Refugees from South Sudan As of 31 March 2020
SUDAN: KHARTOUM POPULATION DASHBOARD Refugees from South Sudan as of 31 March 2020 Total number of refugees¹ 283,895 BY DATA SOURCE POPULATION DISTRIBUTION UNHCR/COR² registered refugees 84,711 IPP³ registered and/or unregistered 199,184 Total arrivals in 2020 - Total arrivals in March 2020 - 1 Government sources estimate the number of South Sudanese refugees in Sudan to be higher; however, data requires verification. Biometric registration (30%) Out-of-camp registered with UNHCR/COR (30%) 2 Commission for Refugees IPP Registered & Unregistered (70%) Out-of-camp - IPP registered & unregistered (70%) 3 Immigration and Passport Police AGE-GENDER BREAKDOWN⁴ SCHOOL- AGED REPRODUCTIVE- HOUSEHOLD CHILDREN (6-17 YRS)⁴ AGED WOMEN/GIRLS DISTRIBUTION⁴ (13-49 YRS)⁴ Age (years) Male Female 0-4 6% -20 6% 20 5-11 10% 10% 19% 33% 28% 12-17 7% 8% 18-59 23% 25% 60+ 3% 3% Primary ‘6-13 yrs’ (23%) Women-headed (19%) 4 Population distribution statistics are based on biometrically registered individuals only Secondary ‘14-17 yrs’ (10%) 101 Karari 7,850 Khartoum North 717 Umm Badda Nivasha 2,745 AL-Takamol 12,173 John Madit 191 Hy Baraka Block 3 Hy Baraka Block 4 7,251 EGYPT 58 Angola 3,454 1,164 LIBYA Red Sea 508 Red Sea 82 Northern 4,738 Sharq El Nile 1,920 19,105 River Nile Khartoum CHAD North Darfur 7606 Khartoum Kassala SUDAN 122 North Kordofan El Gazira 2,895 603 Gedaref West Darfur White Nile Sennar 63 Central Darfur West Kordofan KHARTOUM South Kordofan Blue Nile South Darfur East Darfur ETHIOPIA 3,054 14,126 SOUTH SUDAN 2,586 Um Durman 1,422 6,468 12,375 Jabal Aulia NORTHERN NORTH KORDOFAN 9,676 NILE 2,885 Umm Badda 1,558 Al GEZIRA Karari Khartoum North Bantiu Legend KHARTOUM Sharq El Nile 12,270 Khartoum UNHCR Oce Um Durman Jabal Aulia Open Areas GEDAREF Dar El Selam 8 Dar El Selam 7 Undetermined boundary 1,696 3,464 Al GEZIRA State boundary WHITE NILE Locality boundary 5km The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply ocial endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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