Letter from WRC-Naples- President WRC MAY LUNCHEON:

Dear WRC-Naples Members and Friends, MAY 11, 2018

This past spring serving as President of WRC-Naples has Our next luncheon meeting is Friday, April 13th at been spectacular. I have truly enjoyed the events, the luncheons, the TIBURON GOLF CLUB. WRC-Naples will be hosting members and memories created. As spring comes to a close and we a Legislative Update with our elected State officials. transition in to summer, I wanted to thank you all for your commit- MENU ment to WRC-Naples, conservatism and our community. Sirloin Marsala, served with wild mushrooms Last month’s luncheon served as a forum for candidates sautéed in Marsala Wine running for Commissioner of Agriculture. I am so grateful that the Kentucky Butterscotch four candidates made a campaign stop in Naples to speak to our or- ganization. The event went off without a hitch, and was eye-opening If you have dietary restrictions, please make a comment when placing your reservation. to all. How fortunate are we that we have such opportunities to meet and speak with candidates first-hand? Thank you to all who played Social Hour begins at 11:30 a.m. a role in planning the wonderful luncheon. It really is a collabora- $30 for WRC members and $35 for non-members. tive effort and I am so thankful for a dedicated group of members. I am proud to announce that next month’s luncheon will be a Legislative Update from State Rep. , State Rep. By- ron Donalds and State Senator Kathleen Passidomo. Our community UP-COMING EVENTS is fortunate to have leaders that are dedicated to improving Naples and its’ surrounding communities. They will be speaking on the May 2 Save The Date - 2018 Legislative Session, so make sure to purchase a ticket to the Cocktails and Conversation

May luncheon—it’s going to be a good one! May 11 WRC Monthly Luncheon - Legislative As the summer weather and season begins, we start to say Update with Sen. Passidomo, Rep. Rommel and Rep. Donalds “Goodbye and see you soon!” to some of our lovely snowbirds. To those of you leaving to head up North soon, or already have, it is May 19 New Member Social always a pleasure seeing you in and having you be a mem- ber of our organization. Thank you for coming to our events and May 20 GOP Elephant Cruise doing your best to improve the community we love and organization June 8 WRC Monthly Luncheon - Florida we admire. We look forward to seeing you in a few short months. Attorney General Forum with Have a wonderful summer! Ron Kezeske as Moderator

Your President, We hope you can attend these great events!

Mary Waller

Join us on for our upcoming luncheon on May 11th with Rep. Byron Donalds, Sen. Kathleen Passidomo and Rep. Bob Rommel for a Legislative Update! Reserve your spot and purchase tickers at

Two of our featured May events! Come out and join us!

What’s Going on in The Swamp?

Catch up on all the newest stories out of Washington D.C., right here in The Trunkline!

 “White House Arrival Ceremony for French President Emmanuel Macron” On April 24, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump welcome French President Emmanuel and his wife to the White House marking President Trump’s first official State visit. house

 “North Korea and South Korea Agree to End War, Denuclearize Peninsula” In a historic moment, North Korea Leader Kim Jung Un step foot in South Korea, the first North Korean leader to do so. South Korea President Moon Jae-in then stepped in North Korea. The two countries announced a peace agreement on April 27, 2018 marking a formal ending of the war between the nations that be- gan over seventy-eight years ago. id=54774515

 “Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize, South Korea’s Moon Says” With hostility end- ing between North Korea and South Korea, South Korean President Moon Jae-in says President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his role to end the impasse between the two countries over nuclear weapons. n870036

Congressman Francis Rooney Announces The Thomas Jefferson Public Service Act - Term Limits Without Amending The Constitution

Washington, DC - Congressman Francis Rooney issued the following statement as he introduced the Thom- as Jefferson Public Service Act:

The idea of citizen legislators, espoused by our Founding Fathers, centers on the discussion of term limits. Many voters across the country and legislators across the party lines have expressed support for term limits, making the idea one which attracts bi-partisan support.

When my home state of Florida passed term limits, 76% of Sunshine State voters voted in favor. In fact, Florida is one of 15 states to currently have legislative term limits. This year, a nationwide poll conducted by McLaughlin & associates found that 82% of voters support Congressional term limits, including 89% of Re- publicans, 83% of independents and 76% of Democrats.

Despite clearly expressed views of the American people, some argue that term limits would overly empower unelected staff and bureaucracy. Others argue that a semi-permanent legislative class is the best way Con- gress should function, despite how the Founders fought a revolution to get away for exactly this.

Although 15 states have instituted term limits, the situation is more complicated at a the federal level. Here- tofore, federal term limit discussions have focused on proposals which require amending the Constitution. These well-intentioned efforts, in the form of at least 12 bills in the current session of Congress, with over 90 co-sponsors, are stymied by the arduous process of amending the Constitution.

Statement released by Congressman Rooney’s office on April 18, 2018. Passing of Former First Lady Barbara Bush

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Former First Lady Barbara Bush. Mrs. Bush passed away on April 17, 2018 in Texas. As many of you know this news, which was announced last week, we remember a woman who fiercely loved her husband, her family and her country. Her devotion to children and adult literacy will be remembered for generations. Barbara Bush redefined the role of First Lady. Her commitment to use her platform to change the world for the better left an everlasting mark on her family’s legacy, the role of the First Lady and her country. While she may be remembered most for her love story, which seems like a fairytale—meeting George H. W. Bush at only 16 and becoming engaged only a year later. The couple married in 1945. George was the only boy she ever kissed. Writing love letters to her husband while he served in the Navy during WWII, not even a war and an ocean could keep the two apart. The couple had five children over the course of their marriage and moved over two dozen times. The two were married for 73 years. However, despite a joyful domestic life, Barbara Bush was essential to her husband’s multiple political careers. Hav- ing an important role in his 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns, starting the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, being an advocate for children through multiple charities—she realized while her role of First Lady may be limited in time, her role of being able to help children was never ending. Today we remember the life of a remarkable woman. We remember a pioneer, a woman who redefined the role of the First Lady. We remember a woman who was devoted to her country and dedicated to leave her country better than when she found it. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with Former President Bush and the entire Bush family during this difficult time. We are ever grateful for her dedication to this country.

Barbara Bush June 8, 1925 - April 17, 2018

WRC-Naples Executive Board 2018-2019

Mary Waller - President - [email protected] Kathi Lewis - Recording Secretary

Litha Berger- 1st VP - [email protected] Corresponding Secretary - Donna Wagner - [email protected] Dayna Meserve - 2nd VP - [email protected] Priscilla Grannis—Treasurer—[email protected]

Maddie Dawson 3rd VP - [email protected] Vasiliki Bodnarchuk - Asst. Treasurer - [email protected] 2018 FFRW LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES FFRW SUPPORTS PREVENTION OF TEXTING WHILE DRIVING BILLS CS/SB 90 Perry—Use of Wireless Communications; Hb 33 Toledo and Slosberg—Texting While Drive FFRW SUPPORTS PREVENTION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING BILLS HB 167 Spano—Provides for Civil Action Against Human Traffickers/Prevention of Human Trafficking Act SB 1044 Book—Provides for Civil Action Against Human Traffickers SB 96 Steube—Provides Education in Schools Regarding Human Trafficking FFRW SUPPORTS HOMELESS VETERANS AND DISABLED VETERANS Appropriation—HB 2213 Byrd, 5 Star Appropriation— currently $796,250 for Homeless Vets FFRW SUPPORTS INCREASING OPEN, HONEST GOVERNMENT Sb 432 Lee/ CS HB Raburn—Community Redevelopment—Prohibits a person from lobbying a community redevel- opment agency until he or she has registered as a lobbyist with that agency FFRW SUPPORTS HUMAN TREATMENT OF ANIMALS HB 473 Leek and Brodue/SB 952 Steube—Animal Cruelty definitions: overloading, overdriving, tormenting, depriv- ing of sustenance or shelter, unnecessary mutilating or killing, carrying in a cruel manner in a vehicle and prohibits certain people from owning animals OTHER BILLS SUPPORTED HB 153 porter/SB 132 Steube — Guidelines for animal shelters and preventing importing animals to Florida SB 222 Bean/Hb 6021 Stevenson — Extends Guardian ad litem DSO (Direct Support Organization) HB 107 Fant & Williamson/328 Baxley—Veterans IdSb 1000 Grimsley/Hb 527 Magar—under Keeps Homestead Exemption certain circumstance for surviving spouses of deceased disabled veterans Sb 748 Grimsley/Hb 881 Burton—Back The Blue Assistance Program—FFRW SUPPORTS CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION COMMISSION ISSUES: (1) Repeal of Blaine Amendment forbidding using state money for religious groups and (2) the elimination Greyhound racing OPPOSED BY FFRW HB 61 Watson, HB 430 Thurston—Restoration of Civil Rights—OPPOSE—With a 40%+ recidivism rate, plea bar- gains affecting sentences and many exemptions not covered such as armed robbery and gang related activity, FFRW believes each case must be declined individually for public safety FFRW OPPOSES SANCTUARY CITIES CS/Hb 9 Metz, Co-Sponsor Fant/SB 308 Bean, Steube—Rule of Law Adherence—Sanctuary Cities

 Looking for a Legislative Issues/Government Affairs Chair and Committee

 Must be willing to get to keep the membership up-to-date on Government Issues Contact: Mary Waller 239.269.1365 or Marilyn Romero 239.2283478 “Advocacy id both a duty and a privilege, if we’re not out there making our voices heard, someone else is doing it-and getting attention.” ~ Megan Wolfe

State Representative Byron Donalds Announces Legislative Town Halls Naples, FL—Today Representative Byron Donalds (District 80) announced four town hall meetings, two in Collier County and two in Hendry County, that will take place in May. The Hendry County town halls will be hosted with Senator Kathleen Passidomo (District 28). Representative Donalds will be updating the community on the 2018 Legislative Session and interacting directly with constituents on key issues through a question and answer format. Representative Byron Donalds issued the following statement, “I am looking forward to engaging in productive dialogue with the good people of District 80, and the chance to listen to their concerns and suggestions. The 2018 Legislative Session was eventful and historical, and I am excited to share those accomplishments with community members.” Representative Byron Donalds Town Halls Collier County Date: May 7th, 2018 Location: North Collier Regional Park Exhibit Hall 15000 Livingston Rd, Naples, FL 34109 Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm --- Date: May 9th, 2018 Location: IFAS Agriculture Research Center 2685 FL-29, Immokalee, FL 34142 Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm

Statement released by Representative Donalds’ office on April 25, 2018.

These town halls are free and open to any who wishes to attend.

An upcoming event featuring Rep. Bob Rommel & Candidate for State Attorney Amira Fox. Florida Chamber Names Senator Kathleen Passidomo as 2018 Most Valuable Legislator

By: Edie Ousley (April 12, 2018)

Palm Bay, FL—Today, the Florida Chamber of Commerce announced Senator Kathleen Passidomo as the 2018 Most Valuable Legislator (MVL), for her commitment to securing Florida’s future. The announcement and presentation of the MVL was made during the Florida Chamber’s Board of Direc- tors meeting taking place in Palm Bay, Florida.

The Florida Chamber’s Most Valuable Legislator award is the business community’s premier legisla- tive award honoring a single lawmaker for their outstanding legislative leadership and willingness to take a stand for free enterprise.

“Early during the 2018 legislative process, the Florida Chamber encouraged lawmakers to lower the cost of living, lower the cost of doing business and move Florida forward by putting long-solutions ahead of short-term politics,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Com- merce. “The Florida Chamber applauds Senator Kathleen Passidomo for their hard work and leader- ship on behalf of Florida’s families and businesses.”

A small businesswoman, Senator Passidomo has long been fearless and effective partner in the Flori- da Chamber’s fight for free enterprise. As the torch bearer of multiple Florida Chamber-backed prior- ities this session, she attracted bipartisan support for pro-jobs legislation, took well-funded special interests head on for Florida’s future job creators, and successfully sought to keep Florida’s dismal, bottom-five legal climate from getting worse. Florida needs more public servants who wake up every day thinking about how to make Florida more competitive—regardless of the opponent or political consequences.

“I am truly humbled to be recognized by the Florida Chamber of Commerce as their 2018 Most Valu- able Legislator,” said Senator Kathleen Passidomo. “it is an incredible honor to receive this prestig- ious award. Legislative change doesn’t just happen overnight. It hakes hard work, perseverance and collaborative effort. Working together with the Florida Chamber team we have been able to advance policies that will have a lasting positive effect on Florida’s families and our business community.”

Congratulations to our State Senator, Kathleen Passidomo! Collier County is so fortunate to have legislators that are making successful strides to better our communities.

Membership Renewals for 2018

WRC Bylaws - Article VII - Dues Section 1. Dues shall be payable on application for membership and thereaf- ter annually on or before January 1st. Section 2. Dues received on or after October 1st for a new member shall carry over the balance of the current year (i.e., through December 31st) as well as for the following fiscal year (January - December) Section 3. The fiscal year of this Club shall be January 1st to and including December 31st. Membership dues became de- linquent February 1st.

 Full Membership $ 45.00 Associate Membership

 $ 30.00 (Associate members can be the spouse/significant other of full members of WRC; full members of another Federated Women’s Republican Club, and registered Republican men  Sustaining Membership $ 60.00

 Patroness $100.00

 Name Tags $17.00 PLEASE go to and pay your Membership Dues online or MAKE your check payable to : WRC-Naples AND SEND TO: WRC P.O. BOX 8816 Naples, FL 34101-8816

April 2018 Luncheon Forum for Commissioner of Agriculture Candidates

We were so fortunate to hear from four candidates running for Com- missioner of Agriculture– Rep. Matt Caldwell, Sen. , Mike McCalister and Baxter Troutman. If you attended April’s luncheon, WRC-Naples thanks you for joining us for an exciting forum!

WRC - Getting Connected in the 21st Century!

Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter: wrcofnaples Facebook: womensrepublicanclubnaples Announces Challenge to Bill Nelson for Senate Seat in Florida April 9 , 2018

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) announced on Monday that he’ll challenge Sen. Bill Nelson (D), setting up a marquee battle that could help decide which party controls the Senate.

Scott sought to paint himself as an outsider and vowed to "shake up Washington" if elected in November, without naming Nelson during his speech.

“We have to all acknowledge that Washington’s a disaster. There’s a lot of tired thinking up there. Here’s what we shouldn’t be doing—we shouldn’t be sending the same types of people to Washington,” Scott told supporters at his campaign launch in Orlando.

“I’m not accepting the same result. We can change Washington, we must change Washington, we will change Wash- ington together.”

Scott spent the bulk of his speech touting the economic recovery and growth of Florida over the past seven years he served as governor, foreshadowing the messaging of his Senate campaign.

He ticked through what his administration has accomplished which includes job creation, cutting regulations, grow- ing tourism and tax and debt reduction.

“People are flocking to Florida because this is where people can live the dream of this country,” Scott said. “Now we’ve got to take that same mission to DC.”

Scott’s long-awaited announcement ends months of speculation and sets up what is expected to be the costliest race of the cycle against Nelson, a three-term incumbent.

Written by Lisa Hagen of The Hill. To continue reading this story, click here.

WRC-Naples New Members Dee Schwartz Linda Martinez-Pierce 2764 Crystal Way Naples, FL 34119 [email protected] (781)910) 9309

Please give a warm welcome to our newest members! We are looking forward to seeing these new members at our upcoming events. If you happen to know these ladies or see them, please introduce yourselves! Suggested Great Reading We’ve compiled a list of great books where you can better understand a candidate’s ideals, the political environment and a nation’s history. We’ will update this list monthly, so be on the look out for new great reads! Please feel free to send us your list to share!

 “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again” - Todd Starnes

 “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies” - Gregory Johnson  “The Road to Serfdom” - F. A. Hayek

 “The Gutfield Monologues” - Greg Gutfield

 “Why Liberalism Failed” - Patrick Deneen  “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies” - John R. Loft Jr.

 “Free To Choose” - Milton Freidman

 “Reasons to Vote for Democrats” - Michael J. Knowles  “Capitalism and Freedom” - Milton Freidman

 “The Conscience of a Conservative” - Barry Goldwater

 “Atlas Shrugged” - Ayn Rand NFRW to continue championing fight against ‘Modern Form of Slavery”

ALEXANDRIA, Va.—Jody Rushton, president of the National Federation of Republican Women, issued the following statement on President Trump signing into law the Fight Online Sex Traffick- ing Act (FOSTA, H.R. 1865):

“Today, Republican women across the country are celebrating this important step toward shutting down the despicable websites used to exploit women through sex-trafficking and punishing those responsible. The NFRW has championed the fight against human trafficking—a crime whose vic- tims are disproportionately women. President Trump’s signature on this anti-human trafficking leg- islation is a strike for freedom of women—and we look forward to building on today’s momentum to finally put an end to this modern form of slavery.”

FOSTA was introduced by Congressman Ann Wagner of Missouri and received broad support from many other Republican women in Congress.

Founded in 1938, the National Federation of Republican Women is the largest and most influential Republican women’s group in the nation, proudly representing the party that first made it possible for women to vote in the U.S. The NFRW works to increase the effectiveness and relevance of women in the cause of good environment. Our mission remains to recruit and elect Republican can- didates, promote the principles of the Republican Party, educate the public and inform the media.

Statement released by the NFRW on April 11, 2018. A letter from our Supervisor of Elections Jennifer Edwards : “Voting has never been easier with Vote-by-Mail! Voters who choose to Vote-by-Mail can request their ballot online at or can call in their request (239) 252-VOTE. Enjoy the ease of researching candi- dates and making your voting decisions from home. Skip the line this year and Vote-by-Mail!” With 2018 being an election year and the Primaries only a few months away, we want to remind our members that they can Vote-by-Mail, especially since we have some snowbirds in our group! Below you will find a blank version of a Vote-by-Mail ballot. Spanish versions are available for those who need one . Click the link above to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot!

WRC-Naples wants to remind its’ members of the Candidate Endorsement Policy:

“It is the policy of the Women’s Republican Club of Naples Federated, Inc. and its President to not endorse any candidate or public office contested republican primaries, runoff elections and special elections, and/or non- partisan elections when more than one Republican is in the race. “