Susan G. Komen Twin Tiers Region Executive Summary
SUSAN G. KOMEN® TWIN TIERS REGION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Acknowledgments The Community Profile report could not have been accomplished without the exceptional work, effort, time and commitment from many people involved in the process. Susan G. Komen® Twin Tiers Region would like to extend its deepest gratitude to the Board of Directors and the following individual who participated on the 2015 Community Profile Team: Patricia Nozell, JD Independent Consultant Report Prepared by: Susan G Komen® Twin Tiers Region 244 West Water Street, Suite E Elmira, NY 14901 607-426-3405 Contact: Amanda Beecher-Eubanks, Executive Director 2 | Page Susan G. Komen® Twin Tiers Region Executive Summary Introduction to the Community Profile Report Susan G. Komen® Twin Tiers Region (Komen Twin Tiers) is working to better the lives of breast cancer patients in its nine-county service region (Broome, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Tioga and Tompkins counties in New York; Bradford, Potter and Tioga counties in Pennsylvania). Since 2000, Komen Twin Tiers has distributed more than $1,200,000 (up to 75 percent of the Affiliate’s net proceeds) in LOCAL community grants to support patients who face financial barriers in obtaining treatment, early screening for breast cancer and breast cancer education. The remaining income funds research through the national Susan G. Komen Grants Program. The annual Komen Twin Tiers Race for the Cure® in downtown Elmira is Komen Twin Tiers’ signature event and largest fundraiser, raising in excess of $70,000 each year and drawing over 2,500 participants and 100 teams. The seventeenth annual Race was held in May 2015.
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