THE DIAPASON SEPTEMBER 2015 St. Mel’s Cathedral Longford, Ireland Cover feature on pages 26–27 Anthony & Beard James David Christie Peter Richard Conte Lynne Davis Isabelle Demers Clive Driskill-Smith Jeremy Filsell Michael Hey Christopher Houlihan David Hurd Paul Jacobs Simon Thomas Jacobs Martin Jean Huw Lewis Bruce Neswick Organized Rhythm Raúl Prieto Ramírez Jean-Baptiste Robin Benjamin Sheen Herndon Spillman (860)-560-7800 PO Box 6507, Detroit, MI 48206-6507 Detroit, 6507, PO Box Phillip Truckenbrod -
[email protected] Truckenbrod Phillip WWW.CONCERTARTISTS.COM Charles Miller, President -
[email protected] President Miller, Charles Carole Terry Bradley Welch The Chenaults Duo MusArt THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Sixth Year: No. 9, In this issue Whole No. 1270 In this issue we focus on composers. Edie Johnson intro- SEPTEMBER 2015 duces us to the organ works of Pamela Decker (whose record- Established in 1909 ing of some of her works was reviewed by David McKinney Joyce Robinson ISSN 0012-2378 in the June issue of The Diapason). Decker’s works refl ect a 847/391-1044;
[email protected] myriad of infl uences, including the music of Olivier Messiaen. An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, Ann Labounsky discusses two new books, which deal with the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music recent research on Charles Tournemire and the life and music As we go to press we have learned of the untimely death of of Olivier Messiaen. These volumes would make worthwhile John Scott. Further information will appear in our next issue.