DIRECTORY.] LEICESTERSHIRE. BARROW-oN-SOAR. 33 Public Elementary School, erected, with master's house, in ICarriers.-Fredk. Weston, to & from Leicester, every wed. 1878, at a cost of £1,000: it will hold 220 children; & sat.; Joseph Weston, to & from Leicester, every wed. average attendance, 200; William Fell, master; Mrs. & sat. & John Grain, to & from Leicester every wed. Fell, infants' mistress I & sat PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dean William Spencer, farmer Petcher Thomas, farmer Bell Rev. William James [curate in chrge] Gibson John, fishmonger Shepherd Edith M. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Cuthbert J o:!eph IGoJfrey Elizh. & Sarah (Misses), farmers Smith Edward, blacksmith Hood Miss Grain John, farmer & carrier Starbuck Percy, cycle dealer Kirkman Wm. Christian J.P. Manor ho I Hextall Samuel, farmer, G .. rland's lane Starbuck WaIter, Old Red Lion P.R Palmer Rev. Charles Edward [Baptist] Jackson WiIliam, Three Tun~ P.R Thomp.on Sarah 01r3.), shopkeeper COl!}{ERCIAL. Kenton Albert, shopkeeper Webster William, butcher Blower Joseph, shopkeeper Kirk Joseph, shopkeeper Weston Arthur, insurance agent Blunt Joseph, farmor Kirkland William, shopkeeper We3ton Fre:!erick, carrier Boulter Edward, insurance agent Kirkman William C. farmer, Manor ho Weston Joseph, boot maker Bradbury Thomas, carpenter :-Ieale Frederick, tailor, & P03t office Weston Joseph, greengrocer & carrier Brown Joseph, shopkeeper Nutting Arthur James, boot & shoe ma We,ton Richard, grazier Cave Arthur, assistant overseer Pegg Richard, farmer Whitehead Jam"s, Old Jolly Toper P.R BARROW·ON-SOAR is a towllship, parish and Langley Hall, and the trustees of the Barrow Hospital are union town on the river Soar, which is navigable, and the principal landowners.
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