2006 The State of Brazil’s Children Children up to the age of 6 years The Right to Survival and Development For every child Health, Education, Equality, Protection ADVANCE HUMANITY The State of Brazil’s Children 2006 Children up to the age of 6 years The Right to Survival and Development PRODUCED BY The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Marie-Pierre Poirier UNICEF Representative in Brazil UNICEF Representative Office in Brazil SEPN 510 – Bloco A – 2º andar Brasília, DF – 70750-521 www.unicef.org.br
[email protected] The State of Brazil’s Children 2006 UNICEF TEAM Project coordination: Manuel Rojas Buvinich, Rachel Mello and Halim Antonio Girade Collaborators: Adriana Alvarenga, Aline Andrade, Alison Sutton, Ana Márcia Diógenes, Ana Maria Azevedo, Andréia Néri, Fábio Atanásio de Morais, Francisca Maria Andrade, Gisele Dias, Helena Oliveira, Jacques Schwarzstein, Jane Santos, Letícia Sobreira, Marcelo Mazolli, Maria José Medeiros, Mário Volpi, Patricio Fuentes, Ruy Pavan, Salvador Soler Lostao and Vilma Cabral Photographs: UNICEF/Brazil/Luca Bonacini IBGE TEAM Ana Lucia Sabóia and Barbara Cobo Soares Consultants: Maria Dolores Kappel and Ivo Monsores PUBLICATION Cross Content Comunicação Integrada www.crosscontent.com.br
[email protected] Coordination: Andréia Peres and Marcelo Bauer Reporting and editing: Aline Falco, Cristina Yamazaki and Luiz Sampaio. Collaborators: Erica Abe and Joana Ricci Review: Regina Pereira and Rosimeire Ribeiro Art: Cristiano Rosa (editing), David Michelsohn, José Dionísio Filho and Nicéia Lombardi (layout) English Translation: George Aune RAPPORT traduções e interpretação Ltda. Whole or partial reproduction of this publication is allowed, provided the source is cited. ISBN: 85-87685-05-8 © The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – 2005 Crianças sem registro civil 3 The United Nations Children’s Fund The State of Brazil’s Children 2006 Children up to the age of 6 years The Right to Survival and Development Brasília, 2005 4 CONTENTS VIOLATIONS CHILD MORTALITY CHILDREN STILL VULNERABLE .