In the United States 1936 1938

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In the United States 1936 1938 4FEDERAI, SECURITY AGENCY PAut, N.McNurr, Administrator V. S. oFFICJ:OFEDNATION JOHN W. STUDEBAKER, Cimmissioner 4. BULLETIN 1940. No. 2 BIENNIAL SURVEY OF EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES 1936 1938 40204°"*--: IOU, D4A k- .4 0:eN1 :4, ;"/ 'r7t:. Ok% ; Avis UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:1942 .-r'rv-3rqj4 a A,40L U. S. OFFICEOF EDUCATION Created March 2.1867 Madean office of the InteriorDepartmicatJuly 1. 1869 Transferred to theFederal SecurityAgency July 1, 1939 coMMISSIONERS HENRY BARNARD, LI,. 1). March 14,1867, to March 1.,, 17o JOHN EATON, Ph. D.,LL.n March 16, 1870,to August 5. 1886 NATHANIEL H.R. DAwsoN,L. H. D. \luguPtt6, 1886, toSeptember 3, 1M9 WILLiAmT. HARRIS, Ph. D.,LL. D. September 12. 1889,toJune0, 1906 ELMER ELLSWORTHBROWN, Ph. D.. LI,. D. July 1, 1906, to June30. 1911 PHILANDERPRIESTLFY CLAXTON,Litt. D., LL. I). July 8, 1911, toJunel, 1921 JoinNJAMES 'FIGERT. M. A.(Oxon), Ed. D., I.L.D. June 2. 1921, toAugust 31. 1928 I. WILLIAM JOHNCOOPER, Ed. D.,Litt. D., I,1r). February 11,19Z9, to July 10,1933 GEORGE F. ZOOK,Ph. D., LL.D., Litt. D. July //, 19.13, to June30, 1934 a JOHN W. STUDEBAKER,Li.. I. October 23, 1934 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1.Statisticalsummary of education,1937-38. II. Statisticsof Stateschoolsystems, 1937-38. III. Statisticsof cityschoolsystems, 1937-38. IV. Statisticsof highereducation,1937-38. V. Statisticsof publichigh schooLs,1937-38. INDEX. BIENNIALSURVEY OFEDUCATION IN THEUNITEDSTATES STATISTICALSUMMARY OFEDUCATION,193738 BULLETIN1940, NO. 2 CHAPTER I Prepa'redby EMERY M. FOSTER,Chief log Division of Statistics ...=wo FEDERALSECURITY AGENCY PAUL V. McNull',Administrator U. S.OFFICE OFEDUCATION JOHN W.STUDEBAKER, Commissioner UNITESTAT GOVERNMENTPRIN INGOFFICE WASHINGTON :1Q41 For sale by theSuperintendent ofDocuments,Washington, D.C. Price 10 cents e 1. CHAPTER 1 STATISTICALSUMMARYOFEDUCATION, 1937-38' cif IN THIS chapter ofthe BiennialSurvey ofgducation,1936-38. national statisticsaresummarizedfrouLthevarious otherchapters of the Survey, supplementedby latestfigurskore: mates available. The U. S. Officeof Educationis requiredylawto collectstatistics toshow the conditionandprogressofeducation.Statisticscanbe made available,on anational scale,to the extent thatschooladminis- trators, principals, and collegeofficialscooperateon avoluntarybasis with the Officeof Educationin makingthe factsavailable. To reduce thenumb(' ofrequests made forstatisticalreports, data tirecollectedfrom Statedepartmentsof educationoroffices ofsuper- intendents ofschoolswhereveravailable.When theamount of detailed datadesired isnot Available fromacentraloffice,orwhen the work of supplyingsuch detailfor eachschoolor systemismorethan the central officecould handle,a reportisrequested fromeach school. In orderto giveareasonablycompletepicture ofeducationin the I, United Statesunder itsdecentralizedsystem ofadministration, statisticsarecollectedperiodicallyby theU. S. Officeof Educationon a2-, 4-,or6-year cyclecovering266,117 schoolunits (table2) through reports made byindividualinstitutionsorschoolsystems.Even this doesnotcoverall formsof organizededucation inthe United States andsamplingsof citiesand collegesarealsonecessarythrougk annualrequests for certaincost and trendstudies. Thenumber ofunitsto whichreport formswere sent during the biennium1936-38are asfollows: TABLE 1. Educationunits requestedto report, 1937-38(continentalUnited States) Numberof TYpe Statesand the schools District ofColumbia_ ____ __.________________________ 49 Cityschool systems ___ 2, 900 Countyschool systems administeringschools incities ... ___ 181 Public high schools_ _ _ _ __ _ _ 25, 467 Institutionsof highereducation ....01. 411,IND ...... 1, 773 Total 30, 370 _ I Statisticalwork dopeby RoseMarieSmith. .1 2 BIENNIAL SURVEYOF EDUCATION,1 936-38 TABLE 2.Numbtr of schoolscoveredby reports requested(continental United States) A.- -Ix 1937-38 Nu mberof Ty pe school., _ 221, 660 Public elementary_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25, 467 Public secondary_ __ Public institutionsof higlwreducation 608 Private institutionsof highereducation I, 165 611 2-18, 900 Total__ __ MP. - B.IN PREVIOUSYEARS (Data included in1937 3S estimates) -. ow 9, 992 Private elementary' _._ _ _m. MD .. m _ _ _ 3. 327 Private secondary I Public residentialschools for exceptional children 2 _ 295 Private residentialschools forexceptional children2 123 2, 099 Private commercialschools _ . 1, 3g1 Public and privateschools of nursing2 _ __ .111. m _ _ _ 17. 217 Total__ 266,.117 Grand total. _ I Estimated; latest study made in1933. 31936data. Types of schools fromwhichnoda taare'collected andwhichare not included in thenationalfigures,are: Private vocationaland trade schools. Private schoolsof art, music,dancing, anddramatics(non-degree-granting), including individualinstruction. Private Bibleschools not granting theoloRicaldegrees. Private correspondenceschools. TABLE 3. Total numberof schools of specified types,1937-3& Other types for whichnumbers areavailable Universities, colleges, and Elementary High schools Residential schools . professional schools for the schools Private State, District of blind, deaf, com- Schools Columbia or feeble-minded, mer- of nurs- outlying part and delinquentI cial ing schools Private Public1 Private'PublicPrivate%PublicPrivate Public 1 1 4 a 7 le 28 4, 438 123 511 63 10 16 8 32 Alabama .. 4 Arbon& .672 15 85 15 5 3 10 62 603 30 12 14 4 1 25 8 Arkansas 4,812 30 8, 297 306 663 175 47 57 7 5 131 California 15 Colorado 2, 644 79 321 28 10 9 6 1 18 a 21 4 36 21 O. MP _ 184 134 ge Connecticut 996 7 206 24 41 10 2 1 3 5 Delaware 45 14 2, 451 65 396 47 4 10 6 Florida 63 15 Georgia 6,048 56 717 48 18 s 7 Idaho 1, 224 36 192 14 a a 4 12 STATISTICALSUMMARYOFEDUCATION 3 TABLE 3. 7-- Total number ofschools ofspecifiedtypes, 1937-38Continued Othert ypes for whichnumbers are available Universities: Ekmentary IIh schools and schools prokssional Residential 1 State. I District of salt )01s schools fortht i C ol urn bia or hlind ,deaf, Privatei, eorn- 1 outlyingpart fechle-niinded, :%chools I of anddelinquentI uurs- llciieari- ing 1 i schools nobly, I i PublicI; Privatc'Public Private' Private PublicPrivat . _ _I . 1 2 3 4 6 1 7 - Il i 11) 11 111inuN 12.1112 887 1, 050 158 16 6 114 108 Indiana 3.1s9 325 844 53 6 lov. 6 1 64 . 11. 642 325 1, 002 143 28 30 f; 3 31 Kansas 1 31 9.044 229 733 51 20 23 6 1 3g Kentucky,. 7, 476 452 ISMi 716 90 9 28 4 1 33 18 Louisiana._ _ 3, 426 179 464 I 8 13 ti ) . _ _ 14 Maine 2, 209 68 227 CPO 7 4 20 Maryland 1, 291 161 205 ti5 24 21 11 26 Masochuset ts . 1, 207 411 424 157 28 15 54 1 1 410 M _ $I 79 icttigan 7, 810 416I +.63 149 44 6 4 62 31 Minnftta 8, 336 350 5,57 82 14 '23 M ississippi 4, MO 40 1 33 29 7(18 52 17 17 4 M issuuri. _ _ '27 30 10, 080 439 981 90 17 31.r1, 9' 3 65 :10 Montana ._ _- - 2, 84E3 38 203 16 5 6 10 Nebraska._- - _ 12 7, 154 266 754 51 8 16 6 1 20 14 Nevada._ 262 1 43 1 1 2 New Hampshire. 750 73 107 34 3 5 2 New Jersey . 2, 075 338 253 113 .ri 19 11 9 75 48 New Mexico_ 1, 229 44 154 19 7 5 7 2 New York 10, 289 1, 085 1, l'59 311 18 87 12 26 242 115 NOrthCarolina . 4, ()58 53 933 57 13 :49 11 North Dakota 4, 576 53 52 37 520 23 9 4 Ohio . 15 16 4, 599 58.1 1, 268 155 57 9 Oklahoma. _ _ 5,704 97 71 67 852 no 2g 10 9 Oregon _ _ _ _ 39 14 2, 031 68 301 2s 5 15 5 22 9 Pennsylvania___.. 10, 623 871 1, 261 236 17 811 11 17 125 Rhode.Island. 131 378 95 '14 2 4 4 1 13 7 South Carolina. 3, 262 31 4119 30 28 ti 24 South Dakota . 4, 82(1 r,9 373 20 9 4 8 Tennessee. 5, 797 16 566 5g 7 40 ti 1 46 21 fir Texas _ _ 1 . 11, 887 331 1, 724 93 38 53 12..... 119 Utah 411 I 50 11 145 4 4 - 8 6 Vermont. ..... 1, 2S9 25 s 95 '21 4 '2 5 Virginia . .__ _ 12 4, 596 72 1 613 75 111 Ti3 9 36 Washington._ _ 24 1, 957 119 I 351 44 7 15 5 48 24 West Virginia p. -. 5, 335 47 361 1g 11 11 j 21 Wisconsin . 31 _ . 8, 053 M6. 509 no '39 23 ti 3 33 Wyoming . _ . 1, 405 7 29 112 3 1 3 3 1 District ofColum- bia . _ . 147 56 27 35 U. S. Service 2 24 5 2 23 8 Schools ..... 3 TotalUnited States._ _ _ nt,No 9, M 211, 461 3, 327 6* 1. 165 . 265 123 2, NI 1,381 Outlyingparts of the UnitedStales Alaska . 160 21 Canal 1 Zone_- . 14 o 4 1 (Juan] _ _ 111 ca 14 26 1 Hawaii . _ _ __ _ J 150 28 9 1 2 7 PhilippineIslands. 1CF, 711 115 51 3 5 2 2 PuertoRico _ _. 1, 790 23 1 20 1 2 1 Samoa . 24 . 26 Virgin - Islands Sti 3 ..... 1111 Mll IEstimated. 11936data. I yicludes28covnty normalschoolsnot included in1938. ,iry.4.1- BIENNIL:-1.10EY(0-El)t ("NI ii)N,1936 -3S C TABLE 4.Number ofdegree-graruingprofessional schwts 1 in highereducationand degreesgranted, 1937-38(independentschcertls and partsof universities) )egrees Number, Schools (cfinti.nerital1-nIted .tate of " h()015 1 Bache- Master's Doetr4 lor's 2 3 Arriculture .......... rio 3, Si1-1 40% 11, . - 541 th 497 . Architecture.. _ ..... 1:t4 10. 240 44 34 Commerce andbusiness . a Dentistry 39 1. 7t 4.4 35 Education... 297 31. 90.5 7,..**25 2'7: Engineering (al)branches) 146 10. L77 1, 117 144 Fine arts :t; 376 29 1, 716 52 I. Forestry.. -1 lIome economics 02 ; 1, 511 21 C.14 16 ; Journalism _ ..........
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