hep–th/0307154 July 2003 Renormalization group flows and continual Lie algebras Ioannis Bakas Department of Physics, University of Patras GR-26500 Patras, Greece
[email protected] Abstract We study the renormalization group flows of two-dimensional metrics in sigma models us- ing the one-loop beta functions, and demonstrate that they provide a continual analogue of the Toda field equations in conformally flat coordinates. In this algebraic setting, the logarithm of the world-sheet length scale, t, is interpreted as Dynkin parameter on the root system of a novel continual Lie algebra, denoted by (d/dt; 1), with anti-symmetric G Cartan kernel K(t, t′) = δ′(t t′); as such, it coincides with the Cartan matrix of the − superalgebra sl(N N + 1) in the large N limit. The resulting Toda field equation is a | non-linear generalization of the heat equation, which is integrable in target space and arXiv:hep-th/0307154v1 17 Jul 2003 shares the same dissipative properties in time, t. We provide the general solution of the renormalization group flows in terms of free fields, via B¨acklund transformations, and present some simple examples that illustrate the validity of their formal power series expansion in terms of algebraic data. We study in detail the sausage model that arises as geometric deformation of the O(3) sigma model, and give a new interpretation to its ultra-violet limit by gluing together two copies of Witten’s two-dimensional black hole in the asymptotic region. We also provide some new solutions that describe the renormal- ization group flow of negatively curved spaces in different patches, which look like a cane in the infra-red region.