HAOL, Núm. 5 (Otoño, 2004), 113-126 ISSN 1696-2060 THE GLOBALIZATION OF INSECURITY: HOW THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER UNDERMINES HUMAN AND NATIONAL SECURITY ON A WORLD SCALE Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Institute for Policy Research & Development, United Kingdom. E-mail:
[email protected] Recibido: 15 Julio 2004 / Revisado: 13 Agosto 2004 / Aceptado: 15 Septiembre 2004 / Publicado: 15 Octubre 2004 Resumen: National and human security has throughout the world, largely in the South. The been fundamentally undermined by policies impact of globalization has also significantly promoted by the key institutions of exacerbated the emergence of conflicts largely globalization. Adopting a state-centred in the South, which directly undermines national conceptualization of security demonstrates how and individual security. globalization at once weakens and fragments the state, while militarizing both the state and sub- In the first chapter, I begin by outlining a state actors, contributing systematically to the theoretical framework for examining the impact emergence of intra- and inter-state conflicts. A of globalization on security at multiple of levels human-centred framework, however, focusing of analysis. I discuss two distinct but on the impact of globalization on individuals overlapping conceptualizations of security: and communities, shows that this process is firstly, economic security as a function of further linked to the generation of structural human security (at the level of individuals); and violence across national boundaries. Both these secondly, economic security as a function of national -and human- level processes are national security (at the level of the state). mutually interdependent and impact on one Thirdly, I put forward a description of another reciprocally.