Agenda Item No: 3

Agenda Item No:

North Joint Planning Committee Meeting [NNJPC]

Minutes: 29 July 2010, 8.00pm

Council Chamber Borough Council

(Meeting held in public)

Present for all or part of the meeting:-

Bob Seery, Northamptonshire County Council (Elected as Casual Chairman for this meeting)

Councillor George Blackwell, Borough Council of Councillor Pauline Bradbury, Council Councillor David Brackenbury, East Northamptonshire Council Councillor Stan Heggs, Borough Council Councillor Graham Lawman, Borough Council of Wellingborough Councillor Bob Seery, Northamptonshire County Council Councillor Chris Stanbra, Northamptonshire County Council Councillor Michael Tebbutt, Kettering Borough Council Councillor Geoff Timms, Borough Council of Wellingborough Councillor Robin Underwood, East Northamptonshire Council Councillor Alison Wiley, Kettering Borough Council

Also present: Terry Begley Corby Borough Council Roy Boulton Northamptonshire County Council Andra Bowyer Joint Planning Unit Paul Hanson Northamptonshire County Council (minutes) Mike Haybyrne Borough Council of Wellingborough Karen Horner North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Simon James North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Andrew Longley Planning Manager, North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit Trevor Watson East Northamptonshire Council Steven Wood Borough Council of Wellingborough

15/10 Apologies and non-attendance

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Peter McEwan, Corby Borough Council, Councillor Mark Pengelly, Corby Borough Council, Councillor Chris Stanbra, Northamptonshire County Council and Councillor Malcolm Waters, Borough Council of Wellingborough.

Agenda Item No: 3

16/10 Declarations of interest by Councillors


17/10 Minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010

RESOLVED: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting held on 29 April 2010.

18/10 Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman

The Committee Manager, Paul Hanson, invited nominations for the Chairman of the Committee for 2010/11. Councillor Waters was proposed by Councillor Heggs and seconded by Councillor Seery. There were no further nominations.

RESOLVED that: Councillor Waters be appointed as North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Committee Chairman for 2010/11.

The Committee Manager invited nominations for the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for 2010/11. Councillor Seery was proposed by Councillor Heggs and seconded by Councillor Underwood. Councillor Lawman was proposed by Councillor Brackenbury and seconded by Councillor Bradbury. The two nominations were voted upon whereupon it was

RESOLVED that: Councillor Lawman be appointed as North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Committee Deputy Chairman for 2010/11.

There being no other business the meeting concluded at 8.15pm

Paul Hanson Democratic Support Service, Northamptonshire County Council