C. Sather the Malevolent Koklir: Iban Concepts of Sexual Peril and the Dangers of Childbirth
C. Sather The malevolent koklir: Iban concepts of sexual peril and the dangers of childbirth In: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 134 (1978), no: 2/3, Leiden, 310-355 This PDF-file was downloaded from http://www.kitlv-journals.nl Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 05:02:42AM via free access CLIFFORD SATHER THE MALEVOLENT KOKLIR: IBAN CONCEPTS OF SEXUAL PERIL AND THE DANGERS OF CHILDBIRTH In this essay I am concerned with Iban notions of sexual peril, by which I mean beliefs that sexual relations are potentially endangering to the individual. To the Iban, an indigenous riverine people of west- central Borneo, these notions are cast in an idiom of spirit malevolency and are predominantly associated with what the Iban perceive to be, and what to a large extent are, in fact, genuine physical dangers con- nected with childbirth, and with etiological assumptions concerning miscarriage, in utero or infant death, maternal mortality, and the physiological complications of parturition. Sociological discussions of sexuality tend to emphasize the solidarity produced by sexual bonding and the resulting reproductive replenishment of members to a social system. Iban notions of sexual peril bring out another side of sexuality not easily encompassed by sociological theory, and are seen here as ideational projections of conflict beween die sexes, associated, in diis instance, with the perceived dangers of sexuality as a potential source of death to women and infants in die actual, phenomenal world of Iban experience. The Iban are a Proto-Malay people, who togedier widi linguistically allied groups, such as the Bugau, Kantu', Seberuang, Mualang and odiers of die northern Kapuas drainage, number some 430,000 persons in western Borneo.
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