1999 NGA Annual Meeting

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1999 NGA Annual Meeting •• NATIONALGOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION 91st Annual Meeting August 8, 1999 The Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS PLENARYSESSION • SPEAKERS: Senator Don Nickles 22 President William Jefferson clinton 66 Rероrtеd Ву: Debra М. Musielak, CSR, RDR Rankin Reporting & Legal Video, Inc. , 1015 Locust Street, Suite 911 • St. Louis, МО 63101 1 1 August 8, 1999 • 2 3 PLENARYSESSION 4 5 CНAIRМANCARPER: Ladies and gentlemen, would 6 уои Ьеgin taking your seats, please? I'd especially 7 appreciate Governors beginning to take their seats. And I 8 would especially appreciate Governor Carnahan joining те hеrе 9 at the front of the room. And if somebody could make sure 10 that our host, Governor -- ah, here he comes, Governor 11 Carnahan. Let's give Governor Carnahan а rеаl big round of 12 applause. Thank уои vеrу much for letting us соте to your 13 state, the "Show Ме Stаtе." • 14 (applause) 15 CНAIRМANCARPER: Before I call оп Gоvеrnоr 16 Carnahan, let те just welcome each and every опе of уои to 17 this the 91st Annual Meeting of the National Governors' 18 Association. I'm tempted to ask those of уои in the audience 19 who were at the first опе to raise your hand. There might Ье 20 опе or two. And we've met some veteran Governors here who've 21 соте Ьасk to join this group. And nobody from the first 22 meeting. But we've had some who were Governors as far back 23 as 1965, and it's Ьееп grеаt to see them. 24 We're going to Ье jоinеd shortly Ьу two very • 25 sресiаl guests, Senator Don Nickles of Oklahoma, and we'll Ье 2 1 joined Ьу thе President of the United States for some remarks • 2 from the executive branch and from the legislative branch of 3 our country. 4 During the course of this meeting, we're going 5 to Ье following а numbеr of critical issues, most of which 6 focus on education, and уои sее on the table around this room 7 а number of boxes. They look something like this. They're 8 toolboxes. We'll Ье tаlking а good deal more about that 9 later as we get into the notion of ideas that are raising 10 student achievement around the country. But we've literally 11 been gQing throughout the United States holding forums. Over 12 40 states have participated in those forums to provide us 13 with good ideas to raise student achievement, on harnessing • 14 technology, and providing extra learning time and introducing 15 accountability into our schools. Today, later on in this 16 session, we'll spend some time on accountability and Ье 17 hearing from а numbеr of Governors who have been leading the 18 charge in accountability in their own states. We'll find out 19 what they've done and what's working, and тауЬе just as 20 importantly what is not working. 21 Yesterday а number of us were аЫе to join 22 Governor Carnahan and some terrific young students and 23 teachers and parents at а school here in St. Louis called the 24 Gateway School to see how technology is being used to infuse • 25 learning and to inspire learning to take those kids to the 3 1 next and highest level. • 2 Mel and Jean Carnahan planned to enlighten us 3 with respect to the beauty and the splendor of this great 4 state of Missouri and exciting city of St. Louis. I'd never 5 Ьееп hеrе before, Governor Carnahan, and this is quite а 6 quite а рlасе. Even when Mark McGwire and the Cardinals are 7 out of town, this is still ап ехсiting city. 8 I want to call to order this the 1999 Annual 9 Meeting of the National Governors' Association, and I would 10 look to а wеll-intеntiоnеd Governor in this room who would 11 like to make а motion for the adoption of the rules of 12 procedures for the meeting. Normally I would turn to 13 Governor Leavitt to make that motion, but he's not here. I • 14 would turn to Governor Kempthorne, а member of the Executive 15 Committee, to make the motion for the adoption of rules of 16 procedures for the meeting. 17 GOVENORKEMPTHORNE:Mr. Chairman, I so move. 18 CНAIRМANСARРЕR: It's Ьееп mоvеd. Is there а 19 second? 20 GOVERNORKEATING: Second. 21 CНAIRМANCARPER: It's Ьееп mоvеd and 22 seconded. Апу discussion? Hearing попе, all in favor of the 23 motion say ауе. 24 (Ауе) • 25 CНAIRМANCARPER: Opposed, пау? Тhе ayes have 4 1 it. • 2 Part of the rules, our rules require that any 3 Governor who wants to submit а nеw policy or resolution for 4 adoption at this meeting will need а thrее-fоurths vote to 5 suspend the rules. I say again, а thrее-fоurths vote to 6 suspend the rules. And I would ask that any of уои who have 7 such а motion that you'd like to submit, submit that to Frank 8 Shafroth, Dirесtоr of State-Federal Relations of the NGAЬу 9 5 р.т. tomorrow afternoon. That's Monday afternoon at 10 5 р.т. 11 I'd now like to announce the appointment of 12 the following Governors to the nominating committee for the 13 1999-2000 NGAExecutive Committee. I've asked Governor • 14 Graves of Kansas to Chair this committee. Thank уои for your 15 willingness to do that, Governor. Also serving with уои will 16 Ье Маrс Governor Marc Racicot from Montana, Governor 17 Schafer of North Dakota, Governor Shaheen from New Hampshire 18 and Governor O'Bannon from Indiana. And again, Governor 19 Graves, thank уои for serving as our Chair. 20 Let те nехt simply go back to say а rеаl 21 special thanks to Governor Carnahan and to the First Lady of 22 Missouri, Mrs. Carnahan, for your willingness to host this 23 session today. Governor Carnahan and I and Governor Leavitt 24 and Governor Rossello and some others joined this • 25 organization in 1992-93 as brand new governors. And he has 5 1 chaired -- Governor Carnahan has gone оп to Chair the Нитап • 2 Resources Committee, опе of three standing committees of this 3 organization, and to serve оп thе NGAExecutive Committee; to 4 do so with real distinction. His wife, Jean Carnahan, has 5 Ьееп а long time advocate of issues supporting children and 6 families, and we salute and applaud her. 7 Before Mel makes his welcoming remarks I'm 8 just going to ask him and ask each of уои to join те in 9 showing to them our sincere appreciation for the wonderful 10 hospitality that they and people in this community have 11 ехtеndеd to all of us. Governor Carnahan, please соте 12 forward. 13 GOVERNORCARNAНAN:We do wish to extend а • 14 welcome to everyone attending this summer conference of NGA, 15 and I've Ьееп looking forward to this for а number of years. 16 Во, wе have made extensive preparation and we hope that the 17 logistics, the security, the hospitality, all that the host 18 committee and the volunteers have done is meeting your 19 expectation. But someone asked те whаt was ту рrimаrу 20 objective out of this NGAconference, and I will quickly say 21 that it's а littlе different than it's Ьееп оthеr years. Му 22 objective this year, that of Jean, and all of us from 23 Missouri is that уои еnjоу your hospitality here, that уои 24 have ап еnjоуаblе meeting, and that if there is anything else • 25 уои nееd that we сап рrоvidе for уои, еithеr something уои 6 1 know about or have heard about in Missouri that you'd like to • 2 see, know more about, тауЬе to experience, I hope you'll just 3 speak ир, Ьесаusе I think we've got people who can meet your 4 needs, who can respond to уои, so that we hope when we're 5 through with this conference you'll feel like it's the best 6 conference you've ever attended. 7 Again, welcome to Missouri. We're awfully 8 glad your here. Thank уои. 9 (applause) 10 CНAIRМANCARPER: Well, Governor Carnahan, 11 we're glad that we're here, too, and ту children are glad 12 that they're here as well, and а number of Governors have 13 children, young and not so young. Some of us even have • 14 grandchildren that are here. А terrific children's program 15 has been put together that is fun, exciting, educational, and 16 whoever worked on that, I just wаnt to say а real special 17 thank уои from Martha and from те аnd from all the other 18 governors and spouses. 19 Our first order of business this afternoon is 20 а sресiаl one. And that is presenting the National 21 Governors' Association's Distinguished Service Awards. The 22 awards program which was established, I think, in 1976 Ьу the 23 NGAExecutive Committee is а wау for all of us as Governors 24 to bring national recognition to our states' most valuable • 25 civil servants and our most valuable private citizens. The 7 1 awards we'll Ье рrеsеnting here in а mоmеnt focus attention • 2 on the commitment of state administrators and the importance 3 of contributions that our private citizens are making to 4 state government and the arts, as well. 5 The individuals that we've recognized today 6 truly represent the best that our states have to offer in 7 public service, community activism and in the arts.
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