Hutchins School Magazine, №136, 1983
13?S~c-;-h~o-;--ol~s~prinr--t _r_e_co_r_ds THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL MAGAZINE f' Friends', Number 136 WI Angus zs Dt C< A Chronicle of the year's events at the Hutchins School, Hobart, Tasmania , Jftw{D)l, j Xlm'"'"'"""' IInder I 1n cli(F)2, M OOmundul top medal clash l.G Bone ! prospect Parents told David seeking to lobby SCHOOL OFFICERS \ national title CAPTAIN OF SCHOOL A . Atkins I against PREFECTS A . Barnes, P. Bobrowski, G. Eagling, M. Elias, I I R. McDougall, J . Omond, R. Page, S. Parsons, P. Reynolds, D.J. Scrivener, D. Tennant, M . Triffitt. school cuts SUB-PREFECTS D. Bloomfield, D. Bullock, A . Docking, C. Hartley, S. Hodgson, J . Morrisby, S. Menzie, M. Turnbull. TASMANIAN parents with children in non-Government MAGAZINE COMMITTEE Master in Charge: L. Clipstone Esq . Joint Editors: D. Bloomfield, C. Hartley Committee: G. Braithwaite, M . Burbury, A. Campbell, :~,T-ITLE M . Cochrane, S. Hodgson, R. Matterson, M. Simpson, B. Tiefholz. LIBRARY COMMITTEE Master in Charge: R. Curnow Esq. Librarian: R. Roberts-Thompson Committee: A. Campbell, S. Hookway, L. Johnstone, R. Matterson, K. May, E. Ralston. STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Master in Charge: P. Carey Esq . President: A. Barnes Vice-President: P. Bobrowski I Youth of Year Treasurer: J . Omond Secretary: R. McDougall CURRICULUM REVIEW COMMITTEE Master in Charge: C. Smith Esq . •TlrfO:'(nl l),s\ tJ T :Nn:ln13TennJnl ll \Ootllth~.: n:monal\c.t\C tr;J.I:Y'I outh ofIll asmanian I th< 1.,.., con<<"- h<.ng hdd '"cnnJUn~::;;,~ DovtdtoT Tcnoont ( 17). of Mtd· D•vtd who;· , ;0 h;s ''" · Prefect in Charge : J .
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