Contract Agreement
Department of Public Works and Htghways : 20tt0014 : Rehabilitatlon/Malor Repair of Peruned Bndqet Pambuan Br. (800299sI1) alons cataman - laoarc Road ! Pambujan, Northem Samar Republlc of the Philippines DEPARTI\4ENI OF PUBUC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS t ,q B I{ORTHERI{ SAMAR 2iD DIS'BI6 EI{GII{EERII{G OFFTCE REGTOI{AT OFFTCE VIII ; Brqy, Bu6bud, tffinq, Northem Samar COI{TRACT AGREEi{EI{T KI'IOW ALI IIEN BY TIIESE PRESEI{TSI E- Thrs coinRAcr AGREEI'4Eir, made this L 'Z=ui i E The GOVCRIITE T OF rHE REPUBLIC OF THE PHIUPPINES E *1buqh the D€p.rtn€nt of Publi. wortl atrd Highmys (DPWH) r€presented herein by fERDt A D A. aRIONES. :E District Engln€er duly authorized for thls purpose, wih office add6 at Brgy. Burabu4 Laoang Noith€m Samar, hereinafter refened to as the "PROCURING E flTvn; and 5d B. VICCN(IO BUIIDERS, l C., organied and disting under and by virtue of laws of the Republlc of the Phrlrpphes, with offrce address at Brqy, caqsalaosao, I,4aharlika Highway, calbayoq city, r \Bgi rep@nted herein by RODI'IEY R(rSS L. ROLEDA duly autrorized 5 \\tE e for th,s purpose, her€imfter refemd to as the 'COI{T'rACIOR'j 5\; wrl ESSEIH! 9l WHEREAS, dE PROCURING ENTIIY is desirols that the CONTIACTOR exeote the WodG und€r 20I1001a ' Rehabilihiotr/iilior Repair ot Pem.nent &idgB, PEmburan Br. (80{,299SU) atong C.t man - Roa.l, Et Drmbuj.n, orth€.n Samar, hereinafrer call€d "trle WodG" and the I PROCURING ENTITY h6 a@pted th€ Calculated Bid of 6E COmFACTOR for th€ exsution ard @mpletion of the Works at the ololakd unit bid pnces g tabulated below, or a total ContEct price of FM irIU.IOx OI{E HUNDRED EIGXT THOUSA D EGllI HUI{DRED ITT ETEE PESOS AI{D O5llix' * (Pt108,819.o5) wih a contEct Duration or in€ty (90) calendar dars, e E and the Emedyinq of any defect the.ein.
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