Resolution Number 7660 a Resolution of the Missoula
RESOLUTION NUMBER 7660 A RESOLUTION OF THE MISSOULA CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT A PRE-DISASTER MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE WHICH WILL GUIDE THE CITY IN MAKING DECISIONS FOR PRE-DISASTER MITIGATION PROJECTS AND ALLOW THE CITY TO BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE FEDERAL PRE- AND POST-DISASTER MITIGATION FUNDS. WHEREAS, all citizens and property within the City of Missoula are at risk from a wide range of hazards, such as, but not limited to, flooding, earthquakes, winter storms, wind and thunderstorms, wildfire, landslides, and volcanic hazards, and; WHEREAS, the Missoula City Council recognizes that mitigation is the most cost effective way to manage the potential consequences of disasters, and; WHEREAS, a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan will guide the City in making decisions for pre-disaster mitigation projects, and; WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency requires local jurisdictions to have an approved Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan to be eligible for federal pre- or post-disaster mitigation monies, and; WHEREAS, the 2004 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan was prepared in accordance with guidance provided by FEMA under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, and; WHEREAS, the 2004 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan provides the background and essentials for evaluating risks and exposures to hazards, and; WHEREAS, this 2011 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update has been prepared according to "Local Multi- Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance" (FEMA, 2008) and adds to the 2004 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Missoula, Montana hereby adopts, the Pre- Disaster Mitigation Plan Update dated August, 2011. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of October, 2011 ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Martha L.
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