The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia

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The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia W&M ScholarWorks Reports 4-1-1981 The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia - Volume II: James River, Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, The Bayside and Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and the Virginia Tributaries of the Potomac River (Coan and Yeocomico Rivers, and Lower Machodoc and Nomini Creeks) Dexter S. Haven Virginia Institute of Marine Science James P. Whitcomb Virginia Institute of Marine Science Paul C. Kendall Virginia Institute of Marine Science Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Haven, D. S., Whitcomb, J. P., & Kendall, P. C. (1981) The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia - Volume II: James River, Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, The Bayside and Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and the Virginia Tributaries of the Potomac River (Coan and Yeocomico Rivers, and Lower Machodoc and Nomini Creeks). Special Reports in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering (SRAMSOE) No. 243 v.2. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. V55B24 This Report is brought to you for free and open access by W&M ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Reports by an authorized administrator of W&M ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. APRIL, 1981 The Present - and Potential . Productivity • -of the B-aylor Grounds Ill Virginia Vol. 2 By DEXTER S. HAVEN, JAMES P. WHITCOMB and P;\UL C. KENDALL .,,... _______ _ SPECIAL REPORT IN APPLIED MARINE SCIENCE AND OCEAN ENGINEERING NO. 243 A publication of the S~A-.GRANT MARINE ADVISORY PROGRAM, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Gloucestter !Point, Virginia 23062 . This report is reprinted by the VIMS Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service as an aid to the Virginia oyster induS(,ry toward better· management and resource development. Copies of this report may be obtained from the VIMS Sea Grant - - Communications Office at a cost of $10.00 per set of iwo volL1mes. THE PRESENT AND POTENTIAL PRODUCTIVITY OF THE BAYLOR GROUNDS IN VIRGINIA. Volume IIo James River, Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, The Bayside and Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and the Virginia Tributaries of the Potomac River (Coan and Yeocomico Rivers, and Lower Machodoc and Nomini Creeks. By Dexter S. Haven, James P. Whitcomb and Paul c. Kendall Special Report Noa 243 in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Virginia Institute of Marine Science and School of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 April, 1981 FOREWORD Introduction This is Volume II of a study of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia. The study is presented in two volumes: Volume I. The foreword and discussion of the Baylor Grounds in the following river systems: The Rappahannock, Corrotoman, Great Wicomico, Piankatank, York and Poquoson rivers, and Mobjack Bay and its tributaries (East, North, Severn, and Ware rivers). Volume II. The Baylor Grounds in the James River, Pocomoke and Tangier sounds, the Bayside and Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and the Virginia tributaries of the Potomac River (Coan and Yeocomico rivers, and Lower Machodoc and Nomini creeks}. Volume II also contains charts of all the Baylor Grounds discussed in Volumes I and II reduced to page size from 1/10,000 charts. Volume II represents our final report on the project (Contract No. 3-265-R-3). Large scale 1/10,000 charts were prepared for this report showing bottom type on the various Baylor bottoms. These master charts are on file at the Institutei copies at 1/20,000 scale may be obtained on request at cost from the Institute. We have submitted to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission along with Volume II, copies of the 1/10, 000 charts at 1/20,000 scale. Copies of these charts may also be obtained at cost £rem the Institute upon request. i Funding This study was funded as a matchi~g fund_ grant with funds provided by the Nati.anal Marine Fisheries Service thro~gh the Virginia Marine ·Resources Commission (Contract No. 3-265-R-3). We gratefully acknowledge the role of Conunissioner James E. Douglas, Jr. and members of the Vi~ginia Marine Resources Commission for providi~g matching funds to the Institute for this study. We also extend our thanks to the many employees of the Commission who assisted us. The services of Reinaldo Morales-Alamo of the Institute's staff as well as others who crewed the survey are also gratefully acknowledged. We are especially thankful for the services of Mrs. Gloria Rowe who typed this report. Purpose of the Study and Its Objectives There has long been a need by management agencies to know more about the state's public oyster bottoms in respect to their value or suitability for shellfish culture. The study of 1894 referred to as the Baylor Survey only delineated the bounds of the naturally productive oyster beds. It did not include an examination of the bottom; no biological data were considered. The original 1894 study delineated 210,074 acres and it included much of Virginia's naturally productive bottom. It also included, however, much barren or unproductive bottom (Moore, 1910). Since the original study 32·,274 acres were added by petition or by legislative action (Haven, Hargis and Kendall, 1978). Today, the Baylor bottoms occupy most of the area in many of Virginia's estuaries (Figure 1). ii ""~ ~ ""Q... ~ (/) ...i -.,,,....-:-::-ff.a_,..:.._...,......l~-- - ---------, ~ --:-----~~~F".'"-:-''----:4~R----------~40' ~ ~ , ..j ~ ]30'~ i ~ -~t H~ -~ 1 ~10 -1 ~ i --+------------_;Jwoo'~ST• I! ~ ~ . ~IIO' ~ H Figure 1. Map of Tidewater Virginia showing public oyster ground and public clam ground. From maps on file at the VMRC. The Baylor bottoms are in black; public clam bottoms are shaded. BIBLIOGRAPHY Haven, D. s., W. J. Hargis, Jr •. , and P. c. Kendall. 1978. The oyster industry of Virginia: Its status, problems and promise. VIMS Special Papers in Marine Science No. 4. 1-1024. Moore, H.F. 1910. Condition and extent of the oyster beds of James River. U.S. Bur. Fish. Doc. No. 729. Wash., D.C. 83 p. plus charts. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD . i Introduction . i ii Purpose of the Study and Its. Objectives ii Bibli~graphy to Foreword. iv LIST OF TABLES X LIST OF FIGURES. xiv SECTION 1. THE BAYLOR BOTTOliS IN THE JAMES RIVER 1 Introduction 1 Methods 2 Results 7 A Comparison of Bottom Type as Determined by Probing and Sonic Gear with Studies Based on Patent Tong Data. • . • . 7 A General Description of Baylor Bottoms in the James River as Shown by Probing and Sonic Gear (Charts 1-5) . • . • . 16 Total Acreage of Various Types of Bottom in the James River . • • . • • . • • 18 Summary of the Baylor Bottoms in the James River . 21 Total Acreage of Discrete Areas of Several Types of Bottoms in Various Size Classes Expressed as Percentage of Totals . 26 Hydrographic Data and Potential for Oysters and Other Molluscan Species. • . ·. 29 Hydrography. 29 V Diseases ......••..•.. 32 Oyster Drills (Urosalpinx cinerea} 32 Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) 33 Setting Potential 33 Soft Clams (Mya ·arenaria) 36 Hard Clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) 36 Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata) 37 Best Use of the Area •. 37 SECTION 2. THE BAYLOR BOTTOMS IN POCOMOKE AND TANGIER SOUNDS, PUNGOTEAGUE, OCCOHANNOCK, AND NASSAWADOX CREEKS • . 3 9 Introduction 39 Methods . 41 Tabulation of Data .. 43 Results . o o 44 A Comparison of Bottom Type as Determined by Probing and Sonic Gear With Studies.Based on Patent Tong Data . • . • 44 Oyster Rock 45 Shell-Sand . 48 Shell-Mud 48 Mud 48 Oyster Lengths. 49 Spatial Distribution of Oysters in Terms of Bushels Per Acre. • .... 49 Total Acreage of Various Types of Bottom in the Tangier-Pocomoke Area ....•• 49 vi Sununary - Total Acreage Having a High to Moderate Potential· for Oyster Culture in the Pocomoke-Ta~gier Sound Area. • . • • . 66 . Total Acreage of Discrete Areas of Several Types of Bottom in Various Size Classes Expressed as Percent of Total . • . 66 Hydrographic Data and Potential for Oysters and Other Molluscan Species . • . • . 71 Hydrography 71 Oyster Growth 72 Oyster Diseases 72 Oyster Drills (.Urosaipinx cinerea) 73 Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) .. 74 Setting Potential 74 Soft Clams (Mya arena.ria) 76 Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata) 76 Hard Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) 76 Best Use of the Area. 78 SECTION 3. THE BAYLOR GROUNDS OF THE POTOMAC RIVER TRIBUTARIES IN VIRGINIA (NOMINI AND LOWER MACHODOC CREEKS AND THE COAN A.i.~D YEOCOMICO RIVERS) . • . • . • . • • . • 79 Introduction 79 Methods 79 Results . 81 A General Description of Baylor Bottoms in the Potomac River Tributaries of Virginia 81 Total Acreage of Discrete Areas of Several Types of Bottom in Various Size Classes Expressed as Percentage of Total .... 83 vii Summary - Total Acres Having a High to Moderate Potential for Oyster Culture in the Potomac River Tributaries .•. 85 Hydrographic Data and Potential for Oysters and Other Molluscan Species ••. 89 Hydr~graphy 89 Oyster Growth 89 Disease 90 Oyster Drills (Urosalpinx cinerea) 90 Blue Crabs (.Callinectes sapid-us) 90 Setting Potential 90 Soft Clams (Mya arenaria) 96 Brackish Water Clam (Rangia cuneata) 96 Hard Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) 97 Best Use of the Area .. 97 SECTION 4. THE BAYLOR BOTTOMS ON THE SEASIDE OF THE EASTER..~ SHORE ••...•.• 99 Introduction 99 Methods . 100 A General Description of Baylor Bottoms on the Seaside of the Eastern Shore as Shown by Probing, Sonic Gear, Aerial Photographs and Conferences with Oyster Inspectors (Charts 1-13) . 103 Total Acreage of Various Types of Bottom on the Seaside of the Eastern Shore •... 111 Total Acreage of Discrete Areas of Several Types of Bottom in Various Size Classes Expressed as Percentage of Total ....
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