Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector
CENTER FOR INSTITUTIONAL REFORM AND THE INFORMAL SECTOR University of Maryland at College Park Center Office: IRIS Center, 2105 Morrill Hall, College Park, MD 20742 Telephone (301) 405-3110 l Fax (301) 405-3020 RECOMBINANT PROPERTY IN IN EAST EUROPEAN CAPITALISM September, 1994 David Stark Working Paper No. 133 This publication was made possible through support provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development, under Cooperatlve Agreement No. DHR-0015-A-00-0031-00. The views and analyses in the paper do not necessarily reflect the official position of the IRIS Center or the U.S.A.I.D. Author: David Stark, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism David Stark Department of Sociology Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 tel: 607-255-1419 FAX: 607-255-8473 e-mail: Research for this paper was supported by grants from IRIS (Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector) and from the Project on Corporate Governance of the World Bank/Central European University. My thanks to Ronald Breiger, Rogers Brubaker, I&z16 Bruszt, Christopher Clague, Ellen Comisso, Paul DiMaggio, Geoff Fougere, Istvan Gabor, Peter Gedeon, Gernot Grabher, Szabolcs Kern&y, Janos Kollo, Jrinos Koruai, JBnos LukBcs, L&z16 Neumann, Claus Offe, Eva Palocz, &OS Rona-Tas, Monique Djokic Stark, Marton Tardos, Eva Voszka, and Harrison White for their criticisms of an earlier draft. Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism David Stark Cornell University Executive Summary for IRIS The starting premise of this paper is that the greatest obstacle to understanding change in contemporary Eastern Europe is the concept of transition.
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