The Challenge of XBRL: Business Reporting for the Investor
Thechallenge of XBRL: business reportingfor theinvestor Alison Jonesand Mike Willis Abstract The Internet nancialreporting language known asXBRL continues to developand has now reachedthe point wheremuch of its promised benets areavailable. The authors look atthe history of this project, provide acasestudy of how Morgan Stanleyhas madeuse of the system andpredict some developmentsfor the future. Keywords Financial reporting, Financial services,Internet Alison Jones isan Assurance enyears ago, only ahandful of visionaries could haveforeseen the impactof the Internet Partner specializingin on the entire business world andthe information-exchange community. Today, a technology, infocomms and T decadelater, we areon the brinkof anInternet revolution that will redene the ‘‘business entertainment,and media. She reporting’’ paradigm.This revolution will not taketen years to impactbusiness communication. isthe PricewaterhouseCoopers The newInternet technology, eXtensibleBusiness Reporting Language (XBRL), is alreadybeing XBRLServices Leader for the deployedand used across the world. UK, andrepresents the rm on theUK XBRLconsortium. For many companies, the Internet playsa keyrole in communicating business information, MikeWillis, Deputy Chief internally to management andexternally to stakeholders.Company Web sites, extranets and Knowledge Ofcer of intranets enableclients, business partners, employees, nancial marketparticipants and PricewaterhouseCoopers’ other stakeholders to accessbusiness information. Although the needfor standardization of
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