PSYC 306 1st Edition

Exam # 2 Study Guide Chapters 4, 9 & 15

Mental Status  A set of interview questions and observations designed to reveal the degree and nature of a person’s abnormal functioning. ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)  Used frequently because its an effective and fast acting intervention for unipolar o 60-80% of patients improve  1917 Malaria- Induced fever o Julius Wagner-Jauregg,  1927 Insulin- Induced Coma o Manfred Sakel, . Insulin injection . Seizures . Inject glucose  1934 Metrazol- Induced Coma o Ladislaus von Meduna, Budapest . Biological antagonism . 42% of spinal fractures  First seen in the 1930’s … widespread use by 1939 o 1937- Ugo Cerlitti & Lucio Bini o Nominated for noble prize . ECT Procedure  Informed consent  Anesthetic  Muscle relaxant  800 milliamps  Several hundred watts  1-6 seconds  3X/ week  6-12 treatments  Texas does 1500 annually o Age range (16-97) o Although effective it has declined since the 1950’s . B/c of memory loss associated with treatment & The frightening nature of the procedure Behavioral Treatment  Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) o Cognitive therapy o Developed by Albert Ellis o Help people identify and change the irrational assumptions and thinking that help cause psychological disorders  Stress Inoculation Training o SIT Stages . Conceptualization phase . Rehearsal phase . Application phase  Re-hospitalizations decrease by 50% among clients treated with cognitive- behavioral therapy Anti-Depressants  1st Generation o Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAO) /tricyclics

. Marplan . Nardil  2nd Generation o Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) . Group of 2nd generation anti-depressant drugs that increase serotonin activity specifically without affecting other neurotransmitters  Prozac (Most popular) o ‘Reach for Mother’s Little Helper” . Newsweek, 1994 o The Personality Pill”