|| Shriji ||

Table of Contents 1 Acknowledgments 2 Introduction 3 Aashirvaad 5 How to Use This Syllabus 6

Week 1 Prasangs: Early Childhood 9 Junior 1-5 11 Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 1-5 12 YYE - Our Soul‘s Direction 13 Games 15 Youth Sabha Report for Week 1 16

Week 2 Prasangs: The Path to Virtue and Truth 18 Junior Swamini Vato 6-10 20 Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 5-10 21 YYE - Surrendering to God 22 Games 24 Youth Sabha Report for Week 2 25

Week 3 Prasangs: The Divinity of Ghanshyam 27 Junior Swamini Vato 11-15 29 Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 10-15 30 YYE - The Importance of Ekadashi 31 Games 33 Youth Sabha Report for Week 3 34

Week 4 Prasangs: Ghanshyam Leaves Home 36 Junior Swamini Vato 16-20 38 Senior Swamini Vato Happiness 16-20 39 YYE - Philosophy 40 Games 42 Youth Sabha Report for Week 4 43

Appendix App. A - Sabha Arrangment 44 App. B - Stuti: Shlokas 45 App. C - Bhajan: Ugati Prabhae 46 App. D - Dhun 48 App. E - Thal 49 App. F - Arti 51 App. G - Visarjan: Ending Shloka 57 App. H - Sabha Cleanup 58 App. I - Map of 59 App. J - Indoor Games 60


We are grateful to the many devotees who generously contributed their time and effort to help us make this syllabus as accurate and useful as possible. We would particularly like to express our deepest thanks to Guruvarya Param Pujya Saheb Dada for giving us the inspiration and blessings to put forth this Ghanshyam Maharaj Semester Syllabus. We would like to thank Param Pujya Shanti Dada, Param Pujya Ashvin Dada, and Param Pujya Harshad Dada who thoroughly reviewed and critiqued this revised edition. P. Jayesh Uncle has done an incredible amount of work for the youth as the mahant of our Allentown mandir. P. Virendrabhai, P. Shreebhai, P. Chetanbhai, P. Shanubhai, and P. Samirbhai were a constant source of en- couragement. Other friends who reviewed large sections of the script are P. Shivani, P. Neil, P. Charvee, P. Sneha, and P. Shirali. Their suggestions were invaluable in clarifying confusing concepts and in making the difficult decisions about what to include and what to omit.

Thanks to the Bhuj Mandir for providing illustrations. Thanks to Aksharpith for providing Swami ni Vato. Thanks to the Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha and the Yogi Divine Society for providing information on the Life and Work of Ghanshyam Maharaj.

Special thanks to all those who assumed Regional Leadership roles and worked to create more sabha mandals. We would like to thank the sabha mandals who, under G.P.P. Saheb Dada‘s aagna and annuvruti, are conducting weekly satsang sabha with youth. These sabha have made a tremendous impact on the Hindu-American youth of our society, leading them to the path of truth and virtue. They have wholly accepted our syllabus and are implementing it with the utmost passion. The regional and local sabha leaders have worked in samp, suhradbhav, and ekta to inspire youth to attend weekly satsang sabha.

Finally, as Saheb Dada would say, ‗Abhinandan Ghate...‘; there is not enough appreciation that we can give to those sabha leaders who devote time to organizing, conducting, and leading weekly satsang sabha for youth. These leaders are truly role models, and they have inspired those in their mandals to lead ideal lives.

Special thanks to the following mandals for taking on this task: West (Chetanbhai) Northeast (Tejalben) San Fransisco/Fremont Mandal Landsdale Mandal Los Angeles Mandal Sciota Mandal Canada Mandal (Meghaben) Long Island Mandal Lynchburg Mandal Midwest (Ritaben) Richmond Mandal Rochester Mandal Maryland Mandal Ann Arbor Mandal Allentown Mandal Peoria Mandal Old Bridge Mandal Ferdinand Mandal Secaucus Mandal Louisiana Mandal

Southeast (Rakshaben) Lakeland Mandal Holmstead Mandal



Sahajanand Swami Maharaj ni Jai! Mukta-Akshar-Purushottam ni Jai! Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada ni Jai!!! Sahebdada na Sau Vhala Mukto ni Jai!!!

Dear Weekly Youth Satsang Sabha Leaders,

Last summer, P. P. Ashvin Dada and P. P. Harshad Dada explained Saheb Dada‘s goal for Hindu-American youth. Saheb dada has been relentlessly working to better the future of our youth since 1975! His sole wish is that we become successful in all of our endeavors, while simultaneously nurturing our souls with satsang. With the power of Thakorji, we will have bright futures free of bad company and bad habits. In this way, our lives will be pure and powerful. They said that it is now time for us to organize the satsang that Saheb Dada has instilled in us.

Param Pujya Harshad Dada asked us to channel into the sabhas that are held weekly throughout the country. Sahebdada himself organized the different centers into regions, and Harshad Dada followed by designating sabha centers to the different regions. He then designated four regional leaders the task of further satsang in the South, East, Midwest, and West regions. Finally, he asked the youth to come up with a course syllabus so that all of youth weekly satsang runs in parallel. In this way, our leaders will know exactly what the youth have learned over the year, and during Yogi Youth Camp, they can better cultivate our spir- itual knowledge.

Harshad Dada explained the importance of understanding the glory of Lord Swaminarayan, , and all of their spiritual successors. This is a necessity to cultivating faith in God, and practicing spir- itual beliefs such as upasana and suhradbhav. It is with Harshad Dada‗s aagna, that the youth have prepared this first syllabus detailing Ghanshyam Maharaj‗s life. Ghanshyam Maharaj was an extraordinary character who struck the hearts of hundreds just by his playful laugh and positivity. His divinity and purity were so powerful that he convinced many sinners and unrighteous people to lead virtuous and dignified lives. When Ghanshyam Mahraj left Ayodhya at the age of eleven, the entire city fell into grief!

Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s life stories may seem appropriate just for small children, but they are actually important for all of us to understand and embed into our memories. When we stand before Thakorji Maharaj, we can see and understand His beauty much better if we can remember His life work! Then we will understand the reason that He came to Earth, and the difficulties He undertook so that He could explain to how to live happily and peacefully!

So with this idea Harshad Dada directed us to begin our course syllabus with Ghanshyam Maharaj. Then we will continue to Nilkanth Maharaj, Sahajanand Swami Maharaj, Gunatitanand Swami, , and so forth.

We must also note that these stories will be embellished because when looking at any incarnation of God - the stories will be created or told in a certain way in order to establish the divinity of God. For youth leaders it is important to understand the underlying message.

We understand that many of you have already accepted Harshad Dada‘s aagna, and began to follow the Ghanshyam Maharaj syllabus that we introduced in September. However, as per Harshad Dada‘s direction, we sincerely request you start from the beginning, from Ghanshyam Maharaj. I assure you that you will not find yourself repeating material, and repeating discussion. All the Ghanshyam Maharaj prasangs



are condensed and original. All the guided questions and discussions are original. The Yogi Youth Editorials are repeated, but still we suggest that the senior youth reread the editorials and start discussions on how Ghanshyam Maharaj applied these topics to His life.

Next, Sahebdada has given the aagna for all youth to participate in Swamini Vato competition! We suggest that any free sabha time be spent training the youth to learn the Swamini Vato that we have provided.

Also, please note that the phone sabha will not be coinciding with the weekly satsang sabha syllabus! Therefore, please encourage all youth to join in on the weekly phone sabha call on Sunday, 8:00 PM E.S.T. We suggest encouraging youth to join in the phone firstly because it is Sa- hebdada’s aagna, and secondly because it allows the youth to interact with each other, keep in touch, and enjoy a positive atmosphere.

Thank you all for wholeheartedly devoting your time to further the futures of Sahebdada‘s youth. Through you, Harshad Dada‘s wish of an organized satsang sabha will reach the youth. With this in mind, Harshad Dada requests that you aim to follow the sabha manual as much as possible. This manual has been approved in full by P.P. Ashvin Dada, P.P. Shanti Dada, P. P. Harshad Dada and P. Virendra Uncle.

Jai Swaminarayan!





Jai Swaminaryan to all!

Welcome to the Ghanshyam Maharaj Semester for Sabha Mandals and Ghar Sabha! This page will help you understand how the syllabus is set up, and how to use it to your advantage. The following order and arrangement was requested by Param Pujya Harshadbhai using a one hour time slot.

1 . Sabha Arrangment - Appendix A The sabha mandal head, or the eldest in the family, should arrange a sabha and arrange the youth in a manner explained in Appendix A.

2. Stuti: Shlokas - Appendix B Once all the youth are seated properly, and the all the materials have been prepared, sing the four stuti shlokas, remembering Lord Swaminarayan, Brahmaswaroop , Brahmaswaroop , and Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada.

3. Bhajan: Ugati Prabhaye - Appendix C During each semester, we will be singing different bhajans. The idea of singing just one bhajan over a period of time, is that it will give the chance for youth and adults to memorize it. We understand that Ugati Prabhaye is a prabhatiya, but unfortunately, not all youth sing bhajans in the morning, and so never get the chance to learn it. The bhajan has been provided in Gujarati, Gujarati transliterated to English, and explained in a short paragraph in English. The audio version to learn the tune was sent in the same email. It is Harshadbhai‘s hope that through the period of Ghanshyam Maharaj semester, all youth will have mastered the wording, tonality, and meaning of this beautiful bhajan.

4. Readings: These readings are in the Table of Contents page. The readings aim to give the youth a comprehensive understanding of Ghanshyam Maharaj and the point of Lord Swaminarayan‘s first ten years on this Earth. The readings have been split into four weeks, so that there is an appropriate time period to cover and understand all the readings. The first reading is a collection of the prasangs during Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s childhood. Difficult words have been defined on the sides, and guided discussion questions have also been provided. Next are Junior Swamini Vato, ages 5-13, and Senior Swamini Vato, ages 14 and above. Regardless, Harshad Dada expects all youth to participate in next camp‘s Swamini Vato competition! Please have all youth memorize one or two of the five Swamini Vato each week! Next, is the Yogi Youth Editorial, written by a Youth Leader explaining the significance of Ghanhsyam Maharaj‘s life, and its application through Sahebdada‘s philosophies. This is written at a much higher level of understanding, and is entirely OPTIONAL. Finally, if there is a restriction on time, Harshad Dada suggests that the Sabha Head focus on Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s Prasangs, and just one or two Swamini Vato. During the span of these four weeks, the youth should be able to recite the prasangs in red-colored font, as they are very important in our Satsang. Understanding Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s life is imperative to understanding the glory and mahatmya of Lord Swaminarayan. It is difficult to have faith in our God if we do not know his life‘s story. Therefore, though Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s Prasangs may seem trivial, each youth should understand and be able to recite the prasangs in red to prove that they understand Ghanshyam Maharaj’s Jivan Charitra!

5. Dhun - Appendix D Please conduct two minutes of dhun as directed in Appendix D. 6


6. Thal - Appendix E Permitting resources, please also conduct Thal, which is a food offering to God. This will teach the youth how to sing and conduct our Sampraday‘s Thal. Appendix E shows how to arrange a Thal, and how to sing. Please note to offer the Thal to all of the deities in the mandir.

7. Aarti - Appendix F Conduct the aarti, following the steps in Appendix F. We have given you the full length of ending shlokas, but if time is restricted, simply sing ‗Krupa Karo…‖

8. Visarjan: Ending Shloka - Appendix G To end the sabha, refer to Appendix G, and sing the ending shloka.

9. Sabha Cleanup - Appendix H Appendix H provides suggestions on how to conduct the cleanup of your sabha. Though we may wish to have the kids play after sitting through an hour of sabha, this is a great opportunity to teach them how to perform seva, self-less service. Get them involved in folding up the comforters and vacuuming the floor and serving food!

10. Games Param Pujya Ashvin Dada has repeatedly emphasized the importance of having fun with our youth. His logic is that since the youth are still young, they are not exposed to bad company. If they grow up with tight bonds to other youth, then when they go to high school, they will not be distracted by unfocused teenagers. Therefore, P. P. Ashvin Dada suggests that the most important activity in these youth sabha is to have fun with them, and to make sure that they enjoy sabha. If they do not enjoy themselves, then they may not come back; if so, they will not have the benefit of association with great santo such as P. P. Saheb Dada, P. P. Ashvin Dada, and P. P. Shanti Dada. We have provided word searches for youth to complete and other ideas for indoor games in Appendix K.

11. Youth Sabha Report On these pages there is a form to fill out after each sabha. Please assign a youth leader the seva of filling out this form and sending it to [email protected]. It is very important to fill out the attendance, program guide, any suggestions, AND SEND ONE PICTURE (to [email protected]), each week! This is so that we can forward your activity to P. P. Saheb Dada, P. P. Ashvin Dada, and P. P. Shanti Dada, and send the pictures to Brahmanirzar. Please help us let these great santo know of your weekly satsang to make them happy! Please ensure that the youth are given a chance to present Swamini Vato, prasangs, sing bhajans, or do any other seva in each sabha. Present awards to participants who consistently perform outstandingly so that youth will be encouraged to participate even more. Indicate the name of the most exceptional youth sabha attendee in the Youth Sabha Report so that P. Swatiben can send you a certificate in the mail!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact P. Swatiben ([email protected]) via email.



5 min. Shlokas App. B 5 min. Bhajan App. C 10 min. Prasangs: Early Childhood 9 5 min. Junior Swamini Vato 1-5 11 5 min. Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 1-5 12 10 min. YYE - Our Soul‘s Direction 13 2 min. Dhun App. D 6 min. Thal App. E 10 min. Aarti App. F 2 min. Ending Shloka App. G Games 15 Youth Sabha Report for Week 1 16

Birthplace of Ghanshyam Maharaj Ghanshyam chooses knowledge over wealth and royalty.

The Chappaiya townspeople admire baby Ghanshyam Chappaiya Mandir 8

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra EARLY CHILDHOOD Ghanshyam Maharaj was born to Dharmadev and Bhaktimata on April 3, 1781 at around 10 o‘clock at night. He was born in Chhapaiya, a small village near Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh—a state Find Chappaiya on a in India. He had one older brother, Rampratapbhai, and one younger brother, Iccharambhai. When map. Where is Uttar Pradesh? Where is India? he took birth, the entire town celebrated around Dharmadev and Bhaktimata‘s home. Children (See Appendix I for map) danced, women brought lots of food, Brahmin sang shlokas, and the Gods showered flowers and shloka: prayer in the garlands. Although few knew it, the day was so joyous because God Himself had manifested in this form of couplets new-born baby.

During Ghanshyam‘s time, sages used give babies names and foretell their future. At the age of three, Ghanshyam was brought to Sage Markandeya. As the sage opened his book of astrology, he came up with the name ―Ghanshyam,‖ which was God‘s childhood name until the age of eleven. Sage Markandeya also came up with the name Harikrishna, ―hari‖ for God and ―‖ for his Nilkanth: name of Lord dark skin. He also gave him the name Nilkanth, since his charts showed that he had the traits of Swaminarayan during the ages of 11-19, during austerity, piety, truthfulness, meditation, and renunciation. He would be famous throughout the which he travels barefoot world, bestowing happiness to all by inspiring devotion. Hearing these words, Dharmadev and across India Bhaktimata became extremely pleased with Sage Markandeya! Dharmadev became curious about Sage Markandeya‘s words, and wanted to test Ghanshyam‘s desires. Dharmadev placed a sword, a gold coin, and a scripture on a stool and let Ghanshyam pick one. To Dharmadev‘s astonishment, Ghanshyam picked the scripture showing that he would study all the scriptures, becoming a scholar one day.

Very early in his childhood, Ghanshyam performed miracles that no normal child could achieve. For one, he defeated the evil demon Kalidatta and his servants. When they stole Ghanshyam away Hanumanji: son of the from Bhaktimata, Hanumanji tortured the demons for attempting to hurt God until their bones God of Wind, referenced in the were broken and they were pleading for forgiveness. Then, Hanumanji brought Ghanshyam back to Bhaktimata and bowed before her, saying ―This is God Himself, and I am forever at your service‖. When Kalidatta sent other demons to kill Ghanshyam, but he simply looked into their eyes and set them on fire. Finally, Kalidatta came himself to kill Ghanshyam. When all the children were playing in the woods, Kalidatta created a cyclone so that the kids would run and hide under trees. Kalidatta found Ghanshyam hiding under a mango tree and lifted and smashed the tree down on Ghanshyam several times! To Kalidatta‘s surprise, Ghanshyam was unhurt. Then, by a mere glance from Ghanshyam, Kalidatta was thrown against the trees until he was dead. Then, Ghanshyam caused the cyclone to stop; such was the power of Ghanshyam.

Ramdatta: a powerful In another prasang, Ghanshyam taught Ramdatta and his Brahmin friends a lesson on stealing. Brahmin who used his fame and power for evil One day, Ghanshyam and his friends were picking ripe mangoes from a tree. Ramdatta saw the ripe mangoes and took them from the kids, so Ghanshyam took Ramdatta‘s water pot. Ramdatta got very angry and chased Ghanshyam up into the mango tree! He even told all of the other Brahmins from his crew to climb the tree and wait on separate branches to make sure that Ghanshyam would have to climb to the highest branch. But then with a blink of an eye, Ramdatta saw Ghanshyam on the ground, holding Ramdatta‘s water pot! Then Ghanshyam told his friends to throw stones at Give examples from Ramdatta‘s crew, not letting them come down. Finally, they begged Ghanshyam to let them escape Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s and asked for forgiveness. Such was the cleverness of Ghanshyam Maharaj. life where he shows that stealing is wrong. 9


Once, when playing with his friends, Ghanshyam climbed to the top of a beautiful, tall pippal tree pippal tree: a fig tree found in India noted for outside the village of Chhapaiya. Often, he would take breaks from playing with his friends to climb its great size and long life this pippal tree. He would climb to the top, and sit there for hours, looking in the western direction. One day, Ghanshyam again left his friends right in the middle of their game to climb the tree, so Ghanshyam‘s friend Veni climbed up to Ghanshyam and asked him what he was looking at. Ghanshyam, only a toddler at that time, replied, ―I am looking in the Western direction to see where my devotees are. There are so many saintly souls in and Kathiawad who are waiting Kathiawad: southern region of Gujarat to meet the Lord. Although I wish to see the rest of India, I wish to reside there in the West, as my devotees are calling me!‖ Veni, also a mere toddler, did not understand the great importance in Ghanshyam‘s words, and simply nodded in silence. In the history of the Swaminarayan sampraday, sampraday: institution -yatra: religious this pippal tree is still marked and visited on dharma-yatra. Even at such a young age, pilgrimage Lord Swaminarayan saw that in the future, millions of devotees would join together to worship in oneness, harmony, and togetherness.

Ghanshyam was a naughty and playful child, and always got into trouble, very similar to young Krishna. He loved to play with his friends every day, eat sweets, and bother older aunties and uncles. Despite the innocent childhood play, there were a few times when Ghanshyam was in What was Ghanshyam serious danger. Chhapaiya was undeveloped at the time, and as you can imagine, there were wild Maharaj‘s childhood animals running about. Dharmadev worried about Ghanshyam‘s safety, and so he packed up and personality like? Was he playful? Was he boring? Ayodhya: birthplace of moved the family to Ayodhya so that they would be safer. Give examples. Lord


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato JUNIORS Ages 5-13 “Bhagwān thaki ja Bhagwān olkhāy chhe.” God (the supreme Godhead) is recognized only through God (the God-realized Sadhu).

“Apne to Akshardhāmma javu chhe evo ek sankalp rākhvo.” Our sole wish should be that we want to go to Akshardham.

“Āpne Bhagwānnā chhie pan māyana nathi em mānvu.” Believe that we belong to God and not maya.

“Gharmā rahevu te mahemānni pethe rahevu.” Live in the home like a guest.

“Shāstra chhe te kārya chhe ne motā chhe te kāran chhe.” Scriptures are the effect and the great Sadhu is their cause.

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © Swaminarayan Aksharpith.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato SENIORS - HAPPINESS Ages 14+ Without learning the teachings of Sānkhya, faults such as greed, lust, taste, attachment and ego, and the three miseries—due to adhyātma, adhibhut and adhidaiv—cannot be removed. Without Sānkhya, satsang is said to be only half complete. Thus, to remain happy learn the principles of Sānkhya. || 1 ||

A calf enjoys the taste of milk while a flea tastes only blood. Similarly, the pleasures of eating, drinking and worldly status are like blood, whereas the pleasure of ‗Nijātmānam brahmarupam,‘ i.e. believing oneself as brahmarup, is like milk. || 2 ||

Even if one encounters intense misery, like the final destruction of the world, one who has firmly developed. The upāsanā of God understands that the body will die one day and we (the ātmā) will go to God's abode. With this under- standing one remains happy. || 3 ||

Seeing the clear, peaceful sky in the autumn season, Swami said, ―If the inner faculties become pure like this, the jiva experiences bliss. This happens gradually while doing satsang.‖ || 4 ||

Up to Prakruti-Purush there are the three miseries and the three gunas. And above this is the bliss of gunātit. || 5 ||

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © 2005, Swaminarayan Aksharpith. 12


So what is our direction in life? What are our goals? Are s a part of Anoopam Missions’s yuvak mandal, it is A you too, like Ghanshyam Maharaj deciding between important to understand our soul’s inclination. Many of being a famer, merchant, scholar, or soldier? Of course us have attended Yogi Youth Camp, many of us have not! Times have changed, and so have our choice in been participating in weekly satsang for our entire futures. In fact, if Ghanshyam Maharaj was to be born lives, whilst some of us may have just come to our first in 2010 (into an Indian family) and given the same test, sabha this week! Of course, there is no need to lament he would be deciding between Medicine, Engineering, if the youth besides you know the shloka and bhajan by and Pharmacy. Yes, times have changed our career- heart, and you, yourself cannot even speak our native choices, but they will never change our Hindu ideology. tongue Gujarati. The most important factor in being My goals too have changed from the day I entered spiritually successful is understanding the soul’s pur- school. I originally, wanted to be a fireman, and when pose in coming to Earth. the police officer came to our third grade assembly, I wanted to be a cop. When I learned about NASA in the th During Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s time (18 century), sixth grade, I wanted to go to outer space, and now I life in India was very difficult. Indians earned money by am studying in the healthcare field. Guruvarya Param whatever means they could. Most were farmers and Pujya Sahebji continually stresses the importance of merchants, and Ghanshyam Maharaja’s parents giving your most to achieving your goals and becoming (Bhaktimata and Dharmadev) were Brahmins; this caste successful, whether it is in medicine, business, or engi- typically earned its income by performing puja rituals. neering. I only just found my niche in society, but my Dharmadev was actually a famous pundit in spiritual direction in life never changed. and was renowned as a leading scholar in the . Ghanshyam’s older brother, Rampratapbhai, on the Sahebdada has explained to us over and over, that we contrary, was a soldier in the king’s army. should remain in full conviction that, ‘I am God’s and God is mine.’ Say it out loud, ‘I am God’s and God is One day, Dharmadev and Bhaktimata became curious mine’. He has emphasized this mantra over and over to about Ghanshyam’s future, wondering whether he youth; after gaining full conviction that God is mine and would be a great scholar, business merchant, or soldier. I am God’s, I am clear and convinced of my spiritual Dharmadev came up with a brilliant plan. He placed a direction in life. Holy Scripture, a shining gold coin, and a small gleaming sword on a low stool near Ghanshyam’s cradle. As So what is our spiritual direction in life? We remember Dharmadev and Bhaktimata watched their son lovingly, God during all of our daily activities (studying, working, they saw him climb out of the cradle, and grab the exercising, doing chores). Through whatever action, scriptures. Not once did he even glance at the coin or thought, and deed we am immersed in, we want to re- the sword. Dharmadev and Bhaktimata were overjoyed member Lord Swaminarayan. By keeping Him at the that Ghanshyam would become a scholar, detached center of our activities, and performing them to please from material and worldly items. Lord Swaminarayan Him, we will perform our activities whilst being happier, set such an example in His life, even as a toddler. At more energetic, and more efficient. We will remain de- that time, all three futures (merchant, scholar, soldier) tached from the activities and our actions will become were seen as respectable careers. Nevertheless, in divine. I want to remember that Lord Swaminarayan choosing the ‘scriptures’, Lord Swaminarayan whole- came down to Earth for the salvation of our souls. heartedly attached his life to following a righteous path towards giving salvation for countless souls. His convic- And He has done us a great favor in doing so, such a tion was to show others how to please the Lord, and as large favor that none of us can understand! Lord Swa- a result attain eternal bliss and inner peace. minarayan came down from Akshardham (heaven) just



for me and you. He came from a world filled with purity you living in the emotion that Lord Swaminarayan wish- and cleanliness to a world in which society has wrecked es you to live in, and in return He will grant you what its nature, and humans have wrecked their inner selves. you desire. Lord Swaminarayan still came down to us in the form of a human on April 3, 1781 in Chhapaiya, India. He came How do we do these things? As your Local Head may so that He could remind us that our direction in life is to have explained to you, Sahebdada has instructed us live for God. As we read the Ghanshyam Charitra, and with certain niyams (vows) that we must take to within other leela (divine stories) of Lord Swaminarayan, re- our own dharma. We should do 15 minutes of dhun member this. Remember that Lord Swaminarayan came everyday (every morning if possible). Saheb Dada has to Earth so that we all can be happy, and for that we said, if we perform 15 mintues of prayer, God will pro- should be ever thankful. tect us for the other 23hrs and 45mins. He will even protect us in our sleep! He has also asked us to live of And, Lord Swaminarayan didn’t leave us when he harmony and oneness with all other devotees of God. passed away to Akshardham in 1830. The people of Finally he has asked us to never forget that God is all- Gujarat during the times of 1780 to 1830 were so lucky powerful, is in control of everything in our lives; so we that they could be in the presence of the Divine Lord must always think positive that what is happening is Himself, but we are just as lucky. He left us with a Gun- God’s wish and so it is good. These few things are all atit Sant, a sadhu (renunciant) who has come down to Sahebdada has asked for, and if we can fulfill his wishes Earth for God’s work, and only for God’s work. In return sincerely, openly, and in full honesty, then Lord Swa- for the sadhu’s favor, the Lord has blessed him/her minarayan will not have a choice! He will have to grant with all of His power and all of His knowledge. Sahebda- us His love, power, and eternal bliss. da is such a sadhu. We are just as lucky to be in the di- vine presence of Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada, as he is our angel sent by Lord Swaminarayan. Through Sahebdada, we will realize God. Through Sahebdada we will gain the values of purity, cleanliness, and eternal bliss that Lord Swaminarayan wishes us to have. Through Sahebdada, we will be confident in our direc- tion in life.

Sahebdada has explained to us very sincerely what our spiritual direction in life should be. Like I said earlier, there are several directions our careers can go in. Who is to say mine will remain in healthcare? After graduat- ing, I may even go get a business degree and become an entrepreneur. I may live in one place now, but end up moving to the other end of the country in the fu- ture. That is not the physical direction that Sahebdada wants us to be in full conviction of. In fact, no one can predict the future, and as life’s obstacles come in our path, we must be ready to change in accordance. Nev- ertheless, Guruji Sahebdada wants us to understand our soul’s direction in life. That is to remember our Lord and our Lord’s sadhu incessantly. What is our guru’s liking? What is our guru’s instruction? What is our guru proud of? When you remember these things, you are working towards your soul’s goal in life. Only then, are






Youth Sabha Center:

Time/Place of Sabha:


Readings Completed: □ Ghanshyam Maharaj Charitra: Early Childhood □ Junior Swamini Vato □ Senior Swamini Vato □ Yogi Youth Editorial: Our Soul‘s Direction □ Other:

Games Played: □ Word Search □ Lal Light! Leeli Light! □ Saheb Says □ Garam Bataka □ Bhajan Chairs □ Other:

Outstanding Performance of the Week: Name of Certificate Winner: Please circle categories: Swamini Vato Story Bhajan Games Seva Attendance Presentation Participation


Please return this completed report to P. Swatiben Patel through email OR regular mail. E-mail address: [email protected] Home address: 16 7005 Glorious Light Place Columbia, MD 21044 USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji ||

5 min. Shlokas App. B 5 min. Bhajan App. C 10 min. Prasangs: The Path to Virtue and Truth 18 5 min. Junior Swamini Vato 6-10 20 5 min. Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 6-10 21 10 min. YYE - Surrendering to God 22 2 min. Dhun App. D 6 min. Thal App. E 10 min. Aarti App. F 2 min. Ending Shloka App. G Games 24 Youth Sabha Report for Week 2 25

Ghanshyam teaches the fisherman not to kill animals Ghanshyam teaches the greedy sweet vendor a lesson

Meen Lake

Ghanshyam teaches Ramdatta a lesson on stealing 17

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra THE PATH TO VIRTUE AND TRUTH In Ayodhya, Ghanshyam continued his divine leela so that he could redeem souls and leela: the divine actions of God darshan: the observation give darshan of his divinity. One day, Bhaktimata needed water at night, and so she went to a near- of a revered deity in image form, which by well. Suddenly, she screamed as she looked in, because she saw thousands of ghosts inside the results in blessings well! The next day Ghanshyam said that he would take care of the ghosts, and despite the villagers‘ warnings, Ghanshyam jumped into the well. He radiated beams of bright light, so much that the ghosts were lit on fire. The ghosts began crying to Ghanshyam, begging for forgiveness. They told him that they had been killed at the well by their King, and because they had done bad things in their life, they were stuck as ghosts. Ghanshyam forgave them and freed them from their ghostly form, sending them to heaven. Ghanshyam Maharaj once again, showed his forgiving nature and his desire to send all to heaven.

Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s leela also taught morals to others. Once, Ghanshyam saw a fisherman catching and killing fish at Meen Lake. Ghanshyam felt pity on the fish as they were also living beings. Only seconds after Ghanshyam had this thought, all the dead fish came back to life and jumped back into the water! The fisherman saw that Ghanshyam must be responsible and rushed to beat him up. Ghanshyam then took the form of Yamraj, the God of Death, and showed the fisherman what would happen to him in the underworld if he continued these wrongful actions. The fisherman got so scared that he begged for forgiveness and promised never to catch or kill fish again. Why did Ghanshyam Maharaj consider the fishes‘ lives important? Similar to Bal-Krishna who fought the toughest wrestlers in Mathura, Ghanshyam fought the toughest wrestlers in Ayodhya. After beating them, Ghanshyam challenged three giant wrestlers to a match in front of the entire city. Even Dharmadev and Bhaktimata became worried that their son would be killed in the match. They scolded Ghanshyam, saying that he could no longer back out of the match because the king would be watching. Ghanshyam told his parents not to worry because he was stronger than the wrestlers. While saying this, Ghanshyam suddenly grew bigger and bigger, growing to the size of a giant wrestler. After a while, Ghanshyam shrunk to his original size, keep- ing that wrestler form within himself. Seeing this, Bhaktimata and Dharmadev became confident that their son would win. As expected, Ghanshyam made a fool of the giant wrestlers, who became more and more furious as they lost all the challenges and became a disgrace among the community. After the match the king congratulated Ghanshyam, and the three wrestlers apologized to Ghanshyam, realizing that he was God himself.

Also similar to Bal-Krishna, Ghanshyam used to take butter from his neighbor‘s homes. One day, Ghanshyam and Veniram went to Laxmibhai‘s (Veniram‘s mother) home to take some butter. When she wasn‘t looking, they began eating the mix of milk and butter. As they were just about done, Laxmibai caught them. Angrily, she went straight to Bhaktimata and complained that not only was Ghanshyam taking her curd and butter, he was also teaching Veniram how to steal. Ghanshyam did not appreciate that Laxmibai was complaining to Bhaktimata about the acts of a small child. So the next time Ghanshyam and Veniram came to Laxmibai‘s house to take milk and butter, Ghanshyam let Laxmibai catch him and tie him to a pole. She was so proud of catching Ghanshyam that she announced to the whole town of Chappaiya that Ghanshyam was not the innocent child everyone thought he was. She went straight to Bhaktimata and brought her over. Meanwhile, 18

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra Ghanshyam performed a miracle by freeing himself from the pole and then tying up Veniram! When Bhaktimata and the rest of the village mothers saw Veniram tied up in his own mother‘s house, they laughed at Laxmibai. As soon as everyone had gathered, Ghanshyam en- tered Laxmibai‘s house with molasses on his mouth. Laxmibai became so confused as to the recent turn of events, but soon enough realized that Ghanshyam was no ordinary child and ran to Bhak- timata apologizing for attempting to embarrass her family. What lesson did Ghanshyam Maharaj teach Laxmibai? Once, Ghanshyam tested the greedy sweet seller. One day, Ghanshyam became very hungry, but there was no food in the house, so he grabbed Suvasinibhabhi‘s (Rampratapbhai‘s wife) ring and went to the sweet seller. Ghanshyam showed him the ring and asked how many sweets he could get for its value. The vendor knew the value was worth five pounds of sweets, but since he was greedy, he wished to trick the child. He told Ghanshyam that he could have as many sweets as he wanted until he was full. Little did he know that Ghanshyam was the Lord! As the vendor brought jalebi, pedhas, burfi, sata, mesur, ghari, thor, and ghee, Ghanshyam ate all the store‘s quantities! When Ghanshyam returned home, he admitted to his father that he had given the ring to the confectioner. Dharmadev then went with Ghanshyam to the vendor to ask for the ring back. He got very angry and yelled to Dharmadev that the child had eaten all of his sweets, so he will not give the ring back. Ghanshyam, though, calmly replied to the confectioner that he should behave properly with his father and that all the sweets had been replaced. To the vendor‘s amazement, all the sweets, including the ghee, had been replaced, and so he happily brought back the ring to Dharmadev. Both the vendor and his wife bowed to Ghanshyam in amazement, telling him that he must be God himself to have performed such a miracle. What was Ghanshyam Maharaj trying to prove to the sweet vendor? Ghanshyam was very strict with morals, so when he saw an army killing animals, he decided to put a stop to it. All of a sudden, the horses and elephants began running around, creating a huge frenzy. Ghanshyam went to the tree that the king was sitting on and shook it until the king almost fell out. The king was so helpless, he shouted, ―Oh God, please protect me!‖ Ghanshyam shouted, ―The God you pray to is standing right in front of you. You are killing innocent animals and so I am very angry with you. If you want to live, take a vow that you will end this meaningless killing!‖ The king knew he would have to listen, so he took the vow. As he did, the elephants and horses calmed down. The king climbed down the tree and recognized Ghanshyam as God! What similarities do you see between Ghanshyam Maharaj and Bal-Krishna? Ghanshyam Maharaj, being just a child, performed miracles with the hope that others would learn to live religiously. In this way, Ghanshyam continually tested aspirants guiding them to live within their own dharma and morals. To the unrighteous fisherman, egotistic wrestlers, jealous Laxmibai, the greedy sweet seller, and evil king, Ghanshyam simply wished to purify their souls.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato JUNIORS Ages 5-13 “Ā to Bhagwān jevā Sādhu chhe bāvā ke vairāgi nathi.” This Sadhu is like God. He is not an ordinary sadhu or ascetic.

“Bhagwān ne Bhagwānni Bhaktani sevā e bemāj māl chhe.” There is worth only in the service of God and His devotee.

“Vachanāmrut kartā bijāmā māl manāy chhe e moh jānvo.” To believe that there is more worth in anything other than the is infatuation.

“Jenā guru Akshar hoy te Akshardhāmmā lai jāy ne Purushottamne melve.” One whose guru is Akshar will take one to Akshardham and will unite one with Purushottam.

“Jo thoduj gnān hoy pan sārdhār deh paryant rahe to sāru.” Even if one has only a little spiritual wisdom, but if one lives consistently throughout life, it is good.

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © Swaminarayan Aksharpith.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato SENIORS - HAPPINESS Ages 14+ There are two means by which inner peace remains and no agitation arises: one is to worship God and the other is to understand God as the all-doer. Then, if we get happiness we should enjoy it and if we encounter misery we should tol- erate it. It is said, ―Dāsnā dushman Hari ke‘di hoy nahi, jem karshe tem sukh ja thashe.‖-—―God is not an enemy of the devotee, whatever He does will bring happiness.‖ || 6 ||

The abode of God is full of bliss. From there a drop of bliss was released, reaching humans via Prakruti-Purush, Prad1ian-Purush, Vairat and the deities. That bliss makes all jivas happy. Therefore, the source of all bliss is God. Be happy through His bliss. || 7 ||

What is the bliss of Akshar in this world? It is to get good thoughts and to al- ways enjoy inner peace. And what is like the misery of hell? Evil thoughts and pain within. || 8 ||

Today we are happy because we have the company of the great (Sadhu). But if circumstances change and this company does not remain, how can we still re- main happy? The answer to this question, ―Think of the glory of the great (Sadhu): his virtues, personality, powers, influence, thoughtfulness, patience, etc. And thoughts of the great will spring up in one‘s heart, as a result of which one will be happy. || 9 ||

Bliss lies in four things. First, remembering the God; second, company of sadhus; third, noble thoughts; and fourth, understanding that the worldly ob- jects, which the jiva believes to be pleasurable, are a source of misery. That there is happiness in worldly objects has not been stated by any of the great (Sadhus). And to act as the ātmā is a totally different experience. In it, there are no faults, such as, lust, etc. Just as one digs the soil of Gujarat and does not find stones, similarly, there are no faults in this experience. || 10 ||

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © 2005, Swaminarayan Aksharpith. 21


At Anoopam Mission, we have the benefit of such a hagwan Swaminarayan, the human manifestation of B God-realized sadhu. In fact, we have such a huge bene- the Supreme Lord, came to Earth with just a few goals fit, that P. Shantidada says ‘We have found an elevated in mind. He wished to spread Akshar Purushottam soul for free!’ The expense is taking Guruvarya Param upasana (worship) and gnan (wisdom) throughout the Pujya Sahebji for granted. When we have open access world and send his followers directly to Akshardham. to something, we never see its value. Similarly, P. Shan- These wishes, he longed to fulfill. Even as a toddler, tidada says, ‘During the times of Krishna Bhagwan, dev- Ghanshyam Maharaj generously gave His divine dar- otees wished to have darshan of Shri Ram Bhagwan. shan and liberally sent souls to his divine abode, wheth- Similarly, in Gunatitanand Swami’s times, the devotees er it was to a rishi who had practiced penance for 1000 yearned to have the darshan of Shriji Maharaj. In Shas- years or a sinner. triji Maharaj’s times, the devotees yearned for the dar- shan of Bhagatji Maharaj. In Yogiji Maharaj’s time, the When Ghanshyam Maharaj was in Ayodhya, Bhaktima- devotees wished for Shastriji Maharaj’s darshan.’ Our ta went to get water from a well and a thousand ghosts human nature is to want what we can’t have; but for attacked her! Then Ghanshyam jumped into the well; this matter- for the matter of developing a profound when the ghosts attacked Him, Ghanshyam Maharaj association with a God-realized sadhu, we should not radiated so much light that the ghosts were lit on fire. take Him for granted. Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebji is However, when the ghosts surrendered to Him and a God-realized sadhu, and associating with him, and asked for forgiveness, Ghanshyam Maharaj lovingly developing affection for him will benefit our souls tre- asked them to explain their plight. The ghosts said that mendously. they were sinners and so they were trapped in the well, but they no longer wished to be imprisoned. Acknowl- Surrendering to God and his sadhu, is in effect, the edging Ghanshyam Maharaj as Purna Purshottam, the same thing. Since the sadhu is in constant communion Supreme Lord, they asked for forgiveness of their past with God, speaking to the God-realized sadhu is tanta- sins. Hearing their plea, Ghanshyam Maharaj felt for- mount to speaking with Lord Swaminarayan. The first giveness and delivered them from bondage, sending step to surrendering to God is to understand his sa- them to heaven. dhu’s glory. Who is Sahebdada, and what has he done in his life to earn direct communion with Lord Swa- Such was the glory of Lord Swaminarayan. You surren- minarayan? der to Him, and He delivers you to heaven. Even though Lord Swaminarayan left Earth in 1830, he left us with a Guruji Sahebdada always tells of the moment he came great soul, a God-realized sadhu. This sadhu was to car- into association with his guru, Yogiji Maharaj (God- ry on Swaminarayan’s task of ridding us of our igno- realized sadhu) in 1956. He felt such powerful love for rance and enlightening our souls. This sadhu will rid us his guru that he only wanted to do what Yogiji Maharaj of our base emotions, and prepare our inner selves so wanted him to do. When Yogi Bapa told Sahebdada to that we dissolve our ego and firmly establish God in our wear tilak-chandlo while he was in university, he did so. soul. When we are ego-less, we can finally step out of When Yogi Bapa told him start a youth sabha and re- ourselves and experience God’s supreme power and cruit members to come to the sabha, Sahebdada did so divinity. Normally, becoming zero (ego-less) is no small by all his means. When Yogi Bapa told Sahebdada to feat, but the God-realized sadhu bestows upon us all of become a sadhu, he did so. When Yogi Bapa told him to the virtues of an elevated soul for free! Gunatitanand become a sadhu in pant and shirt, he did so, all the Swami said, “I am a sadhu, therefore anyone associated while knowing that he would be ostracized by tradition- with me, I will make a sadhu…” al Swaminarayan Sanstha. Sahebdada did whatever Yo- gi Bapa wanted him to do, and in doing so he showed



to Yogi Bapa that he had surrendered to Yogi Bapa’s Lord Swaminarayan and was willing to perform any ex- will. traordinary task for His pleasure.

Sahebdada not only rendered his full service to Yogi Similarly, Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebji’s goal is to Bapa, but he did so with Yogi Bapa’s ideology of samp, bring us to Bhagwan Swaminarayan and attain Akshard- suhradbhav, and ekta (oneness, harmony, and unity). ham. To surrender to him, we need to render our ser- He surrendered to Yogi Bapa, willing to perform what- vices in his way, which is samp, suhradbhav, and ekta. ever Yogi Bapa desired him to do, but also willing to do P. Ashvindada says ‘When we can live in harmony and it in the same way that Yogi Bapa desired him to do it. synchrony within our homes, family, and friends, then Building a university hostel in a short amount of time is we can consider ourselves to have truly taken sharan one thing, but he did it with 8-10 others. Sahebdada’s (refuge) of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Sahebdada.’ task required taking each of his peer’s opinions serious- He says that this task is not easy, and to practice this ly, forgiving them of their mistakes, keeping each of we must continually take part in camps and other ma- them happy and healthy, and also seeing the divinity of jor events, so that we can practice seva in harmony and Lord Swaminarayan in them! spirituality. With this we will earn Guruji Sahebdada’s sincere happiness. This is no easy task, but Sahebdada has surrendered his will to Yogi Bapa, and wants to do whatever Yogi Bapa wanted him to do. Sahebdada says that he could not even think a thought that he knew would make his guru unhappy. Such is the devotion of Sahebdada to his guru. He took Yogi Bapa’s aagna to live in samp, suhradbhav, and ekta wholeheartedly, and to this day, preaches and teaches that philosophy to all that he meets. Sahebdada earned the blessings of Yogi Bapa, and today we can see the tremendous outcome that is Anoopam Mission.

Surrendering to a God-realized sadhu results in the switch from deh-bhaav to divya-bhav. Deh-bhav is love for oneself and divya-bhav is love for God. In divya- bhav, we live with the understanding that ‘God is mine and I am His.’ We ourselves reach the status of God- realized sadhu.

Lord Swaminarayan explained in detail what the feeling is like to be a God-realized sadhu. He spoke of Gunati- tanand Swami saying, ‘Mulji (Gunatitanand Swami) is so great that he upholds the infinite worlds. He is omni- present and he is the cause and base of everything. I carry out all of my actions through him and cannot live without him even for a moment. It is through relation with him that all the souls obtain salvation.’ Shriji Ma- haraj Himself said these words to Mulji’s mother, Sa- karba, in attempt to explain his glory. Gunatitanand Swami, moment to moment, dwelled on the idol of







Youth Sabha Center:

Time/Place of Sabha:


Readings Completed: □ Ghanshyam Maharaj Charitra: The Path to Virtue and Truth □ Junior Swamini Vato □ Senior Swamini Vato □ Yogi Youth Editorial: Surrendering to God □ Other:

Games Played: □ Word Search □ Lal Light! Leeli Light! □ Saheb Says □ Garam Bataka □ Bhajan Chairs □ Other:

Outstanding Performance of the Week: Name of Certificate Winner: Please circle categories: Swamini Vato Story Bhajan Games Seva Attendance Presentation Participation


Please return this completed report to P. Swatiben Patel through email OR regular mail. E-mail address: [email protected] Home address: 25 7005 Glorious Light Place Columbia, MD 21044 USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji ||

5 min. Shlokas App. B 5 min. Bhajan App. C 10 min. Prasangs: The Divinity of Ghanshyam 27 5 min. Junior Swamini Vato 11-15 29 5 min. Senior Swamini Vato - Happiness 11-15 30 10 min. YYE - The Importance of Ekadashi 31 2 min. Dhun App. D 6 min. Thal App. E 10 min. Aarti App. F 2 min. Ending Shloka App. G Games 33 Youth Sabha Report for Week 3 34

Ghanshyam shows his divinity

Ghanshyam learns the scriptures

Meen Lake


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra THE DIVINITY OF GHANSHYAM Purna Purshottam: the Ghanshyam Maharaj showed his divine form as Purna Purushottam many times for Supreme Lord—the the redemption of aspirants' souls. Once, in the village of Gondal, Bhaktimata and Dharmadev took Hindu worship just one God, Purna Purushottam, Thakorji: a general their family to do Thakorji‘s darshan. During the sabha, Thakorji seemed to come alive. He reference to God but believe that stepped down from his throne and placed a garland on Ghanshyam! News spread to the king of the numerous avatars have come in different forms village, who then wanted proof of Ghanshyam‘s divinity. He said that there were two tests to see if Ghanshyam was God! God does not have a shadow and there are sixteen signs on God‘s feet. When Ghanshyam went into the courtyard, everybody had a shadow except for Ghanshyam! Then, Ghanshyam showed the king his feet, and the right foot had nine signs (asktakon, urdhava rekha, swastic, jamboo, java, vajra, ankush, ketu, padma), and his left foot had the other seven signs (trilokn, kalash, gopad, dhanush, meen, ardhachandra, vyoma). The king was extremely happy, as he Can you memorize the sixteen signs of God? had met God himself face to face.

In Ayodhya, there are many temples, and Ghanshyam continued to do darshan throughout the day. Many times, Ghanshyam would forget his midday meal, and so his elder brother Rampratapbhai would go looking for him. This day, Rampratapbhai went to the temple where he saw katha: discourse Ghanshyam paying close attention to a Ramayan katha. Rampratapbhai approached Ghanshyam and asked him to come home for his meal. Ghanshyam replied saying that he would, and also told Rampratapbhai to visit all the other temples and have darshan of the Lord before returning home. Rampratapbhai listened to Ghanshyam and went off to the next temple. As he did, he noticed that Ghanshyam was listening closely to another Ramayan discourse! Rampratapbhai did a double take, and went back to the Hanuman temple and then once again noticed Ghanshyam listening closely. Then, one after another, Rampratapbhai went to every temple in Ayodhya, only to find Ghanshyam in each and every one of them, completely focused on the priests‘ discourses on the Ramayana. Rampratapbhai told the story to Bhaktimata and Dharmadev when he got home, and they all be- came prouder of Ghanshyam‘s divinity.

As Ghanshyam grew older, his molar teeth became loose and began to hurt. He complained to his bhabhi that he would not be able to eat chapatti. Suvasinibhabhi instead made him shiro. Then shiro: Indian sweet Ghanshyam told Suvasinibhabhi that his teeth were loose and asked her to pull them out. One by one all of Ghanshyam‘s teeth became loose, and Suvasinibhabhi had to pull them all out! Then, Ghanshyam had no teeth left! Suvasinibhabhi became very worried and called Bhaktimata, explain- ing to her what happened. As they were both worried, Ghanshyam opened his mouth, and they saw a brand new set of teeth. Then, Ghanshyam began to pick up his old teeth off the ground, and they turned into pearls! A flock of swans from Mahasarovar came and one by one, picked up the pearls from Ghanshyam‘s hand.

Another time, Ghanshyam showed his divinity to his friends. They were all playing near Meen Lake into the afternoon, when Ghanshyam sensed that his friends were hungry. Reading his friends‘ minds, he told them that if they stayed and played with him until sunset, Ghanshyam would feed them all with sweets. So when the sun set, Ghanshyam climbed into a mango tree and called the 8 siddhis: goddesses with 8 siddhis from the sky! Ghanshyam made his friends sit down in a circle, and the siddhis fed the types of achievements friends with sweets and cool water. Ghanshyam‘s friends praised him as they realized his divinity.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra During his later years, Ghanshyam showed Ayodhya his divinity at Meen Lake. He was playing tag with his friends in the lake, but no one could catch Ghanshyam. He swam quickly deep into the lake, and when he did not come out for a long time, his friends began to worry. They ran to Dharmadev and told him the news. Dharmadev, Bhaktimata, Rampratapbhai, Suvasinibhabhi, and the villagers all became so upset, so they ran to Meen Lake. Ghanshyam realized that his parents must be getting worried, so he decided to come out of the water. When he did though, Lord Rama: avatar of he came out as Lord Rama! The villagers had a vision not of Ghanshyam, but of Lord Rama walk- Lord ing on the surface of the water towards the bank!

Ekadashi: a fasting ritual Not many understood the importance of Ekadashi a few hundred years ago. Most could not read, performed on every full so instead they relied on the teachings by priests. The priest at the Hanumangadhi Temple did Hanumangadhi moon Temple: temple of not properly explain the importance of Ekadashi to the villagers. He said that humans are the Hanuman in Ayodhya most valuable form of life, so we should eat and drink as much as we want. Ekadashi fasting is for those who do not have anything to eat or drink. Ghanshyam thought that it was not right for the priest to mislead the people, since he did in fact understand the true meaning of Ekadashi. So, he began to explain to the assembly the importance of Ekadashi, saying that an Ekadashi yagna: an ancient Indian done properly will give the happiness of God equal to 1000 yagna sacrifices. The selfish ritual using a fire sacrifice as a means to invoke the priest became annoyed and scolded Ghanshyam for daring to question his explanation. As he said gods and seek their this, his eyes met Ghanshyam‘s, and immediately he was sent to Yampuri! There, he felt that he Yampuri: city of the blessings was being beaten by the servants of Yampuri because he did not perform Ekadashi and also told God of death

people that Ekadashi was not important! When the priest came back from his trance, he bowed Discuss ways to motivate before Ghanshyam Maharaj, realizing his grave mistake. He then announced to the entire assembly each other to participate in Ekadashi fasting. what he learned in the trance, vowed to perform Ekadashi properly, and asked everyone else to do Remember, this doesn‘t so as well. mean necessarily to not eat, but to focus more on dhun, bhajan, prarthana, katha-varta, and . Kashi: a holy and Similarly, during a debate in Kashi, Ghanshyam clarified the meaning of the ancient scriptures for scholarly city in India the benefit of all. Dharmadev, a well-known scholar, had come to Kashi to be the chairman of a debate. The debate took place between the several schools of philosophy, and of those Advaita Advaita: philosophy by scholars and Dvaita scholars seem to control the debate. The Advaita scholars continued saying, which a devotee feels Dvaita: philosophy by oneness with God which a devotee worships ―Everything is . Brahman is the only reality. All else is illusion.‖ The God while remaining separate from Him Dvaita scholars replied, ―No, Brahman, Jiva, and this world are all true.‖ This debate continued for a very long time, so the scholars asked ten-year old Ghanshyam to settle the debate! Ghanshyam, with Dharmadev‘s permission, entered into the discussion. He beautifully and clearly explained the meanings of verses from the Vedas, and using supporting evidence, stated that the Vishistadvaita Vishistadvaita: special non-dualistic school of philosophy was the best school of thought. As Ghanshyam spoke, rays of divine light shot out from thought—God resides his body, and everybody went into trance seeing their favorite deity in Ghanshyam‘s form. After within the devotee, and the devotee has swami- this, everybody bowed respectfully before Ghanshyam and put on sandalwood paste. sevak-bhaava (a master- What philosophy did They congratulated Dharmadev on having such a miraculous son. Dharmadev felt so proud of servant relationship) with Ghanshyam Maharaj say God. was the best: Advaita, Ghanshyam Maharaj! Dvaita, or Vishitadvaita? Why? Through this series of prasangs of Ghanshyam‘s toddler years, the entire city of Ayodhya fell in love with Ghanshyam Maharaj. Not only was he the son of well-known and respectected scholar Dhar- madev, but he was charismatic and brilliant. Dharmadev, Bhaktimata, and the rest of Ghanshyam‘s family were very proud of him, and they felt blessed that God incarnate was born into their family.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato JUNIORS Ages 5-13 “Kalyānnā mārgmā vighna karnārā ghanā chhe, tene olkhi rākhvā.” There are many who create obstacles on the path of salvation. They should be recognized.

“Amne to ek janma-maranno rog tāltā āvde chhe biju āvadtu nathi.” I know how to cure the disease of birth and death. But not anything else..

“Anek prakārnā pāpi jiva chhe tene samjāvvā ej Bhagwānno pratāp chhe.” There are many types of sinful jivas and only God has the power to explain to them the path of salvation.

“Sārā mānasne vartvāmā to fer nathi, pan samājāvāma fer rahe chhe.” Good people do not act differently but they have a different understanding (regarding the form of God and His holy Sadhu).

“Deh pote nathi te sākshāt dekhāy chhe ne deh manāi gayu chhe e agnān chhe.” That we are not really this body is manifestly seen, but that we believe ourselves to be this body is ignorance.

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © Swaminarayan Aksharpith. 29

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato SENIORS - HAPPINESS Ages 14+ Everyone remains happy due to some reason. But become eternally happy due to two things—God and ātmā—and leave the many other forms of support. || 11 ||

If one has the blessings of the great Sadhu, inner happiness prevails. The body may experience both happiness and misery, there is no certainty about that. However, one whose faith increases daily and who progresses daily, should un- derstand that the great (Sadhu is) pleased. || 12 ||

If one fills many trunks with 1000 million packets of ash, locks and keeps them, and if when, someday, one needs them (to pay for something) one takes them out, will something useful come out? Then (someone) said, ―No, Maha- raj.‖ Then Swami said, ―Without the murti of God and without the Sadhu, all things upto Prakruti-Purush are packets of ash. If you forget the murti and go to any abode of the gods or the abode of any ishwar or the abode of any Purush, still, without the murti of Maharaj and without this Sadhu there is no (permanent) happiness or peace anywhere.‖ Having said this, Swami said, ―Surpur narpur nāgpur e tinme sukh nāhi; Kā sukh Harike charanme kā santanke māhi.‖ || 13 ||

On the way to Vanthali, Swami said, ―Now all works are being done. Since, it is so arranged that you can worship God in comfort. And now, difficulties are en- countered only if one (specially) creates them oneself. Just as on seeing the wounded skin of a monkey, other monkeys scratch it and cause pain, similarly, if you all get together and inflict suffering (on each other), it will arise.‖ Then Swami continued, ―See, Maharaj is supreme, this Sadhu is supreme and this place is supreme; and if miseries remain here, then where else will miseries be removed? They will not be overcome. Therefore, for one who wants to become happy, there is nothing comparable to this Satsang. || 14 ||

On the way to Botad, Swami said, ―Those who want to remain happy should think of those worse off than themselves, but should not look at those happier than themselves. Since, happiness is attained according to one‘s fate.‖ || 15 ||

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © 2005, Swaminarayan Aksharpith. 30


60,000 years. All the sins committed by the 11 senses he eleventh day of each lunar month is T are destroyed by fasting on ekadashi. called ekadashi and is observed by devotees as a day of fasting. This fasting refers to restrictions of all senses Also, observing ekadashi will fulfill your innermost de- and a limitation on food intake. The goal is that the sires of family, health and wealth. It will get you the X- senses are weakened and so the focus of our mind can Box 360, get you into law school, and even get you a become more concentrated towards Bhagwan Swa- beautiful baby girl. The vows of ekadashi are capable of minarayan and Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada. fulfilling the desires given by the kalpavrush (wishing tree) and chintarmari (wishing diamond). Such is the Bhagwan Swaminarayan actually explains the story of capacity of the vow of Ekadashi. Also, with performing Ekadashi in Vachanamrut II. 8, from B.A.P.S.: ekadashi, you will attain moksha, the eternal bliss of "Once Lord Narayan was resting. A demon named Mur- Lord Swaminarayan’s abode, Akshardham. Performing danav came and challenged Him to a duel. Suddenly a this ekadashi fast is much greater than bathing in the damsel appeared, evolved out of the Ekadash indriyas holy Ganges or visiting world renowned pilgrimage of God. [The ten indriyas (sense organs) comprise the sites, because this vow of ekadashi that you will be re- five karma indriyas (mouth, hands, feet, anus and geni- leased from sansar chakkar (cycle of life and death). tal organs) and five gnan indriyas (eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue). The ten indriyas along with the mind are In Vachanamrut Gadhada I.38, from B.A.P.S., Bhagwan collectively known as Ekadash (eleven) indriyas.] Mur- Swaminarayan has elaborated that a true Ekadashi is danav was so attracted to this damsel that he asked her when one withdraws the ten indriyas and the mind, to marry him. The damsel agreed, but only if he agreed from their worldly 'foods' and focuses them on God and to a duel with her, "Whoever shall defeat me shall mar- devotional activities, and smruti (remembrance) of Sa- ry me." Blinded by passion, he fought with her. The hebdada giving blessings. So, moderation in daily lei- damsel killed him. Pleased with her, God granted her a sure activities is desirable. boon. She asked, "O Prabhu! As I have manifested from your Ekadash indriyas, let my name be Ekadashi. I am Fasting is a Hindu tradition in which we control and wedded to tap (austerity) and I desire that people curb our own desires to please God. Fasting once a fort- should observe the Ekadashi vrat (fast) and control night eliminates the body's toxins and wastes. In turn their Ekadash indriyas on this day. Bhagwan Narayan this clears the mental apparatus, enhancing mental agreed." From that day onwards the Ekadashi vow has clarity and meditation. An otherwise clogged system been observed.*If you wish to better understand the leads to mood swings and lethargy. Medical research- story and moral behind the Ekadashi fast , take a look ers even advocate fasting, on an average of once a at The Vachanamrut Gadhada II-8. week.

The observance of ekadashi, thus requires us to over- During Ekadashi, a waterless fast is ideal. However come our senses by worshipping to Lord Swaminarayan those unable to fast can take liquids, and if necessary through seva, smruti, katha, and kirtan (serving, dis- can take farari foods. Beginners to fasting may initially cussing, and singing in the form of devotion). In this experience headaches or/and nausea. These tend to way, we cleanse our inner selves and become peaceful clear up with regular fasting. Farari foods include tu- and highly energetic. In fact, through the power of the bers (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, carrots, tur- vows of ekadashi, the sins of 100 lives are destroyed. nips, suran - (a type of yam), dairy products, fruits, One vow of ekadashi is equivalent to the punya (good nuts, some vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes) deeds) of feeding the 100 000 rushimuni everyday for and special type of grains (moraio, rajgaro). One can



use all spices to prepare the farari foods i.e. salt, chilly Below is a list of the up-and-coming Ekadashi fasts until powder, black pepper, turmeric, etc. Yogi Youth Camp, 2011:

Lord Swaminarayan has given us several opportunities Saturday, January 29th in our lifetime to please him and gain his favor. This is Monday, February 14th one such opportunity. These holy Ekadashi days as- Monday, February 28th signed to us by the Lord himself should be used to fast Wednesday, March 16th and remember Him. Remember, Ekadashi is not only Wednesday, March 30th observed by simple fasting. We should fast, whilst also Thursday, April 14th remembering and meditating on the murti of Lord Swa- Thursday, April 28th minarayan and Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebji in order Saturday, May 14th to earn His rajipo. Saturday, May 14th Sunday, June 12th Bhagwan Swaminarayan mentions in Gadhada I-38, Monday, June 27th from B.A.P.S., “These divine actions and incidents Monday, July 11th should be recalled in the following manner: ‘Maharaj and the paramhansas held an assembly in this village, in this manner; puja was offered to Maharaja in this man- ner; and discourses took place in this manner, etc.’ In fact, Bhagwan Swaminarayan stresses that the fast is not the most important observance in Ekadashi. ‘The fast should be observed as best as one can according to one’s given niyams. What is truly to be done is to recall the divine incidents, discourse and darshan of God and his Sant.’ The reasoning behind this, Shriji Maharaj says, is that He believes that ‘the mind should be free of worldly desires’. This act, Shriji Maharaj defines as ‘antardrashti’, which is to direct one’s focus towards the form of God.

Therefore, physical God-related activities, such as hav- ing the darshan of God, performing His puja or engag- ing in discourses, devotional songs, etc., of God, are all forms of ‘antardrashti’. In any Ekadashi fast we ob- serve, we should remember that our goal is spend the day’s activities in remembrance of Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebji’s divine actions. With the combination of the two, you will see a multiplier effect in your spiritual progress.






Youth Sabha Center:

Time/Place of Sabha:


Readings Completed: □ Ghanshyam Maharaj Charitra: The Divinity of Ghanshyam □ Junior Swamini Vato □ Senior Swamini Vato □ Yogi Youth Editorial: The Importance of Ekadashi □ Other:

Games Played: □ Word Search □ Lal Light! Leeli Light! □ Saheb Says □ Garam Bataka □ Bhajan Chairs □ Other:

Outstanding Performance of the Week: Name of Certificate Winner: Please circle categories: Swamini Vato Story Bhajan Games Seva Attendance Presentation Participation


Please return this completed report to P. Swatiben Patel through email OR regular mail. E-mail address: [email protected] Home address: 34 7005 Glorious Light Place Columbia, MD 21044 USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji ||

5 min. Shlokas App. B 5 min. Bhajan App. C 10 min. Prasangs: Ghanshyam Leaves Home 36 5 min. Junior Swamini Vato 16-20 38 5 min. Senior Swamini Vato Happiness 16-20 39 10 min. YYE - Vishishtadvaita Philosophy 40 2 min. Dhun App. D 6 min. Thal App. E 10 min. Aarti App. F 2 min. Ending Shloka App. G Games 42 Youth Sabha Report for Week 4 43

Narayan Sarovar, a place where Ghanshyam used to bathe Ghanshyam does seva for his ill mother Bhaktimata

Ghanshyam does seva for his ill father Dharmadev Rampratapbhai and other Chappaiya townspeople miss Ghanshyam 35

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra GHANSHYAM LEAVES HOME Ghanshyam, by the age of ten, lived a very sincere life. He would get up from his bed at four o‘clock in the morning every day. After getting up, he would meditate on God for a few minutes. He would then go for his daily bath in the Saryu river with his friends, where he would also clean his teeth. After putting on clean clothes, he would again pray to God. Then in the early hours of the day, he would drink a glass of milk and sit down to study with Dharmadev. He would Sanskrit: a historical learn Sanskrit grammar, Dharma-, the Vedas, the , and . Ghanshyam Indo-Aryan language and the primary language of would listen and pay close attention to his father‘s teachings. When Dharmadev had finished his Vedas: the oldest written teaching, Ghanshyam would study the books himself. Then, at nine in the morning he would visit texts on our planet today, all the temples in Ayodhya and do darshan of the idols. Wherever the story of Ramayan was narrat- dating back to the Aryan civilization ed, he would sit and listen with close attention. At noon, he would return to have lunch with Dhar- Upanishads: a section of madev. At three in the afternoon, he would again go for a bath in the Saryu river. Then, with his the Vedas Yoga: associated with friends, he would go to the Hanmangadhi temple for darshan and the evening arti. Then, after arti arti: a Hindu religious meditative practices in ritual of worship, in Hindu religions was over, he would return home so that he could have dinner with Dharmadev. After dinner, which light from wicks Ghanshyam would sit next to Dharmadev and listen to stories from the Ramayan and Mahabharat. soaked in purified butter and is offered to deities. Finally, when it was time to sleep, he would go to bed. Such was his daily routine. Even at such a young age, Ghanshyam involved himself in spirituality and the scriptures. Compare your daily routine to Ghanshyam Maharaj‘s daily routine Ghanshyam, throughout his childhood, heard and saw many superstitious priests that practiced reli- when he was ten. gion incorrectly. This continuously bothered Ghanshyam, and, therefore, he felt that he must travel all over India and give advice to them all. Also, when he would hear the story of Lord Rama‘s four- teen-year journey, Ghanshyam would also think of leaving home and going to a forest to live with nature and do penance for the people. Many times he was very close to leaving home, but he did not want to upset his parents, who were so pure and innocent. At the age of ten, though, Bhaktima- ta and Dharmadev both fell ill, and within one year, they both passed away to Akshardham. After performing the rites for Bhaktimata and Dharmadev, Ghanshyam made the decision to leave home and do penance, but he was just waiting for the right moment.

Then, one day, as Ghanshyam was traveling home after doing darshan, twenty-seven wrestlers sur- rounded him. Ghanshyam used his divine power to make himself the size of the wrestlers, and then beat up all of the wrestlers until all their bones were broken. Hearing this, the families of the wres- tlers complained to Rampratapbhai, saying that Ghanshyam beat the wrestlers for no reason. Upon hearing this, Ramparatapbhai scolded Ghanshyam severely. He did not want their reputation in the town to suffer, and so he was disappointed in Ghanshyam for his harmful fun. Hearing his brother, Ghanshyam respectfully said, ―Rest assured, there will be no complaints against me from today.‖

The next morning Ghanshyam got up at half past three, took his belongings and left normally as if he was leaving for his morning bath to Saryu River. At the time, Ghanshyam had a waist-band of moonj grass, one piece of cloth to cover himself, a sheet of deerskin, a water pot, an alms bowl, a filter cloth, a rosary in one hand, and a stick on the other hand. On the end of the stick he had tied tulsi beads: used in small bundle of papers with important passages from the scriptures. He had a string of tulsi beads making rosary (mala) around his neck and a sacred thread around his shoulders. He also took with him a Shaligram and Shaligram: round, smooth piece of stone; tilak: sandalwood paste a Batwa (an image of Shri Krishna). There was a tilak on his forehead, his hair was matted, and he used in worship to Lord applied to forehead, Vishnu symbolic of God residing in one‘s soul 36

USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Ghanshyam Charitra was walking barefoot in an ascetic manner as he proceeded towards the Himalayas.

Back home, Rampratapbhai and Suvasinibhabhi were just waking up, thinking that Ghanshyam had left for his bath early. Around noon Suvasinibhabhi started wondering why Ghanshyam had not returned for his meal. When she asked Ghanshyam‘s friends, they replied saying that they had not seen him all day. Rampratapbhai began to worry also, and searched all the temples in Ayodhya, but did not see Ghanshyam anywhere! Iccharam, Ghanshyam‘s younger brother, complained that he did not want to live in that house without Ghanshyam. Even Ghanshyam‘s friends did not feel like playing without him. All the people in town kept asking where Ghanshyam was. At the end of the night, everybody was very upset, as no one had found Ghanshyam. Why did Ghanshyam Maharaj want to leave home so badly? Everybody was worried, wondering what had happened to Ghanshyam. Had he left because Ram- pratapbhai had scolded him so severely the day before? What if he had left for penance, but had been eaten by a tiger or bitten by a poisonous snake? In ten days, the news had spread throughout Ayodhya, and the entire city felt Ghanshyam‘s absence. They had not yet realized that Ghanshyam was not an ordinary child. He was God himself, Purna Purushottam. He had come to Earth to free millions of souls, to give them direction on how to properly worship God and experience true hap- piness. Ghanshyam had spent the first ten years of his life as a toddler, but now he would become an ascetic. As Nilkanth Varni Maharaj, he would travel for the next seven years, going north to the

Himalayas, south to Kerala, and finally to Gujarat, where he would stay for thirty years, creating the Why did Ghanshyam Swaminarayan religion. Maharaj not tell his fami- ly that he was leaving?


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato JUNIORS Ages 5-13 “A vātu anant sanshayne chhedi nākhe evi Bhāgwan Purushottamni vātu chhe.” These talks of Purushottam Bhagwan (Supreme God) clear infinite doubts.

“Marnārāne shid rado chho, radnārāne nathi rahevānā; topne modhe tum- badā te sarve udi jāvānā.” Why weep for the dead? Even the weepers will not live forever. Like gourds at the mouth of a cannon they will all be blown away.

“Divyabhāv ne manushyabhāv ek thai jāy tyāre Bhagwān bhajvānu sukh āve.” When the divine and human characteristics of God and His Sadhu are considered as equally divine, then true bliss in wor- shipping God is attained.

“Ā sādhunu to darshan karye panch mahāpāp bali jāy; pan puru mahātmya kyā jānyāmā āvyu chhe?” By the mere darshan of this Sadhu, the five grave sins are washed away; but has his true glory been understood?

“Jene jivnu rudu karvu hoy te sādhuni pāse āvine vātu sāmbhaljo.” One who wants to do good for his jiva should come to this Sadhu and listen to his talks.

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © Swaminarayan Aksharpith.


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || Swamini Vato SENIORS - HAPPINESS Ages 14+ Happiness is of two types. One type of happiness is due to knowledge, and the other is due to meditation on the murti of God. And one can be- come happy by practicing either Sānkhya or Yoga. || 11 ||

Real worth lies only in three things: the murti of God, the Sadhu of God and the commands of God. Such worth does not exist in anything else. And spiritual knowledge, detachment and dharma are like spades, shovels and sickles (useful for farming and harvesting but not as essential as seeds, water and soil). || 12 ||

Either the spiritually wise is happy or one who believes what the Sadhu says is happy. || 13 ||

Three kinds of people are happy: one who does as the great Sadhu says, the spiritually wise who does not accept the thoughts of his mind and one who does not need anything. ‗Āshā hi paramam dukham nairashyam para- mam sukham.‘ (Desires cause great misery; one without desires is su- premely happy.) These three are happy. || 19 ||

Happiness results when one attaches to God and His holy Sadhu by any means; one attains knowledge of the ātmā; the senses observe the moral and spiritual disciplines; one has firm conviction in the form of God to- gether with detachment; and the jiva introspects by these five ways one can remain happy. Therefore everyone should examine one‘s own position and think, ―To which of these (five) am I inclined?‖ and remain happy. || 20 ||

Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA. Copyright: © 2005, Swaminarayan Aksharpith. 39


upasana (form of worship), and Shastriji Maharaj years rom the beginning of time, Hindu philosophers have F later propounds this neo-typical worship. questioned the relationship of the individual soul to God. The purpose of this question has been to discover Akshar (Brahman) is the divine abode of God and firstly whether moksha (liberation) is worth seeking, Purushottam (Parabrahman) is God. Akshar is the ideal and then to realize the methods of attaining liberation. devotee of God. The home of Purushottam (God) is akshar (divine home of God). The purpose of Akshar is Ghanshyam Maharaj, at the age of ten, had mastered to serve Purushottam. many of the Hindu scriptures and was visiting Kashi with his father, Dharmadev. There, a debate was taking In the Akshar-Purushottam philosophy, God resides place on various philosophies of dvaita (dualism), within Akshar (ideal devotee); and this devotee has a advaita (non-dualism) and other schools of thought. swami-sevak (master-servant) relationship with God. Until then, advaita had always won the argument be- Only this ‘ideal’ devotee knows the true glory of God. cause its debater had the most convincing arguments. Ghanshyam, though, near the end of the debate, sur- Mukta-Akshar Purushottam philosophy, an adjunct of prised everyone with the principle of Vishistha -advaita the Akshar-Purushottam philosophy, is the concept (special non-dualism). After hearing his logical and sim- with which the aspiring devotee attaches himself to ple argument, the assembly was convinced that the Akshar. Through the divine will of Akshar, the aspiring Vishistha -advaita philosophy was the best. devotee comes to understand God, overcome maya, and attain liberation. The Advaita (oneness) school, propounded by Shankar , argues that only God exists. The individual Bhagwan Swaminarayan, as Nilkanth Maharaj, traveled soul (devotee) that overcomes maya, is one with God. for seven years and 12000 km asking this eternal ques- For example, if an individual soul is to be considered a tion of upasana (worship) to all that he met. Only when cup of water, and God is an immeasurable ocean, then he arrived in Loj in southern Gujarat did he meet Rama- in the Advaita school of thought, the cup of water and nand Swami who could answer his question. Ramanand the ocean have the same identity and composition. Swami was a disciple of Ramanujacharya (11th century) who propounded the vishistha-advaita philosophy Opposingly, dvaita (dualism) philosophy, proposed by (Ramanand Swami, contemporary of Bhagwan Swa- Madhav Acharya, perceives the world to be divided into minarayan, received his diksha, or initiation as a renun- two distinct identities, the individual soul and God. The ciant, in a dream by Ramanujacharya). Nilkanth Maha- soul (devotee) and God, never join. This school of raj accepted Ramanand Swami as his guru when he cor- thought says that liberation occurs through devotion to rectly explained the distinct five eternal realities, jiva, God, regarding the soul as a reflection of god’s glory. In ishwar, maya, brahman, and parabrahman. this example, Dvaita would say, that the cup of water and the ocean have different identities. Jiva – the individual soul. It is a conscious spirit that knows and enjoys things, and is conditioned by maya. Ghanshyam Maharaj proposed the philosophy of The soul pervades the entire body, yet its power is Vishistha-advaita (special non-dualism) which takes the still governed by God. The soul is to God, as an atom essence of both ideas. The soul (devotee) and God are is to a gold bar. The atom retains all the qualities of separate identities (dvaita/dualism), but follow the the gold bar; likewise, the soul is the smallest part of advaita (oneness) principle because the two cannot God. On its own, the atom is just an atom, but upon exist without each other. Swaminarayan Bhagwan later joining with the gold bar, its value increases. Similar- clarifies this philosophy through Akshar-Purushottam ly, the soul is a part of God. Even though it is enter-



taining a life form on Earth, its inner most desire is to without the other. Similarly, Akshar cannot exist with- be with God once again. This is known as liberation, out God because its sole purpose in the impersonal overcoming the cycle of life and death. For salvation, form is to be the home of God and in the personal the soul must associate with Aksharbrahman, a God- form to be the ideal servant to God. Finally, Brah- realized sadhu, to realize its Ekantik Dharma man is superior to jiva, ishwar, and maya but servant (righteousness, knowledge, detachment, and devo- to parabrahman. tion to God), and once again be with God. Parabrahman – God. He is superior to everything and Ishwar – also a conscious spirit, conditioned by maya. present in everything. Sahebdada explains Him as However, the Ishwar has achieved spiritual powers ‘harta karta’- all powerful and all-knowing. There is and so has been assigned a duty of taking care of a nothing in our world that He is not aware of. The jiva, certain department of the universe. Hence, God of ishwar, maya, and Brahman constitute the body of Rain, God of Sun, God of Wealth, God of Fertility, the Parabrahman. Parabrahman is the cause, control- etc… we hear stories of Indra (God of Rain) getting ler, sustainer, redeemer, and support of all. Para- upset when the devotees did not pray to him; as a brahman is eternal and full of divine bliss, and has a punishment, he caused a drought in India. As the sto- divine form shaped like a human being. Parabrahman ry goes, Lord Krishna punished Indra for being so self- bestows the fruit of karmas. ish, and then rain did fall. Although, Lord Indra is very powerful, he is not ego-less, and so still engulfed by In this way, Nilkanth Maharaj defined the five eternal maya. Also, Lord Indra, though considered a powerful and distinct identities. Jiva and Ishwar are both en- God, is conditioned by Supreme Lord. Hence, Ishwar gulfed by maya. Only when they transcend maya, do is still governed by God (Supreme). they enter the Brahman category. Only the Brahman category can give the knowledge of God. As it sees itself Maya – the substance from which the world exists; it as the servant of God, its only goal is bring jiva to Para- consists of the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tamas). brahman (God). Once the jiva associates with Brahman, Its nature causes the attachment of the jiva and Ish- the jiva begins to uncover layers of maya, and eventual- war to their bodies and bodily relations, and the rea- ly experiences the divinity of God and realizes the role son they become ignorant of God. It is the source of that God has played in its life. Eventually the jiva realiz- ego and resulting emotions such as lust, anger and es itself to be the atma (soul), at which point it has greed. overcome maya, and can continually experience the bliss of God in Akshardham. This is the basis of Vishit- Brahman (Akshar) – sole purpose and desire is to serve adwaita Philosophy and a fundamental aspect of the Lord, and does so in a two-fold manner. In per- Akshar-Purushottam Upasana. sonal form, it serves God when it incarnates and is the ideal devotee and a medium by which an aspirant can reach God. This personal form of Brahman is bet- ter known as a God-realized sadhu; the Akshar in Akshar-Purushottam; and for the Swaminarayan Sam- praday, Gunatitanand Swami and his spiritual succes- sors (Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebji). In impersonal form, Brahman serves God by being His divine abode, in which infinite mukta (liberated souls) also reside and serve God. In the impersonal form, Akshar is the home of God (Parabrahman or Purushottam). In fact, Lord Swaminaryan repeatedly has spoken that with- out Gunatitanand Swami, He cannot exist. God and Akshar are tied together for eternity; neither exists







Youth Sabha Center:

Time/Place of Sabha:


Readings Completed: □ Ghanshyam Maharaj Charitra: Ghanshyam Leaves Home □ Junior Swamini Vato □ Senior Swamini Vato □ Yogi Youth Editorial: Vishishtadvaita Philosophy □ Other:

Games Played: □ Word Search □ Lal Light! Leeli Light! □ Saheb Says □ Garam Bataka □ Bhajan Chairs □ Other:

Outstanding Performance of the Week: Name of Certificate Winner: Please circle categories: Swamini Vato Story Bhajan Games Seva Attendance Presentation Participation


Please return this completed report to P. Swatiben Patel through email OR regular mail. E-mail address: [email protected] Home address: 43 7005 Glorious Light Place Columbia, MD 21044 USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji ||

In the interest of a well-prepared sabha:

Youth should distribute the following seva among themselves: 1. Gather trash, mop, and clean the sabha seating area. 2. Spread out a clean comforter on the ground. 3. Clean the mandir and utensils (ie. Aarti, divo, murti, etc.), place Shri Thakorji in a gentle, graceful manner. 4. Set up the murti on a clean asan (cloth) on a higher plane than yours. 5. Prepare the ful (flowers), divo, incense, aarti, jal (water), and prasad in front of the murti. 6. Bring musical instruments and shloka/bhajan packets for each satsangi. Have a CD player and timer available for use. 7. Prepare a seat for the local head and person who will read the Holy Scriptures. 8. Aim for the sabha to last one hour.

How to behave in sabha:

1. Join sabha regularly and on time. Bow down to the murti respectfully and sit in straight rows. 2. During sabha, do not talk or whisper among yourselves or participate in mischief; acknowledge the presence of Shri Thakorji. 3. Attentively participate in kirtan, dhun, prayer, shlokas, and thal-aarti with clear pronunciation, pitch, and rhythm (use attached bhajans and correlating CDs to prepare). 4. When questions are asked, politely raise your hand to answer. Whoever is chosen to answer should stand up and reply with his or her hands folded respectfully.

Sabha’s commencement:

1. Light the divo in front of Shri Thakorji, start the incense stick, place a garland of flowers or just flowers before Shri Thakorji, and bow respectfully with hands folded. It is acceptable if flowers are not available. 2. Meditate before the beginning of the sabha: Sit properly (legs crossed), place your hands faced upwards on your knees and, on each hand, touch your thumb to your index finger with the other three fingers facing outward (mudra dhyaan position), and with your eyes closed concentrate on the murti of Shri Thakorji. Chant ―AUM‖ three times, each with one long breath. After chanting the mantra, be silent for fifteen seconds in a state of meditation.



Stuti: (Together)

Shrimad sadgun shalinam chidachidi vyaptam cha divyakrutim Jive Sakshar Mukta Koti sukhadam naikavata Radhipam Gneyam Shri Purushottamam Munivarair vedadikirtyam Vibhum Tan Mulakshar yuktameva Sahajanandam cha vande sada. (Full of grandeur, with excellent qualities, ever-present in all life in a divine form. He is the king of incarnations imparting happiness to millions of souls, angels, mukta, and akshar. His praises are sung in the vedas and other holy scriptures. I ceaselessly pray to SAHAJANAND SWAMI who is associated with the original akshar.)

Jenu naama ratyaa thakee malina sankalpo samoola gayaa Jene sharana thayaa pachhee bhavatanaa pheraa viraamee gayaa Jenaa gaana dasho dishe harijano gaaye ati harshathee Evaa yagnyaapurushadaasa tamane paaye namu preetathee (By chanting his name, all negative desires and thoughts are totally dissolved. By surrendering to him, there is no longer a need to take another birth. With great joy, devotees from every direction sing about his glory. I bow down with reverence to YAGNAPURUSHDASJI - SHASTRIJI MAHARAJ)

Vani amrut thi bhari madhusami, Sanjivani Lok ma. Drashti ma bhari Divyata nirakhata, Sudivya Bhakto badha Haiye het bharyu mithu jana nishu, ne hasya mukhe vasyu Te Shri Gnanji Yogiraj Guru ne nitye namu bhav shu. (His speech is laced with nectar and brings happiness to this world. With love in his eyes, as seen by all his divine devotees, his face reflects laughter, and his heart reflects a motherly love. I bow down everyday with reverence to GNANJI YOGIRAJ - YOGIJI MAHARAJ)

Je Sakshat mahima tanu Swaroop chhe bhagi aho Yogina Tejasvi, Shurvir, nitya hasta, pakshe rahe Bhakta na Sarvadhar sadaye Sadhak gane neta yuvano tana Eva gaurav purna ne suhrad te, Saheb ne vandana. (The one who is the manifest form of glory, and Yogi Bapa considered him as his partner. He is bright, courageous, and ever-laughing, and remains on the side of devotees. He is the support for all aspirants, and is the leader of youths. We pay our respects to JASHBHAI SAHEB who is spiritually harmonious)



Bhajan: All should sing bhajan and follow along with the audio, with calm attention towards Shri Thakorji.

Chorus: ugatee prabhaae, kaarya praarambhamaa, sahaaya karo evu eechchhu chhu, (As the sun rises, before beginning the day's work, I pray that you help me) sarva kaaryamaa eka ja hetu, raajee thaaye (2) raajee thaaye eka ja tu (In all my work, my only aim is to make you happy)

Verse 1: brahmniyantrita brahmasamaajamaa, sahumaa taaru darshana karu (All of society is ordained by divinity - may I see you in all) sneha sudhaabharee moortinaa sukhanee, masteethee (2) masteethee hu masta rahu (May I remain joyful, filled with pure love and nectar-like remembrance) svaaminaaraayana... svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana vinavu hu... (I make this request, O! SwamiNarayan)

Verse 2: ghataghatamaa prasange prasange, aabaalavrudha sahu muktomaa (In every incident, in young and elderly devotees alike) tu ja kare chhe, tu ja prere chhe, evu maanee (2) suharada banu (May I understand that you are the all-doer and inspirer - and remain spiritually harmonious) taaree divya moortinee smrutimaa maahaatmyathee sabhara rahu (May I remain in the divine remembrance of your glory)


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || divya jeevananaa divya aanandamaa, mast banee (2) taaraa guna gaavu (In this divine life and divine bliss - may I joyfully sing your qualities) svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana vinavu hu... (I make this request, O! SwamiNarayan)

Verse 3: nimita banee, kaarya karee... paachaa moortiroopee maalaamaa (May I become an instrument for your work, and then go back to remaining in your remembrance) maana apamaana jasha apajashamaa, sahaja hu... sahaja sarala smita karu (In respect and insult, in fame and defeat, may I naturally keep smiling) akhanda antaramaa rahee, amaaree rakshaa karaje tu (Please constantly remain in my heart and protect me)

nirdoshabuddhinaa amrutapaanane, jeevanamaa (2) pachaavu hu (May I digest the leaf that gives immortality - to have a faultless intellect) svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana vinavu hu (May I constantly request, O! SwamiNarayan)

Chorus: ugatee prabhaae, kaarya praarambhamaa, sahaaya karo evu eechchhu chhu, (As the sun rises, before beginning the day's work, I pray that you help me) sarva kaaryamaa eka ja hetu, raajee thaaye (2) raajee thaaye eka ja tu (In all my work, my only aim is to make you happy) svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana ... svaaminaaraayana vinavu hu (May I constantly request, O! SwamiNarayan)

Nirupan (Interpretation): ‗Ugati Prabhaae‘ is a prabhatiya bhajan, to be sung in the morning. It is a praarthana, a prayer to Thakorji to bless us so that so we can live life in the way Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada teaches us to live. As we wake up, our first thought comes to Lord Swaminarayan. We close our minds and have darshan of Dham- Dhami-Mukto (Gunatitanand Swami, Sahajanand Swami, Gopalanand Swami). We pray that Lord Swaminarayan stays with us as we begin our daily activities, clearing our path from burdens and nega- tivity. We say this prayer with the understanding that Lord Swaminarayan is ours, as long as we respect and love His devotees and live with Samp, Suhradbhav, and Ekta (Togetherness, Harmony, and Oneness).

God has given life to me and six billion others as well. Everyone is a child of God, so we should see godli- ness in everyone. We pray that we have such a complete understanding of Lord Swaminarayan so that He is happy. Finally, we pray to Him that we remember Him as the all-doer; he is the creator of this universe. God knows what has happened to me, and He has done it for a reason, so please give me the strength to always have a positive perspective. Please, Shree Sahajanand Swami, bless me with this divine understand- ing of You and Your devotees so I can live my day in the happiest way possible. In this way, the bhajan is a prayer to Lord Swaminarayan to protect and be with us through our entire day!



Dhun: All should chant dhun for two minutes and follow along with the audio, clapping with calm attention towards Shri Thakorji. Please read the last paragraph below for more detail.

On December 31, 1801 in the town of Faneni, Sahajanand Swami Maharaj sat paramhansas: Shriji amongst paramhansas, saints and devotees. At 21 years of age, He sat on the throne as the heir of Maharaj initiated 500 the Uddhav Sampraday, 14 days after Ramanand Swami left for his divine abode in Akshardham. Ramanand Swami: guru paramhansas in one night of Lord Swaminarayan to spread satsang In the assembly, He announced that, from now on, there will be no confusion regarding upasana: form of our upasana. Everybody should now chant the Swaminarayan Maha-Mantra. The entire assembly worship began to chant in unison, ―Swaminarayan.‖ At once, every devotee entered a state of samadhi, and samadhi: trance each saw his favorite deity! Some saw Lord Krishna and Lord Rama, while others saw Goddess Par- vati and Lord . As everyone became exhilarated by the divine power of this mantra, they saw another miracle before their eyes. The deities that they worshipped walked to Sahajanand Swami Maharaj and then merged into Him!

In this way, He explained the meaning behind Swaminarayan Maha-Mantra. Narayan and Swami make Swaminarayan. Narayan is to worship Sahajanand Swami as Purna Purushottam, the Supreme Lord; Swami is to worship Narayan through a present-day God-realized Saint and to understand that Saint to be a manifestation of Sahajanand Swami. In this way, Sahajanand Swami came to be known as Lord Swaminarayan!

Param Pujya Shanti Dada and Param Pujya Ashvin Dada have thoroughly explained to us how to jap: chanting perform jap of this Mantra. First, clear your mind of all thoughts. As we close our eyes, we see a blank emptiness. Then we begin to chant Swa-mi-na-ra-yan, slowly emphasizing each syllable. As we do so, we then must remember the Gunatit Saint that we worship, Guruvarya smruti: remembrance Param Pujya Sahebdada. This is called smruti. Ashvin Dada beautifully phrases it as, "chanting the Lord's name while remembering His saint." Shanti Dada explains that chanting ―Swaminarayan‖ while remembering Sahebdada, or any Gunatit Saint, gives 100,000 times the fruit of simply chanting just ―Swaminarayan.‖ Finally, the Mantra must be chanted in God's way, which is with oneness, harmony, and unity. As Ashvin Dada does, chant ―Swaminarayan‖ in unison, clap- ping to a beat.

Swaminarayan… Swaminarayan… Swaminarayan…



Thal: Prepare prasad, jal, and mukhvaas before starting thal. Have one of the youth offer thal to each of the deities and swaroops starting from Lord Swaminarayan. annam chaturvidham svaadu rasaih shadbhih samanvitam bhakshya bhojya samaayuktam naivedhyam pratigruhyataam om shree aksharapurushottamaaya bhaktamandala sahitaaya naivedhyam samarpayaami

(Please accept this food which is offered to you and consists of the 6 types of taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent; and the 4 types of food: those that are swallowed, chewed, licked and sucked; while remembering God and His Gunatit Saint and all of His Devotees, we begin Thal)

Thal (Sitting cross-legged, straight-backed, as if you are feeding Lord Swaminarayan, sing while clapping.) maare ghera aavajo chhogalaadhaaree (2) (God, who wears a headdress with a tuft on the end, has come to my home) laadu jalebee ne seva suvaalee hu to bhaave karee laavyo chhu ghaaree, maare ghera aavajo...(I have prepared sweet-balls, the yellow-to-orange spirally sweet, noodles, and a sweet made from butter) soorana poorana ne bhaajee kaarelaa paapada vadee vaghaaree (A vegetable of the potato-family, stuffing made of butter and lentils, bitter gourd, and dumplings of lentils that are fried with spices) vantaaka vaalolanaa shaaka karyaa me to, cholaaphalee chhamakaaree, maare ghera aavajo... (I prepared a vegetable-curry eggplant and beans, and a salty snack) kaaju kamodanaa bhaata karyaa me to daala karee bahu saaree (I made rice with cashew, and made very nice daal or soup-curry) leembu kaakadeenaa lejo athaanaa kadhee karee chhe kaathiyaavaadee, maare ghera aavajo... (Please take pickle-curry of lime and cucumber - I also made buttermilk-curry of the Kathaiawad or southern Guja- rat style)

Sahajanand Swami jamo! Gunatitanand Swami jamo! Gopalanand swami jamo! Bhagatji Maharaj, Jaga Swami, Krishnaji Ada jamo! Shastriji Maharaj jamo! Yogiji Maharaj jamo! Guruvarya Param Pujya Saheb Dada jamo!


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || jala ghelaanee jhaaree bharee che, chadu karave bramachari (I bring a small glass of water from the Ghela river - O Swami, please accept it) halave halave jala peevo ne tame avataaranaa avataaree, maare ghera aavajo... (Please slowly drink the water - You are the supreme God) laving sopaaree ne paana beedee vaalee, taja elachee jaavantree saaree ([As an after-mint,] clove, betel nuts, and a folded betel leaf, filled with cinnamon, cardamom, and mace-spice) nishadina aavo to bhaave karee bhetu, ema maage jeraama brahmachaaree, maare ghera aavajo... (Please come everyday, and I will lovingly hug You, says Jeram)



Aarti: Place a divet on the aarti and light it. Prepare water in a vaadki (small bowl) with a spoon.

Aarti Shloka neeraajanam gruhaanesha panchavartisamanvitam tejoraashi mayaadattam lokaanandakara prabho shree aksharapurushotamaaya bhakta mandala sahitaaya aarteekyam samarpayaami (Oh Lord, delight of the world! Please accept my offering of this shower of light from five untaint- ed wicks; while remembering God and His Gunatit Saint and all of His Devotees, we begin Thal)

Stand in straight rows during aarti. Sing and clap together with proper rhythm. (The mandal coordinator should make sure that every child does aarti one by one.)

Aarti jaya sadguru svaamee, prabhu jaya antarayaamee, sahajaananda dayaalu, (2) balavanta bahunaamee.... jaya sadguru... (Victory to Sadguru, victory to the omniscient Lord, the merciful, almighty Sahajanand has innu- merable names) charana saroja tamaaraa, vandu kara jodee; (2) charane sheesha dharyaathee, (2) dukha naakhyaa todee...jaya sadguru... (With folded hands, I pay my respects at your lotus feet, placing my mind at your divine feet, all my unhappiness is dissolved) naaraayana nara bhraathaa, dvijakula tanudhaaree; (2) paamara patita udhaaryaa, (2) aganita naranaaree...jaya sadguru... (Bestower of supreme bliss, You took birth in a brahmin family, you have rescued the poor, the sinners and countless other men and women) nitya nitya nautama leela, karataa avinaashee; (2) adasatha teeratha charane, (2) koti gayaa kaashee... jaya sadguru... (As the indestructible Lord, you continuously display many facets of your personality, all sixty-eight holy places and many million holy places like Gaya and Kashi rest at your feet) purushottama pragatanu, je darshana karashe (2) kaalakarmathee chhootee, (2) kutumba sahita tarashe...jaya sadguru... (Whoever has the darshan of manifest Purushottam, he, along with his family, will be liberated from the bonds of time and action)


USA YOUTH SABHA GHANSHYAM MAHARAJ SEMESTER || Swami Shriji || aa avasara karunaanidhi, karunaa bahu kidhee, (2) muktaananda kahe mukti, (2) sugama karee sidhee...jaya sadguru... (On this occassion you have graced all of us and declares that you have made a simple path to liberation) jaya sadguru svaamee, prabhu jaya antarayaamee, sahajaananda dayaalu, (2) balavanta bahunaamee.... jaya sadguru... (Victory to Sadguru, victory to the omniscient Lord, the merciful, almighty Sahajanand has innu- merable names)

After aarti, take some water in a spoon and take one round around the aarti thaali with the spoon clockwise. Then, put the water back in the thaali or bowl. Do this three times. With your right hand, give aarti to Shri Thakorji three times. During this time, make sure to chant Swaminarayan dhun.

Then in unison, please respect the deities by saying—“Sahajanand Swami Maharajni Jai, Akshar Purshottam Maharajni Jai, Shastriji Maharajni Jai, Yogi Maharajni Jai, Pratakshya Dham Dhami Ane Muktoni Jai, Guruvaraya Param Pujya Sahebni Jai, Saheb na Vhala Mukto ni Jai Jai Jai.”

One child should then give aarti to all sabha attendees. The aarti thaali should be put in a safe place.

How to take aarti:

After taking aarti, place your hand on your head, ears, eyes, mouth, and heart in this order. Then, say the following prarthana in your mind. Hey Maharaj, Hey Swami, Hey Saheb! Mari buddhi, shravan , drashti, vani, ane hridayni bhavana divya banavsho.

Ending Aarti Shlokas (Ashtako): (Together)

Prayer to Lord Swaminarayan and Gunatitanand Swami: krupaa karo muja upare sukhanidhi sahajaananda (Please grace me, the giver of happiness, Sahajanand Swami) guna tamaaraa gaavavaa buddhi aapajo sukhakanda (Giver of happiness, please give me the intellect to sing Your divine qualities) akshara purushottama je pruthavee upara padhaareeyaa (Akshar and Purushottam have both come on this earth) aneka jeeva uddhaaravaa manushyatana dhaaree rahyaa (To liberate the souls, They have taken birth in human form) pragata purushottama je sukharupa sahajaananda (The present form of God is Sahajanand Swami) mool akshara eja chhe svamee gunaateetaananda (And God's Eternal Abode is Gunatitanand) e beunaa guna gaavavaa vichaar kare chhe mati (My intellect yearns to sing Their qualities) gati aapo ehavee ferafaar nava rahe rati (Please give me the speed such that not a single lapse remains)



Prayer to Purna Purushottam, Lord Swaminarayan: janmyaa kaushala desha vesha batukano, lai teerthmaahee pharyaa raamaananda malyaa svadharma chalavyo, yagnaadi motaa karyaa motaa dhaama rachyaa rahyaa ghadhapure be deshe gaadee karee antaradhyaana thayaa leelaa haree tani, sankshepamaa uchhari You were born in the land of Kaushal and as a young boy, You left on a pilgrimage After meeting Ramanand Swami, You spread the faith and performed great sacrifices In Gadhpur [Gadhada], You constructed holy places and started two principal places of worship Lord SwamiNarayan, You have never left us are always present in the form of Gunatit saints je utpatti tathaa sthiti laya kare vedo stuti uchchare jenaa romasu chhidramaa anusamaa brahmaand koti fare maayaa kala ravi shashee suraganau aagnyaa na lope kshana evaa aksharadhaamanaa adhipati shree svaaminaaraayana (His divinity creates, sustains, and destroys - prayers to Him are recited in the scriptures. Millions of planets rotate in every pore of his being like atoms. Forces such as illusion, time, the sun, the moon, and all the respective gods do not for even a mo- ment disobey his command. I bow down to the Lord of Akshardham, LORD SWAMINARAYAN)

Prayer to Anadi Mul Akshar Murti, Gunatitanand Swami: mahaadhyaanaabhyaasam vidadhatamajastram bhagavatah pavitre sampraaptam sthitimativaraikraantikavrushe sadaanandam saaram paramaharivaartaavyasaninam gunaateetaanandam munivaramaham naumi satatamm (He has the habit of incessant meditation and ceaseless prayer to Lord Swaminarayan. Thoroughly engrossing himself in the Lord, He is in the blissful highest liberated state. He is habituated to Lord Swaminarayan's sermons – I pay my obeisance to GUNATITANAND SWAMI)

Prayer to Mahamukta Raj, Gopalanand Swami: saadhyo ashtaangayoga pragata haritanee, preeti maate prayatne shodhee vedaantatatvo sakala grahee leedhaa, jema sindhuthee ratne aadhi vyaadhi upaadhi pranata jana tanee taalee keedhee samaadhi gopaalaanandasvaamee sakala gunanidhi vandumaayaa abaadhi (He mastered the eight-fold yoga practice for the love of the present form of God. Like pearls from the ocean, he got the essence of the original holy texts and imbibed them. He removed all three senses of unhappiness of devotees and gave divine trance. GOPALANAND SWAMI is full of all qualities - void of illusion, I bow down to him)



Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Bhagatji Maharaj: shobhe nirguna moorti vaibhavabharee gnyaanopadeshe pooraa chhe bhandaar samagra saadhu gunanaa sarvagya maayaapaaraa aishvaryo sahu chhe nijaashrita tanaa je doshahantaa sadaa preme praagajee brahmarup gurune vandu ja vandu mudaa (His divine image is beyond the three qualities and is full of powers - filled with knowledge, He is the greatest teacher. He is a treasure of all divine saintly qualities and is totally beyond illusion. All powers are under his control and he removes all faults. I lovingly and joyously bow down to BHAGATJI MAHARAJ)

Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Jaga Swami: iti gunanidhivantaa, bhakta jaagaa dhimantaa, bhoomi para ehi santaa, pancha doshaanihantaa shritahita anusarataa moola agnyaana harataa ghana sama sukha karataa janopadeshe vicharataa (JAGA SWAMI is full of divine qualities and highly intelligent. On this earth, he is the saint who takes away the faults of the five desires. He does good to all devotees at his shelter and takes away their root ignorance. He gives God's happiness and goes around spreading the divine message to devotees)

Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Krishniji Ada: shree raajadurga nagare vimale vaseene shreejee svarupa mahimaa hradaye dhareene sthaapyo prakaash moola aksharano prataapee tvaam krushnajee guruvaram sharanam prapadhye (He lived in Rajkot and without any kind of faults. He kept the glory of Gunatitanand Swami in his heart. He established the divine light and glory of Gunatitanand Swami. We take the shelter of the divine master, KRISHNAJI ADA)

Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Shastriji Maharaj: jenu naama ratyaa thakee malina sankalpo samoola gayaa jene sharana thayaa pachhee bhavatanaa pheraa viraamee gayaa jenaa gaana dasho dishe harijano gaaye ati harshathee evaa yagnyaapurushadaasa tamane paaye namu preetathee (By chanting his name, all negative desires and thoughts are totally dissolved. By surrendering to him, there is no longer a need to take another birth. With great joy, devotees from every direction sing about his glory. I bow down with reverence to YAGNAPURUSHDASJI - SHASTRIJI MAHARAJ)



Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Yogiji Maharaj: Vani amrut thi bhari madhusami, Sanjivani Lok ma. Drashti ma bhari Divyata nirakhata, Sudivya Bhakto badha Haiye het bharyu mithu jana nishu, ne hasya mukhe vasyu Te shri Gnanji Yogiraj Guru ne nitye namu bhav shu. (His speech is laced with nectar and brings happiness to this world. With love in his eyes, as seen by all his divine devotees, his face reflects laughter, and his heart reflects a motherly love. I bow down everyday with reverence to GNANJI YOGIRAJ - YOGIJI MAHARAJ)

Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Kakaji: jenee amrutavaanee to vahee rahee saakshaata maheemaarupe jenee braahmee stithi aho! lina kare subhavya akshara pade, sharanaagata nija alpa jeeva sahunaa shreeyaartha tatpara rahe kaakaa snehalasindhu divya vibhune haiyu to vandana kare (His continuously flowing eloquent speech is full of the glory of God. His liberated, divine state reveals the grandeur of Akshar. He is always prepared to bring happiness to every soul who has surrendered to him. I bow down with all my heart to that fountain of divine love, KAKAJI)

Prayer to Brahmaswaroop, Papaji: vaanee vishe akhanda vahetee suraavalee brahmanee kintu thaee agnyaata alpa sameepe rasabasa sahumaa rahee jeeve je alamasta svameeshreejeemaa chhe mokshadaataa valee pappaa jogeesvaroopa vibhu charane jhukee rahu bhaavathee (There is an incessant flow of the music of divinity in his discourses while befriending everyone, he chooses to be humble and hide his divine status. His blessings have the power to liberate us, and he joyously lives in communion with Shriji Swami. I bow down with respect to PAPAJI, the incarnation of Yogiji Maharaj)

Prayer to Pragat Gunatitbhav Sant, Hariprasad Swami: dikshaa arpee aho gunaateetasamee jene guru jogeee kaakaa ne valee aapa divya dvayanu advait anokhu ja chhe bhede saakshee anantanaa svaroopa aa shaastree maharaajanu evaa svaamee hariprasaada charane vandana sadaa hu karu (Yogiji Maharaj initiated him in the same manner as Shriji Maharaj initiated Gunatitanand Swami. His divine relationship with Kakaji is so harmonized, that they are both one. He has 'pierced the witness' of countless souls; with divine qualities like Shastriji Maharaj. I touch the lotus feet of HARIPRASAD SWAMIJI)



Prayer to Pragat Gunatitbhav Sant, Ashkarvihari Swami: nishthaa to paripoorna addabhuta aho jenee svaroope deese moorti siddhadashaa anaadinee kharee ne dhairya saakshaat vase praasaade nija dhaama chaitanya vishe svaamee biraajee gaayaa svaamee aksharanaa vihaaree tamane chhe sarvanee vandanaa (The one who has full faith in the present form of God – he has eternally mastered the divine image and has extreme patience. Yogi Bapa resides in his soul. AKSHARVIHARI SWAMIJI, everyone bows down to you)

Prayer to Pragat Gunatitbhav Sant, Pramukh Swami: shobho saadhugune sadaa sarala ne jakate anaasakata chho shaastreejee guru yogeejee ubhayanee krupaatanu paatra chho dhaaree dharmadhuraa samudra sarakhaa gambheera gnyaaneja chho naaraayanasvaroopadaasa guneene snehe ja vandu aho (You are always simple, saintly, and have no worldly attachment. You are the recipient of the grace of both Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj. You have spread the word of God, and your knowledge runs deeper than the oceans. I bow down with reverence to you, Narayanswaroopdas - PRAMUKH SWAMIJI)

Prayer to Guruvarya Param Pujya Sahebdada: Je Sakshat mahima tanu Swaroop chhe bhagi aho Yogina Tejasvi, Shurvir, nitya hasta, pakshe rahe Bhakta na Sarvadhar sadaye Sadhak gane neta yuvano tana Eva gaurav purna ne suhrad te, Saheb ne vandana. (The one who is the manifest form of glory, and Yogi Bapa considered him as his partner. He is bright, courageous, and ever-laughing, and remains on the side of devotees. He is the support for all aspirants, and is the leader of youths. We pay our respects to JASHBHAI SAHEB who is spiritually harmonious)



Ending Shloka (Visarjanam): shreepatim shreedharam sarvadeveshvaram (The husband of Shree [i.e., ], who sustains Lakshmi, the God of all demigods) bhaktidharmaatmajam vasudevam harim. (The son of Bhakti and Dharma, Lord Vasudev) madhavam keshavam kaamadam kaaranam (Sweet as honey, with beautiful hair, the fulfiller of all wishes, the reason of all reasons) svaaminaaraayanam neelakantham bhaje… (We worship Lord Swaminarayan, Nilkanth Varni)



Ending of Sabha:

After prostrating respectfully (dandvat pranaam) before Shri Thakorji five times, stand in line, and one by one, touch the feet of Shri Thakorji and any grahasto, sabha coordinators, and vadilo (respected elderly) in sabha. Before you leave for home, be sure to take prasad.

All the children who come to sabha should be given a chance to do some kind of seva and encouraged to participate as much as they can.

For example:

1. Trash – One child should sweep. 2. Mopping – One child should do. 3. Seat (aasan) – One child should prepare. 4. Shri Thakorji – One child should prepare and set up murti. 5. Flower garland (pushpa) – One child should set up. 6. Divo – One child should do. 7. Incense (aggarbatti) – One child should prepare. 8. Aarti – One child should prepare. 9. Thal – One child should prepare. 10. Reading stories – One child should do. 11. Prasad – One child should give. 12. Attendance – One child should take.

Eventually, every child in the sabha, one by one, should be given a responsibility.





Indoor Games

Lal Light! Leeli Light! (Red Light! Green Light!) Choose a field of play where there is a straight line. Choose one player to be the "traffic light". The players line up behind the line and the traffic light stands some distance away from the line (from 10 to 40 feet). The traffic light begins by facing the players. At this point the light is considered to be red, the players are not allowed to move forward on a red light. The traffic light now turns away and shouts, "Green Light!" The players all move toward the traffic light. After an arbitrary time period, (no less than 2 seconds and not more than 10) the traffic light shouts "Red Light!" and then turns around. Any player caught moving after the light turns red is sent back to the start. The first player to tag the traffic light, or conversely, cross a des- ignated line now becomes the traffic light.

Saheb Says To begin the game, use a convenient line on the floor or on the grass and have the players line up behind it. Have an adult or child stand a good distance from the line. Saheb makes commands for the players to per- form some act, for example "hop twice". If the command is preceded by "Saheb Says" then the players must do as directed. When someone obeys the command that is not preceded by "Saheb Says" they are eliminated and the last person remaining is the winner.

Garam Bataka (Hot Potato) Gather players in a circle, standing or sitting cross-legged. Hand someone an object like a pillow, encourag- ing him or her to pretend that it is HOT and to catch and throw it as quickly as they can. Call, Go! and play some music on an instrument or recording device that can be paused easily. Game players begin to toss the pillow around the circle, to the player next to them. Stop the music! At this point, whichever player is hold- ing the potato is "out." Throwing it after the music stops does not count. The player who is out can either step out of the circle or be encouraged to tell a joke or sing a song in the middle of the circle.

Bhajan Chairs (Musical Chairs) The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chair less than the number of players). The music (bhajan) is turned on, and the players walk around the chairs. When the bhajan stops the players sit in the chairs. The player left standing is taken out of the game. The players all stand again and a chair is removed. The bhajan is started again. This procedure is continued until only one person remains. This person is the winner.