Algoma Anglican

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Algoma Anglican ALGOMA ANGLICAN congratulates CANADIAN CHURCHMAN algoma It's centennial year for the Anglican I Church's national newspaper and this I month CANADIAN CHURCHMAN offers the best of editorials, news and letters to the 8 editor dating back to 1875. From its in- 9 ception, serving Anglicans in central On- tario, the CHURCHMAN has. expanded un- anglican 7 til now, accompanied by 13 diocesan 7 publications. it is sent into more than 280,000 homes across Canada. Centen- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF ALGOMA 5 nial stories appear throughout this 5 Vol. 19 June, 1975 No.6 month's edition. OBITUARY: Ernest ' Newton-White dies in Haileybury Ernest Newton - W hit e, Their son, Ralph, now living author of Gillmor of Algoma, in Victoria, B.C., was born Archdeacon and Tramp (a while they were at Lorraine, biography of Archdeacon and their daughter, Muriel, Gillmor), died in the Hailey­ was born after they moved bury Hospital on May 5, back to Charlton in 1927. where he had been a patient . Muriel now lives in Hailey­ since 1967. bury. ~ Mr. Newton - White was The family remained at born in Eastington, Glouces­ Charlton until Mr. Newton­ ter, England, on December 9, White became ill. He worked 1892, and moved to Canada as a freelance writer and and the Ottawa Valley, when journalist and had two books he was 16 years old. In 1910, published, besides the Tramp. he moved and homesteaded They were on conservation in Dack Township n ear of natural resources-Cana­ Charlton, where Archdeacon dian Restoration, and Hurt Courtesy of the Rev. T. Koning Gillmor officiated at his mar­ Not the Earth. riage to Gladys Attwater in The funeral service was Pictured here are the people involved in the Induction of the Rev. ~oy Locke as Rector of the Haileybury parish. From left, Mr. R. Henderson (Warden of St. 1919. held in St. rFaith's Church, Simon's, Temagami); Mr. Thomas Huff (Haileybury); Fr. Locke; Archdeacon David The homestead was burned Charlton, with Fr. R. Locke A. P. Smith; Mr. A. Bishop (Haileybury); and Mr. D. Skorey and Mr. B. Park out in the tgreat fire' of (St. P a u I 's, Haileybury) is 1922, and the N ewton-Whites assisting Fr. T. Koning (Rec­ (Wardens of St. James', Cobalt). Fr. Locke being presented with the three keys then lived for five years on tor of Christ Church, Engle­ to the ohurches which are in this particular parish. the shores of Lake Temiska­ hart, and St. Faith's, Charl­ n:ting in Lorraine Township. ton) . at the Requiem. Brother preaches at Induction Editor leaves diocese At an impressive service Haileybury. The Rev. Noel Huff representing Rector's in St. Paul's Church, Hailey­ Goater, Rural Dean of Temis­ Warden J. Leckey (St. bury, the Rev. Roy Locke kaming, and Rector of St. Paul's) ; People's Warden B. Moves from Espanola was inducted as Rector of John's, North Bay, sang Park arid Rector's Warden that parish, and the churches Evensong. During the serv­ D. Skorey~ (St. James'); and of St. James', Cobalt, and St. ice, brother clergy from the Rector's Warden R. Hender­ to Ingersoll near London Simon's, Temagami, on Sun­ Diocese who assisted includ­ son (St. Simon's). day evening, April 20. The ed Fathers G. Lynn (Sund­ ing in the Extension Division ridge) ; B. Rod Brazill (New The combined choirs' pre­ of the Religious Studies De­ Officiant was the Ven. D. A. sented an anthem, HAll in the partment. In July of 1974, P. Smith, Archdeacon of Liskeard); T. Koning (En­ April Evening". Muskoka, and Rector of St. glehart) ; and E. B. Paterson he was appointed to the Sen­ Brice's, North Bay, acting (Sudbury) . Greetings to the new rec­ ate of Thorneloe College. under the mandate from The laity were' also repre­ tor were brought from the Fr. M c Com be's wife, sented in the service, with Gloria, has also taught at Bishop N ock. Tri-town Ministerial Associ­ Espanola High School, in the The sermon was preached Mr. M. Weight, lay reader of ation by, the Rev. Dr. W. F. Commercial Department. The by the Rev. Charles Locke, St. Paul's, Haileybury, 'read­ Butcher of the New Liskeard Rector of St. John's, Mathe­ ing the First Lesson, and the Presbyterian Church, and McCombes have two children son (Diocese of Moosonee), keys of the Churches being Mr. Clifford Newman, repre­ -Warren (almost 5), and a.nd brother of the newly in­ presented by People's War­ Ryan (16 months). senting the session of the Fr. McCombe has been in ducted Rector of St. Paul's, den A. Bishop, and M~. T. Haileybury United Church. touch with the Rt. Rev. T. David Ragg, Bishop of the St. Alban's, Capreol Diocese of Huron (in which Ingersoll is located), and he The Rev. Roger W. McCombe has indicated that pastoral opportunities will be a vail­ Rector serves as chaplain to Cadet corps The Rev. Roger W. Mc­ able for him. While officially organized Military College at St. Jean, J" une 3, with Senator R. Be­ Combe, Editor of the ALGOMA The ALGOMA ANGLICAN parish youth work may not Quebec, and Val Cartier lisle as the principal inspect­ ANGLICAN, and his family Standing Committee met in be very evident at St. Al­ (where tours were arranged ing officer. The company of will be leaving the Diocese May, and has recommended ban's in Capreol, the Rev. for Quebec City). - cadets was also involved in of Algoma at the end of to the Bishop and the Exe­ Colin Clay, Rector of that They visited Montreal on the official visit of Ontario's June, 1975. Fr. McCombe cutive Committee that Fr. parish, has become very in­ t he return journey. Lieutenant-Governor to Sud­ has accepted a position as McCombe continue his edi­ volved with the local com­ After Easter, Fr. Clay was bury. Head of Classics at the In­ torial responsibilities for a pany of the Army Cadet enjoying a short holiday gersoll District Collegiate In­ year as a temporary measure corps, which numbers some with his parents in the Fr. Clay commented to stitute, in Ingersoll, Ontario. until some decision is made 40 boys between the ages of United Kingdom, and he took the ALGOMA A N G L I CAN, Fr. McCombe has been about his successor. 13 to 19. the opportunity to visit "Movements of this kind, in­ teaching Classics at Espanola This group is very active Capreol's sister unit - the clJlding the Scouts and High School for the last five every Wednesday night, and City of London Royal Green Guides, .provide us with the years, and was made a dea- - NEW holds regular Church pa­ Jackets. The Capreol Cadets opportunities for contact con by Archbishop Wright rades. Fr. Clay, the Com­ presented the Londoners with youth extending far be­ in June of 1971, and ordained manding Officer, accompani­ with a Canadian flag, and yond the confines of the a priest in May of 1974. He ADDRESS parochial scene, and enable ed 27 c~dets (along with two they responded with a plaque has been the minister of St. other officers) on an expedi­ to hang in the cadet hall in us to help many who would Christopher's in McGregor Watch for the sum­ tion to Quebec City by school Capreol.Exchange visits be­ never associate willingly Bay, in the capacity of stu­ mer edition of the AL­ bus during the March break. tween the two are presently with the normal organiza­ dent, deacon and priest for GOMA ANGLICAN; which ' They stopped at Petawawa being arranged. tions provided by our eight . summers (1963 to will contain the Editor's (where they met with the When the facilities and Churches. 1966, 1968, 1969, 1973 and new address in Inger­ Base Chaplain, Maj or the staff make it feasible, Fr. "While never replacing the 1974). soll, Ontario. Rev. Kells Minchin of Al­ Clay hopes to enlarge the traditional 'youth - clubs', During his time in the Dio­ Contin.ue to sen d goma Diocese), 0 t taw a company to include females such organizations do de­ cese of Algoma, . Fr. Mc­ newscopy to the Espan­ (where Senator R. Belisle as well. serve closer attention by Combe has also assisted ola address until August gave them a personally guid­ The Annual Inspection clergy and· congregations Thorneloe College, of Laur­ 1,1975. ed tour of Parliament), the was conducted on Tuesday, than is often the case." entian University, by lectur- - 2A / JUNE / ALGOMA ANGLICAN The bishop '8 letter COMMUNICATIONS GAP Putting Christ first in your lives A' Visual Editorial But the continued assist­ tor of the ALGOMA ANGLICAN ance of the parents is neces­ until June, 1976, and ] am (Adapted from an idea­ sary, for as parents, it is im­ happy to concur · in this re­ from W. Schwenger) perative that you set them commendation. This exten­ an example of faithfulness sion will give us time to con.., and devotion by putting sider any future move re­ Christ and the Church first garding the position of Edi­ ~~ in your lives. Otherwise my tor. work as· Bishop, and that of Fr. McCombe has given your Rector, will be in vain. splendid leadership and ex­ I h-ave also enjoyed the pertise to this position, and warmth and · friendliness of we are happy not to lose his the congregations in the re­ talents immediately, follow­ ceptions which follow the ing his departure from the services, and am beginning Diocese. to catch "the · feel" of the Wherever you may be dur­ Di'ocese.
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