St Leonard’s Church,


Report for the Annual Meeting 29th April 2021

St Leonard’s Church,

PCC Annual Report


Chairman’s Report ------3

Treasurer’s Report ------4-5

Statement of Financial Activities------6-7

Balance Sheet------7

Electoral Roll------8

Churchwarden’s General Report------8

Church Fabric Report------9

Health and Safety------10

Deanery Synod------10-11


Worship & Education Committee------12


Friday Club------14

Bell Ringers------14

Mother’s Union------15

Swithland Church Wives------16

Swithland Church Men’s Club------17

Christians in the Forest------18

Chairman’s Introduction to the report

Welcome to the St Leonard’s PCC Annual Report for 2020. It will not come as a great surprise to read that there has not been as much going on in our Church building this year as usual. However, as you will discover, the Church has not been idle. Members of our Church community have been sharing the love of God within the community and bearing witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The UK went into National Lockdown on 23rd March and I immediately looked for ways to lead the congregation in worship. Thanks to the power of the conferencing app Zoom, apart from just one Sunday (29th March), we have been able to gather together online every Sunday since. We have also been able to worship together each day with an online service of Morning Prayer, occasionally for Compline, and on various other special occasions throughout the year. We have also held online Bible Studies and Quiz nights and even our PCC meetings and staff meetings have taken place online. Nearly all of our weddings for 2020 were postponed causing heartache for many couples - but we have been able to support them through this time with regular phone and email contact.

Church members immediately began caring for their neighbours and offering help where it was safe and possible to do so – and this is still continuing and ongoing. The good spring weather and ‘The rule of 6' meant that some people gathered safely in gardens to fellowship and help to take care of one another. Church members have helped to coordinate regular collections of food for the Soar Valley Community Food Project and this has proved to be a real lifeline for those hit hardest by the economic downturn.

As you read this report, you will see that the core work of the Church has continued. My thanks must go to the staff team, Church officers, PCC members and all our volunteers (you know who you are) for all that you have done to ensure that the Word of God continues to be preached and the love of God continues to shine from his Church even in these dark times.

God bless you all, Colin Resch.

3 Treasurer’s Financial Review - 2020 Accounts

What a year 2020 has been a very difficult year in many ways owing to the coronavirus pandemic and not surprisingly this has had some effect on our finances. However, despite this we are fortunate to have a good core of regular givers and this has enabled us to meet all our commitments and our balances have held up surprisingly well.


Total receipts on the General Fund were £41208 of which £27948 was unrestricted planned giving and receipts from collections at services amounted to £1014. Gift Aid recovered totalled £8900. Marriage and Burial fees income for the year was £1534.Investment income for the year totalled £553.

Obviously, things like collections at services and marriage and burial fees are substantially down from 2019 due to the lack of both regular services in church and weddings and funerals.

Receipts on the Designated accounts totalled £7336 of which £4210 was a refund of VAT claimed from LPOW Scheme relating to the QI work carried out in 2019. A donation of £885 was received from the Men’s Club Christmas carol singing 2019 plus our share of the Ride & Stride money (£540) raised by those parishioners who took part in September 2019. The current balance in the Fabric fund is £34297 and the remaining designated account balances are as shown in the financial statements.

We have one restricted fund which is The Bell Restoration Fund which has almost drawn to a close following successful completion of all the work, A small grant of £356 was claimed from the LPOW scheme in respect of VAT paid on the work to the clock.


Total expenditure for the year on the General Fund amounted to £44579. Our Parish Contribution for the year was £33000. General Church running expenses were £6816 and this included insurance premium of £2437 with utility bills totalling £2998. The net result for the year on the General Fund was a deficit of £3371. 4 Expenditure on the various Designated accounts totalled £7061. Much of this was accounted for by the repairs to the North porch roof and resealing of the chancel floor. Our Mission Giving and donations for the came to over £2200 and included donations to CMS and The TAP fund of £500 each plus smaller donations to various other charities including the YMCA and The Royal British Legion, Friends of Launde Abbey and Friends of the Cathedral. We also donated £500 to Rev Colin towards his sabbatical expenses. Also the successful Snowdrop festival raised sufficient funds to enable us to donate £250 each to Hope Against Cancer and to the Swithland School charity project CAMFED. The net result for the year on the designated accounts was an excess of expenditure over income of £998.

The Bell Restoration Fund saw expenditure of £1659 which was mainly spent on the reinstatement work to the clock following the completion of work on the bells.

The net result for the year shows an overall deficit of £4369 on last year’s figures. Our combined monetary assets totalled £137061 at the year end. Please see the Financial Statements. Reserves Policy

It is the PCC Policy to try to maintain a balance of unrestricted funds in the General Fund which equates to at least 6 months and if possible 12 months of unrestricted expenditure. This would be a maximum of £50000 and although currently our reserves are in excess of this figure the PCC are mindful that we continue to lose regular givers, our balances are diminishing year on year and collections at services will continue to decline in the foreseeable future. It is hoped the plans to refurbish the kitchen, toilet and office areas from the Fabric Fund will come to fruition this year.

Copies of the full accounts’ breakdown are available on request from the treasurer. The full accounts were independently examined by Mrs Helen Harrison FMAAT on 9th March 2021 and presented to and approved by the PCC on 17th March 2021 St Leonard’s Church PCC Swithland.



7 Electoral Roll Report

The Church Electoral Roll has been renewed this year in keeping with the requirements of the Church Representation Rules and there are 78 members on the roll. There have been no requests from people attending Zoom services on line to join the electoral roll. Ali Wright Electoral Roll Officer

Churchwarden’s General Report

What a year! I don't feel I can give a very comprehensive report this year obviously due to the Covid pandemic restrictions imposed on all churches.

Analysis of the entries in the Church Service Register records that only twenty-four Sunday Services were held in 2020, plus a service on Ash Wednesday and an evening service following the very successful Snowdrop Festival in February.

Included in one of the services was a Baptism, two funeral services were held in church, two Burial of Ashes were recorded and only two weddings took place. Friday Club was only able to meet on five occasions prior to lockdown. Throughout the year due to the restrictions no school services were held in church. The school continued to be involved in designing the Christmas Card.

Reports on the Health and Safety Policy, Safeguarding, and Church Fabric have been submitted separately and forwarded to the PCC secretary. Once access is allowed, Revd Colin Resch has reported that a planned revision of the Churchyard Plan will have to be undertaken.

It is still my wish that once we are able, to re-organise the Vestry in a hope that it can be cleared and used more efficiently.

I will end this report and thank you all for your help and support during this difficult year. Sally Allen Churchwarden

8 Church Fabric Report

Although the church building has not been used for services for part of the year the yearly maintenance was completed. The electrics have been PAT tested, the fire extinguishers have been checked, the clock has been serviced as has the boiler, with no issues highlighted.

The building was checked weekly as per our insurance requirements whilst not being used for Sunday services and other activities.

After the Church was flooded in October 2019 research has been done to understand why it happened and to endeavour to prevent it happening again. An application is with the Diocesan DAC (Diocesan Chancellor and the Archdeacons) for professionally fitted permanent flood defences. Other avenues of defence are also being explored. The application is ongoing.

There is some ongoing replacement and upgrading of sensor lights and flood lights in the churchyard due to failing units.

Faculty Applications: Bates Gravestone Removal/Replacement Ref:2019-045576 Flood Defences Application Ref:2020-052824 Thank You Plaque Ref:2021-057523 Plans to reorder the kitchen/office space and toilet are in the discussion period.

A check of the Headstones will be made with the H&S officer this year.

A check of the church silver and Terrier will be updated and completed this year.

Chris Watts

9 Health and Safety Report

There is very little to say other than no accidents have been reported, and when the church has been/is open, Covid regulations have strictly been adhered to.

Inspection of fire extinguishers, emergency lighting and electrics Pat test have been performed.

Gravestones still to have an official test, delayed by Covid. However, all gravestones inspected and found to be stable and safe. Official test will be performed after Covid lockdown is lifted.

Martin Greenwood

Deanery Synod Report

10th June 2020 No representatives at this meeting

29th October 2020 meeting held on zoom.

It was noted that zoom meetings are not official meetings of Synod. A Bishop’s instrument is expected which will facilitate future meetings being carried out online.

The theme for the evening was:-

‘Voices from our community’ - Paul Matthews (Owner of Bradley’s supermarket), Mark Botte (Charnwood NPA Commander), Wayne Tranmer (Castle Donington volunteer centre), Jo Maher (Chief Exec College), Clare Darby (Principal ), Viv Matravers (Manor Organic Farm).

Breakout rooms were set up, and the group listened to key speakers from different community organisations and businesses talking about the challenges they have encountered during the Covid 19 pandemic. Key questions were discussed: - Has the way they work changed? 10

Apart from Covid 19 what are the three things they are working on? What lessons /ideas can the churches learn from? An interesting insight into challenges for other people in our community.

23rd February 2021

Election of deanery synod positions.

The presentation of the night was on ‘The changing shape of Lay Ministry’ – Liz Rawlings, Diocesan Discipleship and Vocations Enabler, Andy Smith warden to Readers and Corrine Aldis also presented.

The material was taken from the ‘Shaped By God Together’ presentations.

A Q & A session took place after this presentation but with limited time only a few aspects were discussed.

Chris Watts Deanery Synod representative


Worship and Education Committee

There were no meetings held during 2020.

Safeguarding of Children & Vulnerable Adults

There have been no children’s activities in church since the first lockdown in March 2020. I wait to hear plans for the future of children’s activities in the church setting; in association with guidance from the Government, Diocese and PCC.

I have checked training requirements and DBS records for those working with children at St Leonard’s Church; and there are 2 actions required Health and Safety forms will need to be completed for any activity relating to child activities in church for 2021.

I initially kept the Safeguarding Dashboard up to date; but have subsequently decided to update this when children’s activities are re started at St Leonard’s Church.

I have not completed the Diocesan Safeguarding Report 2021 as there has been no activity in April 2020 to March 2021. I will send this report to the Diocese instead for 2020 -2021.

I attended the Safeguarding Co-Ordinator’s Annual Conference via Zoom in October 2020; the theme was Modern Day Slavery and an initiative in supporting victims.

Ali Wright Safeguarding Officer

12 COMOT Report 2020 The Community and Outreach Team (COMOT) held meetings in January, February and March 2020.

The Snowdrop Festival Weekend on 14th/15th/16th February which they organised was a great success and very well attended raising £516 and enabling donations of £250 to be given to both The HOPE Foundation for Cancer Research and CAMFED the chosen charity of St Leonard’s Primary School.

Plans for Open Church Saturdays, the Bluebell Service and a celebratory weekend to thank all those who had made donations to the Bell Restoration Appeal and to incorporate the traditional handing over of bell rope by a member of Whites of Appleton, were all cancelled. It is hoped these events will be reinstated in the future.

Electronic copies of The LINK were sent to St Leonard’s database by Rev Resch in April, September, October and November followed by an “in house” Christmas issue for the months of December/January which was distributed by hand to everyone in the Parish together with our Christmas card. Thanks to the efforts of Ali Wright, School Governor, the pupils of St Leonard’s Primary School once again took part in a competition to design the card.

The LINK will continue to be emailed to the database for as long as this method is necessary and it is the intention of the COMOT committee to meet together again as soon as this is possible.

Mary Toone Chairman

13 Friday Club (Toddlers Group)

Friday Club closed prior to the first lockdown in March 2020. Chris, Sally and I have kept in contact with some of the families. For the 6 children leaving to start school in September 2020, we sent them leaving gifts of cards, pencils, pencil cases and note books. These were appreciated by the children. To keep a connection with the remaining Friday Club families we sent the toddlers activity books for the summer holidays. At Christmas we sent nativity cards to each child; for them to colour in and send on to a family member. We look forward to seeing the families in the future.

Ali Wright Bell Ringers

Until the first lockdown we were ringing for Sunday services – 1st, 2nd, 4th Sundays at Swithland, 3rd Sundays at St Paul’s and 4th Sunday at St Mary’s in addition to our Swithland ring. Marc Wainwright continued to ring for the 8am service.

Subsequent to this, we were not able to enter the tower until July, when we were able to check the bells following social distancing and hand hygiene regulations.

Nick Cunningham rang bell number 5 for 75 times to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VJ day, as a part of a national ring to mark this occasion.

Following the Central Council of Church Bellringers guidelines, we were permitted to ring before services only for 15 minutes in the early Autumn. Social distancing meant that we could only have three ringers in the tower at a time, or four if two were from the same household. It was quite challenging to make a reasonable sound on so few bells, but it was good to have the bells ringing again.

During the second lockdown, one bell was chimed before services.

Janet Tower Captain

14 Mother’s Union

Although we no longer have an active branch at St. Leonards, we do have a number of our congregation who are still members of the Mothers ‘Union. Some are Diocesan members and Sally and I joined branch. Being a larger village than Swithland there is a big membership and under normal circumstances it is an active group. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19, we have not been able to have meetings but our Branch Leader, Carolyn, send us emails monthly with news and prayers. The Hon. Secretary, Pamela, also keeps us up to date about news of members, big birthdays or moves etc. so we all feel in touch. Although we can’t meet we do feel in touch with the 4 million members worldwide as we have a daily prayer diary with a weekly theme and a website to log into. I am sure that all members, whatever country they live in, will be praying for an end to this deadly virus.

Right at the start of the lockdown Sandra, our Treasurer, started making face masks and selling them for MU funds. It started in a small way but, like Topsy, it grew and she has raised a large sum of money which has been sent to Mary Sumner House, our Head Office in Central , to help them. Money is needed to keep operating in the present crisis due to lack of funds. Sandra’s hard work is to be commended.

As well as the prayer diary we have a magazine with interesting articles and we held our Council Meeting on Zoom. Council Meetings are normally held three times a year and are attended by members from branches all over the Leicester Diocese. As well as being a business meeting it is a good chance of seeing friends we have known for years from other branches. Although Zoom meetings are useful it is not the same! Oh for a return to ‘normal life’ when we can hold meetings with speakers again but as Christians we all rely on our faith and know that God is always walking with us.

The Mothers’ Union has a recycling project and the following items are required which I can pass on if you have any. We need Printer Cartridges (empty or full), mobile phones, cameras, unwanted foreign notes and coins, jewellery and watches (even broken items) and used postage stamps.

15 Olga Harris

Swithland Church Wives

The Church Wives group has like many other organisations been unable to meet face to face since March 2020. We have tried to keep in remote touch with members and give support where needed but we have really missed that face-to-face exchange of fellowship.

The last meeting, we had in March was a talk by Megan Kelleher about the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

The dinner in January was well attended and a very enjoyable occasion at The Griffin.

We had planned to visit Hall in June for a Summer Outing.

We joined with the members of Swithland Village and the Church Congregation to prepare over 30 filled shoe boxes which were taken to provide starter basics for young people at the Y centre in Leicester.

The group has also joined with Village and Congregation to give regular donations of food to the Soar Valley Project.

We would love to be able to meet face-to-face later in the year and we will continue to keep our fingers crossed that this will be allowed as the situation improves.

Sarah May , Jan Beeby and Val Capewell


Swithland Church Men’s Club

In the New Year 2020, our first meeting was a presentation by Derek Holloway on John Ferneley - ’s Most Famous Artist and in February we had our annual visit to Rothley Fisheries (Time and Plaice.)

In March we had a talk by Martin Grant who is a REMAP volunteer. REMAP stands for Rehabilitation, Engineering and Movement Advisory Panel. This fascinating talk charted how REMAP custom-makes equipment to help people with disabilities live more independent lives.

I had arranged for a talk in April to be given by our own Club Member, Chris Aspinall entitled “Through the Looking Glass” a description of the material and Chris’s career working with glass, and a talk in May that was to be given by Malcolm Kenwood on “Fakes and Forgeries, The Art of Deception”

Unfortunately, both of those talks had to be postponed and I hope that when we are back together as a group, we will pick these up again.

We saw the cancellation of the Flower and Vegetable show, our summer outing and the men’s club Evensong service.

Through the marvellous efforts if Martin Greenwood (SCMC) and Val Capewell (Swithland PCC), a Christmas Appeal, instead of our usual Carols, saw donations totalling £500 each being given to both Loros and Rainbows. Following the disruption to the year this was a very welcome boost.

We very much look forward to a position when we can all meet safely again.

Andrew Brown Chairman

17 Christians in the Forest

Last year CITF held the following prayer and Bible study courses

Epiphany course – “Sermon on the Mount” a study of the greatest sermon ever preached.

Lent – At the Cross – Reflecting on the crucifixion through the eyes of those who were there. Half way through the course we were unable to meet because of ‘lockdown’ so we finished the course via email.

The Spring /Summer course was cancelled as we were unable to meet.

Autumn – A study of Proverbs – via Zoom which was a little awkward at first but we soon got used to it.

Advent – Carols unpacked – A look at the history and myths surrounding a dozen of our favourite carols. Also via Zoom.

We held our third Shrove Tuesday Lecture which attracted 75 people. The lecture was entitled, “The Landscape of Faith”, and was given by Revd David Leese. The subject was, “Christian Spirituality through the Art of W H Titcomb”. At the end of the lecture a collection was taken for “The Soar Valley Community Food Project” and raised £178.

We have a full year of Bible studies planned for 2021 and have just completed the Epiphany Course which this year was an exploration of Luke’s Gospel.

Christians in the Forest is grateful to St Leonard’s for its support by way of funding and for allowing us the use of the upper room as one of our three meeting places – the others being the Baptist Church, and the Methodist Church, Woodhouse Eaves.

Christians in the Forest is open to anyone and we currently have members from Loughborough, Rothley, Woodhouse Eaves, Swithland, Birstall, Botcheston and Illfracombe! Members from St Leonard’s make up about a quarter of our regular attenders.

Gary Lee CITF Coordinator 18


St Leonard’s Church Main Street, Swithland LE12 8TJ Tel: 0116 429 9946 Email: [email protected]