AFRO PESSIMISM “SLAVERY IS THE THRESHOLD OF THE POLITICAL WORLD, ABOLITION THE INTERMINABLE RADICALIZATION OF EVERY RADICAL MOVEMENT.” AFRO- PESSIMISM AN INTRODUCTION racked & dispatched designed. printed. bound. minneapolis, january 2017 no copyright authorization not sought or granted in the production of this edition. any part of this book may be reproduced, stored virtually, or transmitted by any means, electronic, physical, supernatural, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. this reader is not intended for profit. free pdf | connect: racked&
[email protected] set in AVANT-GARDE and Baskerville 91 14 20 66 6 CONTENTS Introduction 7 I. Blacks and the Master/Slave Relation | 2015 15 FRANK B. WILDERSON, III II. The Burdened Individuality of Freedom | 1997 31 SAIDIYA HARTMAN III. The Avant-Garde of White Supremacy | 2002 49 STEVE MARTINOT & JARED SEXTON IV. The Prison Slave as Hegemony’s (Silent) 67 Scandal | 2003 FRANK B. WILDERSON, III V. The Belly of the World: A Note on Black 80 Women’s Labors | 2016 SAIDIYA HARTMAN VI. Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American 91 Grammar Book | 1987 HORTENSE J. SPILLERS VII. The Vengeance of Vertigo: Aphasia and Abjection 123 in the Political Trials of Black Insurgents | 2011 FRANK B. WILDERSON, III VIII. The Vel of Slavery: Tracking the Figure of 148 the Unsovereign | 2014 JARED SEXTON References 170 Further Reading 178 INTRODUCTION his reader is intended to be an introduction to the theory Tcalled Afro-pessimism. Collected in this volume are articles spanning three decades of thought, with topics ranging from police violence, the labor of Black women, and the slave’s transformation following emancipation, to the struggles of the Black Liberation Army and elements of anti-Blackness in Indigenous struggles for sovereignty.