George Mann, | 1 pages | 18 Dec 2014 | BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House | 9781910281826 | English | London, United Kingdom War Doctor Engines Of War

Aug 09, Jack rated it really liked it. And what will be the consequences of informing the Time Lords when the plan will be revealed? Before leaving, he makes one final promise to her: he is going to end the War. John Hurt as the War Doctor. Wartime P. George Mann did a pretty good job with what little information we've been given about the War Doctor during the . The War Doctor essentially takes over as the lead incarnation in the stories The Organ Grinder and Kill Godwith the being largely absent from both stories, while Doctor Who: Engines of War: A War Doctor Novel current companion Alice travels back to the Time War to help set up the events that the Doctor Who: Engines of War: A War Doctor Novel Doctor is experiencing in the 'present', the crisis ending with Alice returning to her era and the War Doctor's memory of his time with her scrambled to preserve history. A lot of the initial character descriptions are rather like police descriptions — e. I also really enjoyed his companion Cinder. Contents [ show ]. It's a great standalone novel, I would have loved this to have kicked started a series set around this time in The Doctors life. The Circle declared it unimportant as the new paradigm is now ready to be put into widespread use and the other progenitors on the Tantalus Spiral are to be transmitted their instructions. She wakes up hours later, worried about how much time that they have wasted, but the Doctor explains that in the Time Vortex, no time passes externally. The Doctor Who Site. I rarely read fan fiction, yet I found this enjoyable and it fits well in the Doctor Who universe. They exit the saucer as more gather in the courtyard — among them standard dronesthe three known types of Degradations and even Black Dalekssilver Daleks with blue domes and a white . I've been fascinated with the Time War ever since my wife introduced me to the show and the Doctor first said the words. Puffin eshort. Cinder is a great companion, made tough by the Time War but discovering a better life with the Doctor. And is it worth it in the end? This did not impede my enjoyment of the story. I've never found a more skilled audiobook narrator. As for the last part of the story, it is the solution part. He always finds a way. He is unworthy of his Name. This book is about The Doctor Doctor Who: Engines of War: A War Doctor Novel. It makes a rather gripping war story with well executed motivations and good explanations for things if you have no context with Doctor Who lore and history. The Doctor shrugs off her concerns having seen this behaviour before. Oct 30, Wart Hill marked it as gave-up Shelves: arcnetgalleydoctor-who. The War Doctor, not so named within the episodes in which he appears, is introduced as the incarnation of the Doctor who fought in the Time War of the show's modern- day backstory. However, I can at least give an opinion about that, and I'm happy to report that the present novel isn't of the crumbling-under- spoilers kind. Her people are in a war they cannot hope to win Views Read Edit View history. Non- DWU. Back on the surface of Moldox, Cinder recovers and destroys the two Gliders. That's quite a huge bonus with a Doctor Who audiobook, as the actors they get to read them are often people who've played minor parts in one episode and are usually fairly unskilled at audiobook narration. BBC One. And not only is Honestly I think this book is a must-read for all Whovians! Now a Dalek prisoner, she is summoned before the Eternity Circlewith all five members present in the audience chambers. Doctor Who: Engines of War: A War Doctor Novel the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. Apart from punching someone in the jaw in this one, there's nothing particularly edgy about him. Preview — Doctor Who by George Mann. Still intent on following his orders from , Karlax tries to shoot the Doctor but Cinder pushes him out of the way and takes the hit from Karlax's pistol. The Time Lords are shown as just as fearsome as , in their own ways. Now We Are Six Hundred. In " ", Hurt wore a burgundy and ivory scarf in a herringbone style. The characters are very real and legitimate beings, including the Daleks. So yeah, pretty effective. The Daleks are corrupt from their inception, while the Time Lords are becoming ever more like the Daleks as their purpose becomes preservation of themselves at all costs. But since this is the great Time War, rather than using his newly discovered intel to defeat the enemy himself, the Doctor spirits Cinder away with him to , and that is where things get really interesting. Rassilon instructs him to call the High Council for another meeting.