The Rock of Our Salvation
THE ROCK OF OUR SALWATION: A TREATISE - RESPECTING THE NATURES, PERSON, OFFICES, WORK SUFFERINGS, AND GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST. BY WILLIAM S. PLUMER, D.D., LL.D. A Let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. PSA. 95:1. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK. ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by the AMERICAN TRACT SoCIETY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for - ern District of New York. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. CHRIST ALL IN ALL, page 7: opposed, 8, 17; his Names and Titles, 10–13; Christ much loved, 13; what God's People say of Him, 18, 19. CHAPTER II. • THE DIVINITY of CHRIST, 22: proven by his Names, 22, 23; by his Attributes, 23–28; by his Works, 28–34; by his Worship, 35–38; Inferences, 38–40. CHAPTER III. THE SoNSHIP or CHRIST, 41: above that of Angels, of Adam, of Believers, 41; not merely because supernaturally conceived, 42; or by Designation to Office, or by his Resurrection, 43; or by being Heir of all Things. He has the same Nature with the Father, his Sonship real and proper, 45; eternal, 48; more than Mediatorship, ineffable, 49; long held, 51; proven, 53–56. CHAPTER IV. THE INCARNATION of CHRIST, 58: how effected, 59; true, 61; made under the Law, 62; foretold by Prophets, 64; often declared, 65; incomprehensible, 67–76; at the Right Time, 69; a Great Event, 73; perpetual, 76; Inferences, 76–79. CHAPTER W. THE MEssIAHSHIP or JESUs oF NAZARETH, 80: expected, 80; proven, 82–95; Remarks, 95–99.
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