Katherine Boo | 9780812979329 | | | | | Behind the Beautiful Forevers Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity 1st edition PDF Book But this shockingly, heart-wrenchingly, even exhilaratingly real and excruciatingly beautiful book is definitely one of them. Bombay traffic; oh so nauseating! A languid line extended from an orange concrete block of public toilets. Annawadi is a makeshift settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai airport, and as starts to prosper, Annawadians are electric with hope. Children in school-uniform neckties were hauling pots of water from the public taps. Are terms like liberty and freedom understood differently by people who live in different conditions? She leads us through their unknown world, her gift of language rising up like a delicate string of necessary lights. Too often, weak government intensifies it and proves better at nourishing corruption than human capability. Already have an account? That's partly because Boo writes so damn well. There is only one realm in which her approach loses rigor. View all 29 comments. I spent the entire reading reminding myself that these were real people so that I would endeavor to feel something toward their story. First I thought there were too many to follow in depth. It often happens that I stay up with a book overnight because it is too good to be put down for something as mundane as sleep. All of human society is crisscrossed by a complex mesh of conflicting hierarchies. True, only six of the slum's three thousand residents had permanent jobs. Spine slightly rolled. The book is a page-turner. Then they lit white candles and made it dark like a disco, and on this one table the chef put two huge dolphins made out of flavored ice. Behind the Beautiful Forevers Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity 1st edition Writer

The corruption that seeped through everything, all those organisations that should have been doing good - the police, the magistrates, the hospital, the schools, the politicians, the re-housing plan, the NGOs It quickly grew into a sprawling, densely inhabited zone of makeshift shacks, filled primarily with recent migrants to Mumbai from all over India and Pakistan. Show 25 25 50 All. My husband is an Indian citizen, and since we met in , I've been watching the landscape of his country transform as its economy grows. This is a critique aimed more at the audiobook as I would have been better able to remember the characters if I could see their names in front of me. Couldn't there be a way to remove the eyesore and eliminate the societal problems that caused it? The rest, like 85 percent of Indian workers, were part of the informal, unorganized economy. And even the poorest children, like the young thief Kalu, feel themselves inching closer to their dreams. Personally, I suspect ALL unequal society eventually impload - they are just replaced with another slightly less unequal society until that replacement imploads They gave those slumdwellers who didn't fry rats and eat weeds, like Abdul, a felt sense of their upward mobility. As for the police, they are like kidnap gangs where the victims politely walk up to them and ask to be kidnapped. She leads us through their unknown world, her gift of language rising up like a delicate string of necessary lights. More Details More filters. Retrieved August 14, Katherine Boo. For me the book speaks to the incredible resilience of the human spirit in the face of cruel circumstances of the place and family any of us might be subject to. The advertisements were printed on glossy paper, for which recyclers paid two rupees, or four U. What has he lost, what does he stand to gain? I don't mean that negatively because I learned ever so much about Annawadi, its citizens, Mumbai corruption and India itself. Behind the Beautiful Forevers Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity 1st edition Reviews

The reason why I say so is the way author has put across the irony of our existences is quite shatterring! None of the strategies employed for betterment by these people — the use of your natural gifts in your given environment Abdul ; insinuating yourself into a incorrigibly corrupt status quo of policemen and politicians Asha ; education Manju — really work. The toilet cleaner Mr. Like new hard cover edition with like new dust jacket. And so, too, are the imaginations and courage of the people of Annawadi. But there is one triumph, one that here in the so-called First World would be paltry, but in Annawadi represents a truly magnificent victory. Asha, a woman of formidable wit and deep scars from a childhood in rural poverty, has identified an alternate route to the middle class: political corruption. Condition: Good. . But other poor citizens had seen the Tamils sweat to summon solid land from a bog, and that labor had earned a certain deference. I'll continue to think about this book for some time to come. His little sisters were playing with the One Leg's daughters on a makeshift wheelchair, a cracked plastic lawn chair flanked by rusted bicycle wheels. In a land where the supermarket does not boast ten different brands of toothpastes, give an Ayn Rand to a youth standing in the ration line and see a potent explosive rise. Other poor people considered the spot too wet to be habitable, but the Tamils set to work, hacking down the brush that harbored the snakes, digging up dirt in drier places and packing it into the mud. Rating details. The balance of what they have lost, what they have gained is skewed towards the loss. No markings. The author is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who has covered social inequalities in the past. The poor blame one another for the choices of governments and markets, and we who are not poor are ready to blame the poor just as harshly. But I wanted a more detailed look into a world I knew existed from films and other books so although the audio version wasn't a 5 star, my interest was kindled. Spine tilted, dampstain rippling near the edge of about 20 pages, else text clean, binding tight. It's all right for Spark's schoolgirl Sandy, a native of Edinburgh, to feel estranged when she's in a little-visited part of the city; but Boo, an American, must give the impression of complete familiarity in a Mumbai slum. He would cancel his testimony and the testimony of his late wife, upon which the trial would shut down. For me the book speaks to the incredible resilience of the human spirit in the face of cruel circumstances of the place and family any of us might be subject to. How does being wrenched away from his work responsibilities at Annawadi change his understandings of the hardships of other people? Rise, Manju, rise! But I couldn't quite make out what had and hadn't changed in historically poor communities. A moral victory is theirs, but they have to pay an enormous price for something that is precious only to themselves, their self-esteem.

Behind the Beautiful Forevers Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity 1st edition Read Online

Condition: Fine. Hell exists. The story is remarkable and reads like fiction, and its greatest strength is that I had no idea how it would be resolved. While some of her interviewees have hope of escaping the slum, none do so in the book, and as she shows, their future chances are extremely slim. Some more things that impressed me from the author's note: she says that the people who feature knew that everything they did and said would not come out 'pretty' in the book, but they participated because they shared the author's concerns about the distribution of opportunity in a fast changing country. And Ms. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Boo gives you chapter and verse. Because the characters are so vividly sketched, the main intrigue is overwhelming. What value could there be learning any more about their miserable lives? Views Read Edit View history. She focuses on several individuals, carefully chipping away their facades to show their inner intricacies and humanize them. The author has noted that she does not see the characters in the book as a representation of Indian people as a whole. This is how the plutocratic libertarians of the world- your Thiels, Kochs and the like - would love things to be. More information about this seller Contact this seller 8. Better still for Abdul, a frenzy of Chinese construction in advance of the summer's Beijing Olympics had inflated the price of scrap metal worldwide. There is no bothersome communal action from slum dwellers, because they all hate each other. Extreme poverty is being alleviated gradually, unevenly, nonetheless significantly. Log in again Return to the free version of the site. Was her subtext give to support India charities? In addition to the language, frequent mature themes show that life is rough for most of these people, but though we are told about it on every page, the style of writing does not make us experience it.