MFPS XV Preliminary Version On the compact-regular coreflection of a stably compact locale Mart´ınH¨otzelEscard´o Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh, King’s Buildings, JMCB, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Scotland
[email protected] Abstract A nucleus on a frame is a finite-meet preserving closure operator. The nuclei on a frame form themselves a frame, with the Scott continuous nuclei as a subframe. We refer to this subframe as the patch frame. We show that the patch construction ex- hibits the category of compact regular locales and continuous maps as a coreflective subcategory of the category of stably compact locales and perfect maps, and the category of Stone locales and continuous maps as a coreflective subcategory of the category of spectral locales and spectral maps. We relate our patch construction to Banaschewski and Br¨ummer’sconstruction of the dual equivalence of the category of stably compact locales and perfect maps with the category of compact regular biframes and biframe homomorphisms. Keywords: Frame of nuclei, Scott continuous nuclei, patch topology, stably locally compact locales, perfect maps, compact regular locales. AMS Classification: 06A15, 06B35, 06D20, 06E15, 54C10, 54D45, 54F05. 1 Introduction It is well-known that the open sets of a topological space can be regarded as the (abstract) “semi-decidable properties” of its points [23]—the terminologies “observable property” [1] and “affirmable property” [28] are also suggestive. Smyth regards the patch topology as a topology of “positive and negative information” [25]. We consider the patch construction in the (localic manifes- tation of the) category of stably compact spaces.