INDEED HE HAS RISEN! Sunday, April 19, 2020 Gospel: St. John 1:1-17 Epistle: Acts 1:1-8 THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR CHRIST Beginning of the / Ven. John of the Ancient Caves in Palestine APRIL Bulletin Sponsor: Father Andrew in memory of his mother, Dorothy on the occasion of her birthday For Your Prayers Julia Guzy (96 ½ yrs old) Liturgical & Events Schedule 1601 Church Rd Marblehead, OH 43440 h FOR WEEK OF APRIL 19TH c Due to the Corona Virus all services are

r Diane Tryon

o i

c suspended until further notice.

u 109 Joslyn Street m

a Arcadia, OH 44804






e Please remember our shut-ins especially now

h June 12 - 13

t x t during this National Crisis.

a Deanery celebration of 50th




t Anniversary of OCA.

n d





d i o March 29: Mountain Apache officer David

w s Holy Trinity Orthodox

e d

r April 5: Victims from the Milwaukee Shooting

i h

P Church Parma, OH

t M

l April 12: FF Tommy from AZ




r n h April 26: 2 marines Moises & Diego killed in

t Friday, June 12


f o

O Iraq and 2 Americans killed in Iraq / Police

o 6:30pm: Akathist to All American Saints



h officer from Philadelphia

s followed by a talk about the journey of the




n c

r OCA. May 3: Police officer killed in Ohio




P o

May 10: Police officer from Phoenix





Saturday, June 13



C 9:00am: Greeting of the Bishop followed by MAY BULLETIN AND CANDLE


Divine Liturgy and a All American Breakfast


o m

t Buffet. RSVP required. Watch for sign up

c e

u sheet. Bulletin: ($50) Fr. Andrew on the occasion of my



s 15th Anniversary to the Holy Priesthood


e s

t Chandelier: ($50) Open

r a

B Altar Candles: ($50) Fr. Andrew in memory of


w APRIL BULLETIN AND Metropolitan Nicholas, my ordaining Bishop


r y

d CANDLE SPONSORS and my parents George & Dorothy

l n

A Candles on the Tomb: ($25) Open

. o

r Bulletin: ($50) Fr. Andrew: In memory of Eternal Light & Screen: ($25) Open F

H my mother, Dorothy on the occasion of her b-day Chandelier: ($50) Basil: In loving memory of Jean Altar Candles: ($50) Laura: In loving memory of her mother Margaret Candles on the Tomb: ($25) From Basil Eternal Light & Icon Screen: ($25) Open

110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 PG 2 [email protected] Metropolitan Tikhon and Patriarch Kirill of MONTHLY TITHING ONLY Moscow Speak by Phone on Lazarus APRIL Goal Pledged per month: $4,600 On April 11, 2020, Lazarus Saturday, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon spoke by phone with His Holi- Sunday, April 5: $670 ness Patriarch Kirill of Russia from his residence at the of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. OTHER INCOME FROM APRIL His Beatitude extended greetings to His Holiness for the Feast of the Raising of Lazarus, and the upcoming Sunday, April: $60 Vigils; $50 Special . Collection for march (mission box) His Holiness congratulated Metropolitan Tikhon on the fiftieth anniversary of the granting of the Tomos DANBURY FOOD PANTRY - of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in America, MAY which was celebrated on Friday, April 10. Suggested donation of tomato, chicken noodle or His Beatitude and His Holiness discussed the current vegetable soup (and other non-perishable goods) status of their churches in relation to the COVID-19 will be collected through May 10. pandemic, and necessary actions taken by their Holy Donations will be delivered to the food pantry Synods. Thursday, May 14. His Beatitude and His Holiness exchanged greetings, words of brotherly support, and mutual prayers for a prayerful and spiritually uplifting and Metropolitan Tikhon and Ecumenical Pascha of Jesus Christ. Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople Speak by Phone on Lazarus Saturday On April 14, 2020, , His Beatitude VIGILS -APRIL 5 Metropolitan Tikhon spoke by phone from his residence at the Monastery of Saint Tikhon of Sandy Martin (1) God’s Blessings and Peace for all Zadonsk with His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patri- suffering during this pandemic arch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Twarek (7) God's Blessings and Peace; Good health His Beatitude extended greetings to His All-Holi- for our parish family and our family and friends; In ness for a blessed continuation of Holy Week, and loving birthday memory of dear friend Sue; Health of a joyful and spiritually fulfilling Great and Holy Carter, Nancy, Mary; Health of Margi & Joe, Tom, Pascha. MaryAnn and Bob, Christine, Judy, Chuck , Steve, Bohdi, Heidi; Health of Liz, Joe, Sonya, Julia, Diane, His All-Holiness extended the same greetings to Stella, Ron, Jake, Helen; Special intentions; Special Metropolitan Tikhon, and warmly remembered the intentions visit of Metropolitan Tikhon to Constantinople and Cappadocia last summer.

Metropolitan Tikhon and His All-Holiness shared with each other information related to the response of their churches to the COVID-19 pandemic on the synodal and parochial level. APRIL SPECIAL COLLECTION His Beatitude and His All-Holiness exchanged final greetings for mutual health and well being. Saint Tikhon’s Seminary

110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 [email protected] PG 3 PRAYER LIST Updated 4-15 Clergy: Tom Hileman Ben Franklin (Laura friend) His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius Alice Jackson (Mazurik) Theodore Geletka His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman William Jappsen (Diane T.) (St. Michael Broadview John Duranko (Father’s home pastor) Michael Kouznetsov (Mary Heights’ choir director) James Gleason (Father’s Spiritual Father) Hiser’s son) Brad George (Christi’s friend) Moses Barry Kris Kollar (Fr.’S cousin) Donald Gresh (Basil) Steven Frase Betty Kovach Elliot Joy (Police chief’s son) Joseph Gibson Kristen (Cassell’s daughter) Scott Kluding (Twarek) Gregory Grivna Terri Lariccia (fr’s cousin) Tommy Leonchik (Fr’s friend) Emilian Hutnyan David LaValle (Fr.’s cousin) Jake Lipstraw (Twarek) Josef Von Klarr Helen Lis Mark Ludvik (Guzy) Dan Kovolick Greg Mazur Anna Maiani (Friend of Wayne- Vladimir Lecko Judy Mazurik (Paul Mazurik’s) Claudia McDonald (Twarek) David Lis Toddler Stella Miller Pauline Meath (Fr’s) Myron Manzuk Katelyn Pipenur (Niece of Jean) Tim Nash (Royhab) Philip Lasbrook Earl Rindfleisch Charlie Nowak (Avery’s) Christopher Phillips Helen Jean Rofkar (Elchisco) Beth Reinhard ( Diane friend) Dan Ring (St Joes) Joe Rose Chris Reinheimer (Bruno’s) Benjamin Tucci Maryann Royhab Sandy Scafaria (friend of Jean) Peter Tutko Steven Schirtzinger (Soski) Arby Shenesky ( Pastor Bob’s Deacon Nicholas Denysenko Christy Schutt (Joe’s sister) sister) Deacon Paul Gansle Peter Truta (Jean H’s cousin) Betty (Elizabeth) Slanta Deacon Gregory Krutchak Diane Tryon (sister-in-law of Kathy ) Deacon Paul Mitchell Greg Tryon John Slanta (brother of Kathy Sub-deacon Wylie Meath Christine Twarek Jacob Tom Twarek Matthew Sterling (Tyron) Carter Twarek John Sutko (Fr.’S Friend) Matushkii: Katie and her baby Bodhi Devin Thomson (Jamestown) Pani Patricia Duranko (Cassell’s daughter-in-law) Janice Timko Pani Stacey Mihaley & her Myra Kovolick Philip (Andy) Timko newborn Azariah (Fr.’s Cousin) Virginia Lecko Steve Turinsky (Twarek) Nikki & her unborn baby Maura McCartney Bob Van Osdol (Twarek) Katherine & her unborn baby Jillian Rettig Chuck Wiedenhoft (Twarek) (Fr.’s cousin) Snezana Ruzic Richard Williams (Twarek) Sonya Tutko Norma Williams (Twarek Ian Williams (Twarek) Parishioners / & their Family: Other Requests: Rachel (Darlene M.) Molly & her unborn baby John Beadle (Elcishko) Sandra Alex (Muzyka) Mollie & her unborn baby Newborn Samuel Calzone (fr.s cousin) Alexia (Fr.’s friend) MaryAnn Cook (Cousin to Twarek’s) Infant Baylor John Richard Elchisco Dick Biro (Natalie’s friend) Ruthe Flewelling Anna Burch (Wayne’s friend) Military: Debbie Garnek (Roddie’s sister) Breeana (Kowal) Teenager who Craig Cassell Michael Glovinsky (Basil’s nephew) ran away from foster home Nathan Brown Heidi Golob Delores Danchisen Alena Grabavoy Shirley Gresh (Wife of Ernest) Layne Demkosky Alex Julia Guzy Paul Demkosky (Fr’s friend) Jake Ellithorpe Joseph Habegger (Laura brother-in-law) Marge Dziama Con’t Next Page Barb Heffernan Mary Dziak (Twarek)

110 E Main Street, Marblehea8-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 PG 4 [email protected]

“The Grace of the Holy Spirit has thoroughly cultivate our ascetic lives, we will learn to gathered us together” effortlessly say, “Thy will be done,” and continue to By His Grace Bishop Alexis worship our Lord in whatever conditions He has provid- In an earlier age, ascetic monks would have spent ed for us. During this time of quarantine, our Lord is their days of and praying alone in the giving us the opportunity to become more ascetic Chris- desert beyond the Jordan. And on this day of Palm tians with a deeper inner life. And in so doing, He is Sunday, they would return to their monastery with offering us the keys that open up the mysteries of Holy their bodies worn from fasting, but their spirits re- Week and the glory of Pascha in a way no commentary newed from inner prayer. This was a day of rejoic- or text could even touch. ing, for their hearts were overflowing with the exhilaration that comes from so many days of con- Asceticism and an inner spiritual life. That is the only versing with the Lord Jesus, “the joy of all, the truth, answer for celebrating Holy Week this year. This may be the light, the life, and the resurrection of the world” a disorienting paradigm shift, if our spiritual life has (Kontakion for Lazarus Saturday). And at , been limited exclusively to gathering together on Sunday they would sing the hymn that has been sung in our and celebrating the Eucharist or receiving Holy Commu- Churches for over a thousand years, “Today the nion. But a paradigm shift is not necessarily bad; it in grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together, and fact provides us with a new approach to a new problem we all take up Thy Cross and say: Blessed is He that that opens up a new world making that problem now comes in the Name of the Lord; Hosanna in the solvable. Of course, gathering together on Sunday and highest.” They would sing the hymn, they would feel the reception of Holy Communion are incomparable the grace, and they would be ready to follow their consolations for the faithful. Nothing can possibly com- Lord with the waving of Palms, with the breaking of pare to delighting in the feast of the Kingdom, to living bread, with lamenting by the Cross, by waiting by in the light of the Eighth Day, to becoming one Body the tomb, and then by calling out to all the word, with our brothers and sisters and to partaking of the one “Christ is Risen, trampling down death by death and Body that is the very fountain of immortality. And yet upon those in the tombs bestowing life.” this upper room in the life of the Christian is situated at the top of a spiritual ladder formed by a life of active Many of us understandably mourn our inability to virtue and inner prayer. There are no short-cuts to holi- gather together as a Church for the celebration of ness; it is a struggle like moving forward during this time Palm Sunday. Many of us are understandably dis- of quarantine. tressed about our inability to receive or celebrate the holy mysteries. Instead of singing, “The Grace of the As Orthodox Christians, we confess that our salvation is Holy Spirit has gathered us together” in our homes, a synergy between the grace of God and the willingness we may feel like chanting, “How shall we sing the of God’s children to accept that grace and live according Lord’s song in a strange land?” (Psalm 137:4). And to it. This present crisis has helped us to Con’t Pg 9 yet, the grace of the Holy Spirit is even now teaching us something precious during this most strange of Holy Weeks. We are being taught to look to the PRAYER LIST CONTINUED examples of Saints, ascetics, and confessors who not only underwent much greater deprivations, but also Captives: managed emerge from such periods with even great- Metropolitan Paul (Orthodox Archdiocese of er sanctity. For many, the distance between our lives Aleppo) and those of these saints, were it not for the imposed Archbishop John (Syriac Archdiocese of Aleppo) quarantine, is too vast to be instructive. But the The UN & IOCC humanitarian aid workers in & reason it is so vast is not the difference in outer around Syria; Those suffering persecution in conditions, but the difference in our inner worlds. If Iraq, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Ukraine and through- we strive to better develop our inner spiritual lives, out the world we will joyfully realize that we can be in deep communion with Christ at any moment. If we more

110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 PG 5 [email protected] APRIL Celebrations ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY 20- Ron & Bobbie Royhab 1-Shawn Lariccia 18- Nancy Bunge 4-30-2011: Retired Bishop Matthias 2- Fr. Andrew 18- Diane Tryon of Chicago 4- His Grace Bishop Matthias 22- Greg Tryon NAMESDAY 5-Fr. Herman Kincaid 23- Paul Demkosky Jr 4-22: Archbishop Nathaniel of 5- Nicholas Schutt 24- Jim Mazur Detroit 10- Jean Hileman 24-Matt Lariccia III 4-25: Archbishop Mark of Philadel- 13- Jennifer Heffernan 27- William Jerome phia 13-Margarita Leso 27- Katie Cassell 17- Natalie Twarek 29- Katie Twarek If there are those names to be added or removed, please contact Fr. Andrew. He would like to list all members of your family Orthodox and non-Orthodox. APRIL Reposed 1-Andy Basala (1982) 12- Helen Tomko (1989) 26- Russell Kovach (1981) 1-Larry Twarek (2019) 14- Paul Glovinsky (1978) 28-Ann Kovalick (2018) 4- Sophia Jump (2012) 15- Stephen Brooks (2005) 29- Olga Kollmeier (1972) 4- Rose Bartek (1986) 16- Mary Wright (2005) 30- Anthony Hubicki (1977) 4- Harry Flewelling (2018) 17- Lois Mazurik (1999) Dolores Martin (1974) 6- John Sabol (2017) 22- Olga Belenky (1971) Herb Hobson (2004) 7- Louis M. Benya (1976) 22- John Beadle (1988) Charles Rose (2015) 7- Mitered Archpriest Basil 22- Fred Millie (1996) Michael Elchisco (1913) Dziama (1969) Former Pastor 24- Demasthony Ballan (1968) Andrew Kopchock (1914) 7- Bob Mazur (2018) 24- Fr. Stephen Dutko (2009) Anna Onyock (1916) 11- Archbishop John (1982) 26- Margaret Mazur (1987) 11- LaVerne Schutt (2014)

Hristos a-înviat ; Adevărat a-înviat Romanian

Al'Masiah qam Haqqan qam Arabic

110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 [email protected] PG 6 ARCHPASTORAL MESSAGE OF HIS heavenly Bread of Christ’s Body at this time as is BEATITUDE customary, let us at least focus on ensuring that our METROPOLITAN TIKHON brothers and sisters around us have enough common PASCHA - 2020 bread: food and other basic needs. In so doing, we will follow Christ’s example, who made sure that the thou- To the Venerable Clergy, Monastics, and Faithful sands had enough food to eat, and who worked to heal of the Orthodox Church in America, the diseased and the sick.

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! My beloved children in Christ, the manner in which we celebrate Pascha this year, whether in our homes or in Today we celebrate the feast of feasts, the radiant limited services, should suggest to no one that our joyful feast of the Lord’s Resurrection. He be- Lord’s Pascha has been canceled or in any way dimin- came a man like us, and was crucified, suffered, ished. Giving thanks to Christ for the mystery of his and was buried for us. And today, after three days salvation, let us all boldly cry out in full knowledge and in the tomb, He rises from the dead, offering us all assurance, “Christ is Risen!” Let us respond, indeed, by the promise of Resurrection unto eternal life. courageously walking in the “newness of life” that Christ gives us today. Our life in the Resurrection begins even now. Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen! Although we still live in the flesh, we should not live according to the flesh, only thinking of our +Tikhon own bodily needs and desires. Jesus Christ’s Res- Archbishop of Washington urrection calls us, regardless of our situation in Metropolitan of All America and Canada life, to live spiritually mature lives even now. The essence of such a spiritual life is to lay down 2020 PASCHAL MESSAGE FROM HIS GRACE one’s life for others, in imitation of Christ who BISHOP PAUL died for the benefit of all. This is the calling of the As I began to reflect on what to write this year during new life that Christ’s Resurrection gives us: “so this abnormal and unusual time, a number of scripture that as Christ was raised from the dead by the verses grabbed hold of me that I want to speak on. The glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness first is from St. Matthew’s gospel. of life (Romans 6:4).” Then many false prophets will rise up and de- ceive many. And because lawlessness will This year, our Paschal celebration comes in the abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and not one of who endures to the end shall be saved. (Matthew us is experiencing the full celebration of the ser- 24:11-13) vices. A few are present at the limited services, The next is from Psalm 42. while the majority are praying along at home. Yet As a hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for all of us, wherever we find ourselves, can live you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. according to the Resurrection by putting others’ When shall I come and behold the face of God? My tears needs before our own. In the Old Covenant, in the have been my food day and night, while men say to me same breath in which God urged His people to continually, “Where is your God?” These things I re- “keep His Sabbaths,” He also urged them to re- member, as I pour out my soul: how I went with the member the poor and the sojourner, and leave throng, and led them in to the house of God, portions of their grain and grapes to them (Levit- with glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving, a multitude icus 19:3-10). May we too, in keeping the Lord’s keeping festival. Why are you cast down, O my soul, Pascha, the First of Sabbaths, remember the poor and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for and needy, the sick and suffering before our- I shall again praise him, my help and my God. (Psalm selves, particularly at this time of the economic 42:1-5) The above verses point to a choice to avoid and turmoil caused by the Coronavirus. As many of us one to embrace. The one to avoid is something we are are unable to commune of the facing today. Con’t next page 110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 [email protected] PG 7 Bishop Paul’s Message con’t There is a weeping that springs from contem- The lawlessness we face in the world especially in plating eternal good and longing for future the choices we make in how to live our lives has light, and tears of joy and desire cannot help resulted in the love of many growing cold. The but break out as the soul is athirst for the pathway to self-centeredness, greed, and self will mighty living God. (St. John Cassian on Psalm has resulted in many finding fault with each other 42:3) instead of loving each other and respecting that each one of us is created in the image of God. In God’s home there is an everlasting party. What is Self-justification, and self-righteousness has result- celebrated there is not some occasion that passes; the ed in people demanding the right to live a certain choirs of angels keep eternal festival, for the eternally way. It has also resulted in a pseudo form of righ- present face of God is joy never diminished. This is a teous behavior that condemns those who don’t live feast day that does not open at dawn or close at sun- the way they are supposed to live. This is according down. (St. Augustine on Psalm 42:4) to a distorted understanding of the gospel we have As tragic as this virus has been and the loss it has embraced in how we treat those who don’t live like brought into our lives, it has also given us the opportu- we do. So the fruit of this lawlessness is that our nity to return to a way of living our lives that we may love for each other has grown cold. During this have lost sight of; to thirst for the living God because Lenten season it is my prayer and hope that we have our love has grown cold. Have we been able to experi- gotten in touch with that lawlessness by which we ence and believe what Christ said to when he have lived our own lives and repented. But more raised Lazarus? “I am the resurrection and the life; he importantly I pray and hope that we have repented who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, of the sin of our love having grown cold. This leads and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. me to Psalm 42, which I cited above; and here lies Do you believe this? (John 11:25-26) ” The above the solution to getting out of this bad habit of living. words from the gospel of Matthew and from Psalm 42, If we have done what we are supposed to during point to a way that leads to death, and way that leads to Lent, and especially in this time where our lives life. This way to life is embodied in the words Jesus have been drastically affected by the Coronavirus, expressed to Martha at the raising of Lazarus. This then there is no better place to be on this Pascha of brings me to some words from Psalm 104 that are read our Lord than to be thirsting for the living God. at all Vesper services. Please hear from some of our Church fathers on this theme. These all look to you, to give them their food in due season. When you give to them, they gather God has everything that will refresh you. He it up; when you open your hand, they are filled is able to fill anyone who comes to him. This with good things. When you hide your face, is what I am thirsting for, to reach him and they are dismayed; when you take away their to appear before him. I am thirsty on my breath, they die and return to their dust. When pilgrimage, parched in my running, but I you send forth your Spirit they are created; and will be totally satisfied when I arrive. (St. you renew the face of the ground (or earth). Augustine on Psalm 42:1) (Psalm 104: 27-30) The person, however, who has once tasted These verses from Psalm 104 point to the Death and virtue and has come to understand its na- Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ who God the ture by his own experience of the good is no Father has raised from the dead in the power of the longer the kind of person who must be Holy Spirit, having become the first-born of the dead. dragged away from his passionate attach- St. Gregory of Nyssa gives this assurance of the resur- ment to evil by necessity and warning and rection of the soul and body quoting his sister St. compelled to look to virtue. On the con- Macrina: trary, he has an excessive thirst for what is Con’t Pg 15 superior . . .. He “thirsts” for participation in God more than “the hart” longs for “the fountains of water.” (St. Gregory of Nyssa on Psalm 42:2) 110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 PG 8 [email protected]