The Earth Belongs to Everyone Articles & Essays by Alanna Hartzok The Institute for Economic Democracy Press & Earth Rights Institute ii The Earth Belongs to Everyone Copyright © 2008 by Alanna Hartzok The author, the Institute for Economic Democracy as publisher in association with Earth Rights Institute, and their officers and supporters, specifically retain full rights to this and other published research so that others may use it, correct it, expand upon it, and produce an ever-more powerful and workable plan for world peace through economic justice and elimination of poverty. At only the cost of alerting others to this unique research, universi- ties and serious progressive groups within the developing world will be granted the right to expand upon this work, translate, and publish. Please request the latest manuscript. Published by: the Institute for Economic Democracy Press 313 Seventh Ave., Radford, VA 24141, USA 888.533.1020 / /
[email protected] In Cooperation with Earth Rights Institute 717.264.0957 / /
[email protected] Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hartzok, Alanna., 1948 - The earth belongs to everyone : articles & essays / by Alanna Hartzok p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-933567-04-4 (pbk : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-933567-05-1 (hbk : alk. paper) 1. Land tenure. 2. Natural resources. 3. Democracy. 4. Economic policy. I. Title. HD1251.H37 2008 333.7--dc22 2008018115 Library of Congress provided the above. 5. Earth Rights Democracy 6. Reclaiming the Commons 7. Land Value Capture/Tax 8. Economic Democracy 9. Henry George 10. Green Taxes 11.