the .
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