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E1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 24, 2007 hot, cold, fast and slow—colors. But I don’t on a Sausalito houseboat not far from Phil’s cleanups of toxic waste sites now falls on the analyze it. I’ve been playing professionally floating studio in the pilot house of the ferry shoulders of taxpaying Americans. Reauthor- over 50 years, and that’s the way I do it. I al- City of Seattle, recalls the first annual Hum- izing the Superfund tax would ensure that pol- ways surprise myself. The worst surprise is ming Toadfish Festival, which she started. Phil luters—not the American public—pay to re- when I can’t get it to happen. But it usually designed the t-shirt, and after the first ones store public health. comes out. I don’t play for a long period, and were printed, Dunwell gifted one to Phil. He Superfund sites contain toxic contaminants then I’m like an animal, a lion or tiger locked graciously thanked her, then placed the shirt that have been detected in drinking water in its cage, and when I get out I try to restrain in a drawer brimming with Phil Frank-designed wells, creeks and rivers, backyards, play- myself. I don’t want to overplay. I like the guys t-shirts from other charitable groups. grounds, and streets. Communities impacted to trade, and I just keep it moving, and spread Phil was generous not only with his talent, by these sites can face restrictions on water the rhythm, as Coltrane said. Keep it moving, but with his time. A self-educated historian, he use, gardening and recreational activities as keep it crisp.’’ was an important figure in the Sausalito His- well as economic losses as property values Madam Speaker, it is my honor to offer this torical Society, and acted as exhibitions coor- decline due to contaminated land. In the worst salute to Roy Haynes as a true Modern Jazz dinator for the Bolinas Museums’ History Col- cases, families are at risk of health problems Giant and a living national treasure and the lection. ‘‘He knew the history of places from such as cardiac impacts, infertility, low birth embodiment of the values and principles set the human side,’’ explained Nolte. weight, birth defects, leukemia, and respiratory forth in H. Con. Res. 57, the joint resolution One of his most popular cartoons, published difficulties. passed on John Coltrane’s birthday 20 years in Sausalito’s weekly newspaper, exposes the Until they expired in 1995, the Superfund ago, which has become the gold standard ru- persona of his hometown with well-intended taxes generated around $1.7 billion a year to bric for the proper recognition of jazz and its humor. It shows the Sausalito Fire and Res- clean up these hazardous areas. The ‘‘Super- practitioners. cue squad being called to the downtown park fund Reinvestment Act’’ would simply reinstate f to assist a 90-year-old resident who had fallen the taxes as they were before they expired. off her platform shoes and couldn’t get up by This will provide a stable source of funding to IN MEMORY OF PHIL FRANK herself because her jeans were too tight. continue cleaning up sites around the country Phil could make us laugh at ourselves. He as well as give the EPA the tools it needs to HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY was one of those genuinely nice guys. He clean up sites and then recover the costs from OF CALIFORNIA lived with enthusiasm. He made us smile. He liable parties who do not undertake the work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is already missed. themselves. I urge my colleagues to join me in working Monday, September 24, 2007 f to strengthen the Superfund program and en- Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, it is with PERSONAL EXPLANATION sure that it continues to help keep our commu- great sadness that I rise today to recognize nities and our families safe, healthy, and eco- the passing of one of our notable journalists, HON. SUE WILKINS MYRICK nomically secure. cartoonist Phil Frank. Phil died of brain cancer OF NORTH CAROLINA f this month, but not before leaving an enduring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legacy to the people of Marin County, where PERSONAL EXPLANATION he lived, and to those of the San Francisco Monday, September 24, 2007 Bay Area and across North America. Mrs. MYRICK. Madam Speaker, I was un- HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING Admired by other cartoonists, loved by his able to participate in the following votes. If I OF MISSISSIPPI family and fans, and appreciated by local his- had been present, I would have voted as fol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES torians, Phil was the creator of a host of car- lows: Monday, September 24, 2007 toon characters, the most famous being Far- September 20, 2007—Rollcall vote 889, on Mr. PICKERING. Madam Speaker, I was ley, a San Francisco reporter on a newspaper agreeing to the Neugebauer (TX) amend- unable to be present for rollcall vote No. 876 named The Daily Requirement. Farley’s world ment—H.R. 2881, the FAA Reauthorization to H.R. 1852. I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ was peopled by an assortment of politicians Act of 2007—I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ and animals, including Bruce, the raven; Or- Rollcall vote 890, on passage—H.R. 2881, f well T. Catt, feral feline; a collection of bears the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2007—I would SUPPORT FOR THE JENA, that ran the Fog City Dumpster and avidly have voted ‘‘nay.’’ LOUISIANA 6 supported the San Francisco Giants; and of f course, the high-class band of feral pigs in HON. KEITH ELLISON dark glasses, who traveled Marin County in INTRODUCTION OF THE OF MINNESOTA BMWs, led by their guru, De Pork Chopra. SUPERFUND REINVESTMENT ACT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With these characters and others, Phil tar- geted daily events in the Bay Area, including HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Monday, September 24, 2007 the actions of every San Francisco mayor OF OREGON Mr. ELLISON. Madam Speaker, I rise today from Dianne Feinstein to Gavin Newson. Phil’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to bring attention to a pressing issue that co-worker Carl Nolte, a staff writer at the plagues our Nation, the injustice that is experi- Monday, September 24, 2007 Chronicle, where the Farley comic ran almost enced by African-Americans in our criminal every day for 32 years, remembers a good ex- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, today justice system. On September 20, 2007, rallies ample. When Mayor Frank Jordan once ap- I am proud to introduce, along with my col- were held across the Nation in honor of what pointed a lowly politician to a high office in his league FRANK PALLONE, the ‘‘Superfund Rein- we have come to know as the ‘‘Jena 6.’’ The administration, Phil’s comic strip showed the vestment Act,’’ which would reauthorize the Jena 6 is a group of young African-American cartoon mayor appointing one of the feral cats corporate taxes that fund the Superfund trust men who were charged with attempted murder to run the municipal aquarium. fund. This bill will reestablish the polluter pays for a school yard fight with a Caucasian male ‘‘But he was never mean-spirited,’’ said principle and our commitment to cleaning up in Jena, Louisiana. Nolte. ‘‘He was humorous in the best sense of the Nation’s most hazardous sites. Before the school yard fight that put the 6 political humor.’’ The Environmental Protection Agency’s African American students in jail, 3 Caucasian Fellow cartoonist Kathryn Lemieux of (EPA) Superfund program was created in students hung nooses from a tree on in the Tomales agreed. ‘‘He could poke fun at some- 1980 to provide money to clean up the Na- school. These students were suspended from one without being cruel,’’ she said. According tion’s worst hazardous waste sites where the school but never were charged with any crime. to Lemieux, Phil was also a generous mentor party responsible for polluting was out of busi- Another Caucasian student involved in a dif- to other artists, always willing to share his ness or could not be identified. Before they ferent school yard fight was charged with bat- support. expired in 1995, the money for the Superfund tery and was placed on probation. He also shared his talent with innumerable trust fund came mainly from taxes on the pol- Yet, when the Jena 6 were involved in a organizations all over the Bay Area, drawing a luters themselves. The program has contrib- fight injuring one of the Caucasian students, t-shirt design, adding a cartoon to a city mail- uted to the cleanup of over 1,000 sites around the 6 high school students were charged with ing, or illustrating a California park system no- the country. Because Congress has not reau- attempted second-degree murder and other tice. Suzanne Dunwell, who lived for a while thorized the taxes, the burden of funding serious assault charges. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:53 Sep 25, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24SE8.030 E24SEPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMREMARKS.