We are delighted to welcome you to our school through the pages of our school brochure!

Lutley Primary is a successful school with an excellent reputation within the borough of . It is a three-form entry school, having three classes of approximately 30 children in each year group. The school achieves an ethos of family care despite it being one of the largest primaries in the borough. In March 2010 our school was judged to be outstanding by OFSTED. The teaching, leadership and management were all judged to be outstanding. Our parents and children are very supportive and enjoy being part of our school community.

In January 2012 Lutley Primary School joined forces with Lapal Primary School to become the first Federation in Dudley MBC. Our official title is „The Federation of Lapal Primary School and Lutley Primary School‟.

Our Federation has one Governing Body across the two schools and is led by one Executive Headteacher. Each school is led, on a day by day basis, by the Head of School. Each Head of School is supported by an Assistant head of School. At Lutley the Head of School is Mrs Cox and the Assistant Head of School is Miss Smith.

Our children enter the school in Foundation Stage from supportive, interested homes. Our induction programme into Reception enables parents to maintain an active partnership in their child‟s learning throughout the vital early primary years. We welcome parents into school and endeavour to keep positive communication channels open so that all our families feel able to share hopes, dreams and concerns with us.

We have high expectations at Lutley and we expect everyone to do their best. Not all children are academics so we aim to encourage an atmosphere of respect and celebration where individuals can work towards their unique potential, recognising that best efforts are rewarded and rewarding. As a staff we aim to model this approach through giving our very best, recognising that we too need to be active in securing individual development to achieve all that we can. Our school vision is to secure learning for all in a climate of independence and mutual care. We want Lutley to be a learning organisation, which is vibrant and creative, where people at all levels are motivated and thrilled by all that education has to offer.

I very much look forward to welcoming you to our school family. One of the delights of our job is to show families around our school to see teaching and learning in action. Parents can pick up the „feel‟ of the school at this time and note how children and staff relate to each other. Ours is a happy, secure and rigorous environment and a tour of the school will demonstrate the respect, the fun and the challenge therein.

We look forward to meeting you.

Jeannette Mackinney Rebecca Cox Executive Headteacher Head of School


Lutley Primary School Information

Address: Brookwillow Road B63 1BU

Telephone: 01384 818220 Fax: 01384 818221 E-mail: [email protected]

Pupils on Roll: 629

Executive Headteacher:Mrs Jeannette Mackinney

Head of School: Mrs Rebecca Cox

Chair of Governors: Mr George Craig (contactable through the school)

School Hours: 8.45am – 3.30pm

Local Education office: Westox House 1 Trinity Road Dudley DY1 1JQ

Telephone: 01384 814225


School Aims and Vision

The school aims are encapsulated by our school mission statement which is:

Learning, Caring, Aiming High - Together


Before application all parents are given the opportunity to make an appointment to visit the School. They will be welcomed and shown around by the Executive Head Teacher, Mrs J Mackinney, the Head of School, Mrs R Cox or Assistant Head of School Miss K Smith.

Admissions Policy

All preferences for community and voluntary controlled primary schools within Dudley Borough will be assessed against the following priorities, regardless of ranking, wherever possible we will seek to allocate a place at the school of the parents‟ highest ranking. If the child meets the admissions criteria for more than one school listed as a preference, the School Admissions Service will allocate the school that the parent ranked highest on their form. Priority is not given to first preference applicants.

a) First priority will be given to relevant “looked after children”

b) Second priority shall be given to children with a “serious and ongoing medical condition” where the preferred school is the most appropriate to meet the condition. (please see the admissions booklet for more information)

c) Third priority to children who have a brother or sister already at the school who will still be attending at the time of entry.

d) Any places that remain available once the above applicants have been admitted will be filled according to those children who live closest to the school, determined by a straight line measurement from the home address to the main entrance of the school.

All application are made via www.dudley.gov.uk/admissions. Letters are sent out from the LEA informing Parents of the school to which their child has been allocated a place.

School Admissions and Entry in 2013/2014 2013/14 - Applies to children born between 1st September 2008 and 31st August 2009. Please apply online at www.dudley.gov.uk/admissions. Dudley‟s admissions service processes all applications. The School admission number is 90 pupils per year.


Pre-School Children

We are grateful for all the help parents give us in preparing their children properly for School. It is most useful if: Children can dress and undress themselves. Tie shoelaces or fasten buckles. Hold a pencil or crayon properly and colour a picture. Distinguish colour. Know the most popular Nursery Rhymes. Can use the toilet and inform their teacher when they need to visit! Listen to a story.

Early Years Foundation Stage

There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). All areas of learning are important and inter-connected. Three areas are crucial for igniting children‟s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. The three prime areas are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development.

The children are also supported in four specific areas, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied. These specific areas are:

English Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

Each area of learning is implemented through planned, purposeful play and a combination of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Learning is guided by the children‟s individual needs, interests and stages of development. Topics, for example „Space‟, are enhanced by a visit from a planetarium and „Mini-beasts‟ by observing butterflies as they emerged from cocoons, exploring Tulley‟s garden and visiting our „Forest School‟.

We believe that play is essential for children‟s development; it builds their confidence as they learn to explore. We provide opportunities for child- initiated play in each classroom and outdoors, with a range of natural and man-made resources.

Play enables children to think about problems, take risks and relate to each other. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. It is important that children are given the opportunity to investigate and experience, and initiated to „have a go‟. Through active learning, we encourage the children to concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties. At Lutley, the children have the opportunity to develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop

4 strategies for doing things; for example den-making, constructing and role- play. As all aspects of young children‟s learning are linked, we provide the children with indoor and outdoor learning environments which offer opportunities for holistic development.

Successful relationships between parents and educators have long-lasting and beneficial effects on children‟s learning and well-being. We provide opportunities to develop relationships at the beginning of the children‟s school experience by visiting their pre-school settings, inviting parents into school for workshops, home visits and pre-school sessions. Throughout the year, EYFS parents are invited into school frequently to spend time working alongside their child and sharing activities together. Positive relationships are important; each child has a key worker, so that every child and every family has a „special‟ relationship with one member of staff.

To support the children‟s transition to Year 1, there are shared focus days, celebrations and activities, which develop the children‟s confidence and provide exciting, shared learning opportunities.

Year 1 and 2

As the children move into Year 1, they move from the EYFS Curriculum to the National Curriculum. Their learning is then presented through a range of adult-led, adult-initiated, child-initiated and challenge activities. Each of these has a focus on refining skills and applying and extending their knowledge and understanding.

During structured, teacher-led activities, the children are offered learning experiences to equip them with the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills for them to become independent life-long learners, who take responsibility for and initiate their own learning.

As a continuation from the EYFS, the Year 1 Team creates environments to inspire interest, motivate and challenge the children. Within the learning environment, the children participate in first-hand, active, concrete opportunities, which encourage them to be curious, to take risks, to investigate, to discover and to explore.

We have many shared focus days and activities which support transition from the EYFS into Year 1, and later on in the school calendar from Year 1 to Year 2. These are delivered to develop confidence and provide exciting shared opportunities. Year 1 parents are invited into school each week to spend time working alongside their child in a range of activities that support or extend their child‟s learning.

As the children move into Year 2 the routines of school have become well established and the education for the children gradually becomes more formal. Children are taught increasingly as a whole class. They are also set for mathematics at the beginning of Year 2, so that staff can cater more specifically for the individual needs of the children. We work very hard in Years 1 and 2 to ensure that the curriculum is enriched with exciting tasks and activities. Each of our engaging topics includes off-site visits and/or specialists into school to work with the children. The children in Year 2 will also have the opportunity to attend a range of after school clubs.


Year 3 and 4

As the children move into the Year 3 and 4 team, the routines of school have become well established and the education for the children begins to become more formal. Children make the transition from Year 2 in key stage 2 with a number of initiatives to help children adjust to the pace and systems in Year 3.

We work very hard to ensure that the curriculum is enriched with exciting tasks and activities so that children enjoy their learning. Each of our exciting „Irresistible Learning‟ topics includes off site visits and/or specialists into school to work with the children. The children in Year 3 and 4 will also have the opportunity to attend a range of after school clubs ranging from the more common activities such as football and gym, through to the more specialised activities of chess, orchestra and performances.

Children are encouraged to take more responsibility in school both in learning and social situations. Self-assessment of their work becomes embedded within all subjects and opportunities for collaborative work are increased. Parents and carers are regularly invited into school to see children‟s work, work with their children and be involved in productions.

In Year 3 children are encouraged to use discussion with their peers to help inspire ideas for writing across the curriculum. Opportunities to interact with older children help them to develop important social skills and acceptance of the differences between them and their peers. Children are accepted into houses in order to experience positive competition; gaining points for effective work, behaviour and sporting competitions. In Year 4 children experience a rapid increase in the pace of their lessons, as staff encourage the children to aim high and step towards ambitious targets whilst providing stimulating and engaging lessons, enriching experiences and a wealth of responsibilities such as: recycling, monitors jobs, child initiated projects and their ownership of their short term targets.

During Year 3 and 4 children experience performance opportunities to help build confidence or realise potential in the arts. These include a Christmas performance, talent show and our yearly stage production. Year 4 children join Year 5 in this to produce an exciting and high quality show, previous examples are „Joseph‟, „Oliver Twist‟, „The Wizard of Oz‟ and our most recent, „Treasure Island‟ was a roaring success and kept on the Lutley tradition of striving to better ourselves.


Year 5 and 6

A broad, balanced curriculum ensures children learn in exciting and engaging ways in Years 5 and 6. We promote independence and resilience; all children are encouraged to aim high in everything they do and we actively seek to teach the skills and knowledge to enable our children to be life-long learners. Children regularly reflect on their own learning and in partnership with their teachers identify their successes and next steps in learning. Home-school links are very important to us and we always seek ways in which to involve parents and carers in homework activities and initiatives such as workshops.

By becoming actively involved in school life the children improve their leadership skills. They become caring, responsible citizens by carrying out important roles such as: House Captains, Head and Deputy Boys and Girls, Playground Leaders, Buddy Supervisors and a wide variety of other monitor jobs.

Those children with sporting interests take part in numerous tournaments in a variety of sports. Our very successful athletes enjoy the opportunity to compete at a higher level against other schools at the District Sports event. In addition to this our varied after school clubs offer something for everyone and widen our children‟s interests and further develop their social skills. Year 6 are invited to a residential trip where teamwork skills and problem solving are our main focus; fears are faced and fond memories created. Exciting visitors and out of school trips linked to our creative topics further enhance the children‟s learning.

In collaboration with Year 4, Year 5 children have the opportunity to take centre stage in front of large audiences by acting, singing and dancing in the annual stage production. Then, in Year 6 our children celebrate their time at Lutley through a Leavers‟ Night performance. Both year groups have the chance to showcase their unique talents to the rest of the school at the „Lutley‟s Got Talent‟ annual Christmas show.

It is a time where we see our children blossom into young adults ready for their move to high school. By creating strong links with our local high schools we ensure that the transition is a happy and exciting time. We organise many opportunities for the children to work with secondary school teachers and arrange frequent visits throughout the academic year, so that the children are fully prepared for their next steps in education.


Extra Curricular Activities

We offer a variety of extra curricular activities throughout the school year, some lasting all year round and some for six week sessions. These activities take place at lunchtimes and after school.

Activities include: Girls and Boys Football, Chess Club, Tennis, Dance, Rugby, Choir, ICT Club, Netball, Basketball, Recorders, Cricket and Arts and Craft Clubs…. .

Educational Visits

We endeavour to ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part in a visit. Visits in 2012/13 have included residential visits to Kingswood Centre for Year 3 and Pioneer Centre for Year 6. Other trips include, theatre trips, bowling, Dudley Zoo, Museum, Severn Trent Water Treatment Works, Wonderland (Telford Park), Eco-Zone and Barry Island. The planned visits are linked closely with the curriculum and any topics your child may be studying.

Parents will receive a letter well in advance of the visit giving details of the trip; cost and including a parental permission slip which must be completed in order for your child to take part.

Lutley Buddy System

Within Year 5 pupils are encouraged to become “buddies”. This involves giving up their own playtime at break and lunch one day a week to support friendships in the playground. The buddy system also assists with wet play times arranging indoor activities. Pupils work closely with the Key Stage 2 mediator to identify problems that may occur and learn strategies to resolve any friendship worries or issues.

Playground Leaders

Pupils have the opportunity whilst in Year 6 to become playground leaders, working closely with members of staff. Playground leaders initiate structured play and games at break and lunchtime and encourage good friendships across all year groups. Excellent organisational and leadership skills are an essential quality for a playground leader. The playground leader programme is an extremely successful and organised scheme that follows a closely monitored training plan to increase confidence and create valuable members of society. This programme can lead to children progressing onto the Sports Leader Award when they go on to High School.


Term Dates 2013/2014

Autumn Term begins Monday 2nd September Autumn half Term Monday Oct 28th – Friday 1st Nov Autumn Term Ends Friday 20th Dec 2013

Spring Term Begins Monday 6th Jan 2014 Spring half Term Monday 17th Feb – Friday 21st Feb Easter Break Friday 11th April – Friday 25th April

5th May (May Day)

Summer half Term Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May Summer Term Ends Friday 18th July


Tuesday Monday 2nd September 2013 Monday 6th Jan 2014 Elections 22nd May 2014 Friday 23rd May 2014 Monday 21st July 2014

The School Day

Doors Open 8.45am

School Starts 8.55am

Morning Break 10.45 – 11.00am


Year R and 1 12.00-1.00pm

Year 2 12.15-1.15pm

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 12.30-1.30pm

End of School 3.30pm


The Playgrounds

Children can come into school from 8.45 am. They can enter via the playground doors, which are always manned by a member of staff. Years 5 & 6 go straight into their classrooms via the external classroom doors. If you have a message to pass on please see the member of staff on duty at the door or come to the main school office. Please do not follow your child into school via the classroom doors.

The Main Entrance

This entrance is not used by pupils unless they are entering school after the register has closed. Pupils must enter school from the playgrounds.

At the end of each day the children leave via the playgrounds. Parents are respectfully asked not to wait for their children outside the main entrance. We inform all our pupils that the main entrance is only used by parents, or other visitors to the school.

Exception - Parents collect their children from after-school clubs from the main entrance in order to leave classrooms free for the cleaning team.

Arriving late

Any child arriving after registration has closed at 9.00am must be registered at the office where a parent/guardian can complete the late arrivals book.


If your child is unwell please call the school before 9.30am with a reason for your child‟s absence, a message can be left on the school‟s answer machine. Please also send your child into school with a note on their return. For safety reasons the school operates a first day call policy – if we do not receive a message from you then we will call home to ascertain why your child is absent.

Leave during Term-Time

School does not authorise holiday in term time. This is in line with all other Primary and Secondary schools in Halesowen.

Attendance figures for 2011/2012

Attendance figures for 2012/2013 were 96.88% present, 2.40% authorised absence and 0.71% unauthorised absence.


Medical Appointments

No child is allowed home unaccompanied during the day. When a child has to be collected for attendance at the hospital/clinic/dentist, etc, a note must be forwarded to School notifying who will pick up the child and at what time. The child should be picked up and returned to the School office.


We allow medication in school for asthma sufferers. Older children are allowed to use their own inhalers and younger children use their inhalers under supervision. All children should have a spare inhaler in school.

The school policy is that members of staff will not give medicines unless it is required four times a day. In these circumstances a consent form, available from the school office, must be completed prior to administering the medication. Alternatively, parents are welcome to come into school to administer the correct dosage themselves.

For the majority of medicines a dose before and after school is perfectly adequate. Naturally, the parents should consult doctors before giving any form of medication.

If a pupil is too unwell to be in school, then the school has the right to send the pupil home. Parents will be called to collect their child. Only in the case of a child being on ongoing long-term medication then, provided the school had a doctor‟s authorisation, medication would be administered through school.

First Aid

We treat minor cuts, bruises and bumps with cold water. The injury is entered in an accident book. In the case of anything more serious we would contact the child‟s parent.

We have several members of staff who are qualified in first aid. These staff would treat or assess minor injuries in the first instance.

In the case of a serious injury or illness, we would always contact the parent / carer. In the case of parents being unable to be contacted, in a real emergency, the school would phone for an ambulance or a member of staff would take the child to hospital.


Safeguarding Your Child

At this school, the health, safety and well-being of every child are our paramount concern. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that children will enjoy their time as pupils at this school.

We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution.

On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures which we follow have been laid down by the Dudley Safeguarding Children Board and Lutley Primary School has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all. If you want to know more about our procedures or the policy, please speak to the Head of School or your child's class teacher.


School Uniform

We do like all our pupils to be in school uniform and are grateful for the splendid support parents give us.

School ties, sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts can be purchased from the school office and are also supplied at Dancers in Halesowen.

Reception Children will wear white polo shirts which are also available from Dancers.


Winter: White shirt, royal blue/gold tie and Grey pinafore, skirt or Grey tailored trousers. Summer: Yellow and White dress or white (school logo) polo shirt, skirt, grey tailored shorts or tailored trousers. School Royal Blue cardigans or sweatshirts (Winter/Summer) Sensible shoes – no trainers or open toed shoes. Games: Black leotard or white t-shirt and blue skirt or shorts. Trainers/pumps for outdoors, bare feet for indoor PE. Plimsolls may be worn if a child suffers from verruca Swimming: Tracksuit, royal blue.


Winter: white shirt, royal blue/gold tie, grey long trousers. Summer: white (school logo) polo shirt, grey shorts or long trousers. School royal blue sweatshirts (winter/summer) Sensible shoes – no trainers or sandals allowed. Games: White polo or t-shirts and blue shorts. Trainers / pumps for outdoors, bare feet for indoor PE Plimsolls may be worn it a child suffers from verruca Swimming: tracksuit, royal blue.

NOTE NO denim trousers are allowed in school. ALL long trousers must be tailored NO child is allowed to participate in swimming, games or PE if they are wearing jewellery. We do not allow hairstyles with lines or patterns cut into the head or bright, artificial colours Nail polish is not to be worn at school


School Meals

These are delicious! All pupils use a Cafeteria system and enjoy a splendid choice. For £1.90 the children can purchase an excellent meal. Extra options include 20p for fruit juice 30p for a milkshake, water is readily available. Money should be sent in a lunch envelope on the first day of each school week (envelopes are available from the school office or your child‟s class teacher).

If you are receiving Income Support, then you are entitled to free meals for your children. You do, however, have to apply for them. You may also have a right to school meals depending upon family income after certain deductions. To qualify for Free School Meals you need to be in receipt of Income Support, Job seekers Allowance- Income based, Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (not working tax credit). Please contact the address below or the school office for further information.

Information from: Benefit Services Division Council House Dudley West Midlands DY1 1HF Telephone No: 01384 814987

Sandwich Meals

Due to the large number of lunch boxes at school during dinner time, please make sure you write your child‟s name on his/her box. Mid morning snacks should be separate. We sell drinks during the mid-morning break.

In Reception only, pupils enjoy snacks throughout the day which include, milk, fruit and vegetables, cereal, toast and fruit juice all for £1 per week. Milk is not available in other year groups.

No bad behaviour is allowed during the lunch break. The Head Teacher will exclude any child from lunch break – sandwiches or meals if that pupil‟s behaviour is found to be unacceptable.

A change from sandwiches to meals or vice-versa can be made at any time. Parents MUST, however, SEND A NOTE and COLLECT a child who usually stays at school for lunch is unexpectedly asked to go home. If any normal pattern changes, please inform us.

Healthy Schools

Lutley has recently obtained a Level 3 Healthy Schools Award. The national healthy schools‟ programme has four themes: Personal, Social and Health Education, including sex, relationship and drug education. Healthy Eating Physical Activity Emotional Health and Wellbeing


including bullying. Each theme includes a number of criteria that our school has fulfilled to achieve the National Healthy Schools‟ Status.

Drinking Water

Children are encouraged to bring a school eco-bottle filled with water (not juice or flavoured water) to school. It has been proven that if children have regular access to water during the day they are more able to concentrate and make greater progress at school. Children can refill their water bottles at the various water fountains stationed around school. Eco-water bottles are available to purchase from the school office at £1.50 each, new lids can also be purchased separately at 20p each.

Behaviour and Discipline

Lutley is a happy and caring community where children are valued and encouraged. Our school has a praise culture in which all efforts are celebrated and children are encouraged to feel good about themselves. There are many systems in place to praise children within the school. This enables children to gain recognition for a variety of curricular and non curricular achievements. They have the right to receive education free from anxiety or fear of physical or verbal abuse.

The school prides itself on the high standards of behaviour that our children display on entry, and thereafter. Courtesy, good behaviour and obedience both in school and wherever children represent the school is of paramount importance, as is honesty, tolerance and a respect for other people‟s views, feelings, person and property.

If your child has any special qualities please inform us of them. If you have completed any work at home then do tell us. The more information we have, the easier it is for us to help your child make the transition from home to School. We want it to be an enjoyable and memorable experience. We will always be willing to offer advice, so do keep us informed.

Special Educational Needs

At Lutley Primary we ensure equality of opportunity for all pupils including those who are identified as having Special Educational needs. The school follows the National Code of Practice for SEN pupils. Children will be supported at School Action and School Action Plus level and some children may have their needs assessed as to whether they require a Statement of Educational Needs. Once needs are identified the plan of strategies and programmes of work for children to follow as their Individual Education Plan. Parents are kept fully informed and are consulted throughout the process. A copy of the schools SEN policy is available on request.


Gifted and Talented

Children who show exceptional ability in any areas of the curriculum are encouraged to develop that ability through enrichment opportunities available at Lutley. A register is kept of these pupils and is updated regularly.

Teachers also use assessments to identify children who are gifted and talented and work is tailored to suit their individual abilities. At Lutley there are opportunities for all pupils to reach their full potential in a stimulating environment free from prejudice.

Parents in School

We are all delighted to welcome parent helpers into School. We now have many regular parent helpers in School, but we still need more. If you are interested please contact the Head of School, Mrs Cox for more information. A Health Form and Criminal Disclosure Form must be completed prior to volunteering.

How can you help? Hearing Readers On the Computer Helping in the Library Putting up Displays In the language Corner Craftwork Art Skills Talking to Children Assisting with Outings/Cooking/Making Costumes/Making Games/Preparing Materials

Skills and Experience

Many of our children work on projects. Sometimes parents have experience they can share with us, e.g. if the project is “People who help us”, we would love to have parents who are Nurses, Policemen, Postmen, Traffic Ladies, Telephonists, Doctors, Opticians, etc talking to the children. If you have exciting hobbies, we would love to hear from you, it makes learning richer and more stimulating.


Business Links

The School has actively sought to develop links with outside agencies in order to add breadth to the curriculum and raise awareness of the locality.

We are always looking for links, which would provide mutual benefit so, if you work for a company that may have off-cuts of materials, paper, etc, do tell us. Very often we can use odds and ends in our construction. If parents are in certain trades where they may be able to offer advice to us, then please let us know. If traders can offer parents or the school discounts, then we can perhaps find mutual benefit.

Communication between Home and School

Letters and Newsletters are our main source of communication to keep you informed. This is also posted on the school website at www.lutley.dudley.sch.uk. We have also recently introduced Parentmail, a system where correspondence (newsletters etc) are sent home electronically via e-mail. Further information will be received on your child being admitted to the school or from the school office. Included in this is also an online payments system where parents can pay for visits online through Parentmail. Please ask at the school office for more details.

A newsletter goes out every Friday on a weekly basis. Sometimes we send questionnaires to find out your views on a range of issues. It is particularly important that when we ask you to return permission slips that you do so, as we cannot take the children on visits without your permission.

Open Evenings, Reports and Interviews PARENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT LUTLEY

You join our School for seven years and during that time, there will be things you feel unsure or unhappy about as well as thrilled with! Please bring your concerns to us at an early stage, so that we can help to smooth things out.

If you do have a problem concerning your children, please ring 01384 818220 for an appointment with the class teacher, Assistant Headteacher for the year group or the Head of School. An appointment will be arranged as soon as possible. Your child‟s work will always be available for inspection.

Frequently misconceptions can be made due to a lack of information and we know how this can spread – we really do want an open communication channel so instead of talking about it outside, come and talk about it inside – we want to listen.

Don‟t wait! If it‟s important to you, then it‟s important to us. Similarly if you are delighted – PLEASE tell us! Thank you.

During the academic year, staff report to parents in the following way:


Autumn – Theme – “Target Setting” November

A 10 minutes appointment to become familiar with the class teacher and to set targets for Maths and English. Your child is most welcome – all work will be available.

Spring – Theme – “Progress” March

A 10 minute appointment to recognise progress and set any new targets as appropriate. Your child is most welcome – all work will be available.

Summer – Theme “Achievement” June / July

An Open Day for you to visit, tour the School, look at work and receive your child‟s report. This will be a normal working day, but you are welcome to tour with your child.

School Inspection

The School completed its most recent and very successful Ofsted Inspection in March 2010.

The report is available on the Ofsted Web Site.

Lutley Primary School, PTFA Association

We have a wonderful body of enthusiastic workers who organise many social and recreational activities for the children and parents. Every parent automatically becomes a member of the Association when their child enters School. The School has benefited enormously from their activities and the trim trail is the latest gift to the School. In recent years the consultation and co-operation between the School and the association has proved invaluable. Full details of all events of the Association are found in the weekly newsletter. Do come and join us. Ideas for new activities are always welcome. Governing Body

Lutley is lucky to have a committed and enthusiastic board of governors. Governance is a key feature of an effective school and our governing body are constantly challenging themselves to make sure that the service the school offers is the best that it can be.

Useful Addresses

Dudley Metropolitan Borough PTFA Association via Education Offices Lutley Primary School Westox House Brookwillow Road 1 Trinity Road Halesowen Dudley West Midlands West Midlands DY1 1JQ Telephone No: 01384 818181 via School 01384 818220 18

Breakfast Club

Lutley Primary offers children of school age a breakfast club. We are open during term-time only. Children can arrive from 7.45am Monday to Friday.

The children are offered a wide variety of table and floor activities that include board games, puzzles, craft activities, twister, pirate ship, shop and lego as well as many more. When the weather permits the children can have outside play.

Breakfast choices consist of cereal, toast, yoghurts, fruit, waffles, bread rolls, pancakes, fruit loaf, croissants, muffins and brioche.

Breakfast club has proved extremely popular with parents recently and is fabulous value at £3 per session. If you are interested in your child attending breakfast club please leave a message with the school office stating the days you are interested in and your contact details. Should the day you require be oversubscribed then your child‟s name will be added to the waiting list.

Extended Schools

Extended Services, like Children‟s Centre, now form part of statutory services across England. There is an expectation that all schools will be fully supporting the governments Core Offer by 2010 within which all children should have access to a variety of activities beyond the school day. Well- organised, safe and stimulating activities before and after school provide children and young people with a wider range of experiences and make a real difference to their chances in school. It gives them the opportunity to keep fit and healthy, to acquire new skills, to build on what they learn during the school day or simply have fun and relax. The „Core Offer‟ has 5 elements as follows:

 High quality „wraparound‟ childcare on the school site or by other providers, with supervised transfer arrangements where appropriate, available 8am – 6pm, 50 weeks a year where sufficient need is identified.  A varied menu of activities to be on offer such as study support, sport, the arts, business and enterprise activities and so forth  Parenting support including information for parents at key transition points, parenting programmes and family learning opportunities  Swift and easy referral to a wide range of specialist support services  Providing wider community access to IT, sports and arts facilities, including adult learning  Parenting support  Adult learning – including adults supporting children‟s learning


 Governing bodies have a key role to play in the development of extended services. For more information on Extended Schools please see the government‟s website – www.teachernet.gov.uk/extendedschools

Teaching Staff List and Responsibilities

Year Teaching Staff Subject Other resp Group R Emma Pearce Transition/standards/community EYFS Phase Leader R Jessica Ralph Phonics R Hilary Crowhurst Music/singing 1 Melanie Glazzard English 1 Lara Earle DT 1 Kirsty Roche PE KS 1 2 Hannah Pickles Years 1 and 2 Assistant Head 2 Margaret Jones Music Music instrument 2 Sue Ashbourne Art 3 Sarah Homer Achievement for All - DSEN 3 Jenna Hobbs 3 Rachel Beard/Lisa Food technology and Tyerman International links 4 Alex Hall Years 3 and 4 Assistant head 4 Andy Shaw SMSC Leader 4 Carol Small Geography 5 Holly Fogarty PE KS2 5 Judith Di Leo 5 Gemma Ford History 6 Matt Maynes Years 5 and 6 Assistant Head 6 Lesley Hanley Community/School Council Numeracy

6 Claire Marsh ICT PPA Marian Verdegem (0.8) RE

PPA Mary Ball (0.4) PSHE PPA Deb Fogarty Science


Kelvin Daley Head of Inclusion Rebecca Stride Assistant Head for ITT Kate Smith Assistant Head of School Rebecca Cox Head of School Jeannette Mackinney Executive Headteacher

Support Staff

Sandra Partridge Anne Nock Teaching Assistants Yr R Tracy Dodgson Rehana Kosar Bev Price (am) Karen Field Teaching Assistants Year 1 Kay Fearn Caroline Edmonds Teaching Assistants Yr 2 Sarah Bache Tina Clarke Jenny Cole Teaching Assistants Yr 3 Marsha Brazier Liz Cole Teaching Assistants Yr 4 Jodie Wood Tina Ashby Teaching Assistants Yr 5 Julie Croghan Teaching Assistants Yr 6 Lisa Godfrey Julie Law HLTA Linda Rabin Vicky Wright Behaviour mentors Bev Price (pm) Sue Harris Federation ICT Manager David Shaw ICT Technician

Administration Team

Tracey Brown Federation School Business Manager Racheal Jones Federation Assistant/ Teaching School Administrator

Jayne Oakley School Administrator Julie Thomas Finance Assistant/ Admin Julie Shore Reprographics/Admin Belinda Hale PA to Rebecca Stride

Mrs G Southall Lunchtime Superintendent Mrs P Buffey Lunchtime Supervisors Mrs S Deacon Mrs L Coley Miss S Haynes Mrs J Hodgkiss 21

Mrs K Manders Mrs J Webb Mrs A Dixon Mrs A Hobbs Mrs J Devine Mrs K Robinson Mrs J Webb Mrs R Denton Tony Ledington Site Manager