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Commencement THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1{.inety-eighth ~nnual COMMENCEMENT MONDAY, JUNE TWENTY-FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT THE EASTMAN THEATRE TEN-THIRTY o'CLOCK ORDER OF EXERCISES ORGAN PRELUDE Preambulum Festivum Karg-Elert Concert Overture in C Minor Hollins The Joyful Hour Bossi Harold Osborn Smith at the Organ PRoCESSIONAL-Pomp and Circumstance Elgar The Commencement Orchestra Guy Fraser Harrison, Conducting THE AUDIENCE IS REQUESTED TO REMAIN SEATED WHILB THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION ENTERS THE THEATRE PRAYER THE REVEREND HAROLD ELLIOTT NICELY, D.D. OvERTURE TO "DER MEISTERSINGER" Wagner The Orchestra AnDRESS EVERETT NEEDHAM CASE CoNFERRING oF DEGREES THE AUDIENCE IS REQUESTED TO REFRAIN FROM APPLAUSE UNTIL THE RECIPIENTS OF DEGREES ARE RETURNING TO THEIR SEATS Candidates of the College for Men Presented by Dean Wilder Candidates of the College for Women Presented by Dean Clark Candidates for Honors Degrees Presented by Professor Arvin Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Director Hanson Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Dean Mills Candidates for the Diploma in Nursing Presented by Miss Dennison Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Dean Gilbert Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Gilbert UndBY tho accelerated war program in tho School of Medicine and Dentistry, graduates of that School during tho ctt"ent ysar received their degrees at a separate commencei11Qnt, and to our regret cannot be included hero. ORDER OF EXERCISES CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES Doctor of Music VICTOR ALESSANDRO Presented hy Howard Hanson· Doctor of Humane Letters MARTHA MAY ELIOT Presented hy Janet Howell Clark Doctor of Letters ARTHUR MEIER ScHLESINGER Presented hy Glyndon Garlock VanDeusen Doctor of Science EuGENE FLoYD DuBois Presenteti hy William Sharp McCann Doctor of Laws WARREN RANDOLPH BuRGESS Presented hy Donald Wood Gilhert Doctor of Laws EvERETT NEEDHAM CASE Presented hy John Edward Hoffmeister CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendidal 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestial 1907 -JOHN Jr.OTBWBLL SLATBil REcESSIONAL-Coronation March Meyerheer The Orchestra THB At!DIBNCB IS ~UBSTBD TO llBMAIN BBATBD WHILB THB ACADBMIC PllOCBSSJON :t.BAVBS THB THBATRB PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA XI Elected to full membership in 1948 JoHN F . BoNNER, JR. TA-KONG LIU jOHN DAVID CHAMBERLAIN CONRAD LEE LoNGMIRE RoBERT T . CLARK, JR. jAMBS WALLACE MoYER KBNmiTR EDWARD DAVIS GERALD G. PALMER RoBERT LAWRENCE FAY ZACHARY D . SHELDON EVERETT MARK HAFNER STANTON B. SMITH DoNALD PHILil' HARNISH Elected to associate membership in 1948 NoRMAN WALTER BLAKE, JR. LEONARD A. LIBERMAN CARL GEORGE KRESl'AN PHI BETA KAPPA BURTON GouLD ANDREAS SHIRLEY JANE ALLART THEODORE AUBRBACH BETH STODDARD BISHOP CURTIS jAY BERGER HARRIET J ANB DIBBLE NoRMAN WALTER BLAKE, jR. JoAN THERESE FITZGERALD *GEORGE ALBERT BROWN SoPHIE BERGMAN GAsTEL NORMAN BANKER BROWN CoNSTANCE AMELIA GoRDoN GLENN ERNEST FELLOWS VERA SBMANKO GRANT JosHUA NoRMAN GoLDBERG EVELYN RosE HESSLER JoHN WALTER GuYoN RosE VELIE LANNI RoNALD CHARLES HEIDENREICH AunREY REALI McKissicK joHN MICHAEL KissANE NANCY RoBBINS NARAMORE CARL GEORGE KRBSPAN GERTRUDE EsTELLE NEILL LlwNARD ALl'RBD LIBERMAN EDYTHE WILMA PARKER *JoHN josEPH O'NEILL DoRoTHY BEATRICE RosENBERG ALAN SAUL RABSON SALLY RUTH SEILS THEODORE OTTo SIPPEL MIRIAM FISCHBlt SHAPIRO ANDREW STALDER DoRoTHY ANNE WATKINS CAROL Lou WENZEL *Elected in Junior Year PRIZES AND HONORS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE Thl Sherman Fellowship-to JACK TISHKOPP The Hull Pri'<f-tO NoRMAN BANIC!R BROWN The Eli-<abeth M. Anderson Pri-<f-tO ELIZABBTH ANNB MACK TheN. B. Ellison Pri'<f-tO ANDRBW STALDBR Ths Williams Mwwrial Pri-<f-tO SALLY RUTH SmLS The Alumnae Pri'<f-tO JoAN ELIZABBTH HALLBTT The Rigby Wile Pri-<es in Biology-to RoBBRT M. GRBBNDYKB The Jessie L . Rossnberger Pri'<f-tO JAMBS RICHARD McELH1!NY The Susan Colver Rossnberger Pri-<f-tO SHIRLBY ELBANOR GoTT Th1 John Dows MAirs Pri'<f-tO WILLIAM HuGo DoDBNHOFP The Tmy Pri'<f-tO FRANK JOHN Down, JR. The Thsta Eta Pri'<f-tO MARY KATHARINB PROCTOR The G111mma Phi Pri-<-to ALICB ELIZABBTH FRUBHAN The Charles L. Newton Pri-<-tO GBORGB ALBBRT BRoWN The Charles Ellis Caldwell Pri-<-to JoHN DAVID FASSBTT The Emil Kuichling Pri'<f-tO RAY CLIPPORD JoHNSON The James D. McGill Memorial Pri-<-to EDWIN IVAN CoLODNY The Hugh MAcKen-<is Memorial Pri-<e.r--to HBLBN SHIRLBY DRBW AND JANBT LoRIB DBLAINB The Percy B. Dutton Award-to EDwARD ALLBN LANGHANS The Fannis R. Bigelow Alumnae Awards--to RUTH TunLB Hol'PMliiSTBR AND HoNORA CBCBLIA NoRTH The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Junior Award-to RICHARD B. CUDDBBACK EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The National Socisty of New Englt~nd Women AwarJ-to BBRNICB BEATRIX FIBLDMAN Perj01'f111r s Cmificats EDWIN BLANCHARD, in Voice ANTHoNY PASSANNANTB, in Tuba JAMBS LAWRBNCB BuPPINGTON, in Horn LAWRBNCB RosENTHAL, in Piano CLAUDE CARLSON, in Viola GBORGE A. SELTZER, in Clarinet MARVIN DALB CLARK, in Trombone WILLIAM PHARis SNYDBR, JR., in Trumpet PBTBR SNow F ARRBLL, in Violoncello JoHN T. THoMAS, in Flute RUSSELL EDwARD FRIBDEWALD, in Flute RoBBRT G. GRococK, in Trumpet ALicB ELIZABBTH ARTMAN, in Piano R..u.PH RuilsBLL GUBNTHBR, in Flute MARYBLLBN ELIZABBTH DUMBoLTON, in Voice BRucE RING HoLCoMB, in Tuba SHIRLBY EPSTEIN, in Voice WALTBR R. JoNBS, in Trumpet KATHERINB JEANNB FoLSoM, in Voice EDGAR L. Kmx, in Bassoon RUTH-JoYCB HUMPHRBY, in Violoncello RoBBRT E. KLBIN, in Flute BARBARA MATZ, in Voice EDwARD JoHN KROLICK, in Double Bass DoROTHY MBRRIAM, in Violin WILLIAM JuNioR LoNG, in Percussion MARJORIE 0RBAKBR, in Voice DANIEL A. McANINCH, in Oboe ANDRBAJACQUB PBRCIVAL, in Flute JoHN C. McLAUGHLIN, in Flute MARY KATHRYN STEMM, in Harp DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH HONORS From th• Division of Honors Stutli#s in thl Colkge of Arts tmtl Scione1 BMhllor of Arts with Highm Honors *BETH STODDARD BISHOP, with French as Major Study SALLY RIJTB SBtLS, with English as Major Study 'BIIChllor of Arts with High Honors *CuaTtsJAY BBRGBR, with History as Major Study NoRMAN BANXBR BaoWN, with English as Major Study MARY VIRGlNlA BORNS, with English as Major Study HARRtBT JANB DmBLB, with History as Major Study CoNSTANCB AMBLIA GoRDoN, with English as Major Study Al1DRBY RBALI McKissic~~:, with English as Major Study KATHLBBN liBmmrrA ZtSMBR, with French as Major Study B11Ch1lor of Arts with Honors KBVIN PAUL BONNBLL, with English as Major Study Fa.ANE: JoaN DoWD, Ja., with History as Major Study JAMBS ERNBST DoBots, with History as Major Study CaARLBS DAVID HoLLBNBIICX, with History as Major Study DBmSB ELIANB HasHPIBLD, with French as Major Study M.utAN CoaiNNB INGRAO, with French as Major Study EILBBN SusAN KlNNBY, with History as Major Study ANNA EUDoRA Ro»BaTS, with History and Philosophy as Major Studies lhLBN DoROTHBA URBBLIS, with English as Major Study DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH DISTINCTION From thl Colkg1 of Arts tmtl ScioncB 'BIIChllor of Arts with Highlst Distinction ALAN SAUL RABsoN, in General Science ANDRBW STALDBit, in History SoPHIB BnGMAN GASTBL, in Psychology 'BIIChllor of Arts with High Distinction B111tTON GoOLD ANDRBAS, in Psychology *JoHN MtCHABL KmsANB, in Biology SRIItLBY JANB ALLAllT, in General Science NANCY RoBBINS N.uAMoRB, in Fine Arts *GuTJttJDB EnBLLB NBILL, in Economics EDYTHB WILMA PAUU, in Physics C.uoL Lou WBNZBL, in Mathematics ~hals DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH DISTINCTION-CoNTINUBD From the Colug1 of Arts and Scimc1 B~~ehllor of Arts with Distinction CLINTON LINDSAY BYRNES, in Economics and Business Administration EDWIN IvAN CoLODNY, in Government DAviD DoVI!SMITR DTJDLBY, in Physics JoaN jANos HoFPMAN, in Psychology DANIEL ANDRliW IsAACSON, in Government HARVEY RoLAND KEs-rml, in Sociology EARL ST ANLBY LIPMAN, in General Science DAVID RICHARD McCoNNELL, in Economics and Business Administration RAYMOND J ORN MuRPHY, in Geology DoNALD EuGENE SMITH, in English and History RoGBR WARRliN TENGWALL, in General Science MoLLY RAsaALL ABRAMow, in French jANE WILRBLMINA BIDLACK, in Sociology GLoRIA OsKOLA CoRBN, in English MoRNILVA EUNICB CoUTTs, in Spanish GBRALDINE ELIZABBTR DENERING, in History VBRA SBMANKO GRANT, in Biology JANE LEE HARDING, in Psychology EVELYN RosE HBSSLBR, in Economics ALICB BoOTH HoLMES, in Government FwuNCB ANITA KREMER, in Psychology RosE VBLIE LANNI, in English ARLENE MAE LILL, in Economics ELIZABETH ANNE MAcK, in Fine Arts MARIE DoROTHY MoNl'RBDo, in Sociology MARY GRACB MooRE, in History BARBARA jANE NELSON, in Chemistry BEATRICB OsBAND, in English HELEN MARGARRT PARRY, in Sociology RUTH ANNA EMILIE RicKERs, in General Science BARBARA EuzABBTR RoBBRTS, in History DoROTHY BEATRICE RosENBERG, in History JOY MARGUBRITE SLEEPER, in Music DoROTHY ANNE WATKINS, in French CAROLYN LoRRAINE ZELLNER, in Sociology B~~ehelor of Scisncs with Highest Distinction THEODORE AUERBACH, in Physics *JoHN JoSEPH O'NEILL, in Business Administration B~~ehslor of Scimcs with High Distinction NoRMAN WALTER BLAKE, JR., in Chemistry GEORGE ALBERT BRoWN, in Chemical Engineering jACK WALTER GuYoN, in Chemical Engineering CARL GEORGE KRllsPAN, in Chemistry *Marshals DEGREES TO BE GRANTED WITH DISTINCTION-<:oNTINVBD From ths Colkgs of Arts t~nd Sciems BMhelor of Scunce with Distinction GLBNN ERNEST FsLLOws, in Physics CHARLBS BRtrCB GRAY, in Optics JosEPH DIMMicK HsLWIG, in Chemical Engineering JAMES THOMAS KBsNEHAN, in Business Administration LEoNARD ALFRBD LIBERMAN, in Chemistry JoHN HBBBBRT McGRATH, in Mechanical Engineering CLIFFORD ORMAN, in Physics MARoARBT MUIR BRANT, in Optics JoAN THERESE FITZGERALD, in Physics From the Et~stmtzn School of Music BMhelor of Music with Distinction HsNRY CRAWFORD CAMPBELL Rum ALLEN ANDREws *PBTBR SNOW FARRBLL BERNICB BEATIUX FmLDMAN JoHN NAosm FuYutrMB MARY JANE GARMANT *HARVEY GARBER PHYLLIS MANN LoUis BBNJAMIN GoRDoN MARY Jo MANNINo RoBERT G.
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