Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Magazine
§aA,SE’8433/1'7 47‘.1Ta. 59- 1199772» M0Y‘i'” '\& ~ C; N 1311 N k t . y . ‘Q . § of V1rgm1a Q ’ Historical “ . ‘I 0 5 I\. Ma gaz1nc <~ ’ l ( ‘ DECEMBER,1960 .\. ‘I’ ‘x’ . 3, VOL. X No. 1 5 .\I. ii ‘i '\ Reportof the ActingPresident 863 «; The Cavalier. ThomaxLomaxHunter 865 ' _ “Virginiana” for Posterity. Ross Valentine 867 _ ’ § The Old Pope’s Creek Church Site. Treadwell Davixon ........................................................869 i ' ‘\’ Captain John Haynie 872 4 ‘ ‘ / The Lost Settlement of Queenstown. iames Wharton ...............................................................875 \ _ &, ' OldExeter Famham LodgeAmong Plantation. Most 7ames Interesting Motley Virginia Booker, Shrines. M.D .............................................................883 Addie V. Payne...............880 . ' _ .\; Northern Neck Epitaphs. Miriam Haynie 899 .1, - I A Reminder to the Historical Society 901 ‘ & Memorialto Robert Opie Norris,Jr 903 § ' \ A History of Menhaden Industry in Virginia 910 1 I ‘} Miscellaneous Legislative Petitions 925 ‘\' . Q_ ' EleventhGaskinsMemorialTablet Annual Meeting 94.5939 ‘.§ . (\, Membership List 948 {, / In Memoriam 958 \ ' ; Published Annually by g, ‘ -{ THE NORTHERN NECK ofVIRGINIA ‘, " - HISTORICAL SOCIETY A MONTROSS, Westmoreland County, VIRGINIA 4<» - {, Sacramenlo Brandi fienealogical Library NORTHERN NECK OF VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTROSS. WESTMOREIAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA '8? Officers SENATOR R. O. NORRIS, JR., Lively, Virginia President Mu. Tnoiuis L. Human, King George,Virginia Secretary Miss Lucy BRowNBun, Hague, Virginia Histarian F. F. CHANDLER,Montross, Virginia Treasurer Mas. F. F. CHANDILR,Montross, Virginia ‘ Executive Assistant C. F. UNRu1-1 MRS. LOUISE S'I'auAR'r BJORNSSON BEVERLEYBRouN Kinsale, Virginia State of Colorado State of West Virginia Mas. E. Huoi-I Surm A. MAXCoi>rAoIs MR5. Jusns MAcMuLi.aN Heathsville, Virginia State of Missouri State of New Jersey MR3.
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