Have you ever heard of the Greek legend of the Phoenix? It is believed that the legend originated in , but in truth, the legend appears by different names throughout many different cultures.

The legend chronicles the story of a bird, about the size of an . The mythical bird had vibrant col- ored plums of red, yellow, and purple. Its eyes were a deep sapphire blue. In some cultures it was be- lieved the bird lives 500 years; other cultures say 1,000 years and still others say 1,500 years. Regard- less of its longevity, in every legend the bird’s life ended in a burst of yellow and red flames. Three days later the bird would be reborn from the ashes with increased magical powers. It is said that among the birds gifted powers was the ability to be healed from the bird’s tears.

The story of the Phoenix is legendary and is one of the most well known agent myths in modern day. To see a Phoenix was considered a sign of a new era. The power of the Phoenix was known to be a sym- bol of fire and the tears of the bird were said to have regenerative abilities of healing. The Phoenix leg- end claims that it is impossible for a person to tell a lie if the creature was nearby. It is said the bird feeds on frankincense and cinnamon in preparing for its new birth. With its revival comes beautiful mu- sic, happiness and new life. The Phoenix, it is also said, that with each new birth, it represents magical powers in some of the most valued virtues like goodness, reliability and kindnesses. So, I thought what better image to enter 2021 than the rising of the Phoenix. It lead me to the significance of the bird’s col- ors: yellow, red, purple and sapphire blue.

My research lead me to these revelations . . .

• . . . signifies life, health, vigor, passion, protection from disease, power, victory, fortune, beauty, mor- al strength, empowerment

• . . . is synonymous with royalty, enlightenment, nobility, wealth, spirituality, wisdom, honor

• . . . symbolizes truth, security, loyalty, calmness, stability, confidence, knowledge, unity, harmony

• . . . is symbolic of happiness, warmth, sunshine, the highest and noblest of any colors. It stands for truth, harmony, safety, optimism, idealism, hope, imagination, friendship, and clear skies.

Not a bad rainbow to carry into 2021... I’m sure you will agree.

On that note, let’s consider some interesting activities as we await our movement to liberation through the work of science. MATERIALS NEEDED: 1 white tube sock LET’S BUILD A SNOWMAN in the warmth of our homes! https://www.makeitgrateful.com/living/arts/crafts/make-tube-sock-snowman-craft/

1 colored tube sock WHAT TO DO: Rice Fill white sock with rice. Separate snowman head 2 rubber bands by squeezing rice to form head and securing with 1 paper tube roll rubber band. Glue three colorful buttons onto larg- 3 colorful buttons er body. Paint on face with magic marker. Glue Permanent magic marker on Pom-Pom for nose. Tie ribbon around Ribbon neck (rubber band for scarf). Cut toe of colored Orange Pom-Pom sock and roll up edge. Place on snowman head for his hat. All that is left is to give him a name! MATERIALS NEEDED: NO BAKE SNOW BALL BITES Package of sandwich cookies Crush sandwich cookies in plastic bag. Blend plastic bag freezer bag with I/2 cup cream cheese and 1/4 cup peanut I/2 cup cream cheese butter and roll mixture into balls. 1/4 cup peanut butter white chocolate chips Melt white chocolate chips—30 at a time, sprinkles crushed candy canes in microwave. Dip balls in melted white chocolate and decorate with sprinkles or crushed candy canes. WHAT TO DO:

WINTER SNOW GLOBE MATERIALS NEEDED: Glue trees and small figures 1 clean mason jar with metal lid to underside of lid. Fill mason distilled water jar with water and glitter, glue snowflakes, stars, Invert lid 2 small trees into jar and tighten metal 1 small figure: snowman, rain , Santa ring to top of jar. whatever you like Clear glue glitter, stars or snowflakes or what- Now turn jar upside down and enjoy. ever you like Shake to make it snow inside your snow globe! WHAT TO DO: FAIRY GARDEN

MATERIALS NEEDED: To create steps for your flower pot fairy Broken terra-cotta pot house, you'll simply break terra-cotta pieces Silicone adhesive or sculpting clay with a hammer to make smaller pieces. Be- Cardboard fore you start hammering, place cardboard potting soil underneath the terra-cotta pieces to protect Small plants or succulents your work surface. Arrange the small terra- Moss cotta pieces on the soil leading to the top of the pot. WHAT TO DO: Add Plants and Accessories Arrange Pieces Plant succulents (or other small plants of To start your potted fairy garden, arrange your choice) and add accents to the broken pieces of the broken pot to make different pot fairy garden. Fill in empty spots with levels of the fairy garden. Use a clear sili- moss to cover the soil. Add in miniature ac- cone adhesive or sculpting clay to hold piec- cessories to create your desired look. es of the fairy garden pot in place. Let dry. Fill With Soil https://www.bhg.com/gardening/container/ Fill the crevices with potting soil. Pat the soil plans-ideas/broken-pot-fairy-garden/ down and lightly water every few inches to secure in place. Make Steps WISHING WAND MATERIALS NEEDED: WHAT TO DO: Duplex card paper 1. Cut two shapes out of the duplex card Red and gold sparkling paper paper. Blue glitter dust 2. Cover one side of each star with red and Silver ribbon gold sparkling paper and leave the white Balloon stick side alone. Glass plastic 3. Cut the gold star on the inner to form a UHU Glue frame of star.

4. Glue star shape glass plastic to the back of gold frame star.

5. Fold the red and gold sparkling left over papers, glue it and use it to make the confetti by using a paper puncher. 6. Use the gold card from cutting the gold star frame remain to make three little stars. 7. Glue the three little stars each to a silver ribbon. 8. Cover the balloon stick with silver ribbon by whirling it around the stick and secure it with UHU. 9. Apply glue along the frame of the star and put the balloon stick together with the three rib- bon with little stars on the bottom, altogether and press it hard until it secure. But remem- ber to leave the top of the star open to fill in the confetti and glitter dust. And don’t fill it too full, leave some space for shaking purpose. 10. Secure the top of the star and let it dry. Your wishing wand is ready for New Year celebra- tion. Shake your wand and make a wish!


Large recycled Four pebbles painted blue with cardboard box white snowflakes PENGUIN HATS Climb aboard the spaceship Four pebbles painted white with https://kidscraftroom.com/penguin-hat-craft/ snowman faces We’re going to To find PDF file with the pattern the moon One bag with and instructions, go to the staff draw string Portal and then follow this path: Hurry and get ready Draw tic tac toe frame on out- PORTAL> We’re going to side of bag with permanent FORMS> blast off soon. marker TEA_Teacher Only> Penguin Hat Craft Instructions Put on your Use bag to store pebbles & Pattern and buckle up real tight. Cause here comes the count- down, so count with all your might!


Positive Quotes for January

May 2021 bring you and your family good health and much prosperity.

Beverly Weikel l Mary Louise Fanelli l Stacy Meredith l Brittany Hertzog Marie Groody and Mary Ann Devlin