Virtual Globes and Geological Modeling

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Virtual Globes and Geological Modeling International Journal of Geosciences, 2011, 2, 648-656 doi:10.4236/ijg.2011.24066 Published Online November 2011 ( Virtual Globes and Geological Modeling Tsangaratos Paraskevas Laboratory of Engineering Geology—Hydrogeology, Section of Geosciences, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece E-mail: [email protected] Received May 27, 2011; July 9, 2011; accepted September 14, 2011 Abstract Virtual Globes such as Google Earth TM, revolutionize the way scientists conduct their research and the way the general public use geospatial-related data and information. Improvement in the processing power and storage capacities of computers, along with the increased Internet accessibility and connectivity, has sup- ported the usage of Virtual Globes technologies. Even more, software releases of freely downloadable Vir- tual Globes, such as Google Earth and NASA World Wind, has sparked an enormous public interest and in- creased people’s awareness of spatial sciences. In this study, the Virtual Globes (VG) revolution is discussed and a client-server Graphical User Interface (GUI) application is presented. The developed application en- ables Google Earth TM Application Program Interface and activates spatial analysis, through enhanced JavaScripts and Visual Basic script codes. The main scope was to present the methodology followed during geological modeling along with the application capabilities when handling with data derived from digitized geological maps and field measurements. Keywords: Virtual Globe, Geological Modeling, Graphical User Interface, Spatial Analysis 1. Introduction lished the idea of a computer application, allowing users to browser and search geographically indexed informa- In every geosciences model that simulates a natural sys- tion, projected on a cartographic representation of the tem, interactive data manipulation and visualization, are Earth in various scales and projections [5]. The materi- the most essential tools [1]. The projection of these pro- alization of this idea was based on technological advan- cedures and their analytical results, are usually presented tages, such as orbiting satellites with spatial resolution of by the form of digital or analogous thematic maps [2]. a few meters, improvements in hardware and software Digital or analogous, maps actually help users to under- and the growth of broadband internet, where users have stand the spatial context of things, concepts, conditions, World Wide Web (WWW) access without slow speed process or events, simulating parts of the environment and telephone line disruption [6]. Modeling a Virtual and every day life. However, due to limitations of the Earth or a Virtual Globe (VG), for effective communica- procedure following the construction of analogous maps tion, enhancing science, distributing knowledge, under- and in some extent 2D digital maps, this form of com- stand and insight phenomena and natural process, that munication among scientists and the general public is not was the idea. fully appreciated. Maps are flat, providing only a single The advantages of implying such an idea are fully un- level of detail, they are static and the construction is usu- derstood when trying to visualize geoscientific data. The ally slow [3]. Al Gore, former vise president of USA, impact that those images have on viewers, are certainly envisioned a “Digital Earth”, a multi-resolution, 3D rep- more direct and more powerful than those produced by resentation of the planet, into which we could embed analogous and 2D static digital maps. Geology and ge- vast quantities of geo-referenced data [4]. Displaying the ology-based science are not an exception. The geological real-world, either as a “mirror” of what we see, or as spe- surface extent and lithological structure, the spatial dis- cialized display of social, economic, infrastructure or tribution of faults and zones of discontinuities, the hy- environmental data. This form of representation over- drographical network and other points of interest, are comes the limitations that analogous and 2D digital maps basic knowledge, necessary for understanding and inter- own. By the end of the millennium, it was well estab- preting the geological model that represents the studied Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJG T. PARASKEVAS 649 area. The better they are visualized, the better they are (VG) technology, the process and methods of geological understood. However, the over mentioned processes of- modelling have marked a major advance [8]. Consider- ten requires a working knowledge of image processing ing the performance of various procedures that are im- and 3D modeling software and the ability to write script plemented for geological modeling through the use of codes from the side of the end-user. VG technology, [9] demonstrated a map deconstruction The main scope of this study was to provide a meth- process, named “GIS-ification”. During the process, the odology through a well designed Graphical User Inter- analogue geological maps are transformed into interact- face application that enables the Virtual Globe technol- tive maps and are introduced in Google Earth TM. Each ogy providing a helpful tool for handling geological data lithological unit of the map is scanned and introduced as in a more sophisticated manner. a separate layer having transparent mask. A similar step by step process is described by [10], who presented a 2. VG Technology and Geological Data relatively inexpensive and rapid method for creating a 3D model of geology from published quadrangle scale VG are presented as 3D software models, which are ca- maps and cross-sections, using Google Earth TM and pable of modelling the Earth or other environments of Google SketchUpTM software. Analogous procedure was the universe, like Moon, Venus and Jupiter. They pro- presented by [11]. Another method for coupling VG with vide the user with the ability to freely move around by geophysical hydrodynamic models was presented by [1]. changing the viewing angle and position. Compared to a Firstly, users draw polygons on the Google Earth screen. conventional globe, VG have the additional capability of These features are then saved in a KML file which is representing many different layers of information on the read using a script file written in Lua programming lan- surface of the Earth. These information layers concern guage. After the hydrodynamic simulation is being per- spatial and non-spatial attributes. Specifically, VG can formed, another script file is used to convert the resulting display, man-made features such as infrastructure net- output text file into a KML file for visualization, where the works and buildings, elevation data or representations of depths of inundation are represented by the colour of dis- demographic quantities such as population or outcrop crete point icons. The visualization of a wind speed vector production. They provide the ability to browse maps and field was also included as a supplementary example. geospatial data on the internet using the relative servers. All of those procedures share the same characteristic. They can handle data such as geodatabases, shapefiles, They are developed by Earth scientists in order to effect- KML/KMZ, GPX and raster formats (JPEG, GeoTIFF, tively distribute their research outcomes to both, other MrSID) and integrate a wide variety of context like pho- scientists and the general public. However, at the present tos, videos, documents, 3D models and place them in a time, the available software has limitations when it geographic content. Recent applications of 3D modelling comes to mapping and modeling features such as geo- software, such as Google SketchUpTM have led to the logical orientation data, dip and dip directions values for development of 3D earth science models that can be di- faults, and geological structure features. In addition, they rectly incorporated into VG scenes. However, unlike GIS do not perform spatial nor statistical functions over areas maps, VG display this information in photorealistic, life - of interest, limiting the usage of the VG, to be a tool for like three dimensions. Few of them can perform spatial data input and visualization. functions, e.g. visibility, modelling, and proximity search, The main scope of this study is to develop a form of ArcGIS Explorer. Finally, add-ons and small extensions, client-server GUI application, transforming the static written in C#, VB or J# scripts can be loaded and com- GIS-based applications into a more dynamic tool for data piled, adding new functionality to the programs. input, manipulation and visualization. A GUI that pro- One of the fields, in which VG technology have dy- vides the end user, with spatial analysis functions, having namically entered, is in the geoscientific domain. A great also the ability of presenting data in a familiar spatial number of VG applications have been used in research context, easily to be found online and accessed any time fields such as, global climate change, weather forecasting, and in any place, though VG technology. natural disasters (e.g. tsunamis, hurricanes), environment conservation, travel, nature, people and culture, history 3. Methods and Material illustration, avian flu, online gaming, etc. [7]. As it can be ascertained, map compilation and visualization of It is well known that there has been an increasing num- geological related data, are undergoing a revolution in ber of amazing technologies that can
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