The use of “Henry VIII Clauses” in Queensland Legislation Laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Scrutiny of Legislation Committee. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEENSLAND THE SCRUTINY OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE THE USE OF “HENRY VIII CLAUSES” IN QUEENSLAND LEGISLATION JANUARY 1997 Scrutiny of Legislation Committee – Membership – 48th Parliament 2nd Session Chairman: Mr Tony Elliott MLA, Member for Cunningham Deputy Chairman: Mr Jon Sullivan MLA, Member for Caboolture Other Members: Mrs Liz Cunningham MLA, Member for Gladstone Hon Dean Wells MLA, Member for Murrumba1 Mr Neil Roberts MLA, Member for Nudgee Mr Frank Tanti MLA, Member for Mundingburra Legal Adviser To The Committee: Professor Charles Sampford Committee Staff: Ms Louisa Pink, Research Director Mr Simon Yick, Senior Research Officer Ms Cassandra Adams, Executive Assistant Ms Bronwyn Rout, Casual Administration Officer Scrutiny of Legislation Committee Level 6, Parliamentary Annexe George Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone: 07 3406 7671 Fax: 07 3406 7500 Email:
[email protected] 1 Mr Paul Lucas MLA, Member for Lytton, replaced the Hon Dean Wells MLA, as a Member of the committee on 4 December 1996 Chairman’s Foreword Chairman’s Foreword For the past twenty-one years this Committee and its predecessor, the Subordinate Legislation Committee, have been making adverse reports to Parliament on provisions in legislation regarded as “Henry VIII clauses”. A “Henry VIII clause” is one which permits an Act of Parliament to be amended by subordinate legislation. However, no Parliamentary Committee in Queensland has, to date, conducted a detailed analysis of the use of such clauses. The Subordinate Legislation Committee resolved in 1995 to undertake such an examination.