T H E E H K E T N KENSINGTON S I N G T SOCIETY O N 2017 –2018 S O C I E T Y 2 0 1 7 – 2 0 1 8 £5 for non-members KENSINGTON & CHELSEA The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea was created in 1965 with the merger of the two boroughs. Kensington, the area we watch over on your behalf, is north of Fulham Road and Walton Street, the frontier with Chelsea being marked with a red line on the map. Cover illustrations by Eileen Hogan, © the artist – for more about her see page 16 Editor: Michael Becket
[email protected] Designer: Ian Hughes www.mousematdesign.com Printed by KJS Print Services Limited E H T KENSINGTON 23 St James’s Gardens, London W11 4RE www.kensingtonsociety.org SociETy 2017–2018 The objects of the society are to preserve and improve the amenities of Kensington for the public benefit by stimulating interest in its history and records, promoting good architecture and planning in its development, and by protecting, preserving and improving its buildings, open spaces and other features of beauty or historic interest. Patron His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, KG, GcVo President Nick Ross Vice-President General, The Lord Ramsbotham of Kensington, GcB, cBE council Barnabus Brunner Peter De Vere Hunt Susan Lockhart Sir Angus Stirling trustees Amanda Frame, chairman Martin Frame, treasurer and membership secretary Michael Bach, chairman of the planning committee Michael Becket, annual report editor Thomas Blomberg, editor of newsletter and website, member of planning committee Sophia Lambert, member of the planning committee