Aaron, Hank, 233 Aaron, Julia, 194, 196, 235-36 Adams, Johnny, 235
Index Aaron, Hank, 233 Antoine, Louis, 241 Aaron, Julia, 194, 196, 235-36 Apache Hunters, 217, 219 Adams, Johnny, 235 Armstrong, Beatrice, 105 Ad Libitum Club, 205 Armstrong, Louis, 40, 45, 86, 103, Ainsworth, Robert, Jr., 241 105-16, 119, 136, 234, 236, 245 Albert, Josephine, 103 Armstrong, Lucille, 103 Alcee Fortier High School, 249-51 Armstrong, Mary Ann, 103, 107 Alexander, Adolphe, 249 Armstrong Park, 43, 55 Alexander, Avery, 234, 236-37, Armstrong, Willie, 103 241, 248 Arnaud, Elvina Armstrong, 130 Alexis, Lucien Victor, 122, 127, Arnaud, Wellington, 243 131 Astoria Restaurant, 203 Allen, Archie, 189, 234 Aubert, Wilfred, 151 Amedee, Earl J., 162, 173, 248 August, Frank, 247 American Anti-Slavery Society, Augustine, Israel, 173, 175, 249, 31 251 American Equal Rights Autocrat Club, 203, 205-7, 235 Association, 36, 170 American Federation of Teachers Baby Dolls, 38 Conference, 227 Bagneris, Jeanne, 127 American Football League, 243 Baker, Isiah, 246 American Legion, 240 Baldwin, James, 239, 240 American Missionary, The Bambara, 46-48, 54 (magazine), 139 bamboula, 43, 49-50, 54 American Negro League, 234 Banks, Levine, 245 Amistad Research Center, 142, Barbee, Benjamin, 238 169, 175 Barbee, William, 194 Anderson, Marian, 131, 240 Barney, Clarence, 247 273 BL09e_R-18_Index.indd 273 12/31/2014 1:52:50 PM 274 BLACK LIFE IN OLD NEW ORLEANS Bartholomew, Dave, 248 Boyer and Taylor Company Batiste, Becate, 221 (undertaker), 101 Batiste, John, 246 Braden, Warren, 164 Baumann’s Drugstore, 99 Bradford, Constance, 235 Bayou St. John, 205 Bras
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