Historical Novels Bibliographies Historical Novels
AIA Education Department Bibliographies: Historical Novels Bibliographies Historical Novels Archaeological Mysteries Renault, M. 1979. The Nature of Alexander. New York: Praetzellis, A. 2003. Dug to Death: A Tale of Archaeological Vintage Books. Method and Mahem. Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman and Tarr, J. 1993. Lord of the Two Lands. First Edition. Tor Littlefield Publishers. Books. Praetzellis, A. 2000. Death by Theory: A Tale of Mystery and Archaeological Theory. Walnut Creek, CA: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. Greece Alexander the Great Bryher, W. 1958. Gate to the Sea. Random House. Alvear, M. 2004. The Man Who Brought the World to Its Caldwell, T. 1983. Glory and Lightning. Reissue Edition. Knees. Advocate Books. Fawcett. Apostolou, A. 1997. A Murder in Macedon: A Mystery of Cussler, C. 2001. Treasure. Rebound by Sagebrush. Alexander the Great. First Edited Edition. St. Martin’s (library of Alexandria) Press. De Camp, L.S. 1985. The Bronze God of Rhodes. Wals- Bose, P.S. 2003. Alexander the Great’s Art of Strategy: The worth Publishing Company. Timeless Leadership Lessons of History’s Greatest Empire De Camp, L.S. 1982. The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate. Lim- Builder. Gotham Books. ited Edition. Donning Company Pub. Butts, M. 1994. The Classical Novels (Recovered Classics). De Camp, L.S. 1965. The Arrows of Hercules. First Edition. McPherson Books. Doubleday Publishing. Doherty, P.C. 2004. The Godless Man. Ulverscroft Large De Camp, L.S. 1958. An Elephant for Aristotle. First Edi- Print. tion. Doubleday Publishing. Doherty, P.C. 2001. The House of Death: A Mystery of Duggan, A. 1973. Elephants and Castles. Faber and Faber.
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